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Relationship Expert Tag Archive: Suzanne Oshima

Nov 30, 2018 0

Expert Dating Advice: Why Am I Attracted to The Wrong Men?

Posted In: Relationship Advice Articles, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles

By Gillian Lee

In this week’s Single In Stiletto’s dating advice video, founder and love expert Suzanne Oshima talks to Dr. Diana Kirschner about why am I attracted to the wrong kind of men. Watch the video above and read the article below for some dating tips in your life!

Why Am I Finding The Wrong Men?

Dr. Kirschner is a PBS Love Expert, Psychologist, and Best Selling author to many books! She started a journey to find love after she had a rough childhood, and she was successful by finding a partner. She has now been able to help thousands of people around the world to find self-love and with a partner.

Related Link: Expert Dating Advice: How To Get A Man To Crave Your Company

1. Attracted to Alpha Men: Us women are wired biologically to be attracted to men who are “bad boys.” It’s an instinct that we are attracted to these type of men because of the survival of the fittest. A stronger man is going to be better for your reproductive needs, and sometimes it’s irresistible that we are attracted to these type of men. He’s good in bed, and you’re attracted to him, but why isn’t it working out? It doesn’t work out because they’re often players and narcissists. These men are usually not interested, because it’s all about getting laid. “Most women end up heartbroken…” Dr. Kirschner explains.

Related Link: Expert Dating Advice: 3 Signs He’s Falling in Love With You

2. Men Who Are Gorgeous: When you’re attracted to men like this, it’s not going to give you that “soulmate love” kind of experience. “It’s really something inside that makes them a good partner…that makes someone a soulmate for you.” Dr. Kirschner tells us.

Related Link: Expert Dating Advice: Can Casual Sex Turn Into Love?

3. Negative Parental Role Models: If you grew up with bad role models, then you will most likely end up dating someone who is bad as well. When you grow up, your parents set a template up for you on love, and how portray it. This all happens in your subconscious mind, and then you’ll realize who they truly are.

Dr. Kirschner has a gift for all her viewers, which is a free 40-minute session with a love mentor coach. They can help you get attracted to the right guys, and all you need to do is go to and fill out the form. Make sure to Suzanne sent me, to get your free session.

For more dating advice videos and additional information about the Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.



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Nov 23, 2018 0

Expert Dating Advice: Men Who Want to Date Women Their Age

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles

By Gillian Lee

In this week’s Single In Stiletto’s dating advice video, founder and love expert Suzanne Oshima talks to Robert Manni about men who want to date women their age. Watch the video above and read the article below for some dating tips in your life!

Dating Women Their Own Age


Robert Manni is the author of “The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Love.” Manni is based in New York City, and he wanted to write a novel that was based in his area from the male point of view.

1. Experience: There are a lot of cultural differences if there’s a large age gap, so you have to keep up with each other. A lot of guys would much rather date people who are age appropriate. “Women who have been around a little bit have some experience and maturity, money, and power and connections, these things are all important,” Manni states. It’s important to be on the same wavelength as each other when you’re talking about jobs.

Related Link: How to Get Men to Crave Your Company

2. Empathy: Older women may have more empathy when it comes to “real-life scenarios.” They’re going to understand the feeling of ‘having to go find another job’ and other examples. They’re going to understand more than 22-year-old women would. Don’t worry about the guys who want to date younger women using dating apps, because they won’t be able to change!

For more dating advice videos and additional information about the Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

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Nov 6, 2018 0

Expert Dating Advice: How to Get a Man to Crave Your Company!

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles

By Gillian Lee

In this week’s Singles In Stilettos, dating advice video, founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks to Lisa Shield about how to get a man to crave your company. Watch the video above and read the article below to find out some good dating tips in your life.

Get Men To Love Your Company

Continue reading

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Oct 23, 2018 0

Expert Dating Advice: Why Can’t I Seem to Find The One?

Posted In: Single in Stilettos Shows Articles

By Gillian Lee

In this week’s Singles In Stilettos, dating advice video, founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks to Dr. Diana Kirschner about why you can’t find the one. Watch the video above, and read the article below to find out some good dating tips in your life.

Searching For The One


Dr. Diana Kirschner is a PBS Love Expert, Psychologist, and the best selling author to many books. Kirschner had a difficult time finding love for herself, and a difficult childhood that led to her finding her passions today.

1. Unconscious patterns: We as people are prone to our unconscious patterns, but sometimes they are very strong which can lead to continuously dating to not find the one. Start to become conscious of whatever pattern you’ve been playing out, and then overcome this pattern. Kirschner said the “I will make you love me pattern…but you can’t make anyone love you.” This all has to do with self-esteem and the belief that no one will love you. You can see this when you realize you are always taking care of your partner, you never really get a turn to get help. “It’s like you need to produce in order to get love,” Kirschner tells us.

Related Link:  Expert Dating Advice: 3 Signs He’s Falling in Love With You

2. Not perfect, I’ll pass: For this reason, you find little imperfections on a person, and say he’s “not perfect.” In this pattern, “perfectly great guys come along but they are rejected, often are in women’s early years.” We have to realize that there’s no perfect guy, and there’s going to be something that isn’t on your “checklist.” You have to see if he is able to grow as a man and be able to improve his imperfections.

Related Link: Expert Dating Advice: Can Casual Sex Turn Into Love?

3. The flameout: An example, for this reason, would be attending a 5-hour date and having sex, which is too much intimacy in a short amount of time. This pattern also happens to be fueled by fear because you feel like you have to jump in quickly. Women are prone to feel if they don’t move fast enough, that person might get away.


For more dating advice videos and additional information about the Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

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Oct 17, 2018 0

Relationship Advice: 4 Types of Men You’ll Meet Online

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles

By Gillian Lee

In this week’s Single In Stiletto’s dating advice video, founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talk to Robert Manni about 4 types of men you’ll meet online. Watch the video above and the article below for good dating tips in your life!

Different Types of Men You Meet Online

…Click <a href=

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Oct 9, 2018 0

Expert Dating Advice: The #1 Thing Holding You Back From The Right Relationship

Posted In: Relationship Advice Articles, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles

By Gillian Lee

In this weeks Single in Stilettos, dating advice video, founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks to Antia Boyd about the #1 thing holding you back from the right relationship. Watch the video above and read the article below to find out some good dating tips in your life!

What’s Holding You Back In A Relationship


Boyd tells us that the number one thing holding us back from the right relationship is that we’re always wanting to be right! Boyd states, “I need to be right because when I’m right I can rely on that and I can’t rely on anyone else.” She explains this is how most women feel, and this can ultimately hold you back.

Related Link: 3 Signs He’s Falling In Love With You

You have to be willing to be wrong in dating. Acknowledge you can be wrong, and that will allow you to fully open up. Us women are so used to being, “strong independent women” and we love being in control and always knowing the outcome. Oshima states, “sometimes you just have to go with the flow and that’s how things happen organically.” It’s hard sometimes for independent women to allow the man to take the lead and receive in a relationship. But doing so, will let your relationship thrive!

Related Link: How To Build A Lasting Love

Most women haven’t perfected the “transitioning” between work mode, and love mode. Women should have a transition between when they leave work to when they are back with their significant other, so it shows a man that you’re giving them your undivided attention. 

For more dating advice videos and additional information about the Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

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Oct 2, 2018 0

Expert Dating Advice: Can Casual Sex Turn Into Love

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles

By Gillian Lee

In this week’s Single In Stilettos dating advice video, founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks to Lisa Shield about how casual sex can turn into love. Lisa Shield is a dating and relationship coach on emotionally naked dating. Watch the video above, and read the article below to find out some good dating tips in your life!

Expert Talks About Sex and Love

1. Don’t Act on What Mother Nature Wants: As human beings we are designed to have a sex drive with the opposite sex. With this sex drive, “mother nature” wants us to propagate with the opposite sex to continue the circle of life because this is what we were designed for. But, despite what mother nature wants for us, we can’t act on our drive for sex. If you decide to act on your impulses this will lead you to being “ghosted” and it won’t last.

Related Link: Relationship Advice: How To Build a Lasting Love

2. Separate Sex From Dating: If you decide that you just want to have a sexual partner, then make sure you pick someone that you won’t be emotionally involved with. Keep your recreational sex and dating separate, because it doesn’t change as you get older. Shield states, “you have to share your head before you share your bed.”

Related Link: Dating Advice: 3 Dating Red Flags

3. Wait to Have Sex Until You Are Comfortable: Shield explains if you know you’ve found the love of your life, why would you want to rush into things if you have forever. “The minute you introduce sex, it becomes about sex at least in the very beginning,” Shield tells us. Wait till the relationship gets deeper, and more meaningful so when you actually do have sex, that’s when it’s more intimate.

For more dating advice videos and additional information about the Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.


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Sep 25, 2018 0

Expert Dating Advice: 3 Signs He’s Falling in Love With You

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles

By Gillian Lee

In this week’s Singles In Stilettos, dating advice video, founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks to Hunt Ethridge about three signs he’s definitely falling in love with you. Watch the video above, and read the article below to find out some good dating tips in your life!

He’s Falling In Love With You …Click to read more dating advice from our relationship experts!

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Sep 11, 2018 0

Dating Advice: Why Do I Attract Men I Don’t Want…And Repel Men I Desire?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Advice Articles, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles

By Gillian Lee

In this week’s Single in Stilettos dating advice video, founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks to Duana Welch. Watch the video above and read the article below for some good tips in your dating life!

Why Are We Repelling Men We Desire?

…Want the rest? Click here for more.

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Aug 21, 2018 0

Dating Advice: 3 Things Men Wish You Knew

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Advice Articles, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

By Gillian Lee

In this week’s Single In Stiletto’s dating advice video, founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks to Cheyenne Bostock about three things men wish you knew but will never tell you. Watch the video above and read the article below for some good tips in your dating life!

Dating Advice On What Men Wished You Knew!

…Click to read more dating advice from our relationship experts!

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Aug 7, 2018 0

Dating Advice: Fearless Flirting Formula

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Uncategorized, Videos

By Rachel Sparks

In this week’s Single in Stilettos dating advice video, founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks to sensuality coach Patty Contenta about how to master flirting! Watch the video above and read the article below for some feel-good tips to improve your dating life!

Dating Advice to Help You Flirt Fearlessly!

…Click to read more dating advice!

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Aug 6, 2018 0

Dating & Technology Q&A: How to Win a First Date After Meeting Online

Posted In: Relationship Advice Articles, Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating & Technology Q&A: How to Win a First Date After Meeting Online
First date. Photo: AntonioDiaz / Bigstock

Question from Andrew L: It’s easy to look good online. There’s photo editing and time to plan what to say. When you finally meet someone in person after connecting online, there’s only one chance to impress. How can I make sure a first date is a win?

You have a match on your favorite dating app and the conversations online are taking off. You’re up for hours talking to your match and find that you’re both interested in each other. But how can you be sure to impress on a first date when you’ve already gotten to know each other? How do you make a successful transition from online to in person dating? Read dating advice from our relationship experts Suzanne Oshima and Robert Manni!

Dating Advice to Help You Successfully Transition from Online Conversations to a Killer First Date!

Suzanne K. Oshima, Matchmaker: Online dating can seem like a major convenience for people that are too busy to get out there and meet people, but technology can be a setback when it comes to actually meeting someone face to face. In order to win that first date after meeting online, it’s important to be the best version of yourself— both inside and out. When you’re able to achieve that level of confidence and self-love, that’s when the right man will ask you out.

Having high self-esteem, knowing your self-worth, and understanding exactly what you have to offer a man is key. If you believe it, then he will see it, too. You’ll be on your way to that first date in no time! And if he can’t see that an amazing woman is right in front of him, then he’s probably the wrong man for you!

Related Link: Relationship Advice: Can You Fall in Love Just By Chatting Online?

Robert Manni, Guy’s Guy: There are so many dating apps and websites that today’s singles often overanalyze things after making an online connection, sadly never scoring an actual date. When I was single and dating online frequently, I became comfortable approaching women online and responding to the ladies who contacted me first.

If I felt attracted to how a woman presented herself online, I’d send a short note and ask an open-ended question about her profile. If she responded, I’d send my digits. If the woman was still interested, she’d invariably send me her number and I’d make sure to call her by the next day. I’d keep the conversation short and, if things felt right, I’d suggest meeting. This usually led to a first “date” over a beverage. After that first face-to-face meet up things either moved forward or went nowhere. It was that simple.

So, if you see someone you like online, be cool, but make your move. Don’t overanalyze. Trust your gut, but keep an open mind.There are a lot of cool people out there just like you. Remember, dating is a fun sport. Good luck.

For more dating advice and to find out more about our dating and technology gurus, click here.

If you have any questions you would like answered by our relationship experts, please e-mail them to


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Jul 31, 2018 0

Relationship Advice: You’re Scaring Men Off!

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

By Rachel Sparks

The relationship advice from this week’s Single in Stilettos dating advice video will stop you from scaring off any more men! Relationship expert Suzanne Oshima interviews Bex Burton on ways that women run men off. Watch the video above to learn more!

Relationship Advice to Stop Scaring Men Off!

Continue reading

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Jul 24, 2018 0

Dating Advice: Thriving After Divorce

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

By Rachel Sparks

The relationship advice in this week’s Single in Stilettos dating advice video will help you move on and enjoy dating after divorce. Watch the video above, featuring founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima and Tanya Marie Dubé, for dating advice!

Dating Advice on How to Thrive After Divorce!

Continue reading

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Jul 17, 2018 0

Relationship Advice: The Secret to Attract a Commitment-Minded Man

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

By Rachel Sparks

The relationship advice in this week’s Single in Stilettos dating advice video will help you attract the man who wants to stay in your life. Watch the video above, featuring founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima and Sandra Fidelis, for dating advice!

Relationship Advice to Help You Attract a Commitment-Minded Man

…Want the rest? Click here for more.

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Jul 10, 2018 0

Dating Advice: Secrets to Letting Go of the Outcome of a Relationship

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

By Rachel Sparks

In this week’s Single in Stilettos dating advice video, founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks to spiritpreneur Abiola Abrams about letting go of expectations and staying present while dating. Don’t miss this great relationship advice; watch the video above!

The Dating Advice You Need to Stop Worrying About Outcomes and Enjoy Dating

…Click to read more dating advice from Abiola Abrams

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Jun 29, 2018 0

Dating & Technology Q&A: Should You Delete Pictures of a Long-Term BF?

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating & Technology Q&A: Should You Delete Pictures of a Long-Term BF?
Happy young couple. Photo: Maridav /

Question from Mara S.: My ex and I broke up after having a long-term relationship. Should I take pictures of us down from social media now that I’m seeing someone new or should the new guy in my life understand that my ex and I had a long history together?

Technology makes it so easy to share with the world the things that matter to you. It’s normal to post memories that you want to hold onto, but beware of what message your social media is sending. When you are interested in someone, you devour everything online about them in hopes of learning something new. That’s true for someone interested in you. What do you want someone to learn about you from your photos online? Read below for dating advice from relationship experts!

Technology Dating Advice that Helps You Know When to Delete Pics of Your Ex

Suzanne K. Oshima, Matchmaker: While you and your ex had a long history together, it’s time to take the pictures down and move on with your new guy. There’s a great quote by T.D. Jakes that best sums it up, “You can’t drive forward looking in the rearview mirror.”

Robert Manni, Guy’s Guy: My answer is a resounding yes. When it’s time to move forward, take down all photos from social media of you with your ex. If you want a new beginning, especially with someone new, you need to send him the right signals about your availability. The past has merit. We live, we love, and we learn, but there must be a reason your former boyfriend is now your ex. If you’re having a hard time deleting photos of him off social media, perhaps you are not quite ready to move on. If you truly want a new beginning, then start fresh on social media and give your new suitors the opportunity to see who you are right now. If things work out, they could be the luck one in your pictures. Good luck!

For more dating advice and to find out more about our dating and technology gurus, click here.

If you have any questions you would like answered by our relationship experts, please e-mail them to


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Jun 26, 2018 0

Relationship Advice: How to Attract a Strong Man Who Takes the Lead

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos


By Rachel Sparks

The relationship advice from this week’s Single in Stilettos dating advice video will help you attract the kind of man who will take the lead. Relationship expert Suzanne Oshima interviews Bex Burton for the best dating advice to bring a strong man into your life. Watch the video above to learn more!

Relationship Advice to Help You Attract a Strong Man!

…Click to read more relationship advice from Bex Burton!

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Jun 12, 2018 0

Relationship Advice: Why You Keep Attracting the Same Kind of Men

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

By Rachel Sparks

The relationship advice in this week’s Single in Stilettos dating advice video will help you understand why you keep attracting the same type of guy and how you have the power to change that! Watch the video above, featuring founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima and Sandra Fidelis.

Relationship Advice to Help You Stop Attracting Mr. Wrong and Start Attracting Mr. Right

…Click to read more relationship advice from Sandra Fidelis!

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Jun 5, 2018 0

Dating Advice: How to Stop Self-Sabotaging in Love

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

By Rachel Sparks

In this week’s dating advice video, Single in Stilettos founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks with spiritpreneur Abiola Abrams about how to stop self-sabotaging your love life. Don’t miss this great relationship advice; watch the video above!

The Dating Advice You Need to Stop Sabotaging Your Love Life

…Click to read more dating advice from Abiola Abrams!

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May 29, 2018 0

Dating Advice Video: Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos


By Rachel Sparks

In this week’s dating advice video, Single in Stilettos founder and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks with relationship author Tinzley Bradford about three signs of an unhealthy relationship. Don’t miss their expert relationship advice in the video above!

Dating Advice Video for Three Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

…Click to read more dating advice from Tenzley Bradford!

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May 15, 2018 0

Relationship Advice: How to Overcome Dating Burnout

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos


By Rachel Sparks

This week’s relationship advice will help you overcome dating burnout! Relationship expert and Single in Stilettos founder Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship coach Cyndi Olin about how to persevere in dating when you want to give up. Watch the dating advice video above to learn how you too can make it through a dating dry spell!

Relationship advice to help you through a dating burnout!

…Click to read more dating advice from relationship experts Suzanne Oshima and Cyndi Olin!

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May 14, 2018 0

Dating & Technology Q&A: How to Use Technology to Prevent Your Relationship Going Stale

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating & Technology Q&A: How to Use Technology to Prevent Your Relationship Going Stale
Couple texting during a date. Photo: dolgachov /

Question from Kirstie W: When my boyfriend and I first started dating, our texts were fun and exciting. When we saw each other at the end of the day, we still had a lot to talk about even though we had been texting all day. After being together for six years, texting is non-exisant and when we do see each other all we talk about is work. Conversation is getting stale; help!

Long-term relationships face unique challenges. Conversations can be much more in depth because you know each other better. At the same time, conversations can run dry because you already know so much about each other. After awhile, talks are less about discovery and more about supporting each other. This dating advice from relationship experts Suzanne Oshima and Robert Manni will help bring excitement back into any relationship!

Dating Advice for When Relationships Go Stale

….Click to read more dating advice from our relationship experts!

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May 8, 2018 0

Relationship Advice: I’m Scared to Get Back Out There and Date!

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

By Rachel Sparks

The relationship advice in this week’s Single in Stilettos dating advice video will help you overcome that paralyzing fear of dating! Whether you’ve just gotten out of a bad relationship or have been battling dating anxiety, relationship expert and Single in Stilettos founder Suzanne Oshima interviews relationship coach Iris Benrubi for the top three tips on how to overcome fear and get back into the dating game.

Relationship advice from relationship coach Iris Benrubi will help you overcome fear and help you start dating again!

…Click to read more relationship advice from Suzanne Oshima & Iris Benrubi!

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