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Tag Archives: Finding Love

Jul 21, 2017 0

Dating Advice: 5 Reasons You Should Consider Hiring A Professional Profile Writer

Posted In: Joshua Pompey Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 5 Reasons You Should Consider Hiring A Professional Profile Writer
Professionals. Photo: Goodluz /

By Joshua Pompey

Over the past 10 years as a relationship expert, I’ve written a whole lot of dating profiles. From teachers, to doctors, to CEOs, and even best selling authors, I’ve had the pleasure of helping people from all walks of life. And while most of the people I’ve worked with are intelligent, well-rounded, and perfectly capable people, it wasn’t until they outsourced a professional profile writer that they will able to find true online dating success. If you’ve been having less than stellar results online, or are even just beginning, I would strongly urge you to consider hiring a professional profile writer of your own. Here are five pieces of dating advice as to why.

Dating advice that will improve your odds on the field.

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Jun 16, 2017 0

Dating Advice: How to Make the First Move (Women’s Edition)

Posted In: Joshua Pompey Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: How to Make the First Move (Women’s Edition)
Photo: iko /

By Joshua Pompey

The person sitting across from you is cute, charming, and you just can’t seem to stop thinking about going in for that first kiss. But the question many women have is how to you make the first move? Truth be told, the first move shouldn’t just happen at the end of the date. It should be the result of many small moves that occur over the course of a first date, eventually building to that first kiss by the end of the night. So before you make the first move at the end of your date, the following dating advice will help you to make the transition much easier while avoiding relationship problems.

Dating advice that will help you make the first move like a pro!

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Jul 1, 2017 0

Dating Advice: Our Cultures Are So Different, Can It Really Work?

Posted In: David Wygant Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: Our Cultures Are So Different, Can It Really Work?
Couple in disagreement. Photo: Innovated Captures /

By David Wygant

There’s a saying I have in life as a relationship expert. Date someone from common backgrounds. Why? Because you understand one another. When you have a common background, grew up the same way, in similar neighborhoods and schooling, then you’ve got a lot of familiarity between the two of you. Now it doesn’t mean that if you’ve grown up differently it can’t work out at all. What matters most is how you took your childhood experience and manifested it into adulthood. If your concerned about whether or not your differing cultures will cause relationship problems, follow my dating advice as someone who has made it work personally.

Dating advice that will help you date outside your culture successfully.

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Jun 2, 2017 0

Relationship Advice: What To Do When You’re No Longer In Love?

Posted In: David Wygant Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: What To Do When You’re No Longer In Love?
Unhappy couple. Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd /

By David Wygant

This could be the easiest question that I could ever answer for anyone. What do you do when you’re no longer in love? Here’s what the typical person does. They stay in the relationship. That’s right. 80 percent of the people that are no longer in love stay in the relationship for an endless amount of time because they feel guilty that they actually no longer love their partner. So they’ll sign up for a life of misery in order to protect their partner’s feelings. When in reality it’s ridiculous because if you’re miserable and you don’t even love your partner anymore, your partner is definitely feeling that on so many different core levels. The two of you can just sit around the house, make each other miserable. Sleep in the same bed or separate rooms. Never touch one another, never have sex, but yet stay together for the sake of the children. Or stay together for the sake of not wanting to hurt someone instead of confronting relationship problems head on.

Dating Advice That Will Help You Deal With The Partner You No Longer Love

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Apr 21, 2017 0

Dating Advice: Should I Drop All The Other People I’m Interested In?

Posted In: David Wygant Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: Should I Drop All The Other People I’m Interested In?
Friends partying at a club. Photo: pressmaster /

By David Wygant

This is always a controversial subject, especially in today’s modern “swipe dating.” 93 percent of the people that go out on a date meet on Bumble, Tinder, Hinge or Match will go home that night and literally get back online to see whether or not there’s somebody else that’s better. Somebody that might be cuter. Somebody that might have a better body. These online dating services are a brilliant marketing ploy to get people to think that there’s a huge paradox of choice. It’s literally like going on Amazon, but instead you get to look at all the men and women out on the market. You see, by getting on all these devices constantly, there’s no reason to ever settle for somebody that’s awesome. So we continually get on this treadmill hoping that there’s something better. I personally have been a victim of this as well. I’ve been single for four years, and even that’s with all my knowledge in the dating field as a relationship expert. I have definitely had my share of going out with somebody and then going home and swiping to see if she is out there. Whatever the version of she or he is, you know that they might be out there, because every day the inventory is changing. Just like your favorite supermarket. Why buy a mushy avocado when you can go buy a brand new one the very next day?

Dating Advice That Will Help You Figure Out If You Should Drop Potential Partners

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May 3, 2017 0

Dating Advice: 4 Reasons Younger Women In The City Struggle To Forge Meaningful Relationships

Posted In: Joshua Pompey Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 4 Reasons Younger Women In The City Struggle To Forge Meaningful Relationships
Friends checking out Instagram. Photo: darrenmbaker /

By Joshua Pompey

As someone who lives in New York City, I can say with full enthusiasm that it is one of the greatest cities in the world. The food! The culture! The diversity! And of course, the incredible women are right up there with any other city. Unfortunately, one aspect of city life often let’s women down though, and it affects their ability to forge meaningful relationships. And while it’s easy to claim that men in the city just don’t want to settle down, I’ve personally found that this is far from the case for most men I’ve worked with or encountered. Sometimes it’s just a matter of avoiding certain mistakes and making the right adjustments to find love. In this article I will be discussing four big reasons many women often struggle to find relationships in big cities, and dating advice to help you avoid these issues.

Dating advice that will benefit young women living in a city.

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Apr 1, 2017 0

Dating Advice: 5 Online Dating Photos That Will Instantly Up Your Profile Game

Posted In: Joshua Pompey Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 5 Online Dating Photos That Will Instantly Up Your Profile Game
Girl taking a self-portrait. Photo: llaszlo /

By Joshua Pompey

Let’s face it. Men are all about appearances. It’s bred into our DNA. Sure we want to settle down with women who are are well-rounded, fun, caring, intelligent, and all that other good stuff. But before we actually get to the good stuff that leads to a long-term bond, we still focus on the visuals. This is why it is so critical to perfect the photo galleries of our online dating profiles in ways that will ignite high levels of interest. The good news is that you don’t have to be a supermodel, or even a model to spark high levels of attraction. But if you are one, call me ok? Where were we again? Oh yes… Creating a photo gallery that will ignite interest! The following five dating tips will put you on the path to a perfect photo gallery and hopefully increase your potential date nights.

Dating Advice That Will Help You Improve Your Online Dating Chances With Pictures Alone!

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Mar 20, 2017 0

Relationship Advice Guys Edition: When’s The Right Time To Pop The Question (Marriage)?

Posted In: David Wygant Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice Guys Edition: When’s The Right Time To Pop The Question (Marriage)?
Carefully considering marriage. Photo: photobac /

By David Wygant

So you’re under the influence of an amazing woman. You’re thinking about popping the question. All you think about is the future. You think about the love that you’re sharing. You think she’s the one for you. Before you run off to pop that question, it’s time you start smelling the sausages. Yes, sausages. You see, women need to smell the roses, men need to smell the sausages. Let’s bring you back into reality with a real stinky, smelly, greasy, Italian Sausage that you get from the street fair. Before I go on, I need to warn you that I’m about to give you some hard hitting relationship advice. It’s going to hopefully wake you back into reality, and give you an opportunity to make the right decision.

Relationship Advice That Will Help You Figure Out If You’re Ready For Marriage

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Dec 21, 2016 0

Dating Advice: 3 Online Dating Trends to Watch Out For In the New Year

Posted In: Joshua Pompey Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 3 Online Dating Trends to Watch Out For In the New Year
Clicking to find love. Photo: Kzenon /

By Joshua Pompey

The New Year is upon us.  And for some of us, this means a symbolic fresh start.  Especially in the world of online dating.  But before you start firing up those dating sites again, take a moment to note these three new trends that are emerging in the online dating world, and the dating tips that will help you avoid relationship problems. 

Dating Advice That You Should Try Out In 2017

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Dec 8, 2016 0

Dating Advice: We Just Started Seeing Each Other, Should I Get Them A Christmas Gift?

Posted In: David Wygant Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: We Just Started Seeing Each Other, Should I Get Them A Christmas Gift?
Couple exchanging gifts. Photo: Subbotina Anna /

By David Wygant

‘Tis the season to spend a lot of money, fa la la la la, la la la la.

You just started dating somebody. You’re getting to know them. So the big question is, what do you get them for Christmas? As a relationship expert, the greatest thing in the world is meeting somebody between  Thanksgiving and Christmas because you literally are the gift. If you think about it, what have both of you been craving the entire year? Meeting somebody who is absolutely amazing and  crazy about! So isn’t that enough of a gift when it comes down to exchanging something this holiday year? If you still think you should do something special for your new partner, then follow my holiday gift related dating advice.

Dating Advice On Whether Or Not To Get Your New Partner Gifts This Holiday

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Dec 16, 2016 0

Relationship Advice: Love At First Sight From a Guy’s Perspective

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: Love At First Sight From a Guy’s Perspective

By Robert Manni

Although some argue against it, there are studies that show the phenomenon known as “love at first sight” is possible. Partially because we are all connected at a spiritual level, it can be argued that people can actually “know” someone almost instantly, including if they are a good fit for them. But others say that we need to know someone through their actions first before truly falling in love. I think a combination of those intense beginning feelings and the gradual reveal of the  person melding with those passionate first impressions makes a case for love at first sight. Remember, modern dating and relationships can be tricky, so heed the following relationship advice on taking additional steps to validate our initial reactions saves yourself from heartache later.

Relationship advice for guys on, “Love at first sight.” Does it exist?

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Nov 3, 2016 0

Relationship Advice for the Guys: Why Is it So Hard to Date?

Posted In: David Wygant Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice for the Guys: Why Is it So Hard to Date?
Couple on a date. Photo: EastWestImaging /

By David Wygant

I’m going to tell you why it’s so hard to date. And I’m going to blame it all on the women. I bet I got your attention, and any women listening or reading this right now- need to pay attention. It’s so hard to date because women are so flaky these days. You meet a woman on an online dating app. You text back and forth. You get her phone number. You spend time talking to her on the phone. You set up a date night, which you’re excited about. And then, you send her a text the morning of the date to confirm.  And right away you get a text back, and she comes up with one of her excuses: “I’ve got a work project that came up.” You think to yourself, ‘man, that’s the same type of excuse I’ve been giving women this whole time.’ You almost feel like you’re being blown off by a dude. Well, you are;  because women are the flakiest beings on the planet.

Relationship Advice For Men On How To Successfully Date Women

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Oct 19, 2016 0

Dating Advice: Do Pick Up Lines Actually Work?

Posted In: Joshua Pompey Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: Do Pick Up Lines Actually Work?
Two co-workers flirting with each other. Photo: zurijeta /

By Joshua Pompey

There she is standing at the bar. Tall. Beautiful. Long flowing blonde hair. Think. Think. There must be a pickup line that will work…  Okay, I’ve got it!  

“Damn girl.  Are you okay?”  

“Yes, why?”

“Because damn it must have hurt when a beautiful Angel like you fell from heaven.”

Cue the eye roll, the grabbing of her closest friend’s arm, and the immediate exit. And just like that, bye bye beautiful blonde. If you’ve used cheesy pick up lines at any point in your life, odds are this may have happened to you at some point. While this may have been a terrible pick up line for the sake of the overall argument I’m about to get into, the question is, can pick up lines ever actually work? Well, that depends on a number of factors that I’ll explain to you in the following dating advice.

Dating Advice On Whether Pick Up Lines Work

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Sep 29, 2016 0

Relationship Advice: What Do You Do When There’s More Take Than Give In Your Relationship In Life?

Posted In: David Wygant Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: What Do You Do When There’s More Take Than Give In Your Relationship In Life?
Disputing couple. Photo: Innovated Captures /

By David Wygant
There is nothing worse than being in a relationship with a “taker.” I’ve been down this road before and let me tell you, it’s a pretty challenging battle to win. First off, takers never think they’re takers. They don’t see their behavior at all. As a matter of fact, they think what they’re doing is okay. I was once with a woman that was not affectionate at all. For those of you who have read the Five Love Languages, my love language equals words of affirmation and physical touch. So when your love language is not being fulfilled, you feel like you’re absolutely dying inside. You don’t feel loved at all. Heed this relationship advice so you can avoid being taken advantage of by a taker.

Relationship Advice On How To Handle A Stingy Or Greedy Partner

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Aug 25, 2016 0

Relationship Advice: Turning Your Summer Fling Into Something That Lasts Longer

Posted In: David Wygant Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: Turning Your Summer Fling Into Something That Lasts Longer
Happy couple. Photo: Maridav /

By David Wygant

Summer loving, have me a blast. Summer loving, happened so fast. I met a girl crazy for me. I met a boy cute as can be.  Summer days drifting away to oh oh the summer nights.

You remember those lines from that iconic song in the movie GreaseSummer Nights? Well for those of you lucky enough to find a special someone during the hot months, you’ve just had a little summer loving, or you’re experiencing it now. The days are winding down, nights are getting cooler, the sun getting weaker, and Labor Day is almost upon us! What are you going to do about your summer romance? Will it last? As a relationship expert, I’m here to tell you that summer isn’t hunting season. Fall actually is! Whoever you met in the summer is thinking the same thing you are. They’re thinking, “Have I met somebody that I’m actually going to be able to celebrate Christmas with? Will they be able to cuddle and snuggle all warm by the fire with me?” So how do you actually turn this summer fling into something long-lasting? My relationship advice is very simple, just continue with the fun!

Relationship Advice On Turning Your Summer Fling Into Something More

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Jul 21, 2016 0

Expert Relationship Advice: You’re in the Dog House…Now What?

Posted In: David Wygant Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Expert Relationship Advice: You’re in the Dog House…Now What?
Dead-end relationship. Photo:

By David Wygant

There’s nothing like being in the doghouse. As a relationship expert, I can assure you it’s the worst part of getting into a fight with a woman. Getting sent to the doghouse without our favorite toys is never any fun. The next time you’re in the doghouse, make sure you bring your iPad or have your phone with you so you can sit there and play on your phone and text your friends to figure out exactly how to get out of the mess you’re in. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? Well, I’ve got a better idea. An idea that’s based on something called communication and is a sure way to help you avoid future relationship problems. So now with the following relationship advice let’s try to do things differently and stay out of the doghouse.

Relationship Advice To Get Out Of The Doghouse

…Need ways to apologize and win back your partner’s affection after a fight? Read more!

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Jul 20, 2016 0

Relationship Advice: How Do You Know When It’s Right To Move In With Someone?

Posted In: Joshua Pompey Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: How Do You Know When It’s Right To Move In With Someone?
Couple shopping at the farmer's market. Photo: mangostock /

By Joshua Pompey

So you think you’re ready to move in with your significant other?  After all, he’s fun, treats you well, and let’s face it, he really only gets on your nerves about 20 percent of the time.  What more could you ask for in a man?  But before you go unpacking in his place, you better make sure you’re prepared for what comes with the move ahead.  Moving in with the wrong person can be a nightmarish experience.  Especially when you find yourself packing up your bags and single again. As a relationship expert, here is my relationship advice and thoughts on whether you should make the big move.

Relationship Advice: 4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Moving In With Someone

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Jun 16, 2016 0

Dating Advice: How to Know When You’ve Found the One

Posted In: David Wygant Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: How to Know When You’ve Found the One
A happy embrace. Photo: dolgachov /

By David Wygant

We are all about finding “the one.” What do you think we are all dating for? We’re dating to find the one of course! But the thing is, there’s really no such thing as the one. Life is just a series of ones. Throughout our entire existence, dating and relationships, everybody you’ve ever fallen in love with, you’ve thought was the one. You thought the one from high school might have been the one, the one from college might have been the one, the one that you found in your 20s might have been the one. It doesn’t really matter what age you’re at. As a relationship expert, I can tell you with certainty that whoever you’re looking at is the one for right now, and hopefully this is the one that will take you through the end of time. So with that in mind I want you to realize that every other person you thought was the one, was not.  So now with the following dating advice let’s do things differently.

Relationship Expert Gives Dating Advice On Finding The One

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May 12, 2016 0

Dating Advice: How A Masculine Guy Can Get In Touch With His Soft Side

Posted In: David Wygant Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: How A Masculine Guy Can Get In Touch With His Soft Side
Date by the sea. Photo: mocker /

By David Wygant

Are you one of those guys who thinks getting in touch with your soft side makes you a wimp? Do you feel like you’re a wussy if you get in touch with your soft side and actually show people that you have a heart? Well, let me tell you something: I’ve been the masculine guy my whole life and I can honestly say I’ve got a soft side. I’m proud of it. Now granted, I’m probably not the guy who’s going to go and build the barbeque grill, put furniture together, or say, put a car up on jacks and change the oil myself. But, I’ve always been a man. I don’t really cry at anything. And when I do cry at a sappy movie, I make sure no one sees me doing it. Without our soft sides, we’re really out of balance and when we’re out of balance, a woman’s not going to show up in our life. Have you ever heard the term ‘being a big mush’? Well, in my experience as a relationship expert, being a big mush is actually a pretty good thing. I like to be a big mush. I think being a big mush is really important. And if you want my dating advice, I think a lot of people need to really start understanding that that’s what a true, masculine man is all about.

Dating Advice: Embrace Your Soft Side to Make Deeper Connections

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Mar 9, 2016 0

Expert Dating Advice: What is Love & How Do I Find It?

Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Expert Dating Advice: What is Love & How Do I Find It?
Happy woman daydreaming. Photo: Dean Drobot /

By Debbie Ceresa for Divorce Support Center

Have you ever wondered how Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson make their celebrity marriage work? How about Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr.? You’re not alone. Most singles wonder if they should wait for that magical attraction to happen. In our quest to solve this mystery, we often turn to expert dating advice. We Google. We write, and we do research. However, the question remains: What is love? The question was even the hottest search phrase on Google in 2014.
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Mar 2, 2016 0

Dating Advice: Love the Way You Search For Love With Online Dating

Posted In: Dating, Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: Love the Way You Search For Love With Online Dating
Online dating tips. Photo: dolgachov /

By Michelle Foti

Imagine standing in a crowded bar with the music blasting, the lights down low, someone’s drink spilled on you, and a bar fight breaking out five feet away. Definitely not the way to meet the man of your dreams, is it? Your quest to find your knight in shining armor is not looking too good, so why not just stay home curled up on the couch with your computer on your lap and search for a guy online?

If your fear of being catfished (remember Manti Te’o?) is stopping you, just wait until it’s last call and the lights come on. Did he really have a biker ponytail and face tattoo the whole time? Online dating can save you so much time and money while you search around for someone you really like.  In addition, you will be able to research potential matches, have time to plan your responses, and use actual science to help you find matches.

A great way to start online dating is by trying out a few sites and seeing which you like best. Luckily, reputable sites like these that also offer free trials can be easily found at By signing up for these free trials, you can usually peruse others images, profile text, and sometimes even contact them.  Either way, you will be able to choose a site that you are most comfortable with and that matches your dating goals.  

Dating Advice: 5 Advantages to Online Dating Over the Bar Scene

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