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Tag Archives: Food trend

Dec 1, 2020 0

Food Trend: 5 Festive Dessert Ideas for the Holidays

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: 5 Festive Dessert Ideas for the Holidays
Holiday Dessert. Photo Credit:

By Nicole Maher

The holiday season is upon us, whether we’re ready for it or not. Between buying gifts and decorating your house, you may also be tasked with creating the perfect holiday dessert for your gathering this year. If you are mildly dreading the idea of preparing a dessert, or want something different from the traditional fruitcake, check out some of the following food trends for creating a fresh and unique dessert that will leave your guests asking for the recipe.

Try some of these food trends for creating your most festive holiday desserts.

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Oct 5, 2020 0

Food Trend: Celebrity Summer Parties and Food Options

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Celebrity Summer Parties and Food Options

It can be tough even for celebrities to say goodbye to the summer season each year. Who can easily part with warmer weather and ample sun? Who can easily forget about time away from work and stress in general? Not many celebrities at all. Thankfully, there are some things that people can do to ease the pain a bit. Celebrities like to have a party for just about any occasion, so if summer is ending, this would be a perfect excuse for a party.

If you want to throw a farewell-to-summer party for your beloved family members and friends like the celebrities do, then you should think about all of the food items and beverages that you may want to serve them. What good is a summertime bash without tasty snacks and refreshing drinks, anyway?

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Oct 6, 2020 0

Food Trend: Breadfruit is the New Superfood

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Breadfruit is the New Superfood

By Carly Silva

Superfoods are great to implement into your diet! They are some of the healthiest food options and have multiple health benefits. Of course, everyone is familiar with the more popular superfoods, such as avocado, salmon, and spinach, but have you ever heard of breadfruit? New research is suggesting that this starchy, green, tree-grown fruit may be a new superfood to add to the list.

If you’re looking for a new superfood to mix into your diet, here are five reasons why new food trend breadfruit might be the key:

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Sep 22, 2020 0

Benefits of TikTok’s Latest Food Trend: Cloud Bread

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Benefits of TikTok’s Latest Food Trend: Cloud Bread
Cloud Bread. Photo:

By Nicole Maher

From rainbow bagels to edible gold, we certainly have seen no shortage of food trends introduced to us through our favorite social media platforms. Every day we log onto Instagram or Twitter, we will likely be faced with a new super fruit, elaborate dessert, or a full-on diet plan. The newest food trend to make the list, brought to us by none other than Tik Tok, is cloud bread. Not only does cloud bread have a fun name and appetizing appearance, but it also comes with a long list of benefits. With its numerous uses and airy consistency, it may just be the newest must-have in your current diet. 

Find out five benefits of cloud bread, the latest food trend from Tik Tok.

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Sep 8, 2020 0

Food Trend: What’s the Deal with Seaweed?

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: What’s the Deal with Seaweed?
Wakame seaweed salad with nut sauce, garnished with sesame seeds and red chili pepper. Photo: iStockPhoto

By Alycia Williams

Seaweed is the next big thing when it comes to the latest food trends. It’s becoming a must have for every household. As the seaweed trend grows, it’s about time you know why seaweed could be beneficial for you.

In this food trend, find out the benefits for eating seaweed.

… Want more benefits for eating seaweed? Click here for more.

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Aug 11, 2020 0

Food Trend: The Next Big Fruits & Vegetables Trends

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: The Next Big Fruits & Vegetables Trends
Healthy meal without waste. Photo: Instagram/@chefredyavendano

By Alycia Williams

There are so many fruits and vegetables out there — many more than most of us are aware of. Just when you think you know all of them, there is another one that shows up and surprises you. That said, some are more popular than others. These food trends are usually dictated by chefs, consumers, and even social media. It’s time to find out what’s on the horizon as the newest food trends for fruits and vegetables.

Find out the new food trends for fruits and vegetables.

… Want more fruits and vegatbales that’ll be the next big thing? Click here for more.

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Aug 25, 2020 0

Food Trend: Health Benefits to Eating Mushrooms

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Health Benefits to Eating Mushrooms

By Alycia Williams

Mushrooms are constantly looked upon as dirty, nasty fungi, and although it is a fungi, that doesn’t mean that mushrooms should be ignored. As the mushroom food trend is on the horizon, it’s time to get some food advice on why we should appreciate mushrooms more.

In this food trend, check out the benefits of eating mushrooms.

… Want more benefits to eating mushrooms? Click here for more.

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Jul 14, 2020 0

Food Trend: Food for Your DNA

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Food for Your DNA
Couple shopping at the farmer's market. Photo: mangostock /

By Alycia Williams

“Everyone is different.” We’ve all heard this saying at least once in our lives, and it’s true we are all different all the way down to our taste buds. Have you ever wondered why you think something tastes amazing while your friend absolutely hates the exact same thing? That’s because depending on our  DNA, things can taste differently. How does your genetic make-up influence your taste buds?

In this food trend, check out ways DNA can affect how you experience eating food.

… Want some more tips on this food trend? Click here for more.

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Jun 30, 2020 0

Food Trend: Oat Milk

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Oat Milk

By Diana Iscenko

Vegan-friendly alternatives have become super popular in the food world over the past decade. In terms of the health trend that is alternative foods, nothing else has risen to fame quite like oat milk. A study by the Specialty Coffee Association found that the popularity of oat milk has increased by 425% in the last year alone. The lactose-free, nut-free super milk is becoming a common alternative to dairy milk, joining almond milk and soy milk on supermarket shelves across the country.

Whether you’d opt for oat milk in your latte or you’re thinking about making a shift to only oat milk in your house, there’s plenty of room for you on the oat milk bandwagon. Here are four reasons why you should ditch your dairy milk and hop on this food trend:

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Oct 29, 2019 0

Food Trend: Fun Halloween-Inspired Desserts

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Fun Halloween-Inspired Desserts
Halloween-Inspired Desserts. Photo: Media Photos /

By Hope Ankney

There’s a lot that goes into planning for Halloween. There are the costumes, the pumpkin patches, the hayrides, the movies that won’t scar anyone too badly, and, of course, the food. Having tasty snacks to eat are a staple for any good Halloween-themed get-together. They’re not only a fun decoration, but they can taste terrifyingly good. So, why not put on your apron, get in the kitchen, and start brainstorming what spooky food trends will have your guests begging for the recipes by the end of the night?

Food Trend: With Halloween just around the corner, what are some of the best Halloween-inspired desserts you can bring to your party this year?

….Want to know some Halloween-inspired desserts that’ll impress your friends and family? Click here for more!

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Dec 3, 2019 0

Food Trend: Collagen Is Skincare You Can Eat!

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Collagen Is Skincare You Can Eat!
Photo: Twitter/@detoxcleansing.

By Meghan Khameraj

There seems to be a new skincare beauty trend every few months. Whether it’s funky face masks or gold facials, there never seems to be a dull moment when it comes to healthy skin. This latest skincare trend is also the latest food trend! Collagen is a protein found within the body that strengthens bones and skin. Collagen is oftentimes sold in drinks or as an added protein in smoothies. Dermatologists believe that collagen has the potential to strengthen skin and reduce wrinkles, but there is not enough evidence to conclusively prove that it does as of yet.

Collagen is the newest food and skin trend. There are a bunch of simple ways you can add this protein into your diet. Cupid has some advice to help you get in on this new trend. 

… Curious about this new food trend? Click here.

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Jan 7, 2020 0

Food Trend: 5 Benefits of Lavender Lemonade & Tea

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: 5 Benefits of Lavender Lemonade & Tea
Lavender tea. Photo: Instagram/@mag_gypsy

By Ashley Johnson

Summer may be long over, but you can still enjoy all the benefits of a nice colorful, refreshing glass of lavender lemonade or tea. Lavender is an essential oil that has been used for its healing properties for ages. It is one of the purest forms of medicine and therapy today.

With lavender lemonade and tea gaining popularity, how can you make sure you get the most out of this latest food trend?

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Oct 15, 2019 0

Food Trend: Oat Milk

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Oat Milk
Photo: Instagram/@oatly

By Katie Sotack

Drink your morning oats with a new twist with non-diary oat milk. The pressure for mainstream coffee shops and supermarkets to add vegan-friendly alternatives, like almond milk and Beyond Beef, has soared in recent years. After oat milks, like Oatly, were introduced into coffee shops, people were ready to make the switch in their own homes. With it’s healthy reputation and the fact that it has one-third the amount of calories as half n’ half, there are plenty of reasons to be stirring it into your coffee.

Non-diary milk alternatives are the food trend of the future. With abundant options of non-diary milks to choose from, what are the perks of oat milk?

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Oct 1, 2019 0

Food Trend: What’s With the Keto Diet?

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: What’s With the Keto Diet?
Photo: Anna Omelchenko /

By Ashley Johnson

The ketogenic (keto for short) diet has found its way into popularity this past year. The diet consists of a very low-carb, high-fat diet. It has been known to help with preventing seizures for epileptics and to help with a person’s overall quality of life, but it has also been known to be abused or taken to extremes, which of course, only leads to the exact opposite. While this growing food trend has its pros and cons, Cupid is here to give you food advice on how to still include the most delicious and nutritious foods into your diet without feeling like you need to cut out all of your favorite foods forever.

Find out which delicious foods you can still indulge in with the keto food trend!

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Sep 17, 2019 0

Food Tips: Jack Fruit & Other Ocean Inspired Flavors

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Tips: Jack Fruit & Other Ocean Inspired Flavors
Photo: Instagram/nourish_deliciously

By Katie Sotack

Summer may be over, but your ocean journey has just begun. Pacific foods are trending in 2019, meaning that the sand in your shorts has faded but the salt on your tongue lives on. Fruits like Jackfruit, a tropical Indian food reminiscent of the fig family, will be popularized in organic supermarkets such as Whole Foods. According to the juicy jackfruit isn’t the only tropical flavor we can look forward to in our food tips.

With ocean-inspired foods on the rise, how can we bring pacific food tips for a tropical summer palate to our cozy fall dinners?

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Jul 16, 2019 0

Food Trend: Millennial Flavors to Watch

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Millennial Flavors to Watch
Couple enjoying burgers and fries. Photo: Kzenon /

By Megan McIntosh

These days, most people are all about trying that next best food trend so that they can share it on Instagram or post their discovery on YouTube. Millennials are especially unafraid to try new flavor combinations that may make the average diner hesitant.

Millennials are all about adventure and trying new things, so it’s no surprise that this food trend is all about millennial flavors to try out!

…Want to learn these flavors? Click here.

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Jun 18, 2019 0

Food Trend: Top 5 Reasons You Should Eat Imperfect Food

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Top 5 Reasons You Should Eat Imperfect Food
Imperfect produce. Photo: Instagram / @wakeupyouaredreaming

By Mara Miller

We’ve got some fun food advice for you! Everyone does it–you see a banana turn brown, so you either throw it into the freezer for a smoothie at a later date or it goes straight into the trash because it’s no longer perfect. As a society, we have trained ourselves to only look for flawless produce because we perceive it as healthier to consume rather than an apple that is misshapen or two carrots that grew together. For that reason alone, 40% of food grown in the US goes uneaten. A recent food trend is now encouraging people to eat more imperfect food.

The latest food trend sheds light on a new perspective surrounding imperfect food. Here are five ways avoiding oddly-shaped food can be a bad thing:

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Apr 29, 2019 0

Product Review: Cinco De Mayo with Prepara Taco Accessories!

Posted In: Product Reviews
Cupid's Pulse Article: Product Review: Cinco De Mayo with Prepara Taco Accessories!

By Gillian Lee 

Cinco de Mayo is just around the corner, and you need all the accessories to celebrate! Prepara has all the stylish and festive accessories for your upcoming gathering. With trendy, spoons, trays and taco holders, your guests are bound to keep coming back for more!

Try Prepara for your next party!

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Apr 26, 2019 0

Love & Libations: Celebrity Pink Sips For The Summer

Posted In: Food, Relationship Experts, Yolanda Shoshana Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Love & Libations: Celebrity Pink Sips For The Summer
photo courtesy: Wine Enthusiast Magazine

By Yolanda Shoshana

Rosé is the ultimate sip and chill with your partner or get together with friends kind of wine. While it’s perfect for any time of year, spring and summer, seem to be the time that people fixate on rosé. That means rosé will be popping up at your local wine store any minute. Which one should you try? Decisions. Decisions.

Sip and Chill With Your Partner

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Jun 4, 2019 0

Food Trend: CBD-and Cannabis-Infused Food

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: CBD-and Cannabis-Infused Food
CBD Infused Ice Cream. Photo: Instagram / @discovercbd

By Mara Miller

The National Restaurant Association recently surveyed 650 professional chefs about the top culinary and restaurant trends for 2019 and found that three out of every four chefs said CBD- and cannabis-infused foods will be a top food trend, according to Cannabis remains illegal at the federal level, but has been legalized in 10 states for recreational purposes. CBD oil lacks THC, which is the component of cannabis that intoxicates the user. The article also reports that some restaurateurs want to get in on the trend with less scrutiny and so they have turned to private clubs to offer these dishes. And, while some states have legalized cannabis and most CBD products became legal under federal law in December, some restaurants with chefs who offer CBD and cannabis-infused foods may get points docked by health departments because it does not have FDA approval.



Get more info on 2019’s latest food trend — CBD- and cannabis-infused food!

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May 21, 2019 0

Food Trend: 5 Best Mocktail Recipes

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: 5 Best Mocktail Recipes
Mocktails. Photo: Instagram / @loveandoliveoil

By Mara Miller

Do you ever feel like drinking cocktails out with friends, but don’t want to deal with the hangover the next day after? Mocktails have been gaining popularity as a food trend. They’re great because you get to have your favorite drink while you’re the designated driver for your friend’s birthday or want to avoid the extra calories that can be packed in traditional cocktails. Restaurants are adding more mocktail recipes to their menu as a nonalcoholic option for those who don’t want the effects of alcohol, but who still want to join in the fun of a night out with friends.

Food Trend: 5 of the Best Mocktail Recipes

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May 7, 2019 0

Food Trend: Rolled Ice Cream

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Rolled Ice Cream
Rolled ice cream. Photo: Instagram/@i_ce_ny

By Megan McIntosh

It’s not really a food trend unless it’s Instagram-able, and rolled ice cream is definitely pretty to look at. This unique dessert originated in Thailand and has made its way to the United States, becoming especially big in cities like Los Angeles. This sweet treat allows all the flavors to be rolled into one in a special way.

This new Thai food trend is taking over our taste buds:

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Apr 23, 2019 0

Food Trend: Peganism

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Peganism
Photo: Twitter/@zambezihospital

By Megan McIntosh

The hottest food trend combines two popular diets, paleo and vegan. The paleo-meets-vegan lifestyle incorporates vegan-living with no animal products and paleo-dieting, which includes no dairy, grains, soy, legumes, or processed sugar. One health expert created Peganism as a movement toward healthier living. With Peganism, animal foods aren’t completely out of the question like they are with a vegan diet. Your diet should center on plant-based products while incorporating high-quality animal foods into your meals. Take our food advice and try this new trendy way of eating.

Here are some ways to get started with Peganism:

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Mar 26, 2019 0

Food Trend: Traditional Sunday Meals

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Traditional Sunday Meals
Traditional Sunday Meal. Photo: @hawksmoorestaurants / Instagram

By Lauren Burczyk

We’re keeping the traditions alive with this new food trend. Do you miss sitting around the table on a Sunday, while mom makes a traditional meal for your family? Well, you’re in luck with these new food tips! Sunday meal food ideas are a great way to please the whole family and get them prepared for the busy week ahead. Take some of our food advice and gather around the table every Sunday for a home-cooked meal just like Mom used to make.

Here are some traditional Sunday meal food ideas:

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