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Tag Archives: Singles

Mar 13, 2013 2

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Dating Again

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Dating Again
Questions to ask yourself before dating again. Photo: esline /

By Sheila Blagg for

Now that you are divorced or otherwise single, what are you looking for?

You’ve probably been asked that question, or a variation of it, many times, and it’s not always easy to pin down an answer. Most of us can readily identify what we don’t want, but putting a finger on exactly what we’re looking for in a partner and/or a relationship is often a difficult task.

As a relationship expert, I’ve found that many of our wants come from things that we’ve experienced in past relationships, or from things we’ve not experienced but would like to. We hold on to pieces of past relationships that we perceive as “good,” and we tend to drag that baggage into new relationships.

But this type of behavior raises a very important question: Is this fair?

…Okay, Ms. Single, what type of relationship are you interested in?

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Mar 11, 2013 4

Expert Love Advice: Single Traits to Lose so You Can Move Forward in a Relationship

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Expert Love Advice: Single Traits to Lose so You Can Move Forward in a Relationship
Single traits to lose so you can move forward in a relationship. Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd /

By Courtney Allen

Relationships are described as many things, but “easy” most definitely isn’t one of them. Two A.M. bickering, checking messages on phones/social media, and cases of jealously are just a small part of what makes relationships so complicated. And these relationship problems tend to be a tough transition, especially if you are adjusted to the “single life.” But relationships are partnerships. Both individuals must have their hearts and minds in the same place in order for the relationship to last. If you just can’t seem to progress in your relationship, you should consider leaving these single habits behind:

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Mar 8, 2013 0

Celebrity Taylor Swift on relationships: I’m Not a “Clingy, Insane, Desperate Girlfriend”

Posted In: Celebrity News, Single Celebrities
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Taylor Swift on relationships: I’m Not a “Clingy, Insane, Desperate Girlfriend”
Taylor Swift. Photo: David Gabber /

By Andrea Surujnauth

Taylor Swift finally decided to address all the rumors about her crazy love life. Rumors have circulated that the 23-year-old has had multiple boyfriends and every time she breaks up with one, she writes a song to bash him. According to, Taylor told Vanity Fair, “If you want some big revelation, since 2010 I have dated exactly two people.” These two people were Conor Kennedy and One Direction singer, Harry Styles. Swift’s list of alleged celebrity beaus include Jake Gyllenhaal, John Mayer, Joe Jonas and Taylor Lautner – many of whom she has apparently written break up songs about. Swift addresses this issue by stating, “The fact that there are slide shows of a dozen guys that I either hugged on a  red carpet or met for lunch or wrote a song with. . . it’s just kind of  ridiculous.”  In regards to the songs that she in fact did write based on a relationship she says, “For a female to write about her feelings, and then be portrayed as some clingy,  insane, desperate girlfriend in need of making you marry her and have kids with  her, I think that’s taking something that potentially should be celebrated — a  woman writing about her feelings in a confessional way –that’s taking it and  turning it and twisting it into something that is frankly a little sexist.”

What are some qualities that make someone a good girlfriend?

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Mar 6, 2013 2

Connie Britton: “Being a Single Mom Is Challenging”

Posted In: Celebrity Babies, Celebrity News
Cupid's Pulse Article: Connie Britton: “Being a Single Mom Is Challenging”
Connie Britton. Photo: Juan Rico/Fame Pictures

By Andrea Surujnauth

Connie Britton recently chatted with More about the challenges of being a single mother. The Nashville star shared, “Being a single mom is challenging, but never in a million years would that have stopped me. You get an idea in your head and you’re going to do it.” She adopted her son, 2-year-old Yoby, from Ethiopia. She also talks about her busy lifestyle, which includes working and taking care of a toddler. “The schedule is insane to the point where I lose a lot of sleep at night worrying about how little time I have to sleep and mostly what little time I have to be with my son,” she said. But Britton doesn’t let lack her lack of sleep get her down. “People can tell you how hard marriage is or how hard it is to birth a baby, but we do these things. We want the journey of that.”

How can busy working moms still make time for themselves?

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Feb 14, 2013 0

Mila Kunis Says: ‘I Love Being Single’

Posted In: Celebrity News, Single Celebrities
Cupid's Pulse Article: Mila Kunis Says: ‘I Love Being Single’
Mila Kunis. Photo: Bob Charlotte / PR Photos

By Meghan Fitzgerald

Here here ladies and gentlemen! Wide-eyed beauty, Mila Kunis loves being single! reports that she was single for four years, and those years in which she was single were some of the best times in her life. E! Online states that Kunis has found her match, Ashton Kutcher. The couple have known each other since Kunis was 14. Having starred together in That’s 70 Show, both Kutcher and Kunis know one another well. They have kept their romance low key, but Kunis spills some details in the new edition of Allure.

What are some perks to being single?

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Feb 14, 2013 0

Ways to Forget Your Singledom This VDay

Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Ways to Forget Your Singledom This VDay
Enjoy singledom in VDay. Photo: Nyul /

By Meghan Laslocky

If you’re single on Valentine’s Day, don’t be grumpy about it! If you’re proactive and plan ahead, there are a thousand ways you can enjoy VDay, even if you’re flying solo. Here are a few ideas:

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Feb 14, 2013 2

Making Valentine’s Day Fun Again!

Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Making Valentine’s Day Fun Again!
Have fun on Valentines Day. Photo: Subbotina Anna /

By Eleanore Wells

When did Valentine’s Day become such a BIG deal? At some point when I wasn’t looking, it went from being a lighthearted, fun, semi-holiday to another over-the-top, loud, commercial holiday that comes with feelings of annoyance and angst for so many. It’s not really about who you love anymore; instead, it’s about gifts and lavish displays of…well, I’m not sure what.

As a kid, I loved this holiday. I got such a kick out of giving out cards with big red hearts on them to all the people who made me happy. I gave them to my parents, my teachers, my favorite classmates, my playmates and even my mailman. Back then, Valentine’s Day was fun, and it was an excuse to tell the people who make you happy how much they mean to you. Romance had nothing to do with it when I was ten years old.

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Feb 11, 2013 0 Studies Singles in America

Posted In: Product Reviews
Cupid's Pulse Article: Studies Singles in America

Cupid's Pulse Article: Studies Singles in America

This is a sponsored post for

By Nicole Cavanagh, the world’s largest online dating site, has released findings from their Third Annual Comprehensive Study on the Single Population called ‘Singles in America.’ This study is the largest and most comprehensive nationwide look at the current 107 million single people in America and their romantic dating habits, sexual practices and lifestyles. Over 6,000 people (from a national and unbiased representative sample) were surveyed and polled. Both coupled and single men and women answered over 200 questions on just about everything: how they meet potential partners, what they want out of a relationship, how they view marriage and more. With help from world-renowned biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher from Rutgers University, findings revealed common myths about both married people and singles and explained the misconceptions of singles’ choices, all while taking into consideration the rise of technology in society and its impact on the dating world.

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Feb 11, 2013 0

Demi Lovato Admits She Used to Be ‘Afraid of Being Alone’

Posted In: Celebrity News, Single Celebrities
Cupid's Pulse Article: Demi Lovato Admits She Used to Be ‘Afraid of Being Alone’
Demi Lovato. Photo: Rocstar/ME/

By Meghan Fitzgerald

Current X Factor judge, Demi Lovato has had her fair share of failed relationships. From Wilmer Valderrama to Joe Jonas, she has realized what she has gone through and is trying to make improvements with her life. She insists that it is unhealthy to devote the entirety of one’s time to a guy. Lovato talks to Cosmo UK, stating how she is in A place where I can finally trust and love and be a better person for the man I am in a relationship with, instead of being a clingy girlfriend or getting jealous.” As a twenty year-old, she is looking for love. According to, Lovato is more than glad with the place she is at in her life.

How do you know if you’re in a relationship for the right reasons?

…we’re just getting started. Click here for more.

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Feb 8, 2013 0

Russell Brand Speaks Out about Ex-Wife Katy Perry Dating John Mayer

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: Russell Brand Speaks Out about Ex-Wife Katy Perry Dating John Mayer
Katy Perry and Russell Brand. Photo: Gangster#1/

By Andrea Surujnauth

Russell Brand and Katy Perry have been divorced for about seven months now and according to, Brand says that he has moved on. He was on Howard Stern’s Sirius XM radio show on February 4th and Stern got him to open up about his feelings on the divorce. Stern asked Brand how felt about his ex-wife dating John Mayer. “What do you make of your ex-wife dating John Mayer?” Stern asked. “Doesn’t  she know that he’s a worse womanizer than you?” Brand jokingly replied, “Worse or better, depending on how you view it.” But on a serious note, Brand spoke highly of his ex. He claims he has nothing bad to say about Perry or her new boyfriend, who she has been dating since July 2012. Despite Stern trying to dig a little deeper, Brand continued to claim that his ex-wife was perfect from top to bottom. He also admits that he is single at the moment and although he would love to have a wife and start a family, he is focusing on himself for now.

What do you do if someone you once cared about is dating someone you view as dangerous?

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Feb 5, 2013 1

5 Tips for Single Moms to Survive Valentine’s Day

Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: 5 Tips for Single Moms to Survive Valentine’s Day
Valentines advice for single mothers. Photo: altafulla /

By Kerri Zane

As a single mom, there are holidays we love like Halloween and 4th of July. Then there are holidays that we don’t love so much, like Valentine’s Day.  The bountiful red hearts, bundles of red roses, inane jewelry commercials and mushy holiday cards are consistent reminders of our painfully evident single status. But we can be above it all. As the Single Mom Advisor, I have five surefire tips, to handle our hearts and mind with tender loving care. We can all get through this Hallmark Holiday with our healthy egos in tact.

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Jan 18, 2013 0

Bradley Cooper Reunites with Exes Jen Aniston and Jennifer Lopez at Golden Globes

Posted In: Celebrity News, Single Celebrities
Cupid's Pulse Article: Bradley Cooper Reunites with Exes Jen Aniston and Jennifer Lopez at Golden Globes
Bradley Cooper. Photo: GB818/FAMEFLYNET

By Nic Baird

Bradley Cooper ran into two of his exes, Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Aniston, at the Golden Globes on Sunday, reports. The single actor, who now has an Oscar nod for his role in Silver Linings Playbook, engaged in animated conversation with Lopez, and shook boyfriend Casper Short’s hand. The two also had a chance to chat at the CAA’s Golden Globes pre-party on Friday. There, Aniston also rushed over to Cooper and gave him a big hug. Cooper dated Lopez in 2011, and Aniston in 2009.

What are some ways to remain civil after a breakup?

…The story continues! Click here to read more.

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Dec 27, 2012 0

What to Do On New Year’s Eve If You’re Single

Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: What to Do On New Year’s Eve If You’re Single
Smiling woman with champagne. Photo: coka /

By Eleanore Wells

By now, every person on earth (or in the U.S) has most likely participated in at least one conversation where New Year’s Eve plans were the topic. Some people look forward to it, others dread it. Those who look forward to it usually have something pretty special planned. Those who dread it usually don’t. Lots of people harbor anxiety over New Year’s Eve, primarily, because of what seems to be the intense pressure to do something – something festive, something big. I think single women feel this even more than most.

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Dec 14, 2012 0

Tiger Woods Parties the Night Away with Multiple Women After Golf Tournament

Posted In: Celebrity News, Single Celebrities
Cupid's Pulse Article: Tiger Woods Parties the Night Away with Multiple Women After Golf Tournament
Tiger Woods. Photo: Barcroft/Fame Pictures

By Jennifer Ross

Tiger Woods is back to his partying ways. On Dec. 1, the pro-golfer danced all night long at California’s Westlake Village Inn right after his 14th Annual World Challenge Golf Tournament. An eyewitness reports to that Woods, 36, was surrounded by gorgeous women for most of his time on the dance floor. “Tiger was dressed in jeans and a beige sweater…At one point he was surrounded by a group of six women on the club’s dance floor!” To further get into the partying mood, Woods requests the DJ to play, ‘Tonight I’m F—ing You’ by Enrique Iglesias. This set the mood just right as the ladies loved his persuasive music choice. As Woods enjoys his single life, ex-wife Elin Nordegren is busy creating her dream home on the coast in North Palm Beach, FL.

How do you know when it’s time to stop serial dating and settle down?

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Dec 13, 2012 2

Readying Your Single Self for the Holidays

Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Readying Your Single Self for the Holidays
Cameron Diaz. Photo: Andrew Evans / PR Photos

By Eleanore Wells

Every year this time we have to think about what to do for the big holiday season.  Holidays can be challenging to just about everybody.  There are decisions to be made, plans put in place, and money to be spent.  And while this is true for everyone, many single people feel an extra layer of stress.

In fact, I heard from a single friend who is feeling particularly lonely and is dreading the coming holiday season.  She isn’t close to her family and the holidays are a time that kinda puts a spotlight on it. I, teasingly, reminded her of Cameron Diaz and Kerry Washington, two sexy ladies who have described themselves as “happily single.”  I said, “Do you think Cameron and Kerry are worried about the holidays?  I’ll bet they’re looking forward to the festivities…and you should be, too.”

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Dec 16, 2012 2

How to Find Love Admist Holiday Craziness

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: How to Find Love Admist Holiday Craziness
How to find love during the holidays. Photo: omgimages /

By Courtney Allen & Jessica DeRubbo

The ever-so jolly holiday season sets the stage for one of the most romantic times of the year. But no worries, single gals and guys! There is more than enough love to go around. Even in the midst of the frantic, last minute gift shopping and preparations for throwing an unforgettable party to kick off the New Year, love is in the air … and not just for the ones who are taken. The holiday season provides plenty of opportunity to meet a honey just in time to snag a kiss under the mistletoe.

Anything can happen during the holidays, so follow this relationship advice, and keep your eyes and options open for potential love in these places:

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Nov 23, 2012 1

Justin Bieber ‘Hasn’t Stopped Reaching Out’ to Selena Gomez Post-Split

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: Justin Bieber ‘Hasn’t Stopped Reaching Out’ to Selena Gomez Post-Split
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. Photo: Marco Sagliocco / PR Photos; Andrew Evans / PR Photos

By Jennifer Ross

It’s a game of on-again off-again for these two confused love birds. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber just can’t seem to decide whether to call it quits or stay together these days. After breaking up on Oct. 31, Bieber has continued to reach out to Gomez, 20. On Friday, Nov. 16, the two had a sushi date that was followed by a horrible fight. Eventually, the couple made up sometime after Bieber had a great night at the American Music Awards. Bieber, 18, and Gomez have also been spotted together in Encino, CA on Nov. 19. The issue between them is Bieber’s inability to stop looking at other girls. “Justin has a wandering eye,” a source reported to Also, Bieber wants to date other girls and possible hold on to Gomez. “He isn’t sold on the possibility that this is forever but isn’t sold on that it’s not.”

How do you know when to call it quits in a relationship?

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Nov 23, 2012 3

Cameron Diaz Says Women ‘Want to Be Objectified’

Posted In: Celebrity News, Single Celebrities
Cupid's Pulse Article: Cameron Diaz Says Women ‘Want to Be Objectified’
Cameron Diaz. Photo: Solarpix / PR Photos

By Jennifer Ross

Cameron Diaz knows people may idolize her physical features and she’s not bothered by it. Actually, she likes it and has no doubt other women believe the same. Diaz, 40, recently told U.K.’s Sunday Times that she believes all women want to be objectified. “There’s a little part of you at all times that hopes to be somewhat objectified, and I think it’s healthy.” Even when the Hollywood actress is asked to strip down to her underwear for a photo shoot, as she did recently for the Terry Richardson spread in the November issue of Esquire UK, Diaz is confident and sure of herself. “[The stylists are] like, ‘Today we’re not going to put anything other than bras and heels on you, and I’m like, ‘These heels are not high enough.’ Cameron knows her level of self confidence didn’t just happen overnight. “I’m a woman, I know how to handle myself.”

What are three ways to pamper yourself before a date?

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Nov 20, 2012 3

Living Your Best [Single] Life

Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Living Your Best [Single] Life
Stay true to yourself. Photo: keeweeboy /

By Eleanore Wells

I am a heterosexual woman, I live in New York City and I love dating. I have an awesome life: a successful career as the owner of a marketing consultancy —Golden Door Consulting— with a great income that allows me to afford a second home in the Hamptons, an active social life and vacations around the world. I have great relationships with my family and a fabulous circle of good friends. I support charitable organizations with my money and time, and adore my 13-year-old Yorkie, Danny. Despite all this goodness, though, there are many who look at my life and feel sorry for me…because I’m single.  And I don’t get it.

…that’s not all! Click here to read more.

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Nov 16, 2012 0

Selena Gomez Beams at Bash Post-Split with Justin Bieber

Posted In: Celebrity News, Single Celebrities
Cupid's Pulse Article: Selena Gomez Beams at Bash Post-Split with Justin Bieber
Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber. Photo: Andrew Evans / PR Photos

By Jennifer Ross

Even though her breakup with ex Justin Bieber is still fresh, Selena Gomez is out on the red carpet, looking fabulously single. At Glamour’s 22nd Annual Women of the Year Awards in New York City, Gomez looked “bubbly and upbeat,” sources reported to “She looked genuinely happy…not like she was sad or bummed out at all.” Dressed in all white by Giambattista Valli, with a deep v-neck up top, this singer was especially excited when she won her Woman of the Year award and gave a hopeful speech to the audience. “I just want to share with all the girls out there — you have a voice, you have a chance. Just do what you love.”

What are some ways to move on quickly after a breakup?

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Nov 15, 2012 0

Cheryl Burke Says She May Be the Next ‘Bachelorette’

Posted In: Celebrity News, Single Celebrities
Cupid's Pulse Article: Cheryl Burke Says She May Be the Next ‘Bachelorette’
Cheryl Burke. Photo: Andrew Evans / PR Photos

By Jennifer Ross

Cheryl Burke is on the hunt for love and she is not afraid to have an audience along for her journey. The DWTS: All Stars professional dancer has told that she has met with the TV executives of the ABC’s the Bachelorette and the discussion was about her being the next contestant. “There hasn’t been a firm offer, but if they offer it to me I would love to do it,” Burke, 28, said. So why hasn’t this single gal found Mr. Right? According to Burke, her hectic schedule keeps her secluded and unable to meet different potentials. “I’m around the same people all the time, I’ve been on this show for nearly a decade.”

What are some non-traditional ways to meet ‘the one’?

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Nov 2, 2012 0

Host Chris Harrison Says New ‘Bachelor’ Sean Lowe Is ‘So Sincere’

Posted In: Celebrity News, Cupid Strikes, Reality TV, Sean Lowe - Season 17, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: Host Chris Harrison Says New ‘Bachelor’ Sean Lowe Is ‘So Sincere’
Chris Harrison and Sean Lowe. Photo: richard shotwell / PR Photos; PRN /

By Jennifer Ross

As ABC’s new Bachelor, Sean Lowe is currently shooting their 17th Season, host Chris Harrison reports to, “Sean’s doing great.” Last seen on TV just three months ago when Emily Maynard dumped Lowe on the Bachelorette, this southern man seems to have moved on and recovered quickly. As to whether Lowe’s, 28, love choices will be worth watching, Harrison states, “I think people are really going to like him because he’s so sincere. He really is looking for that someone and that makes it fun for everyone… when you get to know the guy, he’s very well read, very intelligent, a very smart guy.” With the show three-quarters of the way finished in filming, it sounds like this season’s Bachelor will be a must see for all.

What are some ways to tell the person you’re dating is sincere?

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Nov 1, 2012 0

Pippa Middleton Is Dating Investment Banker James Matthews

Posted In: Celebrity Dating, Celebrity News
Cupid's Pulse Article: Pippa Middleton Is Dating Investment Banker James Matthews
Pippa Middleton. Photo: Solarpix / PR Photos

By Jennifer Ross

Rumor has it, Pippa Middleton may be taken. For the past three weeks, the younger sister to the Duchess of Cambridge, Middleton has been seen out on several occasions with Investment Banker James Matthews, according to the U.K’s Daily Mirror. The two were even photographed having dinner at the Queen’s Club tennis center in West London. A close source confirmed to, “It’s very early days but James really likes her.” On one of their last outings, Middleton was photographed wearing a black dress, lace jacket, black tights and heels.

What are some signs that you have a lot in common with someone?

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Oct 26, 2012 0

Eva Longoria and Mark Sanchez Split

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: Eva Longoria and Mark Sanchez Split
Eva Longoria and Mark Sanchez. Photo: Tina Gill / PR Photos; Charles Norfleet / PR Photos

By Jennifer Ross

It’s back to the drawing board again. The relationship between Eva Longoria and Mark Sanchez has officially ended, a source told People. The insider went on to say that Longoria, 37, and Sanchez, 25, ended their very brief relationship amicably and without any hang ups. “There is no drama.” The former couple has been seen in public together since last July, although Longoria denied any relationship back then. Previously, the former Desperate Housewives star dated Eduardo Cruz, while New York Jets quarterback was seen with supermodel Kate Upton.

What are some ways to remain civil with an ex shortly after a breakup?

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