Feb 14, 2020
Ask the Guy’s Guy: How to Make Valentine’s Day Work for You
Posted In: Relationship Experts, Robert Manni, Robert Manni Articles

Valentine's Day. Photo: DGM / Bigstock.com
Valentine’s Day is a day most of us dread.
It’s commercial, pressure-filled, exploitive, and most importantly– forced and unromantic. I’ll leave all of that to next week’s other Valentine’s Day post. But there are two ways to look at V-Day as it gets pitched our way each and every year. Whether it’s chocolate, flowers, jewelry, vibrating panties, weekend getaways, etc.—you name it and they’re selling it in fire engine red. Here are a few suggestions for how to not only cope, but to have fun and share the love. And that’s the point. Valentine’s Day should be about celebrating heart-felt love. Your Guy’s Guy suggests that the best way to make this a special occasion is by personalizing it. That means making it all about your partner…and not about you.
Related Link: Should I Date More Than One Person At A Time?
If love is in the air and you want to fan the flames.
If you’re a guy and you want to get intimate with a woman for the first time the tendency is to buy her lingerie, hoping that she’ll wear it for you on Valentine’s Day. Don’t do it. She is more than aware that you want the show. If you consider my suggestions and it’s meant to be, the show will open to rave reviews… and it will go on and on. Chocolates and flowers and cards and jewelry are always welcomed, but a Guy’s Guy adds intimacy to her gifts that empower them as expressions of love. So instead of doing the expected and buying a printed card at Walgreens, buy her a card that allows you to craft your own special message to her. Remind her of all the things she does that make her special and why you want to get to know her better. Pay attention to the details the way a woman does. Believe me, she will notice and you won’t have to buy her red lingerie. She’ll bring on the black when the time is right and when she does you’d better fasten your seat belt. Other things to consider are attending events together like a sake tasting or a Broadway show that she mentions in passing. Sharing brings couples closer together.
If you want to keep the fires burning.
Again, it is all about personalization. If you buy her jewelry, have it inscribed with a special message. A former paramour once bought me a silver necklace with an understatedly elegant pendant. Nice. When I looked closer she inscribed the underside with, “Love Slave”. Talk about marking your territory. It worked. Of course when my next girlfriend took one look at it, it came off instantly. If you show some effort to personalize your gift when you are in a long-term relationship or marriage, it makes your partner feel appreciated. How about writing down the twenty things she does that make her so special. Why is she so important to your life, what makes her sexy, funny, etc? Make her feel special. That is intimacy.
Related Link: Ask The Guy’s Guy: What Do I Do If I Have Trouble Opening Up To My Significant Other
Wild Cards
If you’re going down the sexual path remember to make it all about your special someone. That’s where the lingerie and crazy stuff like vibrating panties and sex toys come into play. All good. That said, you want to make sure that there is as much giving as receiving so that the festivities go all night long. I recently read about an “arousal gap’ between men and women. A real Guy’s Guy wants to make his woman happy. It’s not a race to the finish line; the goal is to arrive at the same time so everyone wins. Remember that Valentine’s Day is all about your partner, so have fun. And play safe.
Are you making Valentine’s Day all about your partner?
Previously posted on RobertManni.com
Hope this helps,
Guy’s Guy
If you would like relationship expert Robert Manni to answer your online dating/relationship questions, please email gillian@nvmediainc.com
More about the Guy’s Guy:

Robert is the host of Guy’s Guy Radio, featured on Blog Talk Radio and available on iTunes, Stitcher, and TuneIn. The weekly podcast features interviews with relationship coaches, entertainers, authors, wellness experts, spiritual teachers, sports personalities, and a weekly “Guys’ Guy’s Guide” exploring current guy-focused topics.
His novel, THE GUYS’ GUY’S GUIDE TO LOVE, praised as the “men’s successor to Sex and the City,” has been developed into two feature-length adapted screenplays, a scripted television series (pilot and treatment), and a series of non-scripted Guy’s Guy show concepts.
Robert has appeared on broadcast television (NBC’s Morning Blend, WPIX11 Morning News) and is a frequent guest across a spectrum of satellite, terrestrial, and web-based radio programs and podcasts, as well as a contributor to Huffington Post, Thought Catalog, Cupid’s Pulse, GalTime, is a featured expert on GoodMenProject and YourTango. He was also named a Top Dating Blogger by DatingAdvice.com.
Robert developed the Guy’s Guy Platform to help men and women better understand each other and bridge the growing communication gap between the sexes. He continually creates a fresh, robust palette of timely Guy’s Guy content focused on life, love and the pursuit of happiness. Whether it’s navigating the challenges of dating, relationships, friendship, career or wellness, Robert explores ways to help both men and women be at their best so that everybody wins.
Read more at Cupid’s.
Jul 5, 2019
Date Idea: Enjoy a Secret Sunset
Posted In: Love, Weekend Date Ideas

Couple watching the sunset. Photo: Maridav / Bigstock.com
By Sarah Batcheller and Mara Miller
When we think of iconic images of romance, we often visualize the sunset. The soft glow of the sun going down and blanketing us in darkness makes us want to cuddle up close to the one we love. If you want to plan an unforgettable summer date night and show how much you love your partner without having to spend a dime, just follow this dating advice and find a peaceful spot to enjoy the sunset together.
Enjoy a beautiful sunset on this summer date night!
…Want to enjoy a sunset with your love? Click here for more!
Jan 23, 2018
Relationship Advice: Can You Fall In Love Just By Chatting Online?
Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Dating has changed a lot over the years, and many have turned to the internet to find their true love. Photo: Twitter
Dating sites have become very popular among people today. In fact, online dating is now the second most common way for American couples to meet! From the onset, there were only a few dating sites available for users, but now there are very popular and specific dating sites that target the needs and interests of individuals. One such example is interracial dating in the United States, which has flourished to the point where there are now so many interracial sites available. However, there are still many skeptics when it comes to opinions about finding love through chatting online. The ongoing debate over whether you can legitimately fall in love online is a ongoing one, and there are many opinions on the matter. Some will argue that you never really fall in love until you have seen someone or have engaged in physical contact. Others will say that falling in love is possible even if you have not met that person in the real life.
Our definition of love and relationships has changed, and it is entirely possible to fall in love online. Check out our relationship advice:
…Read more here!
Jan 23, 2017
How to Campaign for a Better Relationship
Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles

A single woman celebrates. Photo: pressmaster / Bigstock.com
By Tanni Deb and Kayla Garritano
With Election Day in recent history, the best time to campaign for a better relationship is now. Whether that means leaning to the left with a liberal approach or moving toward the right with a more conservative one, you deserve the best relationship. For future date nights with your partner, let’s make sure you can get their vote towards a better relationship.
This relationship advice may win a vote from that special someone:
…want to get more? Click here!
Oct 19, 2016
Find Out Why JoJo Fletcher & Jordan Rodgers’ Celebrity Wedding is Still on Hold
Posted In: Celebrity News, Celebrity Weddings, Reality TV, The Bachelorette

JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers. Photo: ABC
By Mallory McDonald
Fans of The Bachelorette are wondering when celebrity couple JoJo Fletcher & Jordan Rodgers’ are finally going to tie the knot. According to EOnline.com, there is one particular reason why the two haven’t set a date yet. The two are stuck trying to decide on a location! “We’re trying to figure out where it’s going to be first,” Jordan explained. “We have family in California, family in Dallas… we’re just enjoying being together right now,” JoJo chimed in, adding that living together in Texas is “so good.” It seems that Fletcher is taking on a lot of the wedding responsibilities as Rodgers’ feels that the wedding planning is all on her. But don’t worry; Fletcher isn’t planning alone! Rodgers’ mother has been helping her out in the process. “His mom is always sending me wedding books, and we’re like, ‘We’ve gotta figure out where it’s going to be first!'” However, despite all the drama, the couple does hope to be wed sometime in 2017!
This celebrity wedding to be has no date set as of yet. What are some warning signs that you and/or your partner are having second thoughts about marriage?
…Want more on this story…click here!
Sep 9, 2016
Celebrity Couple News: Katy Perry Reveals the One Problem with Dating Orlando Bloom
Posted In: Celebrity Dating, Celebrity News

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom. Photos: PRPhotos.com; Rula Kanawati / PRPhotos.com
By Mallory McDonald
Distance doesn’t always make the heart grow fonder. For celebrity couple Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, distance put a slight strain on their relationship. In recent celebrity couple news, UsMagazine.com revealed that the long drive from Los Angeles to Malibu was once a big hurdle. Perry told the magazine, “My boyfriend lives in Malibu, and getting used to that [drive] was like, ‘Are you kidding me? What kind of life is this?” But when you truly want to make a relationship work you will, and that is exactly what Perry is doing.
Sometimes distance effects even celebrity couples! What are some ways to cope with long distance in your relationship?
…Want the rest? Click here for more.
Jul 25, 2016
Dating Advice: 10 Things You’re Over-Analyzing In Your Relationship
Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Don't over-analyze your relationship. Photo: dolgachov / Bigstock.com
By Josh Ringler
There are a lot of good, bad, weird, and typical things going on in your relationship at any given time. There are some components of a relationship that can be analyzed with no harm, and then others that if over-analyzed can have devastating impacts on the relationship, leading to severe problems. Celebrity couples have often times failed because of over-analyzing the wrong things, and we don’t want that to happen to you. Follow these pieces of dating advice to stop over-analyzing the things that you shouldn’t!
These pieces of dating advice dive into the over-analyzed aspects of your relationship to prevent relationship problems!
…Think you are over-analyzing the wrong things? Click here to find out!
Oct 21, 2016
Date Idea: Embrace Each Other with a Scary Movie Marathon
Posted In: Dating, Weekend Date Ideas

Couple watching a scary movie. Photo: mmarcol / Bigstock.com
Halloween is approaching, and it’s time to get ready with a thrilling scary movie marathon, one of the many scary Halloween weekend
date ideas for those who can handle it! Boot up Netflix, head to your local movie theater, or rent movies that you’ve always been scared of or maybe that you love, and make a night of it with your significant other. Pop some popcorn and get ready for a few thrills and chills that’ll have you jumping into the arms of the person you love – staying close is always one of those romantic and important dating tips!
May 30, 2016
Relationship Advice: Are Your BF and Best Friend Too Close for Comfort?
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom. Photos: PRPhotos.com; Rula Kanawati / PRPhotos.com
By Dr. Jane Greer
Recent images of Selena Gomez with Katy Perry’s boyfriend Orlando Bloom looking cozy together had people talking about whether a celebrity relationship was brewing, but the women cleared up the celebrity news, quickly promising there was nothing inappropriate going on between them. Selena took to Twitter to endorse Katy’s quick response to the pictures. Katy addressed the drama surrounding the two of them, calling it a “dumb conspiracy.” While Katy is clearly confident there’s nothing going on with them, sometimes remaining secure in your relationship when your partner has close female friends can be challenging.
This gives us the opportunity for important relationship advice around the following question: Is there such a thing as being too close to your girlfriend’s boyfriend, and is there a point when it can and does feel threatening?
…Want to read Dr. Greer’s advice? Click here for more!
Apr 20, 2016
Relationship Advice: 10 Strategies to Make Your Good Relationship GREAT
Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Happy couple on a boat. Photo: Goodluz / Bigstock.com
By Josh Ringler
Being in a healthy relationship is a really good thing. Having a GREAT relationship is an even greater thing! Below are 10 pieces of relationship advice that will help you and your loved one go from good to great, and hopefully even better than that. These tips are easy, fun, and will surely enhance the strength of your relationship. Sometimes a relationship will hit that make-it-or-break-it point, and if yours is one that you think will make it, check out the tips below to really make your love life grow.
Check out these pieces of relationship advice to sky rocket the greatness of your relationship:
…Want to get your relationship to one of the greatest? Click below to see how!
Apr 13, 2016
Author Interview: Linda & Charlie Bloom Talk Relationship Advice, Debunk Myths About Love
Posted In: Love, Relationship Books

Authors Linda and Charlie Bloom debunk myths about love and give relationship advice to ensure a romance that will last a lifetime.
By Michelle Foti
Growing up, kids watch movies like Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty, which promote an ideal that “happily ever after” exists. In fact, many people get their beliefs about love from movies and pop culture. In their third self-help book, Happily Ever After…and 39 Other Myths About Love: Breaking Through to the Relationship of Your Dreams authors Linda and Charlie Bloom prove that accepting common myths such as “couples with great relationships don’t fight” can prevent you from building the strong relationship you hope for. In our author interview, the married couple offers some relationship advice on how to get over those myths that may be causing you relationship problems. Prepare to have your belief system turned upside down, for the sake of a thriving relationship in your future.
Married Couple & Author Duo Offer Relationship Advice On Getting Over Myths About Love
…On the edge of your seat? Read more here!