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Tag Archives: Suzanne Oshima

Relationship Expert Tag Archive: Suzanne Oshima

Jun 15, 2017 0

Dating & Technology Q&A: My Partner Fishes For Likes, What Do I Do?

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating & Technology Q&A: My Partner Fishes For Likes, What Do I Do?
How to be aware of online dating scams. Photo: Dolgachov / Bigstock

Question from Carolyn S.: I’ve been with my partner for a long time now. I love him, but he’s always posting inappropriate stuff (like memes or outrageous status updates) on social media for likes. It’s pretty cringe-worthy to watch. Why does he do this? And why is my support not enough? I can’t figure out why he needs validation from his peers or strangers online.

Dating in the era of social media can put a strain on relationships, especially when one party is constantly seeking approval in a negative way. However do not fret, crude internet personas should not be the cause of your breakup (or at least hopefully)! Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on how to handle a partner’s inappropriate behavior online.

Technology Dating Advice That Will Help You Deal An Inappropriate Partner Online

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May 30, 2017 0

Dating Advice: 5 Signs He’s Falling for You!

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Tinzley Bradford to offer their dating advice on how to figure out if he’s fallen for you. Discover how you’ve become irresistible to your man with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Find Out If Your Guy Has Fallen In Love

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Jun 6, 2017 0

Dating Advice: The One Thing Men Want More Than Sex!

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Jed Diamond to offer their dating advice on how to figure out what men want in a relationship more than sex. Learn how you can attract and satisfy a lifelong partner with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Reveal What Men Really Want

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May 23, 2017 0

Dating Advice: What You Don’t Know About Men!

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Robert Manni to offer their dating advice on how to figure out what men do and don’t want in a partner. Learn how you can attract a lifelong partner with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Reveal Male Secrets

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May 16, 2017 0

Dating Advice: How to Manifest Your Man (A Man’s Perspective)

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert PJ Dixon to offer their dating advice on how to manifest a man’s potential. Learn how you can find yourself with a lifelong partner with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice On Getting The Most Out Of Your Man

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May 9, 2017 0

Dating Advice: How to Answer ‘Why Are You Still Single?’

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Duana Welch to offer their dating advice on how to handle the difficult question: “Why are you single?”  Learn how you can  answer this inquiry in a smart way with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice On Handling Questions About Your Single Status

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May 12, 2017 0

Dating & Technology Q&A: How Do You Handle Dating Someone With An Internet Persona?

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating & Technology Q&A: How Do You Handle Dating Someone With An Internet Persona?
Couple smiling together. Photo: AntonioGuillem /

Question from Shan G.: My boyfriend is very popular online. He has a Youtube channel, many subscribers and followers, and a very active social media presence. Our relationship is still new, but I’m not sure how to handle this all. It almost feels like I’m dating a celebrity, and that I’m not on his level. I’m not sure what I should do.

Dating in the era of social media can put a strain on relationships, especially when one party happens to be a popular figure online. But don’t let internet fame damage what you have! Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on how to handle a partner’s online persona.

Technology Dating Advice That Will Help You Deal With Your Partner’s Online Popularity

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May 2, 2017 0

Dating Advice: 5 Things He Must Have

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Tinzley Bradford to offer their dating advice on what it is that a man needs to have before you attempt a relationship with them. Learn how you can win the right man over and stay happy with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Find A Quality Man Without Settling

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Apr 25, 2017 0

Dating Advice: Who Should Pay For a First Date?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Robert Manni to offer their dating advice on who should be paying for first date activities. Learn how you can handle this delicate situation with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Determine Who Pays On First Dates

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Apr 18, 2017 0

Dating Advice: The Biggest Turn On’s for a Man

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert PJ Dixon to offer their dating advice on what turns a man on. Learn how to attract the man of your dreams and keep him interested with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Figure Out When To Settle Down With A Man You Like!

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Apr 11, 2017 0

Dating Advice: How Long Should You Date Around, After You Meet a Man You Like?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Duana Welch to offer their dating advice on when is the right time to stop dating around after finding a man you like. Learn how to win over the man of your dreams and keep him interested with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Figure Out When To Settle Down With A Man You Like!

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Apr 15, 2017 0

Dating & Relationship Q&A: At My Wits End, He Won’t Stop Flirting Online. Should I End It?

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating & Relationship Q&A: At My Wits End, He Won’t Stop Flirting Online. Should I End It?
Woman is upset as her boyfriend texts on a date. Photo: Kzenon /

Question from Ashley M.: I have been with my guy for over seventeen years, we’re both flirty people, but as of lately he’s crossed a line with a particular person. I’ve warned him and have had discussions about this person he swear is only a friend, but the same thing keeps happening. I’ve offered him a way out, but he insists that he wants to stay together. I’m not a super jealous person, but I don’t want to be disrespected. We’re trying to save what we have.

Dating can have its trying moments. Add the internet, social media and electronic devices into the mix, and temptation can creep into your relationship. However, do not fret! Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Technology is here to stay, after all, so take advantage of these amazing tools! Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on how to handle a partner’s online flirting.

Technology Dating Advice That Will Help You Deal With Your Partner’s Online Flirting

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Apr 4, 2017 0

Dating Advice: 3 Dating Red Flags

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Joe Amoia to offer their dating advice on how you can spot red flags on the dating scene. Find out how you can score the man of your dreams and avoid the bad apples with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You See The Red Flags!

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Mar 11, 2017 0

Dating Advice Q&A: Am I His Catfish?

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice Q&A: Am I His Catfish?
Upset girl looking at her boyfriend's computer. Photo: Feel Photo Art /

Tammy J.: The guy I’ve been seeing is nice, but I’m not sure if he’s really “into” me. He’s also distant and secretive so that makes me anxious. He hasn’t gone public with our relationship online but he sends pictures of us to his mother. I want to think this is a good thing, but it kind of feels like he’s using me. Could he be catfishing his mom? We haven’t officially called each other boyfriend/girlfriend, but I think that’s what he’s been telling his mom otherwise.

Dating has always been complicated. Add the internet, social media and electronic devices into the mix, and it can get confusing real fast. However, do not fret. Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology to navigate your relationships. Technology is here to stay, after all, so take advantage of these amazing tools! Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on determining whether someone is using you as their catfish.

Technology Dating Advice That Will Help You Find A Catfish

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Mar 28, 2017 0

Dating Advice: What Attracts a Man?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Cyndi Olin to offer their dating advice on how you can effectively attract a man. Find out how you can score the man of your dreams with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Attract A Man!

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Mar 21, 2017 0

Dating Advice: How to Get Men to Fall into Your Lap

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Jaki Sabourin to offer their dating advice on the best ways to make a man fall in love with you. Find out how you can make yourself irresistible to the opposite sex with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Make A Man Fall Right Into Your Lap!

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Mar 14, 2017 0

Dating Advice: Find True Love After 40

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Michelle Marchant Johnson to offer their best dating advice for true love after 40. Find out why it’s easier to find love later in life and how you can find the man or woman of your dreams with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Find Love After 40!

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Mar 7, 2017 0

Dating Advice: The Girl He Won’t Bring Home to Mom…

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Nick Karson to offer their best dating advice on what to do when a man won’t take you home to meet his mother. Find out the reasons why men hide women, and learn how you can prevent this situation from happening to you with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Meet His Mom

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Feb 28, 2017 0

Dating Advice: Are You Intimidating Men?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Wendy Newman to offer their best dating advice on how to attract a man. Learn how you can be intimidating to men and how you can prevent these behaviors in the dating scene. Here are three great ways to improve your love life with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Be Less Intimidating

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Feb 21, 2017 0

Dating Advice: 3 Ways To Be Irresistible To a Man

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Cyndi Olin to offer their best dating advice on how to attract a man. Learn how you can become irresistible to a man and great ways to improve your love life with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Make You Desirable!

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Feb 14, 2017 0

Dating Advice: Manifesting the Right Man?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos


On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Jaki Sabourin to offer their best dating advice for those trying to find love. Learn how you can improve your relationships by “manifesting a man” with  the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Find A Man!

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Feb 7, 2017 0

Dating Advice: How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain!

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert and fitness guru Tracy Campoli to offer their best dating advice for those trying to maintain their weight during the holidays. Learn how you can stay fit this Valentine’s Day with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Find Love Online

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Jan 31, 2017 0

Dating Advice: How To Handle a Bad Date?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Jen Kelton to offer their best dating advice for those who have experienced disastrous dates. Learn how you should handle a bad date with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Find Love Online

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Jan 24, 2017 0

Dating Advice: What Attracts a Man?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Mr. Locario to offer their best dating advice for those looking for love online. Learn how you can improve your chances at finding love with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Find Love Online

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