Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: Who Should Pay For a First Date?Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: Who Should Pay For a First Date?

On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Robert Manni to offer their dating advice on who should be paying for first date activities. Learn how you can handle this delicate situation with the following dating tips!

Dating Advice That Will Help You Determine Who Pays On First Dates

1. Whoever asked first. It can go either way nowadays, but the person who made the first move and asked for the date should be the one to pay. And since men are usually the ones to ask for a date, the responsibility of paying tends to fall on them. It’s also a nice touch if a guy picks up the check on the first date for first impression purposes.

Related Link: Dating Advice: How Long Should You Date Around, After You Meet a Man You Like?

2. Give and take. If you feel uncomfortable letting a man pay on a first date, then make attempts to contribute in some way. Picking up the tab on a glass of wine or treating a guy to movie tickets are nice ways to get equal footing in a new relationship. This sets precedent on how payment will be handled on future dates without the awkward “who pays” discussion.

Related Link: Dating Advice: How to Get Men to Fall into Your Lap

3. Be thankful. Nobody wants to feel taken advantage of, so say thank you after someone takes you out on a date. Men in particular get frustrated when women expect to be taken out and aren’t appreciative.  So  mind your manners and show you’re grateful when taken out. The same applies when a man doesn’t show appreciation after you pay for a date. If he can’t say thank you, you don’t have to be with him.

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