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Relationship Expert Tag Archive: Relationship Experts

Aug 27, 2015 2

Expert Relationship Advice: Comforting Your Partner During Arguments

Posted In: Jared Sais Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Expert Relationship Advice: Comforting Your Partner During Arguments
Sad couple after fight in bed. Photo: fabianaponzi /

By Jared Sais

It’s inevitable that you’ll endure rough patches in your relationship and love, and maintaining a loving and committed attitude during them will help strengthen your bond. If you want to comfort your significant other but aren’t sure what to do, consider these six pieces of non-verbal expert relationship advice:
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Aug 26, 2015 0

Expert Relationship Advice: Three Questions Crucial to Co-Parenting Success

Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Expert Relationship Advice: Three Questions Crucial to Co-Parenting Success
Mother and children. Photo: Anna Omelchenko /

By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT

Michael Matracci, Esq. is one of the “good guy†collaborative divorce attorneys who avidly supports the concept and principles of a child-centered divorce. He is the author of a new self-help relationship book, Fighting Over the Kids: Resolving Day-to-Day Custody Conflict in Divorce Situations, which can be found at his website,
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Aug 25, 2015 0

Expert Love Advice: Matt Adams Reveals the #1 Thing a Man Wants After Looks

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

In today’s relationship advice video, Single in Stilettos founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to dating expert Matt Adams about the number one thing a man wants in a woman after looks.
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Aug 20, 2015 0

Celebrity Couple Predictions: Jennifer Aniston, Caitlyn Jenner and Elizabeth Olsen

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Yolanda Shoshana Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Couple Predictions: Jennifer Aniston, Caitlyn Jenner and Elizabeth Olsen
Shoshi predicts what's next in the relationship and love of famous couple Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston. Photo: Izumi Hasegawa / PR Photos

By Shoshi

The latest celebrity news has been brimming with romance gossip. Recently, these famous couples have made headlines for their relationships and love, whether it be Jennifer Aniston’s secret celebrity wedding, Caitlyn Jenner’s budding romance, or Elizabeth Olsen’s new beau. Check out my predictions for the three celebrity couples below and find out what’s next in their love lives!

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Aug 19, 2015 0

Dating Expert Gives Love Advice: Is It Okay To Fake It?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Laurel House Articles, Relationship Experts, Videos


By E!’s Famously Single Dating Coach, Laurel House

In this week’s dating advice video, relationship expert and E!’s Famously Single dating coach, Laurel House shares great love advice on whether or not it’s okay to fake it! Her expert dating advice is to communicate and ensure that your man knows how to please you.

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Aug 18, 2015 0

Relationship Advice Video: 5 Things That Belong On Your Must-Have List

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos relationship advice video, dating expert Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship author Duana Welch about the five things that belong on your must-have list.

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Aug 13, 2015 0

Love Advice: What To Do If Your Friends Don’t Love Your Partner Like You Do

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Love Advice: What To Do If Your Friends Don’t Love Your Partner Like You Do
Friends getting to know your boyfriend. Photo: monkeybusinessimages /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate

We have all had a friend that falls head over heels for a guy that you can’t stand to be around. But what happens when that friend is you? There is nothing worse that falling in love with a guy that your best friends hate to be around. As relationship experts, we know that, if the people around you think that you’re making a mistake in your relationship and love, they might be right.

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Aug 12, 2015 0

Relationship Expert Talks About Being Friends With Your Ex

Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Expert Talks About Being Friends With Your Ex
Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani. Photo: Janet Mayer / PR Photos

By Debbie Ceresa

“Today, I marry my friend.â€Â It’s a common declaration of love shared between two people as part of their wedding ceremony. We promise “to love and cherish until death do us part.†But what happens when the relationship and love you once shared dies? Is it possible to stay friends with your ex?

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Aug 11, 2015 0

Expert Dating Advice: What A Man Doesn’t Want In A Woman

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

In this week’s relationship advice video, matchmaker and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach Arica Angelo about what men don’t want in a woman. Check out their expert dating advice above!

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Aug 6, 2015 0

Expert Relationship Advice: How to Handle a Jealous Girlfriend

Posted In: David Wygant Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Expert Relationship Advice: How to Handle a Jealous Girlfriend
Girl looking at her boyfriend's phone. Photo: Innovated Captures /

By David Wygant

You find yourself dating this really cool woman. She’s hot; she’s smart; she’s everything you want in a partner. But she’s jealous. She literally flinches every time a text comes through on your phone. Even if you’re just checking a football score, her mind starts racing, wondering if you’re contacting another woman. As a relationship expert, I recognize that jealous girlfriends are a different breed of girl. They’re really tough to handle, but they can be managed, thanks to this expert relationship advice.

Related Link: The Premise of Monogamy

Follow This Expert Relationship Advice to Deal with Jealousy

First, your phone needs to be transparent. You need to let her look at it whenever she wants. Don’t hide it, and don’t password protect it. Stop all correspondence that may make her mind wander or make her question you. Be sure to delete every naked picture and every text from an old girlfriend beforehand though! All evidence of past indiscretions needs to be erased because a jealous girlfriend will find it, no matter how well you hide it.

To continuing following my expert dating advice, next, you need to ask your friends to never send you text messages that can easily be misread. Jealous girlfriends are like crime investigators on CSI. They literally will create stories based on absolutely nothing. An innocent text from your friend Joe may say something like, “Hey man, last night was awesome. We went by the bar afterwards, and you’ll never guess who was there.” She’ll read that text and automatically assume that “guess who” is some girl that you used to bang and still want to bang.

And third, don’t save voicemails from your buddies. You see, she’s going to listen to saved messages, old and new, so it’s time to delete any and all videos, voicemails, recordings — everything.

Related Link: Kissing On-Screen: Do Celebrities Get Jealous?

By doing these three steps, you can start building up a jealous girlfriend’s confidence. Yeah, it takes some work on your part, but it’ll be worth it. Remember that she’s only jealous because of all of the other guys who have let her down. So regain her trust, and you’ll have an amazing relationship and love.

David Wygant is an internationally-renowned dating and relationship coach, author of the new book Naked, and speaker. Through his boot camps, personal coaching, and his website, his dating advice has transformed the lives and relationships of hundreds of thousands of people from every corner of the globe.

For more expert relationship advice from David, click here. 

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Aug 5, 2015 0

Relationship Expert Reveals What to Do Before You Begin Online Dating

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Laurel House Articles, Relationship Experts, Videos

By E!’s Famously Single Dating Coach, Laurel House

In this week’s dating advice video, relationship expert and E!’s Famously Single dating coach, Laurel House talks about how to prepare for online dating.

Expert Online Dating Advice from E!’s Famously Single Dating Coach Laurel House

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Aug 4, 2015 1

Love Advice for Women: He’s Definitely Interested…But He’s Not Pursuing Me!

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

In this week’s relationship advice video from Single in Stilettos, matchmaker and dating expert Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship author Tinzley Bradford about what to do when a guy is definitely interested but isn’t pursuing you.
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Jul 30, 2015 0

Dating Advice Q&A: How Do I Handle My Partner’s Family On Facebook?

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice Q&A: How Do I Handle My Partner’s Family On Facebook?
Photo: karenroach /

Question from Catherine A.: My boyfriend’s siblings and parents recently friend-requested me on Facebook. I don’t have anything bad on there, but I’m still worried. Should I accept their friend requests? Would it be worse not to? What if we break up?

Keep reading for dating advice from our relationship experts!

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Jul 29, 2015 0

Expert Dating Advice: Moving On After a Divorce

Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Expert Dating Advice: Moving On After a Divorce
Hope After Divorce relationship expert shares relationship advice for how to be friends post-divorce, using celebrity exes Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon as an example. Photo: Janet Mayer /

By Debbie Ceresa

“I don’t regret getting the divorce,†a close friend confided recently. “It’s more resentment. My ex seems to be moving on with his life so easily. I fear I may never find someone I can trust again.â€Â Sound familiar? Many divorcees can relate to these circumstances, and celebrity couples are no exception. We saw it play out in Hollywood with celebrity exes Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon, who handled a private and painful break-up in the public eye. Inevitably, two people who have ended their relationship and love with each other must move forward. Most of us hope to get a second chance at love, but sometimes, that isn’t the case, and you find yourself standing still while your ex moves on.

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Jul 28, 2015 0

Relationship Experts Reveal 5 Ways To Survive A First Date

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s dating advice video from Single in Stilettos, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship author Robert Manni give us five ways to survive a first date. Check out what these relationship experts have to say!

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Jul 22, 2015 0

Expert Dating Advice from Laurel House: First Date Conversation Tips

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Laurel House Articles, Relationship Experts, Videos


By E!’s Famously Single Dating Coach, Laurel House

In this week’s dating advice video, relationship expert and E!’s Famously Single dating coach, Laurel House shares great first date conversations tips to help you land that second date. Her expert dating advice is to forget the small talk and open yourself up to deeper conversations.

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Jul 21, 2015 0

Dating Experts Say Your List Of Must-Haves Isn’t That Important!

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos relationship advice video, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to dating expert Marni Kinrys about why your list of must-haves isn’t as important as you may think.

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Jul 16, 2015 0

Expert Love Advice: 10 Signs That He’s Just Not That Into You

Posted In: Jared Sais Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Expert Love Advice: 10 Signs That He’s Just Not That Into You
10 signs he's just not that into you. Photo: luckybusiness /

By Jared Sais

The world of dating is hard to maneuver by yourself. If you ever find yourself wondering if your date is going to call you again, follow my expert love advice to figure out if he likes you…or not. Here are 10 signs that he’s just not that into you:

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Jul 15, 2015 0

Relationship Expert: The Economic Reality Of Divorce Is No Excuse For Irresponsible Parenting

Posted In: Hope After Divorce Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Expert: The Economic Reality Of Divorce Is No Excuse For Irresponsible Parenting
Unhappy couple. Photo: mast3r /

By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT

While the economy is turning up, middle- and lower-class Americans are still struggling with financial challenges. Many couples that are ready to call it quits in their relationship and love are postponing the divorce decision because they can’t afford it or the two-home reality in their future. As a relationship expert, here is my love advice for how to cope with the economic reality of divorce.

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Jul 14, 2015 0

Relationship Advice Video: Should I Date More Than One Man?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

In this week’s relationship advice video, matchmaker and relationship expert Suzanne Oshima talks to dating consultant David Crowther about dating multiple people at once. Check out their best love advice in the video above!

…On the edge of your seat? Click here for more great dating advice!

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Jul 8, 2015 0

Love Advice: What Makes A Great Online Dating Profile

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Laurel House Articles, Relationship Experts, Videos

By E!’s Famously Single Dating Coach, Laurel House

Most dating experts agree that, when it comes to online dating, creating your profile is of the utmost importance. In this week’s dating advice video, relationship expert and E!’s Famously Single dating coach, Laurel House says, “Online dating isn’t a game!” Her best love advice is to have a strategy to invite the right people into your life and eliminate the wrong people.

…On the edge of your seat? Click here for more from Laurel!

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Jul 9, 2015 0

Celebrity Couple Predictions: Prince Harry, Ryan Seacrest and Vanessa Williams

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Yolanda Shoshana Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Couple Predictions: Prince Harry, Ryan Seacrest and Vanessa Williams
Ryan Seacrest. Photo: CelebLens /

By Shoshi

If you’re looking for the latest celebrity news, then you’ve come to the right place! Recently, these famous couples have made headlines for two new romances and a Fourth of July wedding. Read on for my celebrity couple predictions!

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Jul 7, 2015 0

Dating Experts Share Best Online Dating Advice

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

In this week’s relationship advice video, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to dating expert Matt Adams about online dating tips, including how to email a man and what to include in your profile. Don’t miss this helpful online dating advice!

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Jul 2, 2015 0

Relationship Advice: 4 Reasons To Leave The Past In The Past

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: 4 Reasons To Leave The Past In The Past
Advice for exes. Photo: altafulla /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate

One of the hardest decisions in life is knowing when to walk away from a relationship and love. It’s no secret that romance is hard work, but when your love life becomes more work than it’s worth, you have to realize that, while fighting for love is admirable, you might be fighting for a lost cause. As relationship experts, we know that when the connection begins to unravel, sometimes, there’s no coming back. And while that may be hard to accept, take our relationship advice and stick to your guns when you decide to pull the trigger on an unhealthy relationship.

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