Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice Video: 5 Things That Belong On Your Must-Have ListCupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice Video: 5 Things That Belong On Your Must-Have List

On this week’s Single in Stilettos relationship advice video, dating expert Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship author Duana Welch about the five things that belong on your must-have list.

Relationship Advice Video Reveals What To Have On Your Must-Have List

While some relationship experts assert that you need to throw away your must-have list, others give love advice about what you need to be looking for when it comes to your next relationship and love. The relationship advice video above reveals the 5 things that belong on every woman’s must-have list:

Related Link: Dating Experts Say Your List Of Must-Haves Isn’t That Important!

1. Someone who is kind and respectful: Your gold standard should be someone who expresses kindness even when things aren’t going his way. You don’t want to be with someone who will take it out on you when they’ve had a bad day.

2. Someone who wants the same amount and type of intimacy: Everyone has a different attachment style, but you need to align yourself with someone who has the same style as you. If you are secure and want to cuddle a lot, you can’t be with someone who is avoidant and doesn’t want to spend time with you.

3. Someone whose past won’t ruin your future: The biggest indicator of how someone will act in the future is their past. If your partner has a harrowing story, make sure they learned from it and overcame the obstacles thrown their way.

Related Link: Relationship Advice Video: Two Quick Ways To Figure Out If He’s The One

4. Someone who is at least as into you as you are into them: Science proves that men fall harder and faster during the falling in love stage of a relationship and love. If your man isn’t as into it as you are, take a step back and reevaluate.

5. Someone who heals rather than worsens your own issues: The reason we get into intimate partnerships is to have a good time, so make sure you’re having a great time with someone who makes your life happier.

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What do you think every woman should have on her must-have list? Tell us in the comments below!