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Tag Archives: health trend

Jun 30, 2020 0

Food Trend: Oat Milk

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Oat Milk

By Diana Iscenko

Vegan-friendly alternatives have become super popular in the food world over the past decade. In terms of the health trend that is alternative foods, nothing else has risen to fame quite like oat milk. A study by the Specialty Coffee Association found that the popularity of oat milk has increased by 425% in the last year alone. The lactose-free, nut-free super milk is becoming a common alternative to dairy milk, joining almond milk and soy milk on supermarket shelves across the country.

Whether you’d opt for oat milk in your latte or you’re thinking about making a shift to only oat milk in your house, there’s plenty of room for you on the oat milk bandwagon. Here are four reasons why you should ditch your dairy milk and hop on this food trend:

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Nov 19, 2019 0

Health Trend: Top 10 Tips to Develop a Health Education

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Health Trend: Top 10 Tips to Develop a Health Education
Photo: Christopher Campbell/Unsplash

By Elizabeth Skinner

As an educator, it is your responsibility to support your students in developing health education. You need to be in sync as you’re imparting health knowledge, so here are ten tips that you can use as a guideline.

In this health trend, check out 10 tips for educating students on health.

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Nov 15, 2019 0

Health Trend: Five Diet Tips for Surviving Thanksgiving Dinner

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Health Trend: Five Diet Tips for Surviving Thanksgiving Dinner
Family gathering for a special occassion. Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd /

By Meghan Khameraj

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to celebrate family, togetherness, and food. In fact, it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a variety of food to feast upon with your loved ones until you pass out into a food coma. This time of year can be stressful for your body and health. You shouldn’t have to miss out on the holiday festivities, but you should also be aware of the impact it has on your well-being. There are many health trends that gain popularity around the holiday season, so it can be confusing to figure out which one fits your lifestyle the best. It’s important to realize that not every diet works for every type of body; it may take some trial and error to figure out which works best for you!

Skip the post-holiday guilt! In these health trends, what are some diet tips to help you make the most of the holiday? 

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Dec 13, 2019 0

Celebrity Diet: Top Fad Diets That Might Be Bad For You

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Diet: Top Fad Diets That Might Be Bad For You
Photo: Pexels / PublicDomainPictures

By Mara Miller

You’re taking a risk any time you try any kind of celebrity diet. Not all of them are healthy for you, even though they may brag about all of the fantastic benefits of going on the diet. While it is healthy to lose weight in most cases, it’s not good for you to rush into a new diet. Not only is it hard on your body, but some health trends can cause actual harm. It’s important to err on the side of caution.

Check out some surprising facts on these top celebrity diet fads that might be bad for you!

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Aug 26, 2019 0

Product Review: Bravity Bras Defy Gravity

Posted In: Fashion, Product Reviews
Cupid's Pulse Article: Product Review: Bravity Bras Defy Gravity
Bravity bras. Photo: Courtesy of

By Katie Sotack

The breast lymphatic system “is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials,” according to Simply stated, breasts are essential to a properly working immune system. That said, many women have a hard time and are uncomfortable with their breasts when it comes to sleep. They can get in the way at night, causing discomfort and inhibiting the proper lymphatic cleansing process. However, we stumbled upon a bra that just might resolve this issue.

If you’re searching for comfort and the latest health trend while you sleep, get the best of both worlds with Bravity. Learn more about the bra’s perks in this product review.

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Oct 11, 2019 0

Fitness Trend: Move Away from Your Dependence on Technology

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Move Away from Your Dependence on Technology
Photo: Instagram/adho_mukha_mama

By Katie Sotack

Admit it: technology has become an addiction. It’s easy to get lost trying to grow your following on social media. You’ve maybe gotten so wrapped up in a game on your iPad you’ve forgotten to wash your work clothes for the next morning, too. Consumers are reclaiming fitness as a time to disconnect and recommit to health. The gym, which had become flooded with big screens and Fitbits, has now become a place to find solitude.

As technology integrates further into our lives, how can we achieve mindfulness through this unplugged fitness trend?

Mindfulness is the act of bringing one’s attention to the current moment. Psychologists recommend it as a way to deal with emotional distress and to live life to its fullest. The task has become increasingly more challenging as we’ve become more attuned to our screens and less invested in the physical space around us. Here’s some fitness advice to help you unplug and lead a healthier life:

1. Go harder: To maximize a full workout, mindfulness is essential. The presence of a phone or other distraction limits the workout by dividing attention and providing a slower tempo for movement. It’s suggested that songs with high BPM (beats per minute) increase the speed of a workout. Plus, with distraction comes bad form. Give your body the respect it deserves by focusing on structure and engaging muscle groups, ultimately disconnecting from life and experiencing a workout your health and the impact of the workout.

2. Breathing: 2019 has seen an increase in breath-focused fitness like yoga and swimming. A key component to mindfulness is meditation, which largely focuses on breathwork. Exercises that stress the importance of deep and measured breath will aid in focusing the mind. The ‘breathe through the pain’ mantra of yoga will bleed into everyday life. Even emotional challenges will feel less stressful as you take measured breaths to remain calm. Plus, there’s the added benefit of regular exercise, which leads to increased endorphins. By participating in an exercise that emphasizes breathing, a person will increase their mood and decrease their waistline simultaneously.

Related Link: Celebrity Diet: Does Going Vegan Hurt Your Health?

3. Fatigue: Constant tiredness may be brought on by stress, chronic pain, or trouble sleeping. A mindful workout, which focuses on a strong mind-body connection, will alleviate all of the above. Psychologists use the connection to adjust lifestyles and attitudes. When a person is cognizant of their entire being, emotional wounds and physical pains begin to heal. This phenomenon happens by processing our emotions and therefore healing that which plagues us. A mindful workout is a great start to both emotional and physical health (and should exercise alone work for you, it’s a lot cheaper than never-ending doctor’s appointments).

Related Link: Fitness Trend: 5 Ways Hot Yoga Melts Away Calories

4. Alertness: A downside to our constant internet connection is that we as a species have become horribly unaware. People cross busy Manhattan streets without looking up from the movie on their phone. Friends’ voices have become background noises to our texting. Taking an hour a day to workout unplugged reminds us that it is possible and can feel amazing. Ever heard of runner’s high? The endorphins of a full-fledged mindful workout are off the charts. You’ll feel superhuman, pushing your body and mind to the limits and not caring about the time spent away from your screen. Plus, a strong mind-body connection makes people more aware in everyday life. You’ll begin to pick up on details your brain had been filtering out as well as upping your quick-witted banter skills.

How do you emphasize a mind-body connection? Share in the comments below!

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Aug 28, 2019 0

Travel Tips: Health Benefits of Luxury Travel

Posted In: Travel
Cupid's Pulse Article: Travel Tips: Health Benefits of Luxury Travel
Photo: Instagram/tasteinhotels

By Katie Sotack

Can luxury travel be self-care? In 2017, CNN published the article “Travel Makes Us Happy”, but as it turns out, the ignition of our senses by new experiences makes us happy. Recent wellness luxury travel has entered the market as a health trend for those who want to increase their sense of well-being. These luxury vacations aim to go beyond experiential travel, instead of immersing the traveler in the transformational experience of travel and leading to personal fulfillment.

Here are some travel tips to ensure the longevity of your growth from luxury travel.

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Nov 1, 2019 0

Health Trend: Natural Deodorant

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Health Trend: Natural Deodorant
Photo: Instagram/gimmethegoodstuf

By Katie Sotack

Have you ever wondered about the ingredients in the little antiperspirant you use on your underarms? You wouldn’t be the first. The publicity over the last year between mental mindfulness and physical health has spiked a health trend in natural products like deodorants that don’t contain chemicals. But switching to an all-natural deodorant can take some getting used to.

The health trend of using natural deodorant is more than a one and done process. Learn about the transition before you jump ship to the unprocessed scent blocker.

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Oct 18, 2019 0

Health Trend: Intuitive Eating

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Health Trend: Intuitive Eating
Photo: Instagram/eat.well.together

By Katie Sotack

As sure as Taylor Swift‘s albums win Grammys, health trends come and go. This time an all the rage celebrity diet might be reasonable enough to stay: intuitive eating. Models like Steph Claire Smith and Gemma Atkinson have embraced a balance, mindful way of consuming food. Rather than counting calories or suffering through another juice cleanse they trust their guts. The premise of intuitive eating is resetting your mind’s ideas around food. Your body dictates when you’re hungry, full, and satisfied. It’s nature’s way of letting us know what and when to eat.

The latest health trend indulges your food instincts, but what are the benefits to intuitive eating?

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Oct 4, 2019 0

Health Trend: Tampon Alternatives

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Health Trend: Tampon Alternatives
Menstrual Cups. Photo: Instagram / @steamboatsuri

By Mara Miller

A recent health trend has been on the rise in 2019 in the form of tampon alternatives. You don’t need to limit yourself to only tampons. Tampons can hurt, depending on the brand, and they are packed with chemicals like rayon and bleached wood fibers that shouldn’t be anywhere near our bodies. You can find 100% cotton tampons but they won’t help you with the sustainability aspect of searching for tampon alternatives if that’s why you want something different for your monthly flow. Let’s forget about sleeping with a tampon in—that’s a big no-no because the average person gets 7 to 9 hours of sleep, and therefore going way past the recommended time it’s safe to leave a tampon in. You should use a pad instead. Pads aren’t any better either—it can feel like you’re walking around with a stinky diaper all day. Exploring tampon alternatives can not only help you toward sustainability but can also help ease the cost and discomfort of having your period. You’re also reducing the risk of potential illness with our health tips.

Okay, Ladies—let’s talk periods. Check out this new health trend for tampon alternatives!

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Oct 4, 2019 0

Health Trend: The Dangers of E-Cigarettes and Vaping

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Health Trend: The Dangers of E-Cigarettes and Vaping
Vapes and E-Cigarettes Photo Credit: Loyola Medicine

By Emily Green

It’s common to find people smoking e-cigarettes or vaping these days. Many people partake in this health trend because they believe smoking e-cigarettes or vaping is better for you, or they believe that you won’t become addicted when this is far from the case. Read this health advice, and learn why e-cigarettes and vapes are harmful to your body. 

E-Cigarettes and vaping have become one of the biggest trends and continues to rise. Why is this health trend actually anything, but healthy?

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Oct 18, 2019 0

Health Tip: 3 Trends That Hurt Your Teeth

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Health Tip: 3 Trends That Hurt Your Teeth
Juice Cleanse. Photo: Instagram/@dixon_nutrition

By Bonnie Griffin

A number of health trends this year have people drinking new beverages. It’s fun to test out this new health advice, like sipping apple cider vinegar or putting collagen in your coffee. You might not realize that some of these can be detrimental to your dental health after you dive into new food or drink trends in the hopes of becoming healthier. Nothing is more painful than an open cavity when you need to wait for an emergency appointment at the dentist because your enamel has been stripped away.

Health tip: Not all health trends are good for your teeth. What are some ways we can protect them?

…Want more of Cupid’s beauty tips? Read below.

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Sep 20, 2019 0

Health Trend: The Ins and Outs of CBD

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Health Trend: The Ins and Outs of CBD
Photo: Instagram/cosmeticsanctuary

By Katie Sotack

Health trends constantly evolve through branding by popular celebrities. Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is growing in popularity as a chemical compound found in marijuana because it doesn’t cause a high. According to, the compound is said to cure PMS, anxiety, insomnia, and hangovers.

With CBD available from drugstores to cafes, is this cure-all craze worth the hype?

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