Sep 17, 2018
Ask The Guy’s Guy: How to Win a First Date After Meeting Online
Posted In: Relationship Experts, Robert Manni, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
By Robert Manni
Question from Gillian L., Manhattan, “Hey Guy’s Guy, whats the best way of turning an online connection into a real date?
You have a match on your favorite dating app and the conversations online are taking off. You’re up for hours talking to your match but you’re nervous about meeting in person. How can you be sure to impress on a first date when you’ve already gotten to know each other? How do you make a successful transition from online to in person dating? Read dating advice from our relationship expert Robert Manni!
Score That First Date!
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Aug 6, 2018
Dating & Technology Q&A: How to Win a First Date After Meeting Online
Posted In: Relationship Advice Articles, Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles

First date. Photo: AntonioDiaz / Bigstock
Question from Andrew L: It’s easy to look good online. There’s photo editing and time to plan what to say. When you finally meet someone in person after connecting online, there’s only one chance to impress. How can I make sure a first date is a win?
You have a match on your favorite dating app and the conversations online are taking off. You’re up for hours talking to your match and find that you’re both interested in each other. But how can you be sure to impress on a first date when you’ve already gotten to know each other? How do you make a successful transition from online to in person dating? Read dating advice from our relationship experts Suzanne Oshima and Robert Manni!
Dating Advice to Help You Successfully Transition from Online Conversations to a Killer First Date!
Suzanne K. Oshima, Matchmaker: Online dating can seem like a major convenience for people that are too busy to get out there and meet people, but technology can be a setback when it comes to actually meeting someone face to face. In order to win that first date after meeting online, it’s important to be the best version of yourself— both inside and out. When you’re able to achieve that level of confidence and self-love, that’s when the right man will ask you out.
Having high self-esteem, knowing your self-worth, and understanding exactly what you have to offer a man is key. If you believe it, then he will see it, too. You’ll be on your way to that first date in no time! And if he can’t see that an amazing woman is right in front of him, then he’s probably the wrong man for you!
Related Link: Relationship Advice: Can You Fall in Love Just By Chatting Online?
Robert Manni, Guy’s Guy: There are so many dating apps and websites that today’s singles often overanalyze things after making an online connection, sadly never scoring an actual date. When I was single and dating online frequently, I became comfortable approaching women online and responding to the ladies who contacted me first.
If I felt attracted to how a woman presented herself online, I’d send a short note and ask an open-ended question about her profile. If she responded, I’d send my digits. If the woman was still interested, she’d invariably send me her number and I’d make sure to call her by the next day. I’d keep the conversation short and, if things felt right, I’d suggest meeting. This usually led to a first “date” over a beverage. After that first face-to-face meet up things either moved forward or went nowhere. It was that simple.
So, if you see someone you like online, be cool, but make your move. Don’t overanalyze. Trust your gut, but keep an open mind.There are a lot of cool people out there just like you. Remember, dating is a fun sport. Good luck.
For more dating advice and to find out more about our dating and technology gurus, click here.
If you have any questions you would like answered by our relationship experts, please e-mail them to
Jul 25, 2018
Dating Advice: What To Do When Online Dating Isn’t Working For You
Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Photo: Twitter
By Lisa Smith
Although online dating is one of the most common ways to meet someone these days, it doesn’t work for everyone. There are several research-based reasons why online dating isn’t actually the best way to meet someone.
For some people, online dating is frustrating because it’s so easy for prospects to present themselves in a way that is much different from who they are in real life. It’s incredibly easy to portray yourself as a great catch and hide your bad qualities in the online world.
Others claim the bigger problem is simply that online dating presents them with too much choice which is too overwhelming.
Overall, many of today’s singles avoid dating apps and websites because they are a time suck. It requires so much time to sift through the bad matches and find someone worth talking to. A great way to waste your time is by chatting with someone online for ages, only to meet them in person and realize there is no connection.
Here is some dating advice if you’re single, and online dating just isn’t working for you.
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Jun 29, 2018
Dating & Technology Q&A: Should You Delete Pictures of a Long-Term BF?
Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles

Happy young couple. Photo: Maridav /
Question from Mara S.: My ex and I broke up after having a long-term relationship. Should I take pictures of us down from social media now that I’m seeing someone new or should the new guy in my life understand that my ex and I had a long history together?
Technology makes it so easy to share with the world the things that matter to you. It’s normal to post memories that you want to hold onto, but beware of what message your social media is sending. When you are interested in someone, you devour everything online about them in hopes of learning something new. That’s true for someone interested in you. What do you want someone to learn about you from your photos online? Read below for dating advice from relationship experts!
Technology Dating Advice that Helps You Know When to Delete Pics of Your Ex
Suzanne K. Oshima, Matchmaker: While you and your ex had a long history together, it’s time to take the pictures down and move on with your new guy. There’s a great quote by T.D. Jakes that best sums it up, “You can’t drive forward looking in the rearview mirror.”
Robert Manni, Guy’s Guy: My answer is a resounding yes. When it’s time to move forward, take down all photos from social media of you with your ex. If you want a new beginning, especially with someone new, you need to send him the right signals about your availability. The past has merit. We live, we love, and we learn, but there must be a reason your former boyfriend is now your ex. If you’re having a hard time deleting photos of him off social media, perhaps you are not quite ready to move on. If you truly want a new beginning, then start fresh on social media and give your new suitors the opportunity to see who you are right now. If things work out, they could be the luck one in your pictures. Good luck!
For more dating advice and to find out more about our dating and technology gurus, click here.
If you have any questions you would like answered by our relationship experts, please e-mail them to
May 14, 2018
Dating & Technology Q&A: How to Use Technology to Prevent Your Relationship Going Stale
Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles

Couple texting during a date. Photo: dolgachov /
Question from Kirstie W: When my boyfriend and I first started dating, our texts were fun and exciting. When we saw each other at the end of the day, we still had a lot to talk about even though we had been texting all day. After being together for six years, texting is non-exisant and when we do see each other all we talk about is work. Conversation is getting stale; help!
Long-term relationships face unique challenges. Conversations can be much more in depth because you know each other better. At the same time, conversations can run dry because you already know so much about each other. After awhile, talks are less about discovery and more about supporting each other. This dating advice from relationship experts Suzanne Oshima and Robert Manni will help bring excitement back into any relationship!
Dating Advice for When Relationships Go Stale
….Click to read more dating advice from our relationship experts!
Aug 14, 2017
Dating & Technology Q&A: Is It Too Soon For Me To Ask Him To Get Off Dating Sites?
Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles

Young man texting. Photo: Maridav /
Question from Adrianne P.: I started dating this guy a few weeks ago, and everything is going great, but there’s one thing that bothers me- he still uses Tinder. I know it’s early in the relationship and I don’t want to seem controlling but I’d still like him to stop. It just doesn’t seem like that’ll help us advance forward in this relationship. Am I being unreasonable?
Dating in the era of social media and cellphones can be difficult. Having many options is something daters expect in case things go wrong. With so many people playing the field it can be hard to find commitment. However do not fret, you can have a successful relationship even if your new partner is still on a dating website. Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on whether you should ask your significant other to get off Tinder.
Technology dating advice on whether it’s time to give up dating apps.
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Jul 17, 2017
Dating & Technology Q&A: How Bad Is It To Send Nudes, Really?
Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles

Question from Tanya M.: In light of all the Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian drama, I wanted to ask on behalf of regular people: how bad is it to send nudes between consenting adults? It seems like it’s so common in the dating scene now. I’m just not sure what to think of about the whole thing.
Dating in the era of social media and cellphones can be difficult. Communication and instant gratification is what many daters expect when they start seeing someone, especially when it comes to exchanging nude photos. With so many people partaking in voyeur, you may wonder if you should do it too. However if you don’t want to, do not fret, you can have a successful relationship with or without nudes. Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on whether you should send nude photos or not.
Technology Dating Advice That Gets Honest About Sending Nudes
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Jun 15, 2017
Dating & Technology Q&A: My Partner Fishes For Likes, What Do I Do?
Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles

How to be aware of online dating scams. Photo: Dolgachov / Bigstock
Question from Carolyn S.: I’ve been with my partner for a long time now. I love him, but he’s always posting inappropriate stuff (like memes or outrageous status updates) on social media for likes. It’s pretty cringe-worthy to watch. Why does he do this? And why is my support not enough? I can’t figure out why he needs validation from his peers or strangers online.
Dating in the era of social media can put a strain on relationships, especially when one party is constantly seeking approval in a negative way. However do not fret, crude internet personas should not be the cause of your breakup (or at least hopefully)! Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on how to handle a partner’s inappropriate behavior online.
Technology Dating Advice That Will Help You Deal An Inappropriate Partner Online
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Apr 15, 2017
Dating & Relationship Q&A: At My Wits End, He Won’t Stop Flirting Online. Should I End It?
Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles

Woman is upset as her boyfriend texts on a date. Photo: Kzenon /
Question from Ashley M.: I have been with my guy for over seventeen years, we’re both flirty people, but as of lately he’s crossed a line with a particular person. I’ve warned him and have had discussions about this person he swear is only a friend, but the same thing keeps happening. I’ve offered him a way out, but he insists that he wants to stay together. I’m not a super jealous person, but I don’t want to be disrespected. We’re trying to save what we have.
Dating can have its trying moments. Add the internet, social media and electronic devices into the mix, and temptation can creep into your relationship. However, do not fret! Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Technology is here to stay, after all, so take advantage of these amazing tools! Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on how to handle a partner’s online flirting.
Technology Dating Advice That Will Help You Deal With Your Partner’s Online Flirting
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Mar 11, 2017
Dating Advice Q&A: Am I His Catfish?
Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles

Upset girl looking at her boyfriend's computer. Photo: Feel Photo Art /
Tammy J.: The guy I’ve been seeing is nice, but I’m not sure if he’s really “into” me. He’s also distant and secretive so that makes me anxious. He hasn’t gone public with our relationship online but he sends pictures of us to his mother. I want to think this is a good thing, but it kind of feels like he’s using me. Could he be catfishing his mom? We haven’t officially called each other boyfriend/girlfriend, but I think that’s what he’s been telling his mom otherwise.
Dating has always been complicated. Add the internet, social media and electronic devices into the mix, and it can get confusing real fast. However, do not fret. Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology to navigate your relationships. Technology is here to stay, after all, so take advantage of these amazing tools! Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on determining whether someone is using you as their catfish.
Technology Dating Advice That Will Help You Find A Catfish
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Dec 1, 2016
Dating Advice Q&A: Is It Okay to Start a Relationship via Social Media?
Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles

Couple taking a kissing picture. Photo: Dean Drobot /
Question from Alex O.: A few weeks ago, I reconnected with a friend from college on Twitter. We’ve been tweeting at each other since then and have plans to meet up this weekend. I feel like our flirtation is going to turn into something more — is it okay to start a relationship via social media?
Dating has always been complicated. Add the internet, social media and electronic devices into the mix, and it can get even trickier. However, do not fret. Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Online dating is here to stay, after all, so don’t be afraid to jump in and catch up with the times! Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here you’ll have your questions answered on whether or not it’s a good idea to start a relationship through social media.
Technology Dating Advice On Whether You Should Start A Relationship Using Social Media
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Oct 27, 2016
Dating Advice Q&A: Why Do Men Ask for Photos?
Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles

"No duck lips" and other online dating profile rules. Photo: Natasha_from_Russia /
Question from Emily O.: I’ve noticed on a lot chat or IM apps, one of the first things guys ask for is a picture of yourself, even if you have a profile photo displayed or albums filled with photos. It seems like “Can you send a pic,” is the norm now? Why is that? And why will some even write you off completely if you’re not willing to send a photo right away? I’m not comfortable sending pictures of myself to strangers only 2 minutes into a conversation.
Dating can be complicated. Add the internet, social media and electronic devices into the mix, and it can get tricky real fast. However, do not fret. Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Online dating is here to stay, after all, so don’t be afraid to jump in and catch up with the times! Take time to learn some valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here you’ll have your questions answered on whether or not you should send a photo of yourself to a potential beau.
Technology Dating Advice On Whether You Should Send a Pic Online
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Mar 31, 2016
Dating Advice Q&A: Is He Hiding Something When He Turns His Phone Off?
Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles

Peeking at your partner's cell phone. Photo: Nicoleta Lonescu /
Question from Charlie S.: I’ve noticed that my boyfriend turns his phone off at random times — during a lunch date in the middle of the week, during a Sunday night football game, etc. Should I be worried that he’s hiding something from me? What’s the best way to ask him about it?
If that moment when he locks his phone and slides it in his pocket is unsettling, leave it up to the relationship experts who have dating advice that may provide some comfort.
…On the edge of your seat? Read more here!