On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Jed Diamond to offer their best dating advice on how to cope without his love. Find out how you can tell him without losing his affection with the following dating tips!
Tag Archives: Relationship Expert

Dating Advice: What to Do When He Says, ‘I’m Not in Love With You!

Dating Advice: How to Tell Him You’re Not Ready to Have Sex?
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Tinzley Bradford to offer their best dating advice on telling a man you’re not ready for sex. Find out how you can tell him without losing his affection with the following dating tips!
Dating advice that will help you say no means no!

Dating Advice: When To Say I Love You?

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate
One of the biggest and perhaps scariest questions that arise when you begin to date someone new is determining when to say those three big words, “I love you.” But how do you know when it’s the right time to say it? Here are the key pieces of dating advice to keep in mind before putting your heart on the line.
Dating advice on the right time to say I love you.

Dating Advice: 4 Ways To Make Your Man Happy!
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Robert Manni to offer their best dating advice on ensuring your man’s happiness. Find out how you can have an amazing relationship with the following dating tips!
Dating advice that will help you keep your man happy.

Dating Advice: Maximize Your Online Profile to Attract the Right Man
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert PJ Dixon to offer their best dating advice on creating an eye-catching online profile that will attract any man on the dating scene. Find out how you can adjust your single status with the following dating tips!
Dating advice on maximizing your online profile to find a man.

Dating Advice: 5 Reasons You Should Consider Hiring A Professional Profile Writer

Over the past 10 years as a relationship expert, I’ve written a whole lot of dating profiles. From teachers, to doctors, to CEOs, and even best selling authors, I’ve had the pleasure of helping people from all walks of life. And while most of the people I’ve worked with are intelligent, well-rounded, and perfectly capable people, it wasn’t until they outsourced a professional profile writer that they will able to find true online dating success. If you’ve been having less than stellar results online, or are even just beginning, I would strongly urge you to consider hiring a professional profile writer of your own. Here are five pieces of dating advice as to why.
Dating advice that will improve your odds on the field.

Relationship Advice: Is Your Job Killing Your Relationship? How To Choose The Right Company To Work For?

When Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaway) took the job as an assistant for the infamous Miranda Priestly, (Meryl Streep) in the 2006 hit, The Devil Wears Prada, viewers knew things would get rough in the workplace. But this movie also illustrates the impact a stressful work environment has on a relationship. Studies conducted by relationship experts show that more than half of women are kept awake at night by job-related stress, according to Metro.co.UK. Fortunately, not all bosses have this negative influence on employees, and many leading companies place employee engagement and job satisfaction as top priorities. Here are three things to look for in a company that values your personal life as well as your work life so you can avoid relationship problems.
Relationship advice that will help you balance work and love!

Dating Advice: Dealing With a Dating Burnout
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Duana Welch to offer their best dating advice on getting through a romantic burnout in the dating scene. Find out how you can fix your single status with the following dating tips!
Dating advice on dealing with a romantic dry spell.

Dating & Technology Q&A: How Bad Is It To Send Nudes, Really?

Question from Tanya M.: In light of all the Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian drama, I wanted to ask on behalf of regular people: how bad is it to send nudes between consenting adults? It seems like it’s so common in the dating scene now. I’m just not sure what to think of about the whole thing.
Dating in the era of social media and cellphones can be difficult. Communication and instant gratification is what many daters expect when they start seeing someone, especially when it comes to exchanging nude photos. With so many people partaking in voyeur, you may wonder if you should do it too. However if you don’t want to, do not fret, you can have a successful relationship with or without nudes. Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on whether you should send nude photos or not.
Technology Dating Advice That Gets Honest About Sending Nudes

Dating Advice: The 5 Stages of Love and Why Many Stop at Stage 3
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Dr. Jed Diamond to offer their best dating advice on how to navigate through the stages of love. Find out how you can reach marriage without losing the spark with the following dating tips!
Dating advice on the stages of love!

Dating Advice: How to Make the First Move (Women’s Edition)

The person sitting across from you is cute, charming, and you just can’t seem to stop thinking about going in for that first kiss. But the question many women have is how to you make the first move? Truth be told, the first move shouldn’t just happen at the end of the date. It should be the result of many small moves that occur over the course of a first date, eventually building to that first kiss by the end of the night. So before you make the first move at the end of your date, the following dating advice will help you to make the transition much easier while avoiding relationship problems.
Dating advice that will help you make the first move like a pro!

Dating Advice: Our Cultures Are So Different, Can It Really Work?

By David Wygant
There’s a saying I have in life as a relationship expert. Date someone from common backgrounds. Why? Because you understand one another. When you have a common background, grew up the same way, in similar neighborhoods and schooling, then you’ve got a lot of familiarity between the two of you. Now it doesn’t mean that if you’ve grown up differently it can’t work out at all. What matters most is how you took your childhood experience and manifested it into adulthood. If your concerned about whether or not your differing cultures will cause relationship problems, follow my dating advice as someone who has made it work personally.
Dating advice that will help you date outside your culture successfully.

Dating Advice: Signs You’re Settling for the Wrong Man
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Tinzley Bradford to offer their best dating advice on how to have a successful relationship without settling. Find out the best way to avoid wasting your time with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You Avoid Settling

Dating Advice: 5 Signs He’s Taking the Relationship Seriously
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Robert Manni to offer their best dating advice on how you can tell whether a man is taking the relationship seriously. Find out the best way you can advance your relationship with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You Figure Out Whether He’s Taking You Seriously

Dating Advice: Can An Open Relationship Ever Work?

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writers Elizabeth Hamilton and Julia Presten
Relationships, platonic and otherwise, provide us with something important and needed: love. The affection, care and intimacy that love gives is a beautiful part of life. But what happens when one partner wants to start seeing other people? Open relationships can be extremely difficult to handle and can ruin a perfectly good relationship if you’re not careful. Check out NYC’s top matchmakers and relationship experts Lori Zaslow and Jenn Zucher’s dating advice on whether or not an open relationship is a good idea for you.
Dating advice on whether you should consider an open relationship.

Dating Advice: How Women In Their 30s Can Find Love
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Melissa Braverman to offer their best dating advice on attracting men while in your 30s. Learn how you can end your single status and find the right man for you (without settling) with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You Find Love In Your 30s

Dating Advice: 5 Things Men Find Beautiful in a Woman
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert PJ Dixon to offer their dating advice on what men find beautiful in women. Learn how you can attract the right man with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice On How To Be Perceived As Beautiful By Men

Dating Advice: Don’t Lose Weight to Find Love!
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Duana Welch to offer their dating advice on why you shouldn’t lose weight to find love. Learn how you can be confident and find a partner with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice On Handling Weight And Relationships

Dating & Technology Q&A: My Partner Fishes For Likes, What Do I Do?

Question from Carolyn S.: I’ve been with my partner for a long time now. I love him, but he’s always posting inappropriate stuff (like memes or outrageous status updates) on social media for likes. It’s pretty cringe-worthy to watch. Why does he do this? And why is my support not enough? I can’t figure out why he needs validation from his peers or strangers online.
Dating in the era of social media can put a strain on relationships, especially when one party is constantly seeking approval in a negative way. However do not fret, crude internet personas should not be the cause of your breakup (or at least hopefully)! Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on how to handle a partner’s inappropriate behavior online.
Technology Dating Advice That Will Help You Deal An Inappropriate Partner Online

Relationship Advice: 5 Things To Do Before You Get Petty

Katy Perry has a new look, and her new attitude is the cherry on top. Between her sassy new song dissing Taylor Swift and her poorly reviewed album that just came out, Katy Perry has taken some heat in the past few weeks. Say what you will about Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and any of the other celebrities caught up in the drama relationship problems, *cough Nicki Minaj cough;* but there are a few notes we can take to apply in our lives about being petty. Think about these four key pieces of relationship advice before you take any rash actions against your significant others, especially when it comes to breakups.
Relationship advice that will help you be the bigger person.

Relationship Advice: What To Do When You’re No Longer In Love?

By David Wygant
This could be the easiest question that I could ever answer for anyone. What do you do when you’re no longer in love? Here’s what the typical person does. They stay in the relationship. That’s right. 80 percent of the people that are no longer in love stay in the relationship for an endless amount of time because they feel guilty that they actually no longer love their partner. So they’ll sign up for a life of misery in order to protect their partner’s feelings. When in reality it’s ridiculous because if you’re miserable and you don’t even love your partner anymore, your partner is definitely feeling that on so many different core levels. The two of you can just sit around the house, make each other miserable. Sleep in the same bed or separate rooms. Never touch one another, never have sex, but yet stay together for the sake of the children. Or stay together for the sake of not wanting to hurt someone instead of confronting relationship problems head on.
Dating Advice That Will Help You Deal With The Partner You No Longer Love

Dating Advice: 5 Signs He’s Falling for You!
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Tinzley Bradford to offer their dating advice on how to figure out if he’s fallen for you. Discover how you’ve become irresistible to your man with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You Find Out If Your Guy Has Fallen In Love

Dating Advice: The One Thing Men Want More Than Sex!
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Jed Diamond to offer their dating advice on how to figure out what men want in a relationship more than sex. Learn how you can attract and satisfy a lifelong partner with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Reveal What Men Really Want

Dating Advice: Should I Drop All The Other People I’m Interested In?

By David Wygant
This is always a controversial subject, especially in today’s modern “swipe dating.” 93 percent of the people that go out on a date meet on Bumble, Tinder, Hinge or Match will go home that night and literally get back online to see whether or not there’s somebody else that’s better. Somebody that might be cuter. Somebody that might have a better body. These online dating services are a brilliant marketing ploy to get people to think that there’s a huge paradox of choice. It’s literally like going on Amazon, but instead you get to look at all the men and women out on the market. You see, by getting on all these devices constantly, there’s no reason to ever settle for somebody that’s awesome. So we continually get on this treadmill hoping that there’s something better. I personally have been a victim of this as well. I’ve been single for four years, and even that’s with all my knowledge in the dating field as a relationship expert. I have definitely had my share of going out with somebody and then going home and swiping to see if she is out there. Whatever the version of she or he is, you know that they might be out there, because every day the inventory is changing. Just like your favorite supermarket. Why buy a mushy avocado when you can go buy a brand new one the very next day?