We all love our children and would do anything for them, but that doesn’t mean getting them to behave in the best way is always an easy task. As a parent, you want the best for your child and part of this includes teaching them appropriate behaviors so they grow into productive and good people. Luckily, if your children have behavioral issues, we have some parenting tips to help you develop better your children’s behavior.
Tag Archives: Parenting Advice

Parenting Tips: Lifestyle Changes for Better Behavior

Parenting Trend: The Science Behind Baby Fever

Whenever you see a cute new baby cooing you might feel a profound sense of “baby fever,” or a desire to have a baby of your own. Baby fever is often passed off as a fleeting thought, and people don’t often think of this thought as an emotion, but science shows that it is as real as any other emotion you may experience. Baby fever may feel stronger under different circumstances, like when you see a happy baby, or a bit more faint when you are around a crying baby or unhappy child.
Parenting Trend: Baby fever is an emotion as real as any other.

Celebrity Parents: Struggling with Postpartum and Recovery Tips

When you have a baby it’s the happiest time of your life… until it’s not. Many mothers struggle with a sense of extreme sadness and depression after giving birth. It may feel like you’re all alone, and like you need to hide your feelings and pretend to be happy even if that’s not what you’re feeling but it’s not. Celebrity parents like Katy Perry and Serena Williams are speaking out about their battle with postpartum depression. It’s nothing to be ashamed of because it is very real for many new mothers.
Parents, you’re not alone. Even celebrity parents struggle with postpartum.

Parenting Advice: Collaborative Parenting

By Katie Sotack
Past parenting advice has sought to punish bad behaviors and reward the good. Collaborative parenting takes a new and innovative approach to parenting that involves treating your children like people. The parenting trend focuses on working with our children rather than against them to solve problems.
Collaborative parenting involves working with your children and treating them like people in this parenting advice.

Parenting Tips: Best Subscription Services for Kids

By Katie Sotack
Subscription-based services are everywhere. From meal kits to style and book boxes, you can get your monthly fix with a continuous supply of goodies. Subscription-based services are set to become the hottest parenting trend in 2019. These boxes range from toys to diapers, and the options are endless.
With diapers, food, and fun able to be shipped regularly, there’s no need for a trip to the store any longer. Check out the subscription packages that may be right for you with these parenting tips.

Parenting Trend: 2019 New Age Parenting Trends

Gender reveal parties were all the rage last year. They’re becoming more passé in 2019. Having all of your friends and family show up just to set off an elaborate reveal of your baby’s gender may not be at the top of your list as a new parent, especially if you are a new age parent who doesn’t want to push your baby into gender norms before they are even born. Instead of gender reveals there are many new parenting trends popular in 2019.
Move over gender reveal parties, there are new age parenting trends this year.

Parenting Trend: Authoritative Parenting

By Emily Green
The way you raise your child sets the foundation for the rest of his or her life. Authoritative parenting is the most recent parenting trend gaining popularity in 2019. This parenting style means you’re sensitive to your child’s emotional needs but have high standards on how you expect them to behave. It not only allows your child to explore who they are as an individual but teaches them responsibility. Check out these parenting tips to learn some parenting advice about why authoritative parenting is an ideal style of parenting.
Authoritative parenting is a popular parenting trend in 2019. What are some benefits to raising your child this way?

Parenting Tips: Social Media Apps to Keep an Eye On

Smartphones, social media, and many cell phone apps make parenting an extra difficult task these days. Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram were once apps you had to worry about your kids using inappropriately, but they pale in comparison to some of the newer apps available to children on their smartphones. Regularly checking your children’s cell phone and following this parenting advice on watching out for dangerous apps can help keep your children safe on their phones.
Parenting Tip: Monitor your children’s smartphones and watch out for these dangerous new apps.

Parenting Advice: How to Support Your Child Through Graduation

By Katie Sotack
You’ve made it to the graduation milestone, congratulations! Graduation is a testament to both students and parents alike. Both parties have worked hard to get to this point, but in terms of parenting, you may be asking, “what’s next?” Whether your child’s looking for their first career or moving onto more school, they need your support now more than ever.
Graduation symbolizes the end of an era. What are some ways to ensure a successful transition with this parenting advice?

Single Celebrity Parents: Balance Your Career & Parenting Like Sandra Bullock

One single celebrity parent who seems to have it all figured out when it comes to being a full-time actress and mom is Sandra Bullock. According to RadarOnline.com, Bullock was already helping raise her three stepchildren in her previous marriage when she decided to adopt her baby boy from New Orleans. Bullock handled her quickly changing family situation and becoming a single mom with grace, making a smooth transition into her role as a single celebrity mom.
This single celebrity parent balances working full-time as an actress in the public eye. What are some ways to balance being a full-time single parent and a full-time career?

Parenting Tips: Taking Care of Yourself Helps You Take Care of Your Kids

By Mara Miller
All parents do it: You feel selfish when you put your needs above your children’s. This can be even truer when your little one is under the age of five. Whether from self-imposed pressure or from a constant need to be around your child, it feels like there is little time for your passions outside of raising your child. This stems from an age in which we over-parent our children. It’s easy to confuse the amount of time you spend with your kid with the quality of your relationship. In fact, by not stepping away, you might be hurting yourself and your child more than you realize.
In these parenting tips, we explore how taking care of yourself helps you take care of your kids.

Parenting Advice: Tips to Leave in the Past

By Megan McIntosh
Do you remember when you last tried an old wives’ tale because you thought it was solid parenting advice, but it didn’t work? It might have even made the situation worse. We now know some advice our elders swore by is best left in the past.
Cupid shares parenting advice that’s best left in the past.

Parenting Tips: Apply Research to the Practice of Parenting

By Mara Miller
Let’s be honest: it’s easy to second guess yourself after you have your first baby…or your second…or even your third (if you decide you want that many kids!). This is totally normal! Your parents may have parenting styles that you didn’t agree with as kids, so now you want to do better for your own children. If you feel this way, it’s why you might consider applying research to the practice of parenting in these parenting tips. We are now in an age where information is literally a tap away on a phone screen or a computer keyboard, so it’s easier than ever to access the information you need.
Here are some parenting tips for applying research to help you become a better mother or father!

Parenting Advice: Five Reasons to Stop Yelling at Your Kids

By Mara Miller
Parents yell at their children, even if they might not want to openly admit it. Maybe you snapped because you’re mad they haven’t put on their shoes yet. Or, you have had it because they won’t do their homework. Or, maybe you’ve had a bad day yourself, and your teenager just smart-mouthed you one too many times, so you decided to let them have it. We’ll explore why you need to stop yelling at your kids in this parenting advice.
Parenting Advice: Five Reasons to Stop Yelling at Your Kids

Parenting Advice: How to Cope with Your Child’s Diabetes

By Mara Miller
According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 1.25 million children have diabetes. It can be a scary situation when you first find out a loved one is affected by this disease, but even scarier when one of them is your child. And, no matter if they have Type 1 or Type 2, it can be hard on you as a parent to not feel like it’s your fault or to feel guilty because there is a way you could have prevented it. We have some parenting advice and parenting tips on how to cope with your child’s diabetes because it isn’t your fault and you shouldn’t feel guilty or alone with your family’s struggle to cope with it.
Parenting Advice: How to Cope with Your Child’s Diabetes … Need more? Click here!

Parenting Advice: Cooking Fun with Your Kids

By Megan McIntosh
There comes a time when your kids want to be involved in what mom or dad is doing in the kitchen. They want to bake their own cake or fry their own eggs. Whether you decide to start small or let them help you with a whole meal, it’s easy to have some cooking fun with your kids! Celebrity parent and model Chrissy Teigen recently made a special menu for celebrity baby Luna, and Jennifer Garner routinely cooks healthy meals for her kids. Like them, you can also have your kids join you in the kitchen!
Parenting Advice: Cooking with your kids can be a fun and educational experience that lets you have some quality time together, too!

Parenting Tips: How Your Kids Can Benefit from Audio Books

By Megan McIntosh
There’s something about hearing a story that makes it a little more exciting than just reading it. When someone tells you a story, it leaves room for you to focus on imagining the characters and learning the vocabulary. Celebrity parent and model, Chrissy Teigan reads aloud with her daughter Luna and the benefits from reading aloud are many. But when you don’t have the time, or when kids want to be a little more independent, children can really benefit from audio books.
Parenting Tips: Reading aloud and using audio books can be a great benefit to your kids and give them a little independence!

Parenting Advice: 4 Ways to Promote Healthy Growth & Development

The way you parent has a huge impact on your child grows up. It can affect everything from how much she weighs to how confident she is about herself. It’s important to keep yourself in check and make sure that your parenting style is supporting healthy growth and development for your child. The way you parent and how you discipline your child will influence her for the rest of her life. Check out these parenting tips to learn some parenting advice about different ways to promote healthy growth and development for your child.
Read on to learn more about these four ways to promote healthy growth and development for your child.

Parenting Advice: 4 Types of Parenting Styles

By Mara Miller
Celebrity parents Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith encourage their children to show their creative sides and allow their kids to make their own decisions as long as they have a sound reason for doing it. Julie Bowen believes you shouldn’t be your kid’s best friend. Whether you’re a laissez-faire parent, or super strict, in this parenting advice, we’ll look at four parenting styles and how they can affect your kids!
Check out our parenting advice on various types of parenting styles.

Parenting Advice: 7 Ways to Help Your Partner Cope with Postpartum

By Mara Miller
It’s normal for a woman to feel sad, anxious, lonely, or tired after her new bundle of joy has been delivered, but usually those feelings goes away fairly quickly. For some mothers, it becomes much more severe, affecting one out of seven women. Postpartum depression can take affect months after the baby is born. It also doesn’t affect only new mothers; it can affect someone who already has children. The disease can be so serious that some mothers have taken their lives because they couldn’t get the help they needed.
Parenting Advice: Postpartum depression can be a scary, frustrating time for the whole family. Here are 7 ways you can help your partner cope.

Parenting Advice: How to Decide What TV Shows & Movies to Allow Your Kids to Watch

Giving your kids access to TV shows and movies can be daunting. You don’t want them to see or hear something that is inappropriate, but you can’t keep them guarded forever. It is important to understand that each parent has different opinions on what they will show their kids as well as when they show them. Don’t feel like a bad parent if you limit your child’s TV consumption. Some celebrity parents, like Victoria Beckham and husband David Beckham, are notoriously strict on their celebrity babies! Here is some parenting advice on how to decide what your kids can watch.
Check out our parenting advice on deciding what TV shows and movies you allow your kids to watch

Parenting Advice: 5 Ways to Talk to Your Child About Bullying

Whether it’s cyber harassment or ostracism in the lunchroom, bullying has become all too common. Despite its prevalence, bullying can be a difficult topic to discuss with your child. Kids don’t normally tell adults that they’re being bullied. It’s so important to learn some of the signs and ways to talk to your child about this form of harassment. We have included some parenting advice that can help you detect and discuss bullying with your children, including parenting tips to help you determine if your child is a victim of bullying or is the perpetrator.
Check out the five ways to talk to your child about bullying.

Parenting Advice: Road Trip Hacks

Road trips can be a super fun way to bond as a family, but they can also get old after a while if you don’t have a plan in place to keep everyone entertained. There’s nothing worse than that dreaded, “Are we there yet?” question being asked multiple times. Here are some parenting tips for road trip hacks that can help keep the kids occupied.
Check out our parenting advice to keep your passengers busy along the way.

Parenting Advice: Ways to Cope With The Terrible Twos

By Ivana Jarmon
Welcome to the terrible twos: a time when your once cute-as-a-button baby becomes a living nightmare. Your child may present with the following symptoms: temper tantrums, screaming, kicking and biting, fighting with siblings, total meltdowns and their vocabulary being dominated with the single word “no!” But don’t worry! The terrible twos are a time of rapid growth- mentally, socially and physically. It’s a time when toddlers begin to develop their sense of self and start to want to do things for themselves. This trying time will pass, and while there is no quick fix for unwanted toddler behavior, you can take steps to help things go more smoothly when the terrible twos begin. Here are some parenting tips on ways to survive the terrible twos.