As much as we may try to seem above it, there’s no denying that photos are a major factor when choosing whom to pursue in the online dating world. While I always encourage women to look beyond a man’s physical characteristics and delve deeper to determine overall compatibility, online dating presents a whole different animal.
Tag Archives: Online Dating
Dating & Relationship Tag Archive: Online Dating

Online Dating: Are Pictures Worth 1000 Words?

Single in Stilettos Show: How to Be Successful with Online Dating
On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach and author Robert Manni about how to be successful with online dating. He answers the following questions: What are the three main things men look for in an online dating profile? What should you do if you’re not getting a response? How can a woman contact a man without seeming desperate?
Related Link: Robert Manni on 5 Ways Women Sabotage Themselves with Men
For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.
For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.
What is your best online dating tip? Tell us in the comments below.

‘Online Dating Rituals of the American Male’ Reality TV Star Marcus Pierce Says Being Yourself is Key to Finding a Relationship and Love

Interview by Lori Bizzoco. Written by Louisa Gonzales and Whitney Johnson.
Marcus Pierce is no stranger to the online dating world, having been active on sites like OkCupid since 2006. The celebrity trainer and Artist Muse creative director also isn’t one to shy away from fun opportunities, so deciding to appear on the premiere episode of Bravo’s new reality TV show Online Dating Rituals of the American Male was an easy choice to make.

NoGamesLove Video Dating Tips: Hair Color and Online Dating
Dating Advice from E!’s Famously Single Laurel House on Hair Color

The Dating Lounge: You’re Invited to an Exclusive Dating Community

This post is sponsored by The Dating Lounge.
By Brittany Stubbs
The Dating Lounge is the first ever invitation-only dating community on Facebook where friends date each other’s friends. It was created by Samantha Daniels, one of the foremost professional matchmakers and dating experts in the country, to provide singles with exactly what they want in today’s dating world: real-time information, connections to people they know, and accuracy in an exclusive invitation-only community.

Blogger Perez Hilton Talks About Being a Single Celebrity Parent, Online Dating, and His Recent Move to New York
At the Singles in America event, Executive Editor Lori Bizzoco talked to panelist and blogger Perez Hilton about online dating and life in New York City with his sweet son, Mario.
Celebrity Video Interview with Perez Hilton
As for why he was on the panel at Saturday’s event, the celebrity gossip columnist reveals, “I’m here to talk about my experiences — I’m on Match and many other sites. I think it’s fun to offer my perspective, which may be different from the other panelists because I’m a gay man and a personality.”
Related Link: ‘Millionaire Matchmaker’ Patti Stanger Talks Online Dating and Finding The One
In our celebrity video interview, the blogger lights up when the subject turned to his son. “He loves New York! We do so much here,” he shares. “I think raising a child in New York City is the best because there’s so much to do and it’s so easy to do so much.”
Of course, having a child changed Hilton’s dating life, but he doesn’t like to use the word “difficult” when it comes to finding love. “It definitely presents challenges that a single person wouldn’t face. Like I choose not to bring guys back to my place. You gotta work around it! Do what you got to do.”
Right now, though, the single celebrity parent’s priority is Mario’s first birthday on Feb. 17. He shares that the father-and-son duo will be celebrating with a blessings ceremony. “I’m inviting all my close friends and family to come over and write down little blessings on a sheet of paper,” he explains in our celebrity video interview. “I’m trying to get some spiritual folks — maybe a rabbi and a priest, maybe a monk — to share some words and blessings as well.”
Visit for more from the celebrity gossip columnist.
For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Looking for Love Is Like a Job Search

By Lisa Becker
We all know that finding love can be a lot of work. No disrespect to the Peace Corp, but it truly may be the toughest job you’ll ever have. So if you’re serious about wanting to find a great relationship, you should start treating it like a job search. Consider these seven tips below:

Celebrity Video Interview: ‘Millionaire Matchmaker’ Star Patti Stanger on How a Relationship and Love Changed Her: “I’m Much More Relaxed”
This past Saturday, Executive Editor Lori Bizzoco and Millionaire Matchmaker reality TV star Patti Stanger caught up at’s Singles in America 2014 event where Stanger moderated a panel discussion with four sex and dating experts, including Celebrity Blogger Perez Hilton, Leading Sex Expert Dr. Emily Morse, Cosmopolitan’s Sex and Relationship Editor Anna Breslaw, and Chief Scientific Advisor for Dr. Helen Fisher. Prior to the event, we had the opportunity to sit down with the matchmaker, and in our celebrity video interview, we chat with her about online dating, her own personal love story, and her best dating advice for meeting The One.
Related Link: Patti Stanger on Celebrity Relationships and Love in NYC
Celebrity Video Interview with Patti Stanger
“I love! I’m the girl who dates online,” the reality TV star candidly shares. “This is the way to meet singles. 18 or 80, it doesn’t matter. We just need the tools and the ammunition to do it.”
As for how finding love with fiancé David Krause has changed her? “I’m much more relaxed. I love nesting; I love staying home.”
Watch our celebrity video interview above for more information.
Tune in for The Millionaire Matchmaker on Bravo on Thursdays at 9/8c, and check out Stanger’s line of jewelry at Shop by Bravo!
For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

‘A Million First Dates’ Author Dan Slater Offers New Insight about Online Dating

Interview by Lori Bizzoco. Written by Brittany Stubbs
When it comes to meeting The One, we’re no longer stuck sitting alone at the bar or praying that our next blind date will work out. Today, millions of singles are turning to dating websites to help them find their better half. Although a new success story happens every day with the help of these online matchmakers, the unlimited profiles and possibilities these sites provide pose some issues as well.
In his second novel A Million First Dates: Solving the Puzzle of Online Dating, journalist Dan Slater invites us behind the scenes of the fascinating online dating business. He shows how this industry is changing our culture in more profound ways than we can imagine. By altering our perception of what’s possible, these sites are reconditioning our feelings about monogamy and challenging the traditional paradigm of adult life. Slater examines the questions that the digital revolution is forcing us to ask: Why should we settle for someone who falls short of our expectations if there are thousands of other options a click away? Can commitment thrive in a world of unlimited options? Can chemistry really be quantified by math geeks? In our interview below, we talk to Slater about the answers to these questions and more.
…Want the rest? Click here for more

Watch the Winners of the Propose Perfectly Video Contest!

Last November, asked their successful couples across the country who were ready to pop the question to enter to receive a proposal of a lifetime that included an engagement ring and professional proposal planning as well as a videographer to capture the entire experience. Out of hundreds of inspiring entries, Troy and Eliza from Tampa, Florida, were selected because of Troy’s overwhelming love, admiration, and respect for Eliza, a widowed single mother of three who rarely takes time for herself. Troy (with the help of an all-star proposal team) quickly began planning the ultimate surprise for his future bride-to-be…but not before documenting their entire love story on film, unbeknownst to her.

5 Tips for Creating a Perfect Online Dating Profile

By Kristin Mattern
It’s time. You’ve decided to enter the world of online dating. Perhaps you’ve already been online for a while, but aren’t getting the desired results. Either way, you’re ready for love and looking to put yourself in the best light possible while searching for that special someone. Here are five expert tips for creating the perfect online dating profile:
…Want to know how to create the perfect online dating profile? Click here!

Four Dates and a Wedding

By Lisa Becker
You’ve heard of the movie Four Wedding and a Funeral? Well, the story of how I met my husband online is Four Dates and a Wedding. Those online dates yielded some valuable lessons, which I’m happy to share in order to help other online love seekers:

Relationship Advice: Online Dating Isn’t a Threat to Monogamy–It’s a Blessing

By Terri Trespicio for
Online dating is revolutionizing all relationships — whether you’re dating or not.
…Online dating is revolutionizing all relationships whether you’re dating or not.

Dating Advice: 5 Red Flags in Online Dating Profiles

By Kelly Rouba for
If you’re looking for love and feel like you just aren’t meeting the right type of people, online dating can be a great alternative to the typical dating scene.
…Here’s to making sure you don’t get blind-sided when you online date!

Movie Pick-Up Lines That Will Score You a Date

By Sarah Ribeiro
Life — and love — are constantly inspired by the movies. Even if they just inspire pick-up lines.
In the height of award season, offered female users from across the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand the chance to select their favorite from a list of ten movie pick-up lines to start online conversations.

‘DATA, A Love Story’ Author Amy Webb Tells Us How to Find Love Online Based On Her Own Experiences

By Michelle Danzig
After countless failed dates, author and digital strategist Amy Webb decided to try online dating in a whole new fashion. To better understand what makes an online dating profile attractive, Webb created an online dating profile disguised as a male. Then she created nine more.
In her book DATA, A Love Story: How I Gamed Online Dating to Meet My Match,’ Webb brings the expression “put yourself in someone else’s shoes” to an entirely new level. Dating can be hard enough without adding the pressure of creating an online dating profile that represents you at your best.
Using the data recovered from the multiple profiles and their different characteristics, Webb discovered what information is needed to help you boost your online profile, ultimately helping you get the most out of your experience. We had the opportunity to interview Webb about her new book, learning the dos and don’ts of online dating and how to make your online dating profile more appealing.

Find ‘Love at First Click’ with Some Helpful Online Dating Tips From Laurie Davis

By Michelle Danzig
With more online dating sites available than ever before, and the world of social media integrated into our lives, meeting someone new and having a successful relationship is so much different than it was just a few years ago. Take it from Laurie Davis, a former marketing consultant turned online dating expert, with her own personal story of finding love on Twitter. Davis, Founder and CEO of eFlirt expert and first-time author of Love at First Click: The Ultimate Guide to Online Dating prides herself on her uncanny ability to match up happy couples. In an exclusive interview, she talks with us about her new book, and shares some helpful tips for anyone who wants to give online dating a try.

“No More Duck Lips!” And Other Dating Profile Rules

By Luba Tolkachyov, from
how to make your online dating profile stand out
Finding that special someone can be frustrating, and many people use online dating and matchmaking sites to open up doors to new possibilities. There are literally millions of people out there looking for their soulmates, and an online profile might help them find you!

5 Dating Rules You Need to Break

By Karl Stockton
It should be fairly clear to most people that are trying to rekindle their love life that the way people meet and get to know each other has changed significantly in the last few years. Between online dating, and shifts in what is considered socially normal, it’s a shame that so many people still seem to stick to the same, tired old routine when it comes to dating, especially first dates. Here are five common rules that should probably be avoided: Survey: U.S. Singles Dating More Than Any Other Participating Nations released findings yesterday from a new international survey that revealed U.S. singles are going on more dates than singles in any of the other participating nations. …On the edge of your seat? Click here for more.

Ashton Kutcher Goes Online to Look for Love!
This post was sponsored by Popchips.
By Daniela Agurcia
Insiders tell us that Kutcher is in search of love (again). Could this be proof that he and Mila Kunis are just friends? You be the judge! We got our hands on Ashton Kutcher’s dating video below. We aren’t matchmakers but we know a thing or two about celebrity relationships and we are here to help him sort things out. In fact, there are several bachelors in this video that we could help. Let’s meet out bachelors right now:

I never thought I’d see the day that Ashton Kutcher would need a dating video in order to get a girl, but hey, he is looking good on that motorcycle.
Check out Ashton’s profile on, let us know if you like what you see on the new dating site.
What do you think it would take to date Ashton Kutcher? What type of girl would he like? Tell us in the comments below.

5 Low Profile Online Dating Strategies

By Heidi Lee Munson
Dear Heidi Lee,
Help! I think I’m a Toad!
I’m on an online dating site, and I lie about who I am … I use my sister’s photo. I play down my interests — leaving out that I’m Jim Carrey’s ex and a former Playboy model. I feel guilty for lying, but I can’t be honest because of stalkers, psychos and creeps. I want a regular, low-key guy who can throw back a burger and a beer in a bowling alley …
Don’t these guys have the right to know up front that my world is paparazzi and tabloids? Do I have the right to lure them with false promises of an All-American romance with the girl next door?
Who am I to lie to these men? A Toad?
Jenny Where Chemistry Happens Offline
If you’re looking for love online and haven’t found it yet, perhaps all it takes is a little offline help. You see, many singles meet potential partners online and carry on great conversations via email but sometimes that’s as far as it ever goes. Or, they spend weeks, even months, emailing someone that they think could be a long-term partner but when they meet in person they realize that they have nothing in common. Online dating is a brilliant way to meet someone new but the the real connection happens when two people are face-to-face. That’s why we were excited when we saw the launch of’s recent commercial, Chemisty Happens Offline. really “gets it.” They influence their members to get out there and go on dates when they find an initial connection. In fact, they are so committed to this idea that they are running a very cool contest asking people to submit their own video explaining what “Chemisty Happens Offline” means to them. The video with the most votes could walk away with $1,500. Here’s a look at the video we pulled together:
Here are five reasons why we at feel that people need to go offline to find love:
1. Unflattering Photos: Some people aren’t photogenic and they actually look better in person than they do in a photo. Someone’s personality and mannerisms can also add to a person’s attractiveness. As they say, Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder. It’s hard to get an impression or build chemistry from a one-dimensional image.

Lori Bizzoco of Discusses Love During Social Media Week Panel

By Steven Zangrillo
The next time you sit at home, clicking around your computer on Facebook or Twitter, think about your online activity. Have you looked at your current or ex-lover’s social media pages today? Have you ever used a dating site? To what extent do you research a new lover once you get to know them? (Admit it, you Google them!) We’re in an age where we can, at will, summon information about anyone at anytime with just the click of a mouse or swipe of the tablet. You can even look this stuff up on your smart phone. No stone is left unturned, because we can flip them all over at once with digital precision. This begs the ultimate question: How has social media affected the way we handle our love lives?
On Valentine’s Day, Cupid’s Pulse Executive Editor and Founder, Lori Bizzoco was asked to participate in a discussion concerning this very topic. She joined a panel of distinguished colleagues in the relationship industry including Nancy Slotnick, Founder of, Rob Judge of, and Tom Miller, General Manager of The event was staged at Big Fuel, one of the hubs for Social Media Week in New York City.
The main topic of discussion was how the social web has had a profound impact on the way we connect with each other. It’s affected our friendships, our relationships with our families, our professional networks, and ultimately our love lives. People are now discovering romantic partners in a whole new way, and social networking continues to play a major role after a relationship has ensued.
Lori drew on her personal success as an online dating success story to highlight the positives that this form of romance can yield. Along with Tom, Rob, and Nancy, there was a general consensus that online dating is fine but maintaining a balance between digital and in-the-flesh experience is key. Sites like were cited as places where the initial spark can be created, and then taken into the real world.
The panel served as a sounding board for the new atmosphere that social media has provided to daters. The way we reconcile it, apparently, is with appropriate balance. Too much of a good thing is, indeed, too much.