Tag Archives: Jesse Csincsak
Celebrity Tag Archive: Jesse Csincsak

Celebrity Photo Gallery: The History of ‘The Bachelorette’

The Worst ‘Bachelor’ and ‘Bachelorette’ Breakups

‘The Bachelor’ Celebrity Couple Jesse and Ann Csincsak Are Expecting a “Play Friend” for Son Noah

This week, our favorite celebrity couple from The Bachelor and CupidsPulse.com contributors, Jesse Csincsak and his wife Ann, announced their celebrity pregnancy: They’re expecting a second child in March! The famous couple, who married in 2010, are excited to give their son Noah a brother or sister. “He is pumped to have a play friend,” Jesse says with a laugh. Noah will turn three right before their celebrity baby is born.
…Don’t miss the rest of our exclusive interview with Jesse and Ann!

EXCLUSIVE: Bachelor Contestants Ann and Jesse Csincsak Defend Their Family By Appearing on Discovery Channel’s ‘American Guns’

According to recent polls, twenty-three percent of females now own a gun — up from thirteen percent in 2005. However, plenty of women are still fearful of this powerful weapon. Ann Csincsak, ‘The Bachelor’ Season 13 contestant and wife of ‘The Bachelorette’ season 4 winner Jesse Csincsak, knows this feeling all too well.
“I grew up in a ‘no gun home,’” Ann says. “We strongly believed in the right to own firearms but never did so ourselves. Until my late twenties, I had never even touched a gun.”

‘American Guns’ meets ‘The Bachelor’ in Season Two

Tonight, the Discovery Channel reloads for sixteen episodes in season two of American Guns. This reality television show features Rich Wyatt, a gun master and retired police officer with over 20 years of experience, and his family as they work at Gunsmoke Guns. Located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, just outside of Denver, Gunsmoke Guns specializes in gun manufacture, trade and customization. Additionally, Wyatt, along with his son Kurt and a number of trained instructors, teach numerous shooting classes as well as a three-day self-defense course. …On the edge of your seat? Click here to read more.

‘The Bachelor’ Season 16 Finale: Jesse Csincsak Discuss Ben Flajnik’s Decision to Choose Courtney Robertson

By Steven Zangrillo
Matterhorn Madness! It was the ending we saw coming. Courtney Robertson got her ring. America groaned. Life went on.
And so, we’ve come to the conclusion of the 16th season of The Bachelor. While it would be difficult to attach superlatives like “best” to the rhetorical descriptive of this season, “most weird” would definitely be a fine way to describe it. This season was beyond weird. Aside from the usual batch of girls who didn’t quite make the cut, we saw a strange dynamic develop between Ben Flajnik, CourtneyRobertson and Lindzi Cox. You would imagine that, at first glance, Lindzi would be the runaway favorite. A girl like Courtney, who chafes and bothers everyone she’s in the same room with, shouldn’t have made the cut. Lindzi is a self-made, sharp, talented professional who sustains and supports herself. However, Courtney is, ahem, a skinny dipping model. Unfortunately, for America that’s what Ben seemed to be looking for in a wife. Lindzi was sent packing. Ben worried that the feelings “wouldn’t last a lifetime.” These are the ebbs and flows of The Bachelor. Below, Jesse gives his take on Ben’s big decision and whether he flubbed it, or not.

‘The Bachelor’ Season 16 Episode 9: Ann and Jesse Csincsak Discuss Ben’s Final Dates in Switzerland

By Lori Bizzoco
On this week’s episode of The Bachelor, it was time for Ben Flajnik to narrow the girls down to two. The scene for the infamous one-on-one fantasy suite dates was set in Switzerland where Nicki, Lindzi and Courtney had the opportunity to get some alone time with Ben. In the middle of it all, was an unexpected twist. Kacie B. decided to return. She timidly knocked on Ben’s hotel room door and wanted him to give her a reason why he let her go. His reasoning being simply because they were “world’s apart.” Personally, we didn’t think he could muster up the courage to say that her parents were too old-fashioned for his taste (e.g., they were opposed to having their daughter move in with him before she was married). Kacie then continued the conversation by letting Ben know that Courtney was up to no good and could break his heart. This all happened directly following Ben’s one-on-one talk with Courtney about this very issue. Nevertheless, when it came to the final rose ceremony it wasn’t Courtney being sent home; it was Nicki. Sometimes, a man has to do, what a man has to do. And, then there were two! As if we didn’t know who was “winning!” Here’s a look at the weekly Q&A from your resident Bachelor Couple, Ann and Jesse Csincsak:
1. Overall, what did you think of tonight’s episode? What was your favorite part?
Jesse: It’s was very uneventful! I was glad to see Kacie come back; it made it a little more interesting.
Ann: I enjoy watching the show more towards the end because you’re a little more invested in the girls and who goes home and who stays. In the beginning, I don’t care as much about who gets cut!

Exclusive: Former ‘Bachelorette’ Winner Jesse Csincsak Rescues Mother and Son from Same Area as First Date with His Wife

By Daniela Agurcia and Steven Zangrillo
When Former ‘Bachelorette’ winner Jesse Csincsak treads deep into the Colorado woods, he should bring a few lotto tickets with him. On Friday, February 17, the Breckenridge local was snowmobiling 15 miles in the middle of the backcountry in Vail when he came across a lost mother and her son. Mother, Hilary Skye, and son, Dillon, had been stranded before Jesse came to the rescue. This isn’t the first (or second) serendipitous encounter to sneak up on the professional snowboarder as he’s navigated the trails of the Rocky Mountains. Last year Thomas Pazerunas had also lost his way 15 miles behind the Vail Resort with no cell service until Csincsak helped him.

‘The Bachelor’ Season 16 Episode 8: Ann and Jesse Csincsak Discuss Hometown Dates (Three Girls and a Wedding)

By Lori Bizzoco
This week on The Bachelor Season 16 with Ben Flajnik, we were taken to the horse country, the Bible Belt, a Texas-style dress-up party and a mock wedding. Yes, three women and a wedding. Lindzi got to show Ben what it was like to race horses, ride horses and grow up with horses all around her. She said she rode before she even walked. Nikki’s fun-loving spirit led Ben into a Texan cowboy store where they both bought hats and boots and sported being a Texan all day. Ben said it was something that he always wanted to do. Courtney invited Ben not only to meet her family but to meet his future wife (her) in a full-course wedding with an officiant and all. They exchanged vows in what some Twitter followers say was a rip-off of Sex and the City. Overall, the parents seemed down-to-earth and warm towards Ben. However, the one family that didn’t welcome him as easily was Kacie B. Unfortunately, their traditional values and lack of alcohol consumption (after all, Ben is a wine maker) probably got in the way of his feelings for her. At the end of the episode, she was the one who was sent packing.
Here’s this week’s Q&A commentary from Ann and Jesse Csincsak:

‘The Bachelor’ Season 16 Episode 7: Ann and Jesse Csincsak Weigh in on Ben Flajnik’s Ladies in Belize
Welcome to Belize. This week’s episode of ‘The Bachelor’ had quite a few break downs. Lindzi gets a Blue Lagoon type date with Ben and they spend their date hunting for food caveman style. They end the date by writing a fairy tale love note, putting it in a bottle and sending it out to sea (cheesy). Nikki has break down #1 complaining that she needs a one-on-one with Ben.
Breakdown #2 was in full swing by Courtney after she becomes enraged at her ‘boyfriend’ for betraying her by giving Emily a date card. Unfortunately for Emily, there was absolutely no on-air chemistry between them although viewers had to witness their disgusting display of tongue action (gross)!

‘The Bachelor’ Season 16, Episode 6: Ann and Jesse Csincsak Weigh in on Awkward Kissing Scene and Serial Nudist Courtney

By Lori Bizzoco and Steven Zangrillo
Welcome to Panama. This season of ‘The Bachelor’ has taken a turn for the… weird. First, we have serial nudist Courtney Robertson who continues to use her body to command Ben’s attention. While on the other end of the sexual spectrum, we have prude-gone-wild Jamie who gives full on kissing instructions to Ben. And, somewhere caught in the middle is Blakely who during the two-on-one date with Rachel, reveals an over-the-top visual board to Ben fantasizing the non-existent romance she was having with him. Jamie and Blakeley were sent packing.
The one-on-one date was with Kacie B., who Ben took to a private island (surprise!). Over the course of the date Kacie divulges that she once had an eating disorder. Opening up to Ben gets her a rose. On the group date, the girls are taken a tribal village in Panama. The girls all don traditional Panamanian tribal wear – over their bikinis. Courtney, however, decided that beads alone would do the job. Ben didn’t look so upset about it. However, Lindzi was the one receiving the rose much to Courtney’s dismay.

‘The Bachelor’ Season 16 Episode 5: Ann and Jesse Csincsak Talk Skinny Dipping, Ball Playing, ‘Sick of Being Single’ Bachelorettes

By Lori Bizzoco
The drama shifted to Puerto Rico this week, where Ben and the remaining ladies visited the island of Vieques. Nicki got the first date, but with a downpour of rain and no umbrellas, the duo was forced to do some shopping for “authentic” and dry Puerto Rican threads. Ben gave Nicki a rose that evening.
For the group date, Ben took the ladies to the historic Roberto Clemente Stadium where they were divided into two teams and went head-to-head in a baseball game. The winning team would enjoy a wonderful beach party with Ben. Kacie B.’s team won and she got the group rose that night but directly following it, Courtney stole Ben at fourth base with some baseball playing of her own.

‘The Bachelor’ Season 16, Episode 4: Ann and Jesse Csincsak Give Emily Dating Advice

Drama continues in Park City, Utah where Rachel had the first one-on-one date with Ben and got Rose 1. Then came the group date where the girls rode on horseback through the woods, and spent an afternoon fly fishing. Ben was testing their ability to be in the country and in a group setting. Unfortunately for some (Samantha Levey), it didn’t work out in her favor. Tensions mounted when Courtney Robertson pulled Ben away and actually caught a fish in the process! Then, she stole Ben again and told him that she needed reassurance where she won his heart and got Rose 2. While she was gloating, Samantha was told by Ben that she was too “emotional” and he sent her packing before the Rose Ceremony. The last date and final rose went to the shy and reserved Jennifer Fritsch (then again, Ben did vote her best kisser). On their one-on-one, the new Bennifer plummeted into a 300 foot crater together. After it was over, they ran through pouring rain to an outdoor concert by country singer, Clay Walker and she was given date Rose 3. With Samantha already gone, there was only one more person to eliminate that evening. Say good-bye to Monica Spannbauer. And then there were 12.
1. What are your initial thoughts about Rachel?
Jesse: I think Rachel is down to earth; she really seemed to like the lake and canoe date. I think it’s pretty rad that she is normal and can enjoy the simple stuff.
Ann: My initial thoughts were: I love her bangs. But passed that, I haven’t seen or heard enough from her to form an opinion. I have barely noticed a lot of the girls this season, because they either don’t talk very much, or they are going to be cut early on, so the producers aren’t showing them too often.

EXCLUSIVE: Former ‘Bachelor’ Contestants Prepare to File Class Action Lawsuit against ABC Producers

In a move that would be the first-of-its-kind in reality television history, former contestants of the ABC hit reality television shows, ‘The Bachelor’ and ‘The Bachelorette’ have spoken to attorneys and are in discussion to file a class action lawsuit, against creators Mike Fleiss and Elan Gale. This information was disclosed to us in an exclusive interview today by former contestant and ‘Bachelorette Season 4’ winner, Jesse Csincsak.

‘The Bachelor’ Season 16, Episode 3: Ann and Jesse Csincsak Discuss the Return of Shawntel Newton and Emily’s Fear of Heights

By Jennifer Harrington
The city of San Francisco provided the back-drop for what ended up being one of the most dramatic episodes in recent history of The Bachelor. Ben and Emily climbed to the top of the Golden Gate Bridge, Brittney left before her one-on-one date with the winemaker, Shawntel (the funeral director from Brad Womack’s season) re-surfaced to confess her crush, and one of the ladies fainted at the rose ceremony! Wow, what an episode. To help us make sense of the craziness, here are insights from Bachelor experts Jesse and Ann Csincsak.
1. We saw Ben’s relationships with several of the women blossom this week. Who do you think that he had the best connection with this week?

Reality TV Couple Ann and Jesse Csincsak Answer Questions About ‘The Bachelor’ Season 16, Episode 2

By Lori Bizzoco
Last night Ben Flajnik brought his 18 beautiful Bachelor contestants to Sonoma where things became more intimate and drama unfolded between the girls. There was crying, cat fights and as Blakely said, “claws are coming out.” The claws sure did come out when a bunch of ‘Bachelor’ contestants dressed up as fairy tale characters and preformed a play on stage for Ben’s hometown during the group date. One-on-ones last night were with Kacie B. and Courtney Robertson. Each girl received a rose at the end of their date. During the rose ceremony Jenna and Shawn left empty handed. Next week the girls head to San Francisco. Ann and Jesse Csincsak are back this week to answer our questions from Episode 2:
1. Kacie B seems sweet, and down-to-earth but Ben says, “He trusts her.” When you’re on this show, can you really trust someone after knowing them for such a short period of time? How long would Ben have known Kacie at this point?

‘The Bachelor’ Premiere: Reality TV Couple Ann and Jesse Csincsak Answer Questions About Season 16

Hello, we’re back again with another season of ‘The Bachelor!” Last night was the start of Season 16 with our new, hot, sexy, eligible, Sonoma winemaker, Ben Flajnik. This time Ben’s in control handing out roses; ready to find love this season. For the next 10 Mondays, we will be joined by Ann and Jesse Csincsak to get their weekly perspective of Ben, the single ladies and all the drama that’s bound to happen when you get 25 estrogen-fueled women in a room. Here’s our take on Episode 1:
1. Many people want to know why Ben went back on the show as the Bachelor? Wouldn’t he have had plenty of girls to choose from after being dumped by Ashley? What makes being on the show better for finding love than in real life?

Tonight: Reality TV Star Premiere Party in Hollywood!

Some of our favorite Bachelorette and Bachelor Pad all-stars are gearing up to celebrate the premiere of the sixteenth season of ABC’s The Bachelor during a Reality TV Star Premiere Party hosted by Jesse Csincsak, Jesse Kovacs and David Good. The event will take place at The Parlor Hollywood on Monday, January 2, 2012 from 6 p.m. to midnight.
There will be a Red Carpet Entrance, VIP gifting area, appetizers, cocktails and a special viewing of the Season Premiere of The Bachelor–LIVE!
As if that’s not enough, rounding out the good time will be a celebrity date auction, featuring Bachelor Pad’s Kasey Kahl and Most Eligible Dallas’ Matt Nordgren. All proceeds benefit Alex’s Lemonade Stand, a foundation that raises money to fight childhood cancer. The auction will be followed by music, dancing and a midnight champagne toast!
The party will be hosted by three of The Bachelorette’s fan favorites but it will be one huge Reality TV celebration. Expect appearances from your favorite reality stars of The Bachelor, Most Eligible Dallas, Survivor, Big Brother, Dancing With The Stars, The Hills, The Real World, and many more!
RSVP: SocialStefProductions@gmail.com

‘Bachelor’ Alumna Ann Csincsak and Partner Katie Meyer Open Vintage Sweet & Chic Boutique

By Lauren Kochendarfer
Get ready to shop! Ann Csincsak (née Ann Lueders) of ‘The Bachelor’ Season 13 and her business partner, Katie Meyer will be opening a new clothing boutique in Breckenridge, Colorado called Vintage Sweet & Chic on November 12, 2011.

Jesse Csincsak Brings in Bachelor Pad 2 Contestants to Dish Behind-The-Scenes Scoop!
Bachelor Pad 2 is not over yet, fans! Now, you can get an up close and personal look at what really happened on the hit ABC reality show. Jesse Csincsak, host of Bachelor Pad 2 Beatdown brings us an hour and a half exclusive called, ‘After the Finale Beatdown’ with former contestants Michelle Money, Kasey Kahl, Vienna Girardi, Erica Rose, William Holman, and Jackie Gordon.
Part I of ‘After the Final Beatdown’ will be posted on RTVZone and on BachelorPadBeatdown.com on Thursday, September 22 and Part II will be posted on Tuesday, September 27th. You will see footage of Rated R’s fight with Graham Bunn, hear more about Blake Julian and Holly Durst’s proposal, and find out what really happened between Ames Brown and Jackie Gordon. Fans, it’s everything you wanted to know from many of the contestants themselves.
In the meantime, check out what Season 4 Bachelorette contestant, Richard Mathy says you can expect in January when Ben Flajnik is the new Bachelor!

Jesse Csincsak Hosts ‘Bachelor Pad Beatdown’ on RTVZone.com
The Season 2 Bachelor Pad Beatdown – Episode 1 from Patrick ONeill on Vimeo.
The Season 2 Bachelor Pad Beatdown – Episode 2 from Patrick ONeill on Vimeo.
The Season 2 Bachelor Pad Beatdown – Episode 3 from Patrick ONeill on Vimeo.
The Season 2 Bachelor Pad Beatdown – Episode 4 from Patrick ONeill on Vimeo.
The Season 2 Bachelor Pad Beatdown – Episode 5 from Patrick ONeill on Vimeo.
The Season 2 Bachelor Pad Beatdown – Episode 6 from Patrick ONeill on Vimeo.
After The Final Beatdown – Episode 1 from Patrick ONeill on Vimeo.
After The Final Beatdown – Episode 1 Part 2 from Patrick ONeill on Vimeo.
You’ve come to this post because you are obviously a fan of ABC’s Bachelor and Bachelorette. Or, maybe you’re just curious what a Beatdown is all about. If you’re like many of us fans, you’re probably wondering what it’s like behind-the-scenes on ABC’s hit matchmaking show and why your favorite contestant just denied a rose to a man who seemed so dreamy on camera. Now, you no longer need to sit alone pondering all those questions.
Season 4 Bachelorette winner, Jesse Csincsak has launched a weekly hour-long Webisode series called The Bachelor Pad Beatdown, which features a panel of 8-10 former Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants dishing about the current season of ABC’s The Bachelor Pad.
You’ll hear directly from folks who’ve not only been on the show but those who have won as well, including Trista Sutter (Bachelorette Season 1), David Good and Natalie Getz (winners of the first Bachelor Pad), Tenley and Kiptyn Locke (contestants who found love after their seasons were over), to name a few. And the best part is: it’s completely uncensored!
Viewers can watch the show by visiting RTVZone.com and clicking WATCH LIVE on the main page. On demand viewing will be available within a few hours of airing. The program will also feature live video and interaction amongst the panel, who will occasionally take viewer questions from Twitter, chat and video mail.
Be sure to check it out on Tuesday, Aug. 9 at 9 p.m. EST, submit your questions via Twitter (@RTVZone) and share your thoughts about Jesse’s Bachelor Pad Beatdown series with us below.
Happy watching!

Exclusive Celebrity Interview: Former ‘Bachelorette’ Winner Jesse Csincsak Gives His Take on the Season Finale

In the season 7 finale of the reality TV show The Bachelorette, we saw Ashley Hebert choose between the remaining two bachelors, Ben Flajnik and J.P. Rosenbaum, and watched as she celebrated her celebrity engagement with Rosenbaum. From the looks of things on the After the Final Rose special, our bachelorette is indeed blissfully in love and will be moving to New York City in the coming months to join her man! Following the episode, we checked in with our Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak to get his thoughts on the last chapter of this reality TV love story.
… Want to know the rest? Click here.

Former ‘Bachelorette’ Winner Jesse Csincsak Talks About Ashley Hebert’s Fiji Dates and Her Final Two Men

Last night on The Bachelorette, Ryan Park paid Ashley Hebert a visit and asked for a second chance, while Constantine Tzortzis said goodbye after revealing that his relationship and love was not developing fast enough for her. Ben Flajnik and J.P. Rosenbaum are the remaining two men, and The Bachelorette now understands that this is a two way street. Here’s what Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak had to say about the episode:
… Need the rest? Click here for more.

‘The Bachelorette’ Season 7, Episode 9: Final Two Men Remaining

By Jennifer Harrington
Last night’s episode on The Bachelorette quickly reminded me that this season was almost over. The thought alone got my adrenaline racing, not because I wanted to see who Ashley Hebert would choose but because it brought me one week closer to the upcoming drama that is almost guaranteed on the Bachelor/Bachelorette spin-off, Bachelor Pad. Until then, here’s the scoop on Hebert!
The Bachelorette journeyed back to Asia for overnight dates with the remaining three bachelors: Ben Flajnik, Constantine Tzortzis, and J.P. Rosenbaum. Last week’s hometown dates seemed to be a big step in the right direction for our leading lady, and after arriving in Fiji, she remarked that it was the “ultimate place to fall in love.” Keeping in mind that this week’s preview promised a few last surprises for the brunette, here’s a recap of what this episode had in store for her.
… Dying for more? Click here for the rest.