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Tag Archives: Fitness Trend

Jan 8, 2021 0

Fitness Trends for 2021

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trends for 2021
Couple running together. Photo: Maridav /

By Carly Silva

2020 has been a chaotic 12 months, but this new year calls for new beginnings, and that means new workout routines. Getting fit this new year is a great way to start 2021 off with a fresh start, but choosing your workouts might look different than normal.

If you’re looking to get in shape this new year pandemic-style, check out these new fitness trends to follow in 2021!

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Oct 2, 2020 0

Fitness Trend: Exercise Snacking

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Exercise Snacking
Girl Stretching. Photo:

By Nicole Maher

Many of us began the new decade with high hopes of our fitness New Year’s resolutions. However, with the shut down of gyms across the country and drastic changes to our daily schedules due to the pandemic, these goals may have appeared unachievable. Faced with these new circumstances, many people began to turn to the new fitness trend of exercise snacking as a way of staying in shape, or beginning their fitness journey. 

Find out some of the benefits of the new fitness trend, exercise snacking.

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Nov 27, 2019 0

Fitness Trend: How CBD Can Be Used In An Exercise Plan

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: How CBD Can Be Used In An Exercise Plan
Couple doing yoga in the park. Photo: suravid /

While exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, it can be challenging to maintain a regular habit because of the workout effects on the body. After exercising, the body sustains muscle pain and inflammation. In most cases, you have two options to choose from: to bear the pain and continue working out, or allow the body to heal first before picking up your workout routine again.

CBD, or cannabidiol, products are gaining popularity because it promises huge benefits, specifically in treating the body. Right now, there are products infused with CBD for athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness-minded individuals. They sing the praises of different CBD products they’ve used as part of their exercise regime.

If this is your first time hearing about how CBD can be helpful in an exercise plan, you should stick around to learn. Perhaps, it can help you decide if it’s worth incorporating into your routine.

In terms of an exercise plans, some notable ways to use CBD are as follows:

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Jan 3, 2020 0

Fitness Tips: How to Shed Holiday Weight After the New Year

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Tips: How to Shed Holiday Weight After the New Year
Photo: Pexels / PublicDomainPictures

By Ahjané Forbes

As we welcome the new year, we plan to draft our resolutions. The majority of our new commitments will be to lose weight. Sometimes, this process can be tricky and may not always go as planned. However, it is important to make mistakes and learn from them to make a healthier you!

What are some fitness tips to help ring in the new year?

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Oct 11, 2019 0

Fitness Trend: Move Away from Your Dependence on Technology

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Move Away from Your Dependence on Technology
Photo: Instagram/adho_mukha_mama

By Katie Sotack

Admit it: technology has become an addiction. It’s easy to get lost trying to grow your following on social media. You’ve maybe gotten so wrapped up in a game on your iPad you’ve forgotten to wash your work clothes for the next morning, too. Consumers are reclaiming fitness as a time to disconnect and recommit to health. The gym, which had become flooded with big screens and Fitbits, has now become a place to find solitude.

As technology integrates further into our lives, how can we achieve mindfulness through this unplugged fitness trend?

Mindfulness is the act of bringing one’s attention to the current moment. Psychologists recommend it as a way to deal with emotional distress and to live life to its fullest. The task has become increasingly more challenging as we’ve become more attuned to our screens and less invested in the physical space around us. Here’s some fitness advice to help you unplug and lead a healthier life:

1. Go harder: To maximize a full workout, mindfulness is essential. The presence of a phone or other distraction limits the workout by dividing attention and providing a slower tempo for movement. It’s suggested that songs with high BPM (beats per minute) increase the speed of a workout. Plus, with distraction comes bad form. Give your body the respect it deserves by focusing on structure and engaging muscle groups, ultimately disconnecting from life and experiencing a workout your health and the impact of the workout.

2. Breathing: 2019 has seen an increase in breath-focused fitness like yoga and swimming. A key component to mindfulness is meditation, which largely focuses on breathwork. Exercises that stress the importance of deep and measured breath will aid in focusing the mind. The ‘breathe through the pain’ mantra of yoga will bleed into everyday life. Even emotional challenges will feel less stressful as you take measured breaths to remain calm. Plus, there’s the added benefit of regular exercise, which leads to increased endorphins. By participating in an exercise that emphasizes breathing, a person will increase their mood and decrease their waistline simultaneously.

Related Link: Celebrity Diet: Does Going Vegan Hurt Your Health?

3. Fatigue: Constant tiredness may be brought on by stress, chronic pain, or trouble sleeping. A mindful workout, which focuses on a strong mind-body connection, will alleviate all of the above. Psychologists use the connection to adjust lifestyles and attitudes. When a person is cognizant of their entire being, emotional wounds and physical pains begin to heal. This phenomenon happens by processing our emotions and therefore healing that which plagues us. A mindful workout is a great start to both emotional and physical health (and should exercise alone work for you, it’s a lot cheaper than never-ending doctor’s appointments).

Related Link: Fitness Trend: 5 Ways Hot Yoga Melts Away Calories

4. Alertness: A downside to our constant internet connection is that we as a species have become horribly unaware. People cross busy Manhattan streets without looking up from the movie on their phone. Friends’ voices have become background noises to our texting. Taking an hour a day to workout unplugged reminds us that it is possible and can feel amazing. Ever heard of runner’s high? The endorphins of a full-fledged mindful workout are off the charts. You’ll feel superhuman, pushing your body and mind to the limits and not caring about the time spent away from your screen. Plus, a strong mind-body connection makes people more aware in everyday life. You’ll begin to pick up on details your brain had been filtering out as well as upping your quick-witted banter skills.

How do you emphasize a mind-body connection? Share in the comments below!

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Aug 30, 2019 0

Celebrity Workout: Group Classes That’ll Have You Sweating With Obsession

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Workout: Group Classes That’ll Have You Sweating With Obsession
Photo: Instagram/jordansharp_fitfam

By Katie Sotack

Picture yourself slick with sweat, surrounded by your fitness family, working toward the hot summer body you’ve always wanted. These are the reasons celebrities crave group fitness classes. Participants are quick to become a family, pushing each other past their mental blocks and onto new physical planes. Plus classes are designed by professionals so you know your body is getting the best workout to target fat and build muscle. Next time you hit the gym, try out a fitness class for the best celebrity body workout.

Get excited to try your hand at the latest fitness trend, group classes. But how do you know which celebrity workout is right for you?

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Jul 12, 2019 0

Fitness Trend: Hire a Certified Professional

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Hire a Certified Professional
Photo: Twitter/@melanie_workout.

By Mara Miller

You might have done this: you try a new workout video, but you have no idea which dumbbell weight you should use. You aren’t sure what your heart rate should be after a workout. Or, worst case scenario, you injured yourself because you overextended your muscles. The fitness trend of hiring a certified professional is on the rise. A personal trainer has specific training geared toward giving you fitness advice. People of all ages can hire a professional to help them learn to get fit and stay fit.

Check out our reasons you should consider following the certified professional fitness trend!

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May 17, 2019 0

Fitness Trend: Battle Rope Workout

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Battle Rope Workout
Instagram: Beth Carr fitbuffy23

By Megan McIntosh

There’s a new fitness trend in town, and it looks like it’s going to stick around. The Battle Rope workout has been making the rounds in the fitness world. Celebrities like Khloe Kardashian and Naomi Campbell swear by this fitness trend as an effective total-body workout. It’s an easier and faster way to have a bit of cardio in your workout.

Fitness Trend: The Battle Rope Workout has many benefits for the body.

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Apr 19, 2019 0

Fitness Trend: 5 Ways Hot Yoga Melts Away Calories

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: 5 Ways Hot Yoga Melts Away Calories
Hot yoga. Photo: Instagram/@o2aspen

By Mara Miller

Yoga is an ancient practice originating in India in about 3000 B.C. It’s long been used as both a way to meditate and as a fitness tactic. Something that’s been around for so long is no doubt effective! Now that swimsuit season is approaching, have you been looking for fitness advice to melt away calories? Well, you’re in luck! Hot yoga is a fitness trend that has major calorie burning attributes.

Hot yoga is a popular fitness trend that burns away pesky calories. Find out how!

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Apr 5, 2019 0

Fitness Trend: Isometric Strength Training

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Isometric Strength Training
Photo: Instagram/@sanditelaviv and Charlie Yacoub Photography

By Mara Miller

Isometric strength training is a fitness trend that involves exercising in place. It focuses on the way the muscles are supposed to move with no crazy movements like tossing a tire or bouncing around. You don’t even need weights to do this type of strength training–the point is to tighten up your muscles without even moving.

Find out more about this fitness trend! 

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Mar 8, 2019 0

Fitness Trend: Help Your Neighbors!

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Help Your Neighbors!
Snow Shoveling. Photo: @finelivingconcierge / Instagram

By Lauren Burczyk

Believe it or not, you can actually get a great workout just by helping your neighbors. These fitness tips will not only have you scoring brownie points in the neighborhood, but will also help to burn some of those brownie points off. Listen to our fitness advice, and help your neighbors during a snowstorm, as this random act of kindness will provide many health benefits for you. All you have to do is pick up a shovel, start clearing off their driveway, and wait to feel your serotonin levels start to rise.

Here are five reasons why helping your neighbor is becoming the latest fitness trend:

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Feb 8, 2019 0

Fitness Trend: 5 Benefits of Pole Dance Classes

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: 5 Benefits of Pole Dance Classes
Photo: Twitter/@melanie_workout.

By Lauren Burczyk

When people think of pole dancing, they may seldom think that it’s becoming a very popular form of exercise. While this fitness trend is a great way to embrace your inner sexiness, it can greatly improve your quality of life and has many health benefits. Not only are pole dance classes a ton of fun, but they help to build stronger core muscles. These classes work the entire core and will work your front and back muscles equally. If you’re having trouble sticking to an exercise routine because it lacks the excitement you’re looking for, take this fitness advice and try a pole dance class!

Check out this new fitness trend! Here’s five benefits of pole dance classes:

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Feb 22, 2019 0

Fitness Tips: 7 Ways to Speed Up Weight Loss

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Tips: 7 Ways to Speed Up Weight Loss
Photo: Pexels / PublicDomainPictures

By Mara Miller

Do you need to shed a few pounds, but you aren’t sure where to start? Weight loss can be rewarding; both in the “yes!” moment when you fit into your old college jeans and for the health benefits, including more mobility and a decreased risk in health issues.

Losing weight isn’t something that will happen overnight, but it can be kick-started under the right conditions. Here are seven fitness tips that can help speed up weight loss:

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Jan 11, 2019 0

Fitness Tips: Incorporate Superfoods in Your Diet

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Tips: Incorporate Superfoods in Your Diet
Lux crepes. Photo: Instagram/@kokosbowls

By Ivana Jarmon

As the end of the year approaches we often want to start the new year by getting our bodies back in shape. A great way to get fit is to insert superfoods into your diet. Superfoods are a new way to offer the maximum nutritional benefits for minimal calories. They’re packed with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Cupid has some fitness tips to help you incorporate super foods into your diet.

Check out these fitness tips on how to incorporate superfoods in your diet:

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Dec 28, 2018 0

Fitness Trend: Establish a Workout of the Day

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Establish a Workout of the Day
Photo: Twitter/@melanie_workout.

By Courtney Shapiro

If you are busy throughout the day, it can be difficult to establish a solid fitness regiment. A popular fitness trend right now is to set up a workout for each day. These workouts can be something different everyday; for example, Monday can be strength training, while Thursday can be more aerobic type exercises. Planning a workout every day will definitely help you get on the right fitness track.

In fitness trends, check out why you should establish a workout of the day.

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Dec 14, 2018 0

Fitness Trend: Get Motivated in Group Classes

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Get Motivated in Group Classes
Grab a friend and go to a group class! Photo:

By Ivana Jarmon

The catalyst for change is often due to a new year approaching and a little thing called New Year’s resolutions, a tradition in which millions of people take stock in their lives to make positive changes. An example is making the decision to get in better shape through exercise. But, we know that it’s easier said than done. We can all relate to the promise we make at the beginning of the new year. An excellent way to motivate yourself to stick to your fitness-related resolution is by joining a group class. Group fitness classes have many benefits such as structure, motivation, proper form, and variety. Cupid has some fitness tips on what classes you should take this coming year.

Fitness Trend: Check out our top five favorite group fitness classes!

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Nov 30, 2018 0

Fitness Trend: 5 Best Workout Apps

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: 5 Best Workout Apps
Photo: Twitter/@melanie_workout.

By Courtney Shapiro

In today’s society, it can be pretty difficult to make it to a physical gym. Workout apps are a huge fitness trend right now that will help you save time and money. You can still burn calories and sweat from an at-home app workout; you just have to find what works best for you.

Check out which workout apps will get you the best results.

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Nov 16, 2018 0

Fitness Trend: Reaching New Heights in Aerial Classes

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Reaching New Heights in Aerial Classes
Aerial yoga. Photo: Instagram/@honoryoga

By Courtney Shapiro

Aerial classes are currently a super fun fitness trend. These classes are also known as aerial yoga or anti-gravity, and use suspended ribbons to achieve a workout. There are various types of aerial workouts including ones with silks, ropes, lyra, which is a steel ring attached to two ropes straps, hammock, as well as conditioning.  The classes are usually small and help people work on the aerobic and conditioning skills in an innovative way.

Check out why Aerial Fitness classes can be beneficial for your body and why you should try this fitness trend

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Oct 5, 2018 0

Fitness Trend: Acai Bowls

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Acai Bowls
Acai Bowl. Photo: Instagram/@k_kristen_m

By Courtney Shapiro

Acai bowls are a super yummy indulgence fitness trend right now. The bowl is made from the acai berry, a super fruit originally hailing from Brazil. The berry gets pureed and takes on a sorbet-like texture as the base of the bowl. The puree can then be blended with other fruits, or left as is. As a finishing touch, it then gets topped with anything ranging from oatmeal to fresh fruit, or different types of obscure food items including chia seeds or bee pollen. The combinations are endless, but the health benefits from eating these are also worth checking out.

Check out why Acai Bowls are beneficial for your health and are the latest fitness trend.

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Sep 21, 2018 0

Fitness Trend: Cold Therapy

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Cold Therapy
Ice Bath. Photo: Instagram/ @howtokruse

By Haley Lerner

Cold therapy, or cryotherapy, is one of the coolest (pun intended) fitness trend going on right now. Cold therapy is when you apply something frozen or cold to an area of your body to treat pain. There are various methods of cold therapy, such as icepacks, ice massage, whirlpools, ice baths or coolant sprays. We’ve got some reasons why cold therapy is one of the best ways for managing pain.

Check out our fitness tips on why cold therapy is a great pain management option for you!

…Click here to read our fitness tips!

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Sep 7, 2018 0

Fitness Trend: Online Workout Classes

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Online Workout Classes
Photo: Instagram

By Haley Lerner

We know the dilemma: you seriously need to hit the gym, but you have absolutely no time to make it there. Nowadays, who doesn’t have a totally busy schedule? Plus, who has the money to pay for an expensive gym membership that you might never use? Luckily, we have the perfect solution for you. Online workout classes are the hottest new fitness trend that are totally convenient and will give you the celebrity body you’ve been dreaming of. We’ve got the perfect online workout classes that will get your body sweating.

Join in on the hottest new fitness trend with some of these online workout classes!

…Click here to checkout out workout tips!

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May 18, 2018 0

Fitness Trend: Break A Sweat With Piloxing

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trend: Break A Sweat With Piloxing
Instagram: piloxing

By Carly Horowitz

Imagine a world where fitness gurus combine the intricate skills of boxing with the flexibility of Pilates. Well, you don’t have to imagine anymore, because we are living in such a world! Allow us to reveal the latest fitness trend: Piloxing. People around the globe are partaking in this cool new workout.

Piloxing is a fitness trend that will get you feeling sexy and powerful!

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May 4, 2018 0

Fitness Trends: Shakes & Smoothies

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Fitness Trends: Shakes & Smoothies
Rachel Bilson indulges her pregnancy cravings with boyfriend Hayden Christensen. Photo: CPR/Dmac/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES

By Jessica Gomez

Shakes and smoothies are delicious ways to stay healthy because of all the nutrients they provide and the fact that they keep your body hydrated. You can get healthy shakes and smoothies at cafes and juice bars or make them at home with a juicer. Many celebrities juice and drink smoothies to nourish the body, mind, and spirit. Among them are Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Alba, Blake Lively, and Kate Hudson.

Get a celebrity body by learning the health benefits of the smoothie fitness trend, along with some yummy, healthy recipes. Here are our fitness trends:

…Click here to read some useful info!

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Jan 25, 2018 0

Celebrity Style: Active Wear Inspiration to Kick Start Your Workout

Posted In: Fitness/Health
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Style: Active Wear Inspiration to Kick Start Your Workout

By Christine Rudolph

You’re probably familiar with the infamous New Year’s mantra “new year, new me.” People everywhere use (and sometimes overuse) this phrase to help motivate and achieve the goals they have set. For some, the “new me” entails hitting the gym to get that toned body many of us desperately desire. But we all know that making a resolution is one thing and abiding by it is a whole different ball game! We all need the right amount of inspiration to stick with such momentous resolutions – and cute active wear certainly helps! Gone are the days when workout clothes were incredibly dull and boring. Now you can attract everyone to your newfound style mantra based on active wear. Not only will you stand out from the crowd, but you will also look as good as some of your favorite fit celebrities!

Here are some of our favorite celebrities that have awesome workout clothes! You don’t want to miss out on these bits of celebrity style:

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