What do actresses Bonnie Hunt, Julie Walters, and recording artists Paul Brandt and Tina Turner have in common? They were all trained as nurses! In honor of the “Year of the Healthy Nurse,” now is a great time to recognize the role nurses play in our lives. The demands placed on nurses every day are huge. Our nurses are committed to providing the best care possible, and they try their hardest to meet that challenge every day. And sometimes that commitment means being brutally honest about a patient’s symptoms or habits. Your friends may not tell you that your moodiness has hung around for weeks, or your jeans are fitting a bit tight — but a nurse will tell you. In the spirit of good health and valuable relationship advice, here are five things your nurse is willing to discuss that your friends aren’t.
Tag Archives: Relationship Expert

Relationship Advice: Things A Nurse Will Tell You But Your Friends Won’t

Dating Advice: How to Manifest Your Man (A Man’s Perspective)
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert PJ Dixon to offer their dating advice on how to manifest a man’s potential. Learn how you can find yourself with a lifelong partner with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice On Getting The Most Out Of Your Man

Dating Advice: 4 Reasons Younger Women In The City Struggle To Forge Meaningful Relationships

As someone who lives in New York City, I can say with full enthusiasm that it is one of the greatest cities in the world. The food! The culture! The diversity! And of course, the incredible women are right up there with any other city. Unfortunately, one aspect of city life often let’s women down though, and it affects their ability to forge meaningful relationships. And while it’s easy to claim that men in the city just don’t want to settle down, I’ve personally found that this is far from the case for most men I’ve worked with or encountered. Sometimes it’s just a matter of avoiding certain mistakes and making the right adjustments to find love. In this article I will be discussing four big reasons many women often struggle to find relationships in big cities, and dating advice to help you avoid these issues.
Dating advice that will benefit young women living in a city.

Dating Advice: How to Answer ‘Why Are You Still Single?’
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Duana Welch to offer their dating advice on how to handle the difficult question: “Why are you single?” Learn how you can answer this inquiry in a smart way with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice On Handling Questions About Your Single Status

Dating & Technology Q&A: How Do You Handle Dating Someone With An Internet Persona?

Question from Shan G.: My boyfriend is very popular online. He has a Youtube channel, many subscribers and followers, and a very active social media presence. Our relationship is still new, but I’m not sure how to handle this all. It almost feels like I’m dating a celebrity, and that I’m not on his level. I’m not sure what I should do.
Dating in the era of social media can put a strain on relationships, especially when one party happens to be a popular figure online. But don’t let internet fame damage what you have! Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on how to handle a partner’s online persona.
Technology Dating Advice That Will Help You Deal With Your Partner’s Online Popularity

Dating Advice: 5 Things He Must Have
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Tinzley Bradford to offer their dating advice on what it is that a man needs to have before you attempt a relationship with them. Learn how you can win the right man over and stay happy with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You Find A Quality Man Without Settling

Dating Advice: Who Should Pay For a First Date?
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Robert Manni to offer their dating advice on who should be paying for first date activities. Learn how you can handle this delicate situation with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You Determine Who Pays On First Dates

Dating Advice: The Biggest Turn On’s for a Man
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert PJ Dixon to offer their dating advice on what turns a man on. Learn how to attract the man of your dreams and keep him interested with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You Figure Out When To Settle Down With A Man You Like!

Relationship Advice: From Cheater to Keeper – How to Make Amends

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Hana Gilbert
Cheater – someone who is in a committed relationship and breaks the trust of his or her partner by physically or emotionally involving themselves with another person. We’ve all been there, either in the form of the cheater, or as the cheated. The cheater is generally remorseful, claiming they “made a mistake” and “are willing to go the extra mile to mend what’s broken.” The cheated generally experiences emotional chaos as they decide between swallowing the heartbreak and moving forward, or letting the heartbreak crumble the relationship. Studies have shown that over 50 percent of men and women alike admit to being unfaithful at least once. With this statistic being so high, cheating has become a commonality, or an expectation, for most relationships. Some couples have the maturity to overcome infidelity scandals through in-house methods. However, most of us are guilty of spilling our heartbreak to any and all individuals with ears and time. Here’s where the majority of the problem lie; everyone has their own opinion regarding how to handle a cheater. Most relationship advice includes conducting a dramatic breakup, followed by an overt exit, and finalized by the removal all social media posts hinting at the existence of any form of a relationship. Realizing that at time colleagues, friends, family members, and even complete strangers are quick to give their relationship advice and dating tips before taking into account your thoughts and feelings. Professional matchmakers and relationship experts Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher, founders of Bravo TV’s Love Brokers and Project Soulmate, are here to provide an outside perspective on the situation, giving you three scenarios that will hopefully allow you to decipher between a cheater and a keeper.
Relationship Advice On Handling Cheating Scandals

Relationship Advice: 3 Ways Bad Credit Can Ruin Your Love Life

Congratulations on your new relationship! It’s an exciting time to join two lives together to build a bright future. You brought the pets and furniture while your partner brought along a big screen television—and bad credit history. Is this union doomed from the start? Not always. But the road to repair can be rocky. A bad credit history can be fixed, but it takes time, patience, honesty, and a lot of self-discipline to change the habits that got you in this financial situation in the first place. If you want to avoid relationship problems and change your spending habits, here are three ways bad credit can impact your love life. With the following relationship advice and dating tips, you can prevent heart ache and an empty wallet.
Relationship advice that history is wrecking your love life with the following relationship advice.

Dating Advice: How Long Should You Date Around, After You Meet a Man You Like?
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Duana Welch to offer their dating advice on when is the right time to stop dating around after finding a man you like. Learn how to win over the man of your dreams and keep him interested with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You Figure Out When To Settle Down With A Man You Like!

Dating Advice: 5 Online Dating Photos That Will Instantly Up Your Profile Game

Let’s face it. Men are all about appearances. It’s bred into our DNA. Sure we want to settle down with women who are are well-rounded, fun, caring, intelligent, and all that other good stuff. But before we actually get to the good stuff that leads to a long-term bond, we still focus on the visuals. This is why it is so critical to perfect the photo galleries of our online dating profiles in ways that will ignite high levels of interest. The good news is that you don’t have to be a supermodel, or even a model to spark high levels of attraction. But if you are one, call me ok? Where were we again? Oh yes… Creating a photo gallery that will ignite interest! The following five dating tips will put you on the path to a perfect photo gallery and hopefully increase your potential date nights.
Dating Advice That Will Help You Improve Your Online Dating Chances With Pictures Alone!

Dating & Relationship Q&A: At My Wits End, He Won’t Stop Flirting Online. Should I End It?

Question from Ashley M.: I have been with my guy for over seventeen years, we’re both flirty people, but as of lately he’s crossed a line with a particular person. I’ve warned him and have had discussions about this person he swear is only a friend, but the same thing keeps happening. I’ve offered him a way out, but he insists that he wants to stay together. I’m not a super jealous person, but I don’t want to be disrespected. We’re trying to save what we have.
Dating can have its trying moments. Add the internet, social media and electronic devices into the mix, and temptation can creep into your relationship. However, do not fret! Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Technology is here to stay, after all, so take advantage of these amazing tools! Learn valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here they’ll answer your questions on how to handle a partner’s online flirting.
Technology Dating Advice That Will Help You Deal With Your Partner’s Online Flirting

Relationship Advice Guys Edition: When’s The Right Time To Pop The Question (Marriage)?

By David Wygant
So you’re under the influence of an amazing woman. You’re thinking about popping the question. All you think about is the future. You think about the love that you’re sharing. You think she’s the one for you. Before you run off to pop that question, it’s time you start smelling the sausages. Yes, sausages. You see, women need to smell the roses, men need to smell the sausages. Let’s bring you back into reality with a real stinky, smelly, greasy, Italian Sausage that you get from the street fair. Before I go on, I need to warn you that I’m about to give you some hard hitting relationship advice. It’s going to hopefully wake you back into reality, and give you an opportunity to make the right decision.
Relationship Advice That Will Help You Figure Out If You’re Ready For Marriage

Dating Advice: 3 Dating Red Flags
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Joe Amoia to offer their dating advice on how you can spot red flags on the dating scene. Find out how you can score the man of your dreams and avoid the bad apples with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You See The Red Flags!

Relationship Advice: How Do I Know If I’m Rebounding?

You’re fresh out of a volatile relationship and ready to start something new. What an exciting time in your life, right? But not so fast! Before you go jumping into that next relationship, ask yourself the question: am I really ready, or am I simply on the rebound? Below are five signs you may not be quite ready to take on a new partner yet. Follow this relationship advice so you can avoid hurting yourself and others.
Relationship Advice That Will Help You Determine Whether You’re Rebounding

Dating Advice: What Attracts a Man?
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Cyndi Olin to offer their dating advice on how you can effectively attract a man. Find out how you can score the man of your dreams with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You Attract A Man!

Relationship Advice: How to Handle Your Significant Other’s Family

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Hana Gilbert
So there’s a new someone in your life. They’re the bee’s knees, the cat’s meow, the best thing since sliced bread. You’re so head-over-heels in love with your new partner. You two have gone through almost everything as a couple- the laughs, the tears, the fights. Unfortunately, you have yet to cross off one of the leading causes of breakups: the family. You decide it’s time to mention the forbidden four word phrase, “Mom, I’ve met someone.” You set the day, time, and place for the big reveal. You eat, talk, laugh; all seems to be going well. After several attempts to reunite are turned down due to “last minute obligations,” you begin to question your confidence regarding your family’s approval. So what do you do? Potentially hinder the future of your relationship by molding yourself into the ideal candidate the family wants? Or risk furthering the divide between you, your significant other, and your significant other’s family by remaining true to who you are, making uncomfortable family outings few and far between? Relationship experts Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher share insightful relationship advice on how to maintain a steady, healthy relationship with the family by understanding and accepting the situation and remaining yourself within your relationship. If you think your significant other’s family aren’t fond of you (or vice versa), take heed of the following dating tips and avoid relationship problems.
Relationship Advice on How to Handle Your Significant Other’s Family

Dating Advice: How to Get Men to Fall into Your Lap
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Jaki Sabourin to offer their dating advice on the best ways to make a man fall in love with you. Find out how you can make yourself irresistible to the opposite sex with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Make A Man Fall Right Into Your Lap!

Dating Advice: Find True Love After 40
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Michelle Marchant Johnson to offer their best dating advice for true love after 40. Find out why it’s easier to find love later in life and how you can find the man or woman of your dreams with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You Find Love After 40!

Relationship Advice: Is it worth it to try relationship counseling in the dating phase, or is it a lost cause?

By David Wygant
I’ve been coaching for 17 years and I’m a firm believer in any type of counseling, therapy, or coaching that you can get will actually make your life far more fulfilling than just trying to get advice from friends and Google searches. As a relationship expert, I’ve been asked this question many times: Is worth it to try relationship counseling in the dating phase or is it a lost cause?
Find out if you and your loved one could benefit from some counseling with the following relationship advice.

Dating Advice: The Girl He Won’t Bring Home to Mom…
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Nick Karson to offer their best dating advice on what to do when a man won’t take you home to meet his mother. Find out the reasons why men hide women, and learn how you can prevent this situation from happening to you with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You Meet His Mom

Dating Advice: Are You Intimidating Men?
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Wendy Newman to offer their best dating advice on how to attract a man. Learn how you can be intimidating to men and how you can prevent these behaviors in the dating scene. Here are three great ways to improve your love life with the following dating tips!
Dating Advice That Will Help You Be Less Intimidating

Dating Advice: 3 Ways To Be Irresistible To a Man
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Cyndi Olin to offer their best dating advice on how to attract a man. Learn how you can become irresistible to a man and great ways to improve your love life with the following dating tips!