Jan 16, 2014
Make Your Relationship Count This Year
Posted In: Love, Relationship Experts

Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. Photo: Sylvain Gaboury / PR Photos
By Dr. Tranquility – Lydia Belton, PhD, Ct. H.A.
how to improve your love life in the new year
Many couples come to me as part of my Date Therapy for Couples protocol and ask how they can make their relationships healthier. Being each other’s strongest support system and not taking each other for granted is key. These underlining core values are the bond that makes it all possible. So whether you’ve been married for over a decade or you’re in a brand new relationship, you can still keep the romance alive. Here are five tips to help make your partnership the best it can be in 2014.
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Nov 22, 2013
5 Tips for Enjoying the Holiday Season
Posted In: Lydia Belton Articles, Relationship Experts

Couple spending the holidays together. Photo: Kzenon / Bigstock.com
By Dr. Tranquility — Lydia Belton, PhD, Ct. H.A.
As someone who’s dating and marriage history would make the United Nations proud, I am all too aware that the holidays can add additional stressors to one’s search for love. You have to consider the integration of cultural differences as well as contrasting religious belief systems and traditions. After all, Christmas, Chanukah (Hanukkah), Kwanzaa, and many more important days overlap. It’s no surprise, then, that “the most wonderful time” is a great opportunity to create new memories and do some good for others. Whether you’re single, dating, or happily married, here are some basic tips for a happy holiday season:
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Jun 13, 2013
Reducing Dating Anxiety In 5 Ways Or Less
Posted In: Lydia Belton Articles, Relationship Experts

Unhappy couple after an argument. Photo: IuriiSokolov / Bigstock.com
By Dr. Tranquility — Lydia Belton, PhD, Ct. H.A.
Let’s face it, dating can be stressful but “participatory anxiety,” as we say in the mental health community, is completely normal. What’s important is that you deal with this anxiety in a healthy manner. That’s why, I’ve provided some tips below to alleviate dating nerves.
Step 1: Focus on all of the things that make you the unique, wonderful person that you are. We are all beautiful in our own way and we should accentuate those features that make us feel good about ourselves. For example, if a favorite outfit or blazer brings out the best in you, then make sure you wear it on your date. Doing so will help ease your nerves and remind you of how attractive and amazing you are. Confidence is always sexy!
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Apr 11, 2013
Dating Advice: How to Approach a Spring Fling
Posted In: Lydia Belton Articles, Relationship Experts

Happy couple riding bikes together. Photo: warrengoldswain / BIgstock.com
By Dr. Tranquility — Lydia Belton, Ph.D., Ct. H.A.
If you’ve been reading me for the last year or so, you know that I’m all about boundaries. So when we think about having a spring fling, it’s important to first figure out what that means. What’s comfortable for you? What exactly are looking for in a casual relationship? Here are four tips to help you on your journey to love.
…Want to know more about spring flings? Click here!
Feb 28, 2013
Create an Action Plan to Make Every Date Feel Like Valentine’s Day
Posted In: Relationship Experts

Happily ever after. Photo: Kurhan / Bigstock.com
By Dr. Tranquility – Lydia Belton, PhD, Ct. H.A.
The feelings and emotions we experience during the Valentine’s Day season can be enjoyed any time of the year. In order to begin, it starts with yourself. When we love ourselves, we resonate a vibration of love, and as it goes out, it comes back to us. So if you’ve had a breakup recently, let go and let love in — not for your ex, but for you! Our boundaries tend to be in a healthy place when we achieve this goal, giving way to much happier and healthier relationships.
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Dec 20, 2012
4 Tips To Reduce New Year’s Eve Dating Anxiety
Posted In: Lydia Belton Articles, Relationship Experts

A night on the town. Photo: pressmaster / Bigstock.com
By Dr. Tranquility — Lydia Belton, PhD, Ct. H.A.
We have all experienced an New Year’s Eve that we look back on with regrets. This is largely due to the fact that we invest too much into trying to make this one day the most perfect of the year — when in truth, it’s really no different than the other 364 days. Here are some tips to help you have an anxiety-free New Year’s Eve this year.
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Nov 22, 2012
Three Steps to Stress-Free Holiday Dating
Posted In: Lydia Belton Articles, Relationship Experts

How to find love during the holidays. Photo: omgimages / Bigstock.com
By Dr. Tranquility — Lydia Belton, PhD, Ct. H.A.
November is a great time to nail down all of your holiday plans, especially if you’re in a newer relationship, like Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling. Will you spend these special days together? If so, where? If you have been together for a while, like Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell, will you be with family? If so, which one and on which holiday? These seem like very simple decisions, but it they can make for some serious arguments if not addressed and handled properly. Before you get overwhelmed with too many questions, here are three easy ways to keep your relationship stress-free during the holidays:
…there’s more after the jump. Click here.
Sep 27, 2012
Breaking Up Without Breaking Down
Posted In: Lydia Belton Articles, Relationship Experts

Unhappy couple. Photo: mast3r / Bigstock.com
By Dr. Tranquility — Lydia Belton, PhD, Ct. H.A.
While breaking up is a part of dating, going back to a single life can be scary. It’s time to stop worrying about lost love and start taking care of yourself. By enjoying life and staying positive, you’ll climb out of this rut in no time. As Russell Brand told host Liz Hayes. “Sometimes it goes well, sometimes it don’t. But if you sort of sense there’s an incompatibility, then in any relationship, regardless of the status of the individual, it kind of is best to go separate ways.”
Here are four tips to help you get back on the horse and have fun while doing it. Let’s start with our post breakup tips.
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Aug 23, 2012
Five Ways To Make Sure Your Summer Romance Falls Into Autumn
Posted In: Lydia Belton Articles, Relationship Experts

The key to a lasting relationship. Photo: Lisa_A / Bigstock.com
By Dr. Tranquility — Lydia Belton, PhD, Ct. H.A.
The fun and flirtiness of summer makes this season notorious for lust and love. Whether you’re still testing the waters like Kim Kardashian and her new beau Kanye West, or you have found long-lasting love like Jennifer Anniston and Justin Theroux, here are some tips to make your summer romance endless.
…the story continues here.
May 24, 2012
Four Steps for Stress Free Dating
Posted In: Lydia Belton Articles, Relationship Experts

Couple flirting. Photo: Kor / Bigstock.com
By Dr. Tranquility — Lydia Belton, PhD, Ct. H.A.
Everybody experiences some anxiety in dating, whether it’s simple butterflies or anticipatory anxiety. Even a super stars like Russell Brand believe that we can find our soulmate and learn to relax through meditation. Meditation and relaxation exercises, major areas of my practice, all help to reduce anxiety. But for most of us, all we need is to follow a few simple steps to have a stress-free experience:
…that’s not all! Click here to read more.
Apr 19, 2012
Five Steps To Turn a Date Into a Relationship
Posted In: Lydia Belton Articles, Relationship Experts

Couple enjoying breakfast together. Photo: Poznyakov / Bigstock.com
By Dr. Tranquility — Lydia Belton, PhD, Ct.H.A.
For many people who seek lasting relationships, the first date isn’t the big issue. In truth, the actual challenge is to use that first date as a litmus test for whether to move forward or not. You can’t hope to follow in the footsteps of Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon or Sarah Jessica Parker and Mathew Broderick directly after the first cocktail. However, as these celebrities would surely tell you, a lengthy partnership is rooted in loyalty and consistency. Once you get past that initial encounter, you may be ready to take steps towards a lasting and meaningful relationship. Here’s how to go about it, step by step:
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