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Tag Archives: food advice

Nov 27, 2018 0

Food Trend: Check Out the Best Diet-Friendly Snacks

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Check Out the Best Diet-Friendly Snacks
Couple watching a movie together and eating popcorn. Photo: Minerva Studio /

By Courtney Shapiro

There are many snacks you can eat that won’t disagree with your diet. A popular food trend right now is finding snacks that taste good without ruining all your progress. It’s okay to eat the high calorie snacks sometimes, but we’ve got some food advice on which healthy snacks you’ll want to incorporate into your regimen.

Check out which diet friendly snacks you should incorporate into your eating habits

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Nov 13, 2018 0

Food Trend: How To Utilize Farmers’ Markets Near You

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: How To Utilize Farmers’ Markets Near You
Photo: Twitter/@zambezihospital

By Ivana Jarmon

The farmers’ market has been a food trend for a very long time and has some of the freshest and tastiest fruit and vegetable available. The farmers’ market offers food of a superior quality, and you’re guaranteed real freshness that most grocery stores don’t have. Your local farmers’ market can be found somewhere in your town or a neighboring one, and a schedule can usually be found on your town’s website or newsletter.

Check out some ways to utilize farmers’ markets near you:

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Oct 16, 2018 0

Food Trend: Incorporate Coconut Into Your Meals

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Incorporate Coconut Into Your Meals
Photo: Instagram/@newnewfoods

By Courtney Shapiro

There are several foods that taste good, but also have a bunch of benefits. One of the new food trends on the radar right now is eating more coconut.Coconut can be eaten in many ways due to the meat inside as well as the water or milk you can take from the fruit. The fruit also gets used in various beauty products and is super versatile. We’ve got some food advice on why you’ll want to add coconut into your diet.

Check out our reasons why coconut should be included in your diet

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Oct 30, 2018 0

Food Trends: Acai Bowls

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trends: Acai Bowls
Acai Bowl. Photo: Instagram/@k_kristen_m

By Ivana Jarmon

Right now, one of the hottest new delicious food trends incorporates the superfruit acai into a bowl. The acai bowl is known as a typical Brazilian dish, but the history of the acai bowl traces back quite a ways. The acai palm thrived throughout the Amazonian and was a vital source of food for many people of that region. In the ’70s, the dish traveled to northern Brazil and became quite famous. The dish is made up of a variety of nutritious foods and is commonly topped with granola or banana, and then mixed with other fruits and topped off with a syrup. However, there are alternative ingredients that can be used to make the delicious snack. The dish can be served in a bowl, glass and/or smoothie cup. Acai bowls are very quick and easy to make, so easy that we have the perfect acai bowl recipe you can make at home! But first some quick food advice on the acai – the acai is a berry that grows on a tree. It is also full of antioxidants, fiber and can lower cholesterol. The berry is also full of protein. Acai boosts energy, helps with digestion, aids the immune system.

Check out our tips on how to make your own acai Bowl!

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Sep 18, 2018 0

Food Trend: Benefits of Eating Local

Posted In: Food
Cupid's Pulse Article: Food Trend: Benefits of Eating Local
Couple shopping at the farmer's market. Photo: mangostock /

By Haley Lerner

Looking for a way to spice up your diet? One of the hottest new food trends is eating local. Eating local is when you eat food that is locally grown and produced and is not moved long distances to market. If you’re looking to for an easy celebrity diet, eating local may be the perfect thing for you and your family to try out. We’ve got some food advice on why eating local is a great choice for you. After reading this, you’ll want to head straight to your local farmers market.

Check out our reasons why eating local is a perfect food trend for you to try!

…Click here to read our food tips on why to eat local!

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