Ben Flajnik - Season 16 - Cupid's Pulse: Celebrity Gossip News with Dating, Love, Relationship Advice for Singles, Couples - Page 2

Ben Flajnik – Season 16

Are you trying to figure out why celebrity couple Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson didn’t work out from The Bachelor season 16? Or are you a reality TV fan who knew they’d never last? Well, if you are looking for information, we’re here to help! We have all the latest celebrity news about these celebrity exes on our Ben Flajnik – Season 16 page, ranging from Robertson’s tell-all relationship book to celebrity dating rumors that Flajnik dated Kris Jenner. Robertson was known as the notorious villain on reality TV’s The Bachelor season 16 and sets the record straight in our exclusive celebrity interview, where she talks about her previous celebrity relationships and her time on The Bachelor. All of this drama will make you appreciate your own relationship and love life so much more!