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Relationship Expert Tag Archive: Jennifer Zucher

Mar 12, 2018 0

Relationship Advice: Date Ideas For Your Significant Other’s Birthday

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: Date Ideas For Your Significant Other’s Birthday
Couple kissing during a picnic. Photo: rbvrbv /

By Lori Zaslow and Jenn Zucher for Project Soulmate // Contributing Writer: Lauren Serrato

Planning the perfect birthday can be tough, especially when in a relationship. The date you plan can make or break your significant other’s big day, so choose wisely! When planning, you should consider what would be fun and memorable for both of you. Whether you are thinking sentimental, sexy, or spontaneous, the birthday date idea should always have a touch of you in it. Add in something special that makes it clear that you put a lot of thought into the date, like your significant other’s favorite food or something only you two would understand. Follow the relationship advice below, and you will definitely make your partner’s birthday one to never forget!

Five Birthday Date Ideas for Your Significant Other

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Jan 29, 2018 0

10 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas Inspired by Celebrity Couples

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: 10 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas Inspired by Celebrity Couples
Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell. Photo:

By Lori Zaslow and Jenn Zucher for Project Soulmate

February is right around the corner, and we all know what that means: Yes, Valentine’s Day is almost here, the one day of year when couples get to celebrate their love and singles get to eat Ben and Jerry’s guilt-free. This day is really magical. It’s when romance can finally express itself, and those in a relationship can really show their gratitude for one another.

However, the day doesn’t get cut much slack, mostly because a lot of people don’t know what to do to celebrate. That’s where expert matchmakers Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher can help! They are at the helm of the luxury matchmaking company Project Soulmate, and with their combined expertise, they know how to craft a date idea that’s fit for any type of relationship.
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Dec 11, 2017 0

New Year, New You! Dating Advice to Revamp Your Love Life in 2018

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: New Year, New You! Dating Advice to Revamp Your Love Life in 2018
Happy couple at Christmas. Photo: Kzenon /

By Lori Zaslow and Jenn Zucher for Project Soulmate // Contributing Writer: Shelby King

In just a few short weeks, we’ll be entering 2018 (ah!). The past year has been one for the history books. From the presidential inauguration to the total eclipse of the sun, this year has been one of fast-paced news cycles and memorable moments. It’s hard to imagine leaving 2017 in the past; however, when it comes to an unsuccessful love life, we can hope for nothing more than that in the coming year. Or maybe you have a good love life, but it’s a new year, and you and your partner want to shake things up. Either way, here at Project Soulmate, we have matchmakers and relationship experts Lori Zaslow and Jenn Zucher to supply you with dating advice on how to start the New Year with a bang.

Follow the dating advice below if you want a successful love life in 2018!

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Sep 19, 2017 0

Expert Relationship Advice: The Stages of Soulmates

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Expert Relationship Advice: The Stages of Soulmates
Couple holding hands in a restaurant. Photo: .shock /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher from Project Soulmate

We all want to believe in love at first sight and the fairytale ending, but that’s not always the case. Relationships and love can grow and change with time. From your first hello to saying “I do,” here are four stages you will go through to establish if the person you’re dating is your soulmate.
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Aug 21, 2017 0

Dating Advice: When To Say I Love You?

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: When To Say I Love You?
Couple cuddling with love pillow. Photo: hjalmeida /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate

One of the biggest and perhaps scariest questions that arise when you begin to date someone new is determining when to say those three big words, “I love you.” But how do you know when it’s the right time to say it? Here are the key pieces of dating advice to keep in mind before putting your heart on the line.

Dating advice on the right time to say I love you.

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Jun 12, 2017 0

Dating Advice: Can An Open Relationship Ever Work?

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: Can An Open Relationship Ever Work?

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writers Elizabeth Hamilton and Julia Presten

Relationships, platonic and otherwise, provide us with something important and needed: love. The affection, care and intimacy that love gives is a beautiful part of life. But what happens when one partner wants to start seeing other people? Open relationships can be extremely difficult to handle and can ruin a perfectly good relationship if you’re not careful. Check out NYC’s top matchmakers and relationship experts Lori Zaslow and Jenn Zucher’s dating advice on whether or not an open relationship is a good idea for you.

Dating advice on whether you should consider an open relationship.

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Apr 11, 2017 0

Relationship Advice: What To Do If Your Partner’s Family Doesn’t Like You

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: What To Do If Your Partner’s Family Doesn’t Like You
Woman looking concerned while embracing man.Photo: auremar /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writers Elizabeth Hamilton and Alexandra Ciuffo

We’ve all been there: you’re dating the man or woman of your dreams and then all of a sudden they suggest meeting their parents. *gasp* This can either go really well or be something of a disaster. When a loved one’s parents don’t like you dating their son or daughter, well, it can bring a lot of stressful elements into your relationship. Here is some relationship advice from VIP Matchmakers from Project Soulmate on getting through tough times with your “in-laws” – and how you can come out from it even stronger than before!

Relationship Advice That Will Help You Deal With Difficult Parents

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Mar 24, 2017 0

Relationship Advice: From Cheater to Keeper – How to Make Amends

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: From Cheater to Keeper – How to Make Amends
Couple missing each other. Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Hana Gilbert

Cheater – someone who is in a committed relationship and breaks the trust of his or her partner by physically or emotionally involving themselves with another person. We’ve all been there, either in the form of the cheater, or as the cheated. The cheater is generally remorseful, claiming they “made a mistake” and “are willing to go the extra mile to mend what’s broken.” The cheated generally experiences emotional chaos as they decide between swallowing the heartbreak and moving forward, or letting the heartbreak crumble the relationship. Studies have shown that over 50 percent of men and women alike admit to being unfaithful at least once. With this statistic being so high, cheating has become a commonality, or an expectation, for most relationships. Some couples have the maturity to overcome infidelity scandals through in-house methods. However, most of us are guilty of spilling our heartbreak to any and all individuals with ears and time. Here’s where the majority of the problem lie; everyone has their own opinion regarding how to handle a cheater. Most relationship advice includes conducting a dramatic breakup, followed by an overt exit, and finalized by the removal all social media posts hinting at the existence of any form of a relationship. Realizing that at time colleagues, friends, family members, and even complete strangers are quick to give their relationship advice and dating tips before taking into account your thoughts and feelings. Professional matchmakers and relationship experts Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher, founders of Bravo TV’s Love Brokers and Project Soulmate, are here to provide an outside perspective on the situation, giving you three scenarios that will hopefully allow you to decipher between a cheater and a keeper.

Relationship Advice On Handling Cheating Scandals

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Feb 16, 2017 0

Relationship Advice: How to Handle Your Significant Other’s Family

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: How to Handle Your Significant Other’s Family
Family gathering for a special occassion. Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Hana Gilbert

So there’s a new someone in your life. They’re the bee’s knees, the cat’s meow, the best thing since sliced bread. You’re so head-over-heels in love with your new partner. You two have gone through almost everything as a couple- the laughs, the tears, the fights. Unfortunately, you have yet to cross off one of the leading causes of breakups: the family. You decide it’s time to mention the forbidden four word phrase, “Mom, I’ve met someone.” You set the day, time, and place for the big reveal. You eat, talk, laugh; all seems to be going well. After several attempts to reunite are turned down due to “last minute obligations,” you begin to question your confidence regarding your family’s approval. So what do you do? Potentially hinder the future of your relationship by molding yourself into the ideal candidate the family wants? Or risk furthering the divide between you, your significant other, and your significant other’s family by remaining true to who you are, making uncomfortable family outings few and far between? Relationship experts Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher share insightful relationship advice on how to maintain a steady, healthy relationship with the family by understanding and accepting the situation and remaining yourself within your relationship. If you think your significant other’s family aren’t fond of you (or vice versa), take heed of the following dating tips and avoid relationship problems.

Relationship Advice on How to Handle Your Significant Other’s Family

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Jan 12, 2017 0

Celebrity Breakovers: Kardashian Breakups That Have Broken Necks & Other Helpful Relationship Advice

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Breakovers: Kardashian Breakups That Have Broken Necks & Other Helpful Relationship Advice
Khloe Kardashian, Kim Kardashian, and Kourtney Kardashian. Photo: PRN /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Hana Gilbert

As healthier lifestyles have become a steady trend across the nation, the next generation grows more comfortable bringing health and fitness into their relationships. The latest craze that is catching fire is the breakover. What on earth is a breakover you may ask? Well, a breakover, otherwise known as the “revenge body,” is a complete reinvention of oneself. By changing one’s image through the transformation of mind and body as they shed both the pounds and people holding them back. If there was an award ceremony for Hollywood breakovers, spots one, two, and three belong to, yep, you guessed it, Khloe, Kourtney, and Kim Kardashian. Not only did their breakovers that focus on being fit, but also on staying fabulous, and falling back in love. In other words, the Kardashian sisters turned their breakups into breakovers and started breaking necks. Here’s some relationship advice that can help you achieve your own breakover.

Relationship Advice That Will Encourage You To Turn Breakups into Breakovers!

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Nov 10, 2016 0

Relationship Advice: What Your Type Says About You

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: What Your Type Says About You
Woman looking at her phone. Photo: lightwavemedia /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Holly Kiffer

Are you constantly striving for the tall, dark, and handsome guy? Or are you the type who goes for the cute guy you met at the bar, but after one night he never responds to your texts? Also known as the “douchebag boy.” Or is your type the genuine nice guy? With the following relationship advice, we will reveal what your type says about you, and provide dating tips on how you can improve your love life.

Relationship Advice That Will Teach You About Your “Type”

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Oct 6, 2016 0

Relationship Advice on What Not to Do: Bad Dating Advice from Romantic Comedies

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice on What Not to Do: Bad Dating Advice from Romantic Comedies
Couple gazing at each other. Photo: AndreyPopov /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Holly Kiffer

Who doesn’t love a great romantic comedy? They’re perfect for date night or spending quality time with your girls and a bottle of wine. Though the plot lines can be entertaining, romantic comedies are unrealistic and offer poor relationship advice. However there are a few dating tips you can learn from romantic comedies about what not to do, according to relationship experts.

Relationship Advice That Goes Against Romantic Comedies

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Sep 1, 2016 0

Relationship Advice: NYC Matchmaker Tips On How to Deal with Jealousy

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: NYC Matchmaker Tips On How to Deal with Jealousy
Girl looking at her boyfriend's phone. Photo: Innovated Captures /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Holly Kiffer

We all get jealous from time to time, it’s part of being human. However, how can one overcome it and not let it ruin their relationship? Our relationship experts from NYC matchmakers have come up with three key pieces of relationship advice that will help you overcome your jealousy, and prevent it from ruining your relationship or date night.

Relationship Advice To Help You Deal With Jealousy

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Jul 28, 2016 0

Relationship Advice: From Website to First Sight

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: From Website to First Sight
Online dating tips. Photo: dolgachov /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Erin Infelice

Dating in today’s world is complicated since most people choose to make the first move from behind cellphone screens. With dating apps and social media sites that offer personal messaging options, you can reach anyone at any time. But when it comes time to finally meet the man from behind the screen, it can get scary really fast. How can you be so sure that he isn’t faking it? As relationship experts, we understand that this is a nerve-wracking situation, but don’t be too afraid because you might just miss out on a great catch! Follow our relationship advice to make sure you aren’t getting catfished anytime soon.

Relationship Advice For Those Who Want To Meet Their Online Crush

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Jun 23, 2016 0

Relationship Advice: The Pressure To Choose Friends Over Your Significant Other

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: The Pressure To Choose Friends Over Your Significant Other
Friends together outside. Photo: monkeybusinessimages /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Christina Madera

You just won two tickets to see the Broadway play, Hamilton. You know your best friend has been dying to go but your boyfriend is an American history junkie who would really appreciate the production. Who do you choose? You love your best friend and you love your boyfriend, and they both love being around you. So really, why would you even want to choose? We determined the three main reasons women think they have to choose between their BFF and their boy-toy. Follow our relationship advice and dating advice to avoid any relationship problems.

Relationship Advice On How To Balance Time Between Your Best Friend And Boyfriend

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May 19, 2016 0

Relationship Advice: How To Handle Single-Shaming

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: How To Handle Single-Shaming
Photo: Ammentorp /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Samantha Cohen

For one reason or another, there is an undeniable stigma that is attached to being single. As relationship experts, we know that sometimes your friends and family constantly ask why you’re still single and nagging you to meet someone. During times like those, dating can become more of a chore. Here are 3 dating tips to handling single-shaming. Our relationship advice will help you focus on yourself, surround yourself with single friends, and dress to impress.

Relationship Advice On How To Handle Single-Shaming

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Apr 14, 2016 0

Relationship Advice: When to Share Your Passwords

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: When to Share Your Passwords
Upset girl looking at her boyfriend's computer. Photo: Feel Photo Art /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Emily Stovall

Is there ever really a right time to share your password? Is there a bad time? Most people don’t know, and that is completely understandable because sharing passwords is kind of an awkward situation. Sometimes people believe sharing a password means taking the next step in a relationship, and allowing oneself to be completely open with their partner. Other times, people feel like they should never have to give out their password because it is an invasion of privacy, and they figure “why does my partner need it anyways?” Both are totally logical, and lead me to the relationship advice that the relationship experts at Project Soulmate have, which is that there is never a right time to share passwords, but there can be a wrong time.

Relationship Advice On Sharing Passwords: How Soon Is Too Soon?

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Mar 10, 2016 0

Relationship Advice: Keep Your Relationship Strong When You Share Home and a Workplace

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: Keep Your Relationship Strong When You Share Home and a Workplace
Couple cooking dinner together. Photo: Subbotina Anna /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Emily Stovall

Starting your own business is hard and it can be even harder when you don’t have the full support of your spouse behind you. But what if you could have them beside you? The most cost effective way to start your own business is to start it at home, rather than renting or buying an outside office space. Not only will you save financially, you’ll also save stress in managing your free time, as you will be able to spend days with your family at home. However, this can be positive or negative. The problem with having your workplace and your living space as one is that sometimes it can be difficult to separate work from play. You can work so much that the hardships from your job start rolling over into your family and personal life and you start taking your frustration out on those you love and having relationship problems. On the other hand, you could focus so much on your family that you fall behind with work. Both scenarios can be damaging to the health of your job and your family. The overall goal is to have a stable job, while maintaining healthy relationships and with a little relationship advice you can accomplish both!

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Feb 4, 2016 0

Expert Dating Advice: Why Using a Matchmaker is Better Than Dating on Your Own

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Expert Dating Advice: Why Using a Matchmaker is Better Than Dating on Your Own
Couple walking in New York City. Photo: Maridav /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Emily Stovall

It’s no secret that relationships are not always easy. In some cases, going to a professional matchmaker might be better than dating on your own. Consider our dating advice on how to know when it’s time to get an expert involved and everything they can do for your love life. This love advice may save your troubling love life!

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Nov 26, 2015 0

Relationship Advice: Four Reasons To Be Thankful For Your Partner

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: Four Reasons To Be Thankful For Your Partner
Couple enjoying a homecooked meal. Photo: pressmaster /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Nicole Hartley

Leaves are falling and frost is here, which can only mean one thing: the holiday season is here! Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for the things in your life that you may not stop to appreciate on a daily basis. But most importantly, Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for the people in your life. As relationship experts, we know that it can be difficult to take the time to appreciate your significant other as often as you probably should. Aside from birthdays and anniversaries, Thanksgiving is the perfect time to show the person you love why you care about them. But before you do, our relationship advice is to realize why you’re thankful for them.

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Oct 22, 2015 0

Dating Advice: First Date Fashion Do’s And Don’ts

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: First Date Fashion Do’s And Don’ts
Dos and Donts of first date fashion. Photo: luckybusiness /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate

A first date is just as important as a first impression, so things like introduction and attire really count. The introduction and conversation aspect comes with the territory, but sometimes it’s tough to decide what to wear to the occasion. What do you wear on a date night? It’s important to look good, but it’s also important to not appear like you’re trying to hard. So as relationship experts, here’s our dating advice and tips on do’s and don’ts of fashion when going on a first date.

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Sep 17, 2015 0

Expert Dating Advice: How to Get Over “The Little Things”

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Expert Dating Advice: How to Get Over “The Little Things”
Happy couple. Photo: Jose AS Reyes /

By Project Soulmate matchmakers Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher with contributing writers Nicole Hartley and Samantha Cohen

Is there something about your significant other that bothers you a little too much and a little too often? Relationships and love are often born on “the little things.” It’s the little things that attract you to your significant other, but it can also be the little things that really annoy you about that person too. Is her voice too squeaky? Does he talk too loud in public? Does her taste in music really drive you insane? Partnerships are difficult enough without those small annoyances getting in the way. Finding the perfect person can be a difficult task, but once you do find your match, how do you get over those things they do that bother you? Read on for our expert dating advice!
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Aug 13, 2015 0

Love Advice: What To Do If Your Friends Don’t Love Your Partner Like You Do

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Love Advice: What To Do If Your Friends Don’t Love Your Partner Like You Do
Friends getting to know your boyfriend. Photo: monkeybusinessimages /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate

We have all had a friend that falls head over heels for a guy that you can’t stand to be around. But what happens when that friend is you? There is nothing worse that falling in love with a guy that your best friends hate to be around. As relationship experts, we know that, if the people around you think that you’re making a mistake in your relationship and love, they might be right.

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Jul 2, 2015 0

Relationship Advice: 4 Reasons To Leave The Past In The Past

Posted In: Lori Zaslow & Jennifer Zucher Articles, Relationship Experts
Cupid's Pulse Article: Relationship Advice: 4 Reasons To Leave The Past In The Past
Advice for exes. Photo: altafulla /

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate

One of the hardest decisions in life is knowing when to walk away from a relationship and love. It’s no secret that romance is hard work, but when your love life becomes more work than it’s worth, you have to realize that, while fighting for love is admirable, you might be fighting for a lost cause. As relationship experts, we know that when the connection begins to unravel, sometimes, there’s no coming back. And while that may be hard to accept, take our relationship advice and stick to your guns when you decide to pull the trigger on an unhealthy relationship.

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