On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Cyndi Olin to offer their dating advice for those who need help in attracting a good man, and making him commit. Learn how to be the woman that men like to stay with. Follow these dating tips to get your love life on track.
Tag Archives: Relationship Experts
Relationship Expert Tag Archive: Relationship Experts

Dating Advice: How to Get Him to Commit to You!

Relationship Advice for the Guys: Why Is it So Hard to Date?

By David Wygant
I’m going to tell you why it’s so hard to date. And I’m going to blame it all on the women. I bet I got your attention, and any women listening or reading this right now- need to pay attention. It’s so hard to date because women are so flaky these days. You meet a woman on an online dating app. You text back and forth. You get her phone number. You spend time talking to her on the phone. You set up a date night, which you’re excited about. And then, you send her a text the morning of the date to confirm. And right away you get a text back, and she comes up with one of her excuses: “I’ve got a work project that came up.” You think to yourself, ‘man, that’s the same type of excuse I’ve been giving women this whole time.’ You almost feel like you’re being blown off by a dude. Well, you are; because women are the flakiest beings on the planet.
Relationship Advice For Men On How To Successfully Date Women

Dating Advice: How to Become Irresistible to a Man
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Jaki Sabourin to offer their dating advice for those who need help attracting a good man. Learn how to be the confidant woman who is irresistible to any man. Follow these dating tips to get your love life on track.
Dating Advice That Will Help You Attract Men

Relationship Advice: When Your Partner Sings The Blues, It May Be Something More

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
Depression is so much more than sadness. And for those who love someone battling depression, the effects are all encompassing. “It’s like this thing that engulfs you,” said legendary music artist Bruce Springsteen in a celebrity interview with CBS Morning News. “I got to where I didn’t want to get out of bed,” he said. Springsteen credits his celebrity relationship with wife Patti Scialfa for giving him the motivation to rise above it. “She’d say, ‘You’re going to be OK. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it’s going to be all right.’” With the following relationship advice, I’ll provide you with tips on recognizing signs of depression and how to support your partner through this troubling time.
Relationship Advice On Coping With Depression

Dating Advice: Best Ways to Meet & Talk to Eligible Men
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Michelle Marchant Johnson to offer their dating advice for those who aren’t sure of how they should talk or approach single men. Learn how to be the confidant woman who wins the man over with a single conversation. Follow these dating tips to get your love life on track.
Dating Advice That Will Help You Approach Eligible Men

Dating Advice Q&A: Why Do Men Ask for Photos?

Question from Emily O.: I’ve noticed on a lot chat or IM apps, one of the first things guys ask for is a picture of yourself, even if you have a profile photo displayed or albums filled with photos. It seems like “Can you send a pic,” is the norm now? Why is that? And why will some even write you off completely if you’re not willing to send a photo right away? I’m not comfortable sending pictures of myself to strangers only 2 minutes into a conversation.
Dating can be complicated. Add the internet, social media and electronic devices into the mix, and it can get tricky real fast. However, do not fret. Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Online dating is here to stay, after all, so don’t be afraid to jump in and catch up with the times! Take time to learn some valuable dating tips from Cupid’s very own, matchmaker Suzanne Oshima and relationship expert Robert Manni. Here you’ll have your questions answered on whether or not you should send a photo of yourself to a potential beau.
Technology Dating Advice On Whether You Should Send a Pic Online

Dating Advice: How to Win Him Over in the First 3 Dates!
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert Nick Karson to offer their dating advice for those who aren’t having the best luck in the dating world. Learn how to turn things around by being the woman who wins the man over. Follow these dating tips to get your love life back on track.
Dating Advice That Will Help You Win The Man of Your Dreams

Dating Advice: Do Pick Up Lines Actually Work?

There she is standing at the bar. Tall. Beautiful. Long flowing blonde hair. Think. Think. There must be a pickup line that will work… Okay, I’ve got it!
“Damn girl. Are you okay?”
“Yes, why?”
“Because damn it must have hurt when a beautiful Angel like you fell from heaven.”
Cue the eye roll, the grabbing of her closest friend’s arm, and the immediate exit. And just like that, bye bye beautiful blonde. If you’ve used cheesy pick up lines at any point in your life, odds are this may have happened to you at some point. While this may have been a terrible pick up line for the sake of the overall argument I’m about to get into, the question is, can pick up lines ever actually work? Well, that depends on a number of factors that I’ll explain to you in the following dating advice.
Dating Advice On Whether Pick Up Lines Work

Celebrity Couple Predictions: Angelina Jolie, Sharon Osbourne and Tori Spelling

By Shoshi
In the latest celebrity news, three famous couples have caught the public’s attention, one of which is a high profiled split that no one saw coming between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt; while two other long term marriages are fighting to survive after celebrity cheating scandals (Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne, and Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott). But who’s stepping out this time around hand in hand? Join me as I look into the crystal ball of relationships and love. Below, I share my predictions for these celebrity couples.
Celebrity Couple Predictions: Celebrity Relationships That May or May Not Last
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Dating Advice: Think of Your Mind, Body, & Food When Out On Dates
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert, Lynda Layng to offer their best dating advice that will help you improve your mental and physical health on the dating scene. Learn how you can better yourself and your future dates with these three dating tips. Follow this advice if you want to find the love of your life!
Dating Advice On What You Can Do For Your Mind, Body & Food

Relationship Advice: 6 Ways to Keep Work & Life Demands in Balance

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
How does she do it? You know who I mean. She’s the one who makes achievement look easy—and her hair looks great in the process. As women, our relationship with the demands of work and home have been a historically tenuous balance. More often than not, we lose sight of our anticipated goals for the day and end up whipped by daily demands. But it doesn’t have to be this way, and we are surrounded by influential women who demonstrate that strength every day. While their personal strategies may differ, the most common game plans for keeping our work and home life in balance include the following six pieces of relationship advice.
Relationship Advice That Will Help You Balance Your Work & Home Life

Relationship Advice on What Not to Do: Bad Dating Advice from Romantic Comedies

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Holly Kiffer
Who doesn’t love a great romantic comedy? They’re perfect for date night or spending quality time with your girls and a bottle of wine. Though the plot lines can be entertaining, romantic comedies are unrealistic and offer poor relationship advice. However there are a few dating tips you can learn from romantic comedies about what not to do, according to relationship experts.
Relationship Advice That Goes Against Romantic Comedies

Dating Advice: What Do Men Want from Women?
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert, Kara Oh to offer their best dating advice on what men want in a partner. Learn what attributes are most desirable with these three dating tips. Follow this advice if you want to start having success on your future dates!
Dating Advice On What Men Want In A Woman

Relationship Advice: What Do You Do When There’s More Take Than Give In Your Relationship In Life?

By David Wygant
There is nothing worse than being in a relationship with a “taker.” I’ve been down this road before and let me tell you, it’s a pretty challenging battle to win. First off, takers never think they’re takers. They don’t see their behavior at all. As a matter of fact, they think what they’re doing is okay. I was once with a woman that was not affectionate at all. For those of you who have read the Five Love Languages, my love language equals words of affirmation and physical touch. So when your love language is not being fulfilled, you feel like you’re absolutely dying inside. You don’t feel loved at all. Heed this relationship advice so you can avoid being taken advantage of by a taker.
Relationship Advice On How To Handle A Stingy Or Greedy Partner

Relationship Advice: How to manage your business when you’re sleeping with the CFO?

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
When viewers tune into HGTV’s Fixer Uppers each week, many wonder how TV hosts and real-life celebrity couple Chip and Joana Gaines manage to balance their personal life and professional careers. When considering the challenges of running a business, you want to surround yourself with people who share your vision and provide a comforting degree of trust. Many entrepreneurs turn to their spouse. Though the number has likely increased, in 2007, the U.S. Census Bureau’s Survey of Business Owners reported there were 1.4 million firms “jointly owned and equally operated by a husband and wife.” And while the organizational chart for your business venture may appear standard, the fact that a member of the executive board has seen you naked presents a unique set of challenges and rewards. How can husbands and wives go into business together and still like each other? It’s something that my husband, Jeff, and I are managing carefully. Here are four pieces of relationship advice that have worked for us.
Relationship Advice On Handling Business With Your Significant Other

Relationship Advice: NYC Matchmaker Tips On How to Deal with Jealousy

By Lori Zaslow and Jennifer Zucher for Project Soulmate with contributing writer Holly Kiffer
We all get jealous from time to time, it’s part of being human. However, how can one overcome it and not let it ruin their relationship? Our relationship experts from NYC matchmakers have come up with three key pieces of relationship advice that will help you overcome your jealousy, and prevent it from ruining your relationship or date night.
Relationship Advice To Help You Deal With Jealousy

Dating Advice: 3 Biggest Mistakes Keeping You from True Love
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert, Nicole Moore to offer dating advice on finding true love. Follow these three dating tips if you want to start having success on your dates!
Dating Advice On Finding True Love

Dating Advice Q&A: How Can You Tell Red Flags From Online Dating?

Question from Natalie L.: I was seeing a guy a while ago. It didn’t work out in the end since he was too immature, but during the brief relationship he said something that stands out in my mind today. He said he had been checking up frequently for months to see if I was still with my boyfriend at the time (and jumped at the chance to be with me once he saw I was single). I didn’t think much of it then but now I see it was kind of creepy. How can I tell red flags from online dating ideally sooner than later to avoid situations like this?
Dating has always been complex dance between couples. Add our modern technology into the mix, and it gets even more tricky to find a partner who is best for you. However, do not fret. Leave it up to our relationship experts who can offer their best dating advice on using technology the right way. Online dating isn’t going anywhere, so let’s learn how to date properly in this technological age! Here you will learn a few dating tips that will help you avoid online dating red flags before it’s too late.
Dating Advice On Deciphering Red Flags Online

Relationship Advice: So When Exactly IS It Time For Sex?

I’m ready. At least I think I’m ready. No, I’m definitely ready. Ugh, I’m sorry, but I’m just not ready! Does deciding when to have sex sometimes feel like a ping pong match in your head that ends with nobody scoring? Or perhaps, people scoring a bit too much? Well, maybe I can be of help as a relationship expert. If you aren’t sure if you should have sex or wait, let’s take a long look at some solid indicators with the following relationship advice.
Relationship Advice On When It’s The Right Time To Have Sex

Dating Advice: How To Get Over A Breakup
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert, Ellen Smoak to offer dating advice on getting over a breakup. Follow these dating tips if you want to start having success on your dates!
Dating Advice On Getting Over Breakups

Dating Advice: First Date Tips For Women
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert, Nando Rodriguez to offer dating advice on what women should do on their first dates. Follow these dating tips if you want to start having success on your dates!
Dating Advice To Follow On Your First Date

Celebrity Couple Predictions: Kendall Jenner, Nicki Minaj and Minka Kelly

By Shoshi
In the latest celebrity news, three famous couples have caught the public’s attention, two of which are celebrity relationships that are just getting started, such as with Kendall Jenner and A$AP Rocky, and former exes Minka Kelly and Wilmer Valderama. In terms of more serious relationships, one of Hollywood’s most anticipated marriages involve rappers Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill. But who’s stepping out this time around hand in hand? Join me as I look into the crystal ball of relationships and love. Below, I share my predictions for these celebrity couples.
Celebrity Couple Predictions: Celebrity Relationships That May or May Not Last

Relationship Advice: Listen With Your Heart

By Debbie Ceresa from Divorce Support Center
How many times have you said this to your partner? “You never hear what I say! Aren’t you listening to me?” Or maybe they’ve accused you of not hearing or remembering what was said. The longtime celebrity couple Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn credit listening as a secret to a successful relationship. “Learn to listen and live in the moment. Don’t over plan your future; focus on being the best partner you can be in the present moment, and the rest will follow.” Listening is key to building and maintaining a healthy relationship, but it’s not easy. The skills of a good listener require dedication and a heart with ears. You must have the ability to give yourself totally to the person who is talking. It’s not easy because we are constantly inundated with outside distractions, such as our thoughts, cell phones, and social media. In his book, Wherever You Go, There You Are, Jon Kabat-Zinn, professor of medicine emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, defines mindfulness, or active listening, as paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally. We listen to understand, to obtain information, and for enjoyment, but researchers and relationship experts at the University of Minnesota found that “the average person only remembers half of what he or she has immediately heard said by another person.” Over time, that result can have a devastating effect on your relationships. A key factor in a successful relationship is to become a pro in active listening. Active listeners make an effort to hear what has been said and understand the message. To accomplish this, you must master four of these dating tips.
Relationship Advice On Active Listening

Dating Advice: Moving Fast Towards a Relationship…Is That a Bad Thing?
On this week’s episode of Single in Stilettos, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship expert, Tinzley Bradford to offer dating advice on whether you’re falling in love or moving your relationship too fast. Follow these dating tips if you want to start having success on your dates!