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Celebrity Tag Archive: Maria Shriver

Nov 6, 2017 0

Celebrity News: Arnold Schwarzenegger Says Cheating on Maria Shriver Was a ‘Major Screw-Up’

Posted In: Celebrity Divorce, Celebrity News
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity News: Arnold Schwarzenegger Says Cheating on Maria Shriver Was a ‘Major Screw-Up’
Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Maria Shriver. Photo: Lee Roth / RothStock / PR Photos

By Karley Kemble

Six years after announcing a shocking celebrity divorce, Arnold Schwarzenegger is speaking candidly about his past decisions. According to, in a preview for an upcoming television special, Schwarzenegger admits, “I know it was a major, major screw-up” when asked about his infidelity. The actor and former governor of California caused quite a stir in 2011, when he made celebrity news after cheating on his wife, Maria Shriver with their long-time housekeeper, Mildred Baena. Shortly after the revelation, news also broke that Schwarzenegger had, in fact, fathered a child with Baena. Though Schwarzenegger and Shriver have officially filed for divorce, Schwarzenegger also has revealed that the celebrity exes have not yet finalized it.

This celebrity news proves that celebrities feel regret just like us. What are some ways to come back from a fatal mistake in your relationship?

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Apr 4, 2016 0

5 Times the Nanny Has Been the Catalyst for Celebrity Divorce

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: 5 Times the Nanny Has Been the Catalyst for Celebrity Divorce
Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani. Photo: Andrew Evans / PR Photos

By Katie Gray

Could it be the curse of celebrity childcare? In Hollywood, there is always a tale of an affair between a spouse and the nanny floating around. Sometimes these celebrity marriages end up in celebrity divorce afterward. Rocker Mick Jagger is reported, in the biography Mick: The Wild Life and Mad Genius of Jagger, to have had an affair with his nanny while he was married to supermodel Jerry Hall. There have also been reports that soccer star David Beckham cheated on his wife, Victoria, after the alleged woman, Rebecca Loos spoke out. Rumors are swirling that Ben Affleck also cheated on his wife Jennifer Garner with the nanny, which he denies.

Cupid has the 5 times that the nanny has been the catalyst for a celebrity divorce:

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Mar 3, 2016 0

13 Most Shocking Celebrity Couple Affairs

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: 13 Most Shocking Celebrity Couple Affairs
Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt. Photo: Tom Walck / PR Photos

By Katie Gray

In Hollywood, it’s not always glitz and glam. We feel a bond with the actors and singers that we admire. In fact, it’s almost as if we directly know them. Therefore, when there is a break-up or celebrity divorce, we take it to heart. The famous celebrity couples we love will hopefully last forever. However; sometimes things have to fall apart so better things can fall together in the future. This is the case with some of the most shocking celebrity couple affairs.

Cupid has the 13 most shocking celebrity couple affairs:

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Dec 8, 2015 0

Celebrity Photo Gallery: Famous Couples That Co-Parent

Posted In: Love, Photo Galleries

Page 1 of 20
Celebrity Couples Who Co-Parent: Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony

Although they're no longer together, the two singers co-parent and do business together. These celebrity exes didn't let their break-up get in the way of their children or career. Photo: Charles Norfleet / PR Photos

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Jul 22, 2015 0

Celebrity Couple Scandals That Caught Us Off Guard

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Couple Scandals That Caught Us Off Guard
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. Photo: David Gabber / PR Photos

By Courtney Omernick

Relationships and love can be complicated, and so can the break ups. With easier access to news nowadays, we can hear the latest about a celebrity relationship or a celebrity breakup in an instant.

Below are a few celebrity couple scandals that caught everyone off guard.

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Oct 9, 2012 3

7 Lessons We Can Learn from Celebrity Divorces

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: 7 Lessons We Can Learn from Celebrity Divorces
Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. Photo:

By Relationship & Sex Talk,  Jane Greer, Ph.D., for

Katie and Tom? Kim and Kris? Seal and Heidi? Do you relate to any of these A-lister break-ups?

With all the celebrity divorces topping the news regularly, there is much to be learned from their trials, and in some cases, triumphs. Here are seven tips to help you steer clear of a Maria Shriver-Arnold Schwarzenegger un-hitching, or handle a divorce gracefully— if that’s the best route to take.

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Oct 4, 2012 2

Arnold Schwarzenegger Admits to Another Affair in Memoir

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: Arnold Schwarzenegger Admits to Another Affair in Memoir
Arnold Schwarzenegger. Photo: Solarpix / PR Photos

By Jennifer Ross

Just when you thought you had heard it all, Arnold Schwarzenegger confesses to another love affair.  From his new book, Total Recall, the former California governor wrote about an affair with his one-time co-star Brigitte Nielsen that happened back in the 1980’s. The latest news comes just one day after 60 Minutes released an interview excerpt where Schwarzenegger admits to fathering a child with a former housekeeper while married to Maria Shriver. According to AP, it was his affair with Nielsen that made him want to marry Shriver even more.

What are some ways to deal with the revelation of a partner’s affair?

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Aug 22, 2012 2

Celebrity Couples Who Function As Families After Divorce

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Couples Who Function As Families After Divorce
David Arquette and Courteney Cox. Photo: Mike/Fame Pictures

By Evan Goldaper

In the world of Hollywood, it’s easy for celebrities to move on after they’ve been through a breakup. After all, there are always new and exciting people for them to meet, and everyone already admires them. However, some celebrities don’t choose to completely separate from their exes. Although they didn’t start dating each other again, these celebrity couples had their reasons to remain a family even after their divorces:

…The story continues here.

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Sep 26, 2011 1

Kailen Rosenberg Shares Expert Love Advice and Discusses Celebrity Relationships: “It’s Much More Than Matchmaking to Me”

Posted In: Celebrity Interviews, Love
Cupid's Pulse Article: Kailen Rosenberg Shares Expert Love Advice and Discusses Celebrity Relationships: “It’s Much More Than Matchmaking to Me”
Photo courtesy of Twitter.

By Deana Meccariello

Kailen Rosenberg is a nationally-respected matchmaker and relationship expert who has helped many stars establish celebrity relationships throughout the years. She has a gift for bringing you back to the person you really are deep-down inside and helping you to shed the hard-coated exterior that society has forced you to wear.  Given her background, it’s no surprise that she’s best described as a “love architect.” So what is a love architect?  It’s someone who comes into a person’s life, whether they are married or single, to help find cracks in their foundation (which is where the idea of an “architect” came from) that are in need of strengthening and repair.
…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more of our interview with Kailen.

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Sep 14, 2011 0

Maria Shriver Discusses Support Received After Divorce Announcement

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: Maria Shriver Discusses Support Received After Divorce Announcement
Maria Shriver. Photo: Janet Mayer / PR Photos

Maria Shriver endured a difficult year, but she’s thankful for all the support she has been receiving from family and friends.  At a bicycle race on Saturday, People reports that Shriver told the crowd, “I appreciate your support, particularly this year, for sticking with me.”  She also spoke of a recent experience with a friend.  “When I was going through my own challenges this year; feeling down and confused, I got an email from him.  He wrote me a note saying, ‘You’re my best friend Maria and you will never be left out,’ ” she said.  “When the world is so complicated, the simple gift of friendship is within all of our hands.  Thank you to everyone who came up to me this weekend and wished me well.”

What are some ways to deal with the aftermath of a divorce announcement?

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Aug 3, 2011 0

Maria Shriver Spends Arnold Schwartzenegger’s Birthday With Him

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: Maria Shriver Spends Arnold Schwartzenegger’s Birthday With Him
Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Maria Shriver. Photo: Lee Roth / RothStock / PR Photos

For Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger, the children come first.  A source close to the family told People that the two were seen getting lunch at Casa Roma in Beverly Hills Saturday as well as indulging in a day of shopping in celebration for the former California governor’s 64th birthday.  A second source said that despite the divorce Shriver filed last month, the two will take care of their children first.  “Arnold and Maria will always come together when it comes to supporting and loving their children,” the source said.  Their son Christopher was released from the hospital Monday following a boogie boarding accident resulting in a collapsed lung and two broken bones.

How do you establish independence after a divorce?

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Jul 14, 2011 1

Top Five Reasons Why Women Fall Out of Love

Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Top Five Reasons Why Women Fall Out of Love
Contemplative woman. Photo: IuriiSokolov /

By Julia Slovich

Although stories of cheating men have been dominating the news lately and falling out of love seems to be happening a lot more frequently than people are falling in love, the situation isn’t exclusive to men.  Losing those loving feelings for your husband or boyfriend can happen just as easily to women.   If you’ve experienced this in the past or maybe you’re going through it with your partner now, the first step is to be aware of why it’s happening.  Follow these five reasons your fairy-tale romance could be slipping away:

1. Feeling Adored

It’s important that a woman feels appreciated by her partner.  Men are usually good at this in the beginning of a relationship when it’s still new, but as the novelty ends, the attention may die down, too.  Just look at Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer.  She broke up with him because he was obsessed with Twitter, telling her that he was too busy for her, but in the meantime, his Twitter page was saturated.

2. Bored to Tears

We want excitement!  And, if we can’t have that, give us variety.   If a relationship gets into a rut and you end up doing the same things every weekend or having sex in the same positions every time, a woman can get bored and lose interest altogether.  Both people need to put some work into the relationship or they’ll find themselves quickly falling out of love.

…For more tips on how to keep your woman, click here.

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Jul 8, 2011 0

Arnold Schwarzenegger to Give Maria Shriver Generous Settlement

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: Arnold Schwarzenegger to Give Maria Shriver Generous Settlement
Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Maria Shriver. Photo: Lee Roth / RothStock / PR Photos

Looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger still feels guilty over the end of his 25 year marriage to ex Maria Shriver.  According to RadarOnline, the ex-governor is prepared to give his ex a hefty settlement in the divorce, much more than is required under California state law.  Both Schwarzenegger and Shriver’s lawyers seem to be getting along and are working together to come to a joint settlement.  Schwarzenegger said he is the one to blame for the collapse of his marriage, and he is willing to give Shriver whatever she needs.  He’s also filing for joint custody of the couple’s sons, which is a decision Shriver agrees with because she still wants her ex to remain a major part of their children’s lives.  It’s so sad to see the end of such a seemingly perfect marriage, but at least the pair are putting their differences aside to do what is best for their children and themselves.

How do you show your ex that you still care?
…For more, click here.

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Jun 2, 2011 0

Maria Shriver Spends Memorial Day With Kids In Malibu

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: Maria Shriver Spends Memorial Day With Kids In Malibu
Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Maria Shriver. Photo: Lee Roth / RothStock / PR Photos

If she’s upset, she sure isn’t showing it!  Maria Shriver looked happier than ever when she visited Tra Di Noi restaurant with her kids Katherine, Christina and Christopher; a few friends; and her bodyguard on Sunday night.  RadarOnline reported that Shriver hired a high-profile divorce attorney, Laura Wasser, to represent her against ex-spouse Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Schwarzenegger admitted to fathering a child by his and Shriver’s former housewife.

What are some life changes you can make after a divorce?

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May 31, 2011 0

Ex-Husband of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Mistress Speaks Out

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: Ex-Husband of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Mistress Speaks Out
Arnold Schwarzenegger. Photo: Solarpix / PR Photos

Betrayal has definitely been a popular topic in the media the past couple of weeks, and now another person affected by the Arnold Schwarzenegger affair has decided to speak out.  Rogelio Baena, ex-husband of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mistress, Mildred Baena, had something to say.  Baena was just as shocked about the affair as Maria Shriver was, and to make things worse, up until a week ago Rogelio assumed that Mildred’s son was in fact his biological son, according to People.  Rogelio decided to speak out about the betrayal he faced on Entertainment Tonight, and how he had considered Arnold Schwarzenegger, who employed his wife Mildred or ‘Patty’ for 20 years, a ‘hero’.  Looks like Rogelio no longer feels the same way.

If you’re betrayed by your partner, how do you move on?

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May 26, 2011 1

Experts Say There’s No Hope for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Marriage

Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Experts Say There’s No Hope for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Marriage
Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Maria Shriver. Photo: Lee Roth / RothStock / PR Photos

By Diamon Hall

Juggling a career and relationship in Hollywood is one difficult task; between the flashing cameras of the paparazzi and the constant stream of gossip, there’s just too much to live up to.  To top it all off, men can be easily caught off guard by the plethora of eye-catching women in Tinseltown, causing some stars to take their gaze off their wives and dive into an affair.  Arnold Schwarzenegger is the most recent man to fall into this category.

The 38th governor of California is currently facing backlash from the media after his extramarital affair with his housekeeper was made public.  If that wasn’t enough, a 13-year-old son erupted from the incident, adding to the drama of his separation from his wife of 25 years, Maria Shriver.

Schwarzenegger’s case is far from unusual considering his fame status.  As a former professional body builder, actor and politician, he’s among the many celebrities before him that have succumbed to marital infidelity.  We decided to dig deeper into exactly why he may have had this affair and how it resulted in a love child.

Sex expert and clinical psychologist Dr. Victoria Zdrok Wilson is the author of The 30-Day Sex Solution, which was co-written with her husband, John Wilson, a marriage and family therapist.  The couple said the decision to write this book came from their own personal relationship problems.  In addition, they knew they weren’t the only couple having troubles and believe their book can help.

…Want to see what the authors have to say? Click here to read more.

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May 25, 2011 0

Maria Shriver Seeks Advice After Arnold Schwarzenegger Affair

Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Maria Shriver Seeks Advice After Arnold Schwarzenegger Affair
Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Maria Shriver. Photo: Lee Roth / RothStock / PR Photos

By Dr. Judy Kuriansky

After 25 years of marriage to Maria Shriver, Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed that he had been hiding a love child from the public.  Arnold’s behavior is a serious insult – and the ultimate betrayal – to Maria, especially having this affair in her household and keeping it a secret for so long.

It will take a long time for Maria to rebuild trust in any relationship, and we now have a deeper understanding of her request on the web.  Uncertain transitions in life can be traumatic.  As stated in a video shared on YouTube, Maria says, “As you know, transitions are not easy.  I’d love to get your advice on how you’ve handled transitions in your own life.  It’s so stressful to not know what you’re doing next.  People ask you what are you doing and then they can’t believe that you don’t know what you’re doing.”

Maria is reaching out to others for advice on how to transition to the next phase of her life.  For many women, Maria’s outreach is reassuring.  For a public figure to express that her future is unknown is both a positive and comforting example for those experiencing similar turmoil.  Maria now has the opportunity to stand for the empowerment of women by respecting herself, having a high self-esteem, trusting her independence and not tolerating bad behavior.

Dr. Judy Kuriansky is a world renowned radio advice host, clinical psychologist, certified sex therapist, popular lecturer, newspaper columnist, author of many books, including The Complete Idiot’s Guide ® to a Healthy Relationship and saw Arnold and Maria’s love bloom firsthand at their engagement party.  To help Maria and women everywhere, she has offered three suggestions to handle transitions in life:

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May 24, 2011 0

How Maria Shriver Found Out About Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Love Child

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: How Maria Shriver Found Out About Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Love Child
Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Maria Shriver. Photo: Lee Roth / RothStock / PR Photos

New details about how Maria Shriver learned of her husband’s infidelity have surfaced. reports that Shriver, 55, went out to eat with girlfriends Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King right before the news broke that Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a child with a member of their household staff.  Shriver supported her friend Oprah by attending her talk show send-off just days after the scandal went public.  “Not only did she come, she came, she showed up, she did the part,” King, 54, said.  “[Maria’s] a class act and she’s handling it with such grace, trying to figure out what to do…how to help the children through.  It’s just a very difficult time and heartbreaking to see.”

What are some ways to react when you find out your partner has cheated?

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May 23, 2011 1

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Love Child: Did He Break Up Housekeeper’s Marriage?

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Love Child: Did He Break Up Housekeeper’s Marriage?
Arnold Schwarzenegger. Photo: Solarpix / PR Photos

Lately, the news has been filled with the tragic separation of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver after a long-kept secret surfaced that the former governor of California fathered a child with Mildred Patricia Baena, a housekeeper and assistant in the family home.  This shocking affair, however, also may have resulted in a divorce between Mildred Baena and her former husband, Rogelio de Jesus Baena.  The couple split in 2008 over “irreconcilable differences.”  According to People, contrary to the birth certificate that identifies Rogelio as the father, the divorce documents between the Baenas do not mention any minor children.

How do you get over the trauma of an affair?

…we know you’re intrigued. Click here to read more.

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May 19, 2011 0

Arnold Schwarzenegger Fathered a Child Out of Wedlock

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: Arnold Schwarzenegger Fathered a Child Out of Wedlock
Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Maria Shriver. Photo: Lee Roth / RothStock / PR Photos

The shocking breakup of one of the biggest power couples in Hollywood and politics now makes a lot more sense, reports People.  The Los Angeles Times broke the news that Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a child out of wedlock 10 years ago, resulting in he and wife Maria Shriver separating.  In a statement to the newspaper, the 63-year-old actor and ex-governor said, “After leaving the governor’s office I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago.  I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family.”

What are some ways to tell that your mate is being unfaithful?

…we know you’re intrigued. Click here to read more.

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May 12, 2011 0

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver Call It Quits

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups
Cupid's Pulse Article: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver Call It Quits
Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Maria Shriver. Photo: Lee Roth / RothStock / PR Photos

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver are parting ways after 25 years of marriage.  People reports that the power couple, who have four children together, consider the split a mutual decision.  “After a great deal of thought, reflection, discussion, and prayer, we came to this decision together,” they say in a statement.  “At this time, we are living apart, while we work on the future of our relationship.”  Shriver, 55, a TV journalist and a Kennedy, and Schwarzenegger, 63, a bodybuilder-turned-actor-turned-governor, were an unlikely pair from the start, but managed to stay committed to each other despite their differences.

Is it important to be with someone who is different from you?

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