Celebrity Break-Ups - Cupid's Pulse: Celebrity Gossip News with Dating, Love, Relationship Advice for Singles, Couples - Page 46

Celebrity Break-Ups

When Hollywood couples stop dating one another or end their high-profile marriages, it typically appears on the cover of entertainment magazines and immediately turns into celebrity gossip. Although some famous couples end with an amicable celebrity break-up, headlines often sensationalize things to make it look like a messy celebrity divorce or scandal. If you want to find out whether or not your favorite celebrity relationships are still going strong, then the Celebrity Break-Ups page is where you need to be. Find out which reality TV couple called it quits because they wanted more fame, which famous actress filed for divorce after a celebrity affair, and which Real Housewives star says that the reality TV show has helped her marriage. You will also read real world dating and relationship advice to help you remain civil with your ex, take charge of that on-again, off-again relationship, and regain your partner’s trust. Everyone can learn from these celebrity relationships and make the most of a bad situation!