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Reality TV Tag Archive: The Bachelor

Mar 4, 2015 0

Former ‘Bachelor’ Jason Mesnick Surprises Celebrity Love Molly Malaney for Fifth Wedding Anniversary

Posted In: Celebrity News, Celebrity Weddings, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: Former ‘Bachelor’ Jason Mesnick Surprises Celebrity Love Molly Malaney for Fifth Wedding Anniversary
Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney. Photo: PRN / PR Photos

By Emma L. Wells

It has always been a tradition for celebrated jeweler Neil Lane to offer a selection of engagement rings before the finale of The Bachelor. Jason Mesnick and celebrity love Molly Malaney met during season 13 of the reality TV show, but Malaney never received one of these coveted rings because she was technically the runner-up. Now that this famous couple has been married for five years, Mesnick wanted to rectify the situation by giving his wife a new engagement ring for their anniversary. Malaney told, “The past five years have been the most amazing years of my life because of Jason. Our relationship and love started all because of The Bachelor franchise, and Neil has been such a meaningful person within the franchise, so I am so honored to have a piece of that relationship…This is the most amazing gift I’ve ever received!”

This reality TV star gave his celebrity love a beautiful ring for their recent anniversary. What are some ways you can make sure your romantic surprise goes off without a hitch?

…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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Mar 3, 2015 0

‘The Bachelor’ Season 19 Contestants Rehash Old Feuds During “The Women Tell All” Episode

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups, Celebrity News, Chris Soules - Season 19, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Season 19 Contestants Rehash Old Feuds During “The Women Tell All” Episode
The women of reality TV show 'The Bachelor' season 19 needed this dating advice to clear the air and fix their relationships and love! Photo courtesy of ABC.

By Emma L. Wells

The Bachelor season 19 “The Women Tell All” special brought all the women back together to reminisce about their time on the reality TV show and clear the air. They had many grievances with each other — and many more with The Bachelor himself, Chris Soules. Kelsey came under attack from all the contestants (yet again) for being conniving and fake. After taking the hot seat, Britt Nilsson immediately called out Carly for being a bad friend. Additionally, both Jade Roper and Kaitlyn Bristowe confronted Soules about why he rejected a relationship and love with them. He assured Roper that it was not because of her Playboy spread. Bristol, unfortunately, received a less clear answer. reported that Soules said, “I apologize….In that moment, I did the best I could and that’s all I know.”  We can’t wait to see how The Bachelor season 19 will end next week!

When it comes to past relationships and love, how can you get over old disputes and move forward? The ladies from The Bachelor season 19 need to listen to this dating advice!

…Don’t miss the rest! Click Here.

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Feb 25, 2015 0

‘The Bachelor’ Chris Soules Prepares to Bring Winner Home to Arlington

Posted In: Celebrity News, Celebrity Vacations, Chris Soules - Season 19, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Chris Soules Prepares to Bring Winner Home to Arlington
The Bachelor Chris Soules is in the final stages of finding love. Photo: KM/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES

By Maggie Manfredi

The Bachelor is on the fast track to love! According to, Chris Soules is down to his final two leading ladies after this week’s dramatic episode. The Bachelor season 19 has culminated in this farmer being very optimistic about getting down on one knee during the finale to solidify a relationship and love. Kaitlyn was sent home by Soules and is no longer in the running to be part of a celebrity couple, but rumors are already flying that she may end up as the next Bachelorette. The Bachelor still has to chose between Whitney the fertility nurse and Becca the virgin. The three are set for an epic finish in Bali and are already well on their way to finding love. Who will be our Bachelor‘s leading lady?

We can’t all date with the level of style that The Bachelor contestants do, but we can still make it special. What are three ways to date in style?

…Want more? Click here!

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Feb 24, 2015 0

Whitney from ‘The Bachelor’ Season 19 Says She’d Move to Arlington, Iowa for Chris Soules

Posted In: Celebrity Dating, Celebrity News, Chris Soules - Season 19, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: Whitney from ‘The Bachelor’ Season 19 Says She’d Move to Arlington, Iowa for Chris Soules
Chris Soules and 'The Bachelor' Winner Whitney Bischoff Go on a Romantic Date Night. Photo: Jean Whiteside/ABC

By Emma L. Wells

From day one, The Bachelor season 19 star Chris Soules has said that a relationship and love with him means moving to his (very small) hometown of Arlington, Iowa. After asking potential celebrity love Whitney if she would be able to leave her life in Chicago for him, she gave him exactly the answer he was looking for. According to, she said that, while she loves her job as a nurse, she would have “no hesitation” about moving to Arlington and “having babies” as her career. The Bachelor season 19 frontrunner continued, “I firmly believe that life takes you places, and it’s not where you are; it’s who you’re with.”

The Bachelor season 19 contestant Whitney is willing to move to Iowa for her celebrity love. How do you know if that’s the right decision for your relationship and love?

…Don’t miss the rest! Click here

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Feb 10, 2015 0

‘The Bachelor’ Season 19 Contestants Treat a Relationship and Love with Chris Soules Like a Game

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups, Celebrity News, Chris Soules - Season 19, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Season 19 Contestants Treat a Relationship and Love with Chris Soules Like a Game
Contestants on 'The Bachelor' season 19 treat relationship & love with Chris Soules like a game. Dating advice about why you shouldn't play games! Photo courtesy of ABC.

By Emma L. Wells

You know what they say: Two’s a party, but three’s a painfully awkward and quiet crowd. Kelsey and Ashley I. weren’t exactly audience favorites on The Bachelor season 19, but it certainly was enjoyable to watch them face-off on a two-on-one date during last night’s episode of this popular reality TV show. Rather than using their alone time with Chris Soules to grow their relationships and love, the ladies complained and gossiped about each other. According to Fox News, The Bachelor star saw through their games and took their accusations seriously, ultimately sending both women home.

The Bachelor season 19 contestants Kelsey and Ashley I. played Chris Soules like a prize to be won during their two-on-one date. Why can playing games cause more harm than good to your relationship and love?

…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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Feb 3, 2015 0

‘The Bachelor’ Season 19 Contestant Britt Nilsson Faces Her Fear For Chris Soules

Posted In: Celebrity Dating, Celebrity News, Chris Soules - Season 19, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Season 19 Contestant Britt Nilsson Faces Her Fear For Chris Soules
'The Bachelor' season 19 contestant Britt faces her fear to grow her relationship & love with Chris Soules on reality TV. Plus, dating advice! Photo: Lewis Jacobs/ABC

By Emma L. Wells

“The sky’s the limit…,” read Britt Nilsson’s one-on-one date card on last night’s episode of The Bachelor season 19. That’s when the 27-year-old waitress started to cry in panic due to her debilitating phobia of heights. Still, she pulled it together before their one-on-one date. reported Chris Soules saying that she was “just as beautiful first thing in the morning as when she’s all dolled up for the rose ceremony.  It’s pretty incredible.” Turns out, she gets all dolled up for bed too, but oh well! The reality TV lovebirds soon arrived in the New Mexico desert to find a hot air balloon waiting for them, and Nilsson’s fears quickly disappeared with Soules’ arms around her.

This Bachelor season 19 contestant overcame her fear to get closer to Chris Soules. What are some ways you can beat your phobias when looking for a relationship and love?

…Click here for more great dating advice!

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Jan 27, 2015 1

‘The Bachelor’ Chris Soules Says That Men “Don’t Work Well with Subtlety”

Posted In: Celebrity Dating, Celebrity News, Chris Soules - Season 19, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Chris Soules Says That Men “Don’t Work Well with Subtlety”
The girls revealed a lot to Chris Soules last night on the reality TV show 'The Bachelor.' Plus, dating advice on how to open up in a relationship! Photo: DAVID MOIR/ABC

By Emma L. Wells

Poor Chris Soules had a lot to handle on last night’s jam-packed episode of the hit reality TV show The Bachelor. His hands were full with two group dates, two one-on-ones, a visit from his sisters, a shameless Cinderella promotion, and one big confession. The first group date brought seven girls to the lake for a day of beach fun and night of camping. Ashley I. was, in her own words, a camping virgin and a virgin camping, and after fretting over it, she decided to tell Soules the truth about her sexual history — or lack thereof. She snuck into The Bachelor star’s tent in the middle of night to wake him up and was clearly nervous as she danced around the point of the conversation without actually saying it. In his blog on, the Iowa farmer writes, “Here’s a little lesson for you ladies: Men are pretty simple when it comes to words… Spell it out for us. Maybe even write it down so we don’t forget it. We don’t work well with subtlety.” Later in the episode, she bravely tried again, and this time, she came right out with her confession.

The Bachelor contestant Ashley I. was in need of some dating advice before she confronted Chris Soules with her big reveal on last night’s episode. What are some ways to successfully open up to a guy?

…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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Jan 21, 2015 0

Screwing the Rules Video Dating Advice: How ‘The Bachelor’ Is Changing the Reality of Dating

Posted In: Chris Soules - Season 19, Dating Advice Videos, Laurel House Articles, Reality TV, Relationship Experts, The Bachelor, Videos


By E!’s Famously Single Dating Coach, Laurel House

In this week’s dating advice video, relationship expert and E!’s Famously Single dating coach, Laurel House discusses how The Bachelor, particularly season 19 with Chris Soules, and other similar reality TV shows are changing the reality of dating.

Dating Advice from E!’s Famously Single Dating Coach Laurel House

“They’re helping to shape the way we view what is desirable, what is sexy,” she explains of the reality TV franchise. “With Farmer Chris from Iowa as America’s current leading man, the dating landscape has dramatically shifted.” House reveals five ways that Soules is changing the reality of dating: Women no longer want bad boys like former Bachelor Juan Pablo Galavis; we see farmers as marriage material; we’re going back to the basics and forgetting about the rich and famous; we want a true gentleman; and we (finally!) think nice is sexy.

Related Link: Screwing the Rules Video Dating Advice: Find the Love of Your Life

Funny enough, a reality TV show is helping us redefine real love. “It’s being authentic; it’s being our true self. It’s looking down deep and thinking, ‘What do I need in a relationship and love? What do I need in a relationship? What will sustain a relationship long-term?'” the relationship expert shares.

For more dating advice from House, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How do you think The Bachelor is changing the way we date? Tell us in the comments below!

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Jan 21, 2015 0

Chris Harrison: Things Were “Awkward and Weird” Between ‘The Bachelorette’ Andi Dorfman & Josh Murray

Posted In: Andi Dorfman - Season 10, Celebrity Break-Ups, Celebrity News, Reality TV, The Bachelorette
Cupid's Pulse Article: Chris Harrison: Things Were “Awkward and Weird” Between ‘The Bachelorette’ Andi Dorfman & Josh Murray
'The Bachelorette' Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray are celebrity exes after a celebrity break-up that shocked fans of 'The Bachelor' franchise. Photo courtesy of Andi Doorman's Instagram.

By Maggie Manfredi

This man knows a celebrity break-up when he sees one! According to UsMagazine.comChris Harrison, the newly single host of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette series, knew something was up with former The Bachelorette star Andi Dorfman and fiancé Josh Murray before they split. Harrison said, “I knew things were a little off. They were being a little awkward and weird. But you know, they’re from Georgia. You know those people.” The celebrity exes announced their break-up just after they attended The Bachelor season 19 premiere together.

Celebrity exes Josh Murray and The Bachelorette star Andi Dorfman gave nothing away the day before their celebrity break-up announcement. How do you remain civil with an ex in the midst of turmoil?

…Can’t get enough? CLick here for more!

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Jan 20, 2015 0

‘The Bachelor’ Season 19 Contestants Deal with Jealousy — Chris Soules Can’t Stop Kissing Them!

Posted In: Celebrity Dating, Celebrity News, Chris Soules - Season 19, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Season 19 Contestants Deal with Jealousy — Chris Soules Can’t Stop Kissing Them!
Learn how to deal with jealousy from the reality TV contestants on 'The Bachelor' season 19. Plus, some helpful dating advice! Photo: JOHN FLEENOR/ABC

By Emma L. Wells

Chris Soules certainly seemed to be enjoying himself during last night’s episode of The Bachelor season 19! Reality TV fans got to see multiple makeout sessions and enjoy a lot of laughs, thanks to a guest appearance by Jimmy Kimmel. According to, Soules kissed eight different women, claiming that it was simply part of the process of finding love. When asked by Mackenzie why he was macking with so many different honeys, he answered nervously that that’s just how he gets to know people. Becca was the only girl to deny his attempt at a smooch; instead, the two shared a sweet hug.

What are some ways to deal with jealousy when, like the contestants on The Bachelor season 19you aren’t exclusive yet?

…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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Jan 15, 2015 0

‘The Bachelor’ Host Chris Harrison Says He “Had No Clue” Andi Dorfman & Josh Murray Would Break Up

Posted In: Andi Dorfman - Season 10, Celebrity Break-Ups, Celebrity News, Reality TV, The Bachelorette
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Host Chris Harrison Says He “Had No Clue” Andi Dorfman &  Josh Murray Would Break Up
Andi Dorman recently split with fiance Josh Murray. Photo: GG/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES

By Rebecca White

Recently, the latest celebrity news and gossip centered on the sudden celebrity break-up of The Bachelorette couple Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray. According to, Chris Harrison, the host of The Bachelor, said he had no idea that the celebrity couple was about to split. When Harrison saw the soon-to-be celebrity exes, he asked about their wedding plans in an interview. “By no means did I know they were broken up and did that interview, because honestly, having been through a crappy breakup, I would’ve protected it more and stayed away from wedding talk and I wouldn’t have put them on the spot,” Harrison told TV Guide. Although Harrison usually knows the drama between The Bachelor contestants, he seemed out of the loop on this one!

Life isn’t filled with as much drama as you see on ‘The Bachelor,’ but what are some ways to keep it out of your relationship?

…On the edge of your seat? Click here for more.

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Jan 12, 2015 0

The Worst ‘Bachelor’ and ‘Bachelorette’ Breakups

Posted In: Love, Photo Galleries

Page 7 of 11
Bachelor and Bachelorette Breakups: Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski
Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski

Jillian Harris thought she found her forever when she chose Ed Swiderski to be her one and only at the conclusion of 'The Bachelorette' season 5. The couple stayed together for a little over a year and remained quiet about their split. Photo: Flynet Pictures, Inc.

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Jan 7, 2015 0

‘The Bachelor’ Chris Soules on First Night Jitters

Posted In: Celebrity News, Chris Soules - Season 19, Cupid Strikes, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Chris Soules on First Night Jitters
'The Bachelor' Chris Soules opens up about first night jitters. Photo: Credit: Rick Rowell/ABC

By Emma L. Wells

First dates can be stressful enough, but can you imagine having 30 first dates simultaneously? That’s how Chris Soules felt on Monday night during the premiere of The Bachelor Season 19. “It was nerve-racking but exciting to be in the same room with 30 amazing women and knowing that one of them could potentially become my fiancée,” Soules said in an interview with While some women handled the stress of the evening better than others (a few contestants were noticeably intoxicated by the evening’s close…), they all made lasting impressions. From motorcycles and karaoke to secret admirers and a pig nose, the women used a variety of tactics to try and catch the handsome bachelor’s eye. Some ended up being more successful than others, as the 33-year-old farm boy from Iowa eliminated eight women during the first rose ceremony on The Bachelor Season 19.

‘The Bachelor’ Chris Soules was pretty nervous Monday night. What are three ways to deal with nerves on a first date?

…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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Jan 7, 2015 0

‘The Bachelor’ Star Nikki Ferrell Opens Up About Celebrity Breakup with Juan Pablo Galavis

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups, Celebrity News, Juan Pablo Galavis - Season 18, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Star Nikki Ferrell Opens Up About Celebrity Breakup with Juan Pablo Galavis
Nikki Ferrell, with best friend Andi Dorfman and her fiancé Josh Murray, opened up about her recent split from Juan Pablo Galavis. Photo courtesy of Nikki Ferrell's Instagram.

By Whitney Johnson

On the red carpet prior to Monday night’s premiere of The Bachelor, former winner Nikki Ferrell opened up to host Chris Harrison about her celebrity breakup with Juan Pablo Galavis — and surprisingly she had nothing but nice things to say about her celebrity ex! According to, the pediatric nurse shared, “I’m not a quitter. I tried everything, and he tried too. It wasn’t just a one-side thing. We real-life tried, not TV-tried.” She added, “I knew I was never going to be the number one priority. He has a daughter…but there’s a difference between being the second priority and the seventh priority.” 

Not everyone speaks so highly of their celebrity ex like ‘The Bachelor’ winner Nikki Ferrell. What are some factors to consider when someone asks you about your ex?

…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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Jan 6, 2015 0

‘The Bachelor’ Season 19 Premiere: Chris Soules Meets 30 Bachelorettes

Posted In: Celebrity Dating, Celebrity News, Chris Soules - Season 19, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Season 19 Premiere: Chris Soules Meets 30 Bachelorettes

By Sarah Batcheller, Lori Bizzoco, and Whitney Johnson

If you watched the season 19 premiere of The Bachelor last night, you know that Chris Soules is in for quite a ride. The Arlington, Iowa native clearly has his hands full with this group of women! After getting booted by Andi Dorfman, there’s no telling which dynamic lady will steal his heart — and when we say dynamic, we mean it. His contestants range from a ballet instructor and a flight attendant (a profession that hasn’t reigned superior in Bachelor past) to a WWE Diva-in-Training and a former NFL Cheerleader. Some are hotties with big personalities, while others are more bashful and low-key. And then there’s the girl who depends a little too heavily on the bottle. Of course, they have one thing in common: They all want the same man. Ahh, aren’t you so glad to have season 19 of The Bachelor to start off the new year?

…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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Dec 26, 2014 0

‘The Bachelor’ Chris Soules Opens Up About Finding His Future Wife

Posted In: Celebrity News, Chris Soules - Season 19, Cupid Strikes, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Chris Soules Opens Up About Finding His Future Wife
Chris Soules recently opened up about finding a future wife. Photo: GG/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES

By Jessica DeRubbo

The Bachelor Chris Soules is serious about finding the love of his life. In fact, he recently opened up to about leaving the farm life behind to expand his horizons and find The One. “There were so many great girls. I felt like I could fall in love with a lot of them right away,” he said. The new season of The Bachelor debuts on January 5th, and Soules will have 30 women to choose from at the start. With one woman arriving on a motorcycle, another proclaiming Soules could “plow her field any day,” and yet another giving him a “great squeeze,” there’s no doubt that this season’s Bachelor has his work cut out for him!

‘The Bachelor’ is a unique way to meet someone. What are three other ways to meet a potential mate?

…Want the rest? Click here for more.

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Dec 4, 2014 0

Did ‘The Bachelor’ Winner Nikki Ferrell Reveal She Has A New Man?

Posted In: Celebrity News, Cupid Strikes, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: Did ‘The Bachelor’ Winner Nikki Ferrell Reveal She Has A New Man?
'Bachelor' winner Nikki Ferrell is dating again after her split from Juan Pablo Galavis. Photo: PRN /

By Emily Meyer

Although Nikki Ferrell’s celebrity breakup from Bachelor Juan Pablo Galavis was only a month ago, her Instagram account tells us she’s wasting no time getting back into the swing of things when it comes to her relationships and love life. According to, the Bachelor winner posted a photo over the weekend quoting Beyoncé’s song “Halo” by writing, “I swore I’d never fall again, but this don’t even feel like falling.” She then captioned the quote with more lyrics from the song, “Think I’m addicted to your light,” followed by a heart emoji. The private beauty didn’t give any more details about this new special someone, but we can’t wait to see what celebrity love gossip she shares next!

‘The Bachelor’ winner Nikki Ferrell found romance after her celebrity breakup. How do you know when you’re ready to start dating again after a breakup? 

…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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Nov 12, 2014 0

‘The Bachelor’ Winner Nikki Ferrell Confirms Split from Juan Pablo Galavis

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups, Celebrity News, Juan Pablo Galavis - Season 18, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Winner Nikki Ferrell Confirms Split from Juan Pablo Galavis
'Bachelor' winner Nikki Ferrell confirms split from Juan Pablo Galavis. Photo: PRN /

By Emily Meyer

Sadly, it has been confirmed that another Bachelor couple has split. After speculation that there was trouble between celebrity couple Nikki Ferrell and Juan Pablo Galavis, Ferrell confirmed the celebrity breakup.  According to E! Online, the split happened over her birthday weekend. The pediatric nurse revealed, “We were just going back and forth through texting. He was questioning the relationship, and I was questioning it back. I sent him a message saying, ‘We should fight for this. We should work this out.’ And he didn’t respond.” That’s when the 28-year-old posted her angry message to Instagram. She confessed, “In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have done that. I’m a tad bit impulsive.” Regardless, the two still have love for one another. Ferrell said, “Who knows what the future holds, but at this point in our lives, it’s not working for either one of us.”

Celebrity couple Nikki Ferrell and Juan Pablo Galavis were pretty upset about their celebrity breakup. How can you stay positive when ending a relationship? 

…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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Nov 5, 2014 0

‘The Bachelor’ Runner-Up Lindsay Yenter Is Engaged

Posted In: Celebrity News, Celebrity Weddings, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Runner-Up Lindsay Yenter Is Engaged
'Bachelor' runner-up Lindsay Yenter is engaged to Karl Swanson. Photo courtesy of Lindsay Yenter's Instagram.

By Emily Meyer

It looks like Lindsay Yenter didn’t waste any time sulking around and pining for lost love! After not receiving the final rose from Sean Lowe on The Bachelor season 17 finale, the bubbly brunette quickly moved on and began dating now-fiancé Karl Swanson. According to, her celebrity love popped the question at the end of October. Yenter posted a photo of her amazing new rock on Instagram with the caption, “You mean I wasn’t dreaming?! More details to follow on the blog…#ontopoftheworld.” The former reality star credits The Bachelor Sean Lowe with helping her see what’s important in a potential partner, saying, “After doing the whole show, it made me realize I need to find guys who I want as a husband and as a father instead of going after the bad boy.” We cannot wait to hear wedding details and see what’s next for this celebrity couple!


Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘The Bachelor’ Runner-Up Lindsay Yenter Is Engaged
Lindsay Yenter shows off her gorgeous engagement ring. Photo courtesy of Lindsay Yenter’s Instagram.

Lindsay Yenter knew she was prepared when celebrity love Karl Swanson popped the question. What are three signs that you’re ready to get engaged? 

…Don’t mis the rest! Click here for more.

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Oct 31, 2014 0

The First Official Look at Chris Soules on ‘The Bachelor’

Posted In: Celebrity News, Chris Soules - Season 19, Reality TV, Single Celebrities, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: The First Official Look at Chris Soules on ‘The Bachelor’
Chris Soules will be premiering as 'The Bachelor' in January 2015. Photo courtesy of Chris Soules' Instagram.

By Emily Meyer

Start planning for The Bachelor Season 19 viewing parties now! While the reality show isn’t set to air until January 5, 2015, has the first exclusive look at Chris Soules. The 32-year-old Midwest farmer who won our hearts on Andi Dorfman’s season of The Bachelorette now has his chance to find a relationship and love. The first promo pic for the season is captioned: “Traditional. Classic. All-American.” It was also just announced that The Bachelor premiere will be three hours long and live! “Coming from a small town, I never really expected to have this opportunity to be on either show, let alone to be the lead on The Bachelor, so it’s been awesome,” Soules shared after his announcement was made on Good Morning America.


Cupid's Pulse Article: The First Official Look at Chris Soules on ‘The Bachelor’
Photo courtesy of ABC.

 ‘The Bachelor’ offers a unique way to meet a new partner. What are some other ways to meet someone?

Continue reading

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Oct 30, 2014 0

Have ‘The Bachelor’ Celebrity Couple Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell Split?

Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups, Celebrity News, Juan Pablo Galavis - Season 18, Reality TV, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: Have ‘The Bachelor’ Celebrity Couple Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell Split?
'The Bachelor' couple Nikki Ferrell and Juan Pablo Galavis split. Photo courtesy of Nikki Ferrell's Instagram.

By Emily Meyer

It looks like The Bachelor celebrity couple Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell have called it quits after trying to salvage their rocky celebrity relationship. For those who watched the controversial couple on The Bachelor and VH1’s current season of Couples Therapy, it should be no surprise that there will be no more roses passed between the two of them. According to, Ferrell dumped Galavis seven months after audiences watched him decline to say “I love you” to the 27-year-old pediatric nurse on the finale of The Bachelor. It seems she has finally grown tired of his childish behavior: On Sunday, she unfollowed the reality star on both Instagram and Twitter and then posted a harsh quote that appears to be aimed towards Galavis. She posted, “Isn’t it pathetic how we waste so must time on certain people and in the end they prove that they weren’t even worth a second of it.”

‘The Bachelor’ winner Nikki Ferrell had a tough time figuring out when to end her celebrity relationship. How do you know when it’s time to call it quits in a long-term romance?

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Sep 16, 2014 0

‘The Bachelor’ Stars Catherine and Sean Lowe on Celebrity Baby Plans: “Not Anytime Soon”

Posted In: Celebrity Interviews, Celebrity Videos, Love, Parenting, Reality TV, Sean Lowe - Season 17, The Bachelor, Videos

Interview by Lori Bizzoco.

It’s every Bachelor couple’s fairytale to walk down the aisle after  finding true love on ABC’s hit reality TV show. For happy celebrity couple Catherine and Sean Lowe, that fairytale turned into a reality when the couple got hitched in a televised wedding earlier this year. Our executive editor and founder Lori Bizzoco talked to the happy celebrity couple at OK! magazine’s New York Fashion Week celebration to get the scoop on married life, their recent appearance on Bachelor In Paradise, and their celebrity baby plans.
…Don’t miss the rest of our exclusive interview! Click here for more.

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Aug 29, 2014 0

Former ‘Bachelor’ Sean Lowe Writes: “My Wife Is Hot and I’m in Love”

Posted In: Celebrity Dating, Celebrity News, Reality TV, Sean Lowe - Season 17, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: Former ‘Bachelor’ Sean Lowe Writes: “My Wife Is Hot and I’m in Love”
Sean Lowe says that wife Catherine is hot. Photo courtesy of Sean Lowe's Instagram.

By Amanda Boyer

Sean Lowe has taken his love for wife Catherine Giudici, who he met on season 17 of The Bachelor, to a new level. While the famous couple often posts sweet Instagram photos of each other, this time, the Texas native published a blog post on his Patheos page titled “Caught in Her Web.” As reported by, he shared how and when he first fell for Giudici as well as the things about her that he loves most, ending with, “So in conclusion, my wife is hot and I’m in love.” After seven months of marriage, the celebrity couple is still very much in the honeymoon stage.

Former Bachelor Sean Lowe and winner Catherine Giudici are always expressing their feelings for each other. What are some ways to show your love to your partner?

…Don’t miss this great advice! Click here for more.

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Aug 28, 2014 0

Arie Luyendyk Jr. Is “Pissed” He’s Not the Next ‘Bachelor’

Posted In: Celebrity News, Reality TV, Single Celebrities, The Bachelor
Cupid's Pulse Article: Arie Luyendyk Jr. Is “Pissed” He’s Not the Next ‘Bachelor’
Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Jef Holm. Holm ended up winning their season of 'Bachelor.' Photo: Koi Sojer / PR Photos

By Kaley Allard

Former Bachelorette contestant Arie Luyendyk Jr. will not be given another shot at relationships and love on The Bachelor Season 19, according to, and he’s not happy about it. A source recently said that  Luyendyk is “pissed” that he was not chosen. Luyendyk tweeted his dismay saying, “I’m not the Bachelor. Have fun on the farm people.” Hopefully Luyendyk’s poor attitude and angry social media posts do not affect this years Bachelor pick, Chris Soules.

Even for The Bachelor, finding relationships and love can be difficult. How can you branch out and find new ways of meeting a partner?

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