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Relationship Expert Tag Archive: Suzanne Oshima

Jan 27, 2015 0

Single in Stilettos Show: What Makes a Man See You as Marriage Material

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima and romance artist Zan Perrion share their video dating tips for what makes a man see you as marriage material.

Video Dating Tips: Love Advice to Make  a Man See You as Marriage Material

The relationship experts believe that a man looks for a woman who: takes care of him, who inspires him, who is supportive, who doesn’t emasculate him, who doesn’t try to change him, and who needs him. If you follow this love advice and possess these qualities, the guy you’re dating may just start to see you as a potential wife!

For more video dating tips and additional information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Cupid wants to know: What’s your best love advice for making a guy see you as marriage material? 

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Jan 22, 2015 1

Dating Advice Q&A: Is It Appropriate to Play Hard to Get Via Texting?

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice Q&A: Is It Appropriate to Play Hard to Get Via Texting?
Happy woman texting. Photo: andres /

Question from Kaitlin B.: It sounds silly, but I think a lot about my texts before I send them to a guy I’ve just met. When and how do I play hard to get while texting? What things should I consider before pressing send?

Read on to find out what our relationship experts think!
…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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Jan 20, 2015 0

Single in Stilettos Show: What Turns a Man On

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, NYC matchmaker and dating coach Suzanne Oshima talks to founder of the Marni Kinrys about what turns a man on — and no, we’re not talking about in the bedroom!

Related Link: The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Find Love

Relationship Advice for the Early Stages of Dating

These dating experts share their best relationship advice for what keeps a man’s attention after the first few dates. In the beginning, of course, your chemistry is based primary on your looks, the way you smile, and how you smell. But if you want him to stick around, you have to make him happy. It’s really as simple as that! The best way to do so is by communicating clearly. Men get confused easily, so say what you mean and mean what you say. If you follow this relationship advice, you’ll quickly move from “just dating” to a committed partnership with the right guy.

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What’s your best relationship advice for making a man happy? Tell us in the comments below!

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Jan 13, 2015 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Find Love By Not Looking for Love…Fact or Fiction?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to Duana Welch, author of Love Factually, about whether or not you can really find love by not looking for it. According to the dating advice shared by these relationship experts, that approach won’t work. Instead, if you want to find love, you should: join several online dating sites; be open to meeting men anywhere and everywhere; get out and do things; and make eye contact and smile when talking to someone you’re interested in.

Related Link: Duana Welch on Why You Can’t Make Him Love You

It’s important to be proactive if you truly want love in your life.  Follow this dating advice if you’re ready to meet someone special!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What’s your best tip for finding love? Tell us in the comments below!

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Jan 6, 2015 0

Single in Stilettos Show: The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Find Love

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima chats with Dr. Diana Kirschner, best-selling author and CEO of Love in 90 Days, about the most important thing you can do to find love. First, you need to get a Love Mentor, someone who can guide you in the right direction to find The One. Once you have a Love Mentor, they can help you understand: what you want in a man and a relationship; if you’re sabotaging yourself in relationships; how you’re isolating yourself from meeting someone special; how being too picky is keeping you single; and how sleeping with someone too soon can ruin a relationship.

Related Link: Tripp on How to Meet a Guy 

Listen up for more great dating tips!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Ladies, what’s your best tip for finding love? Share with us in the comments below!

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Dec 30, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: How to Handle a Bad Date

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

With the new year quickly approaching, there’s a good chance that you’ll go on an awkward date during the next 365 days. With that thought in mind, on this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima chats with Jen Kelton, the CEO and founder of, about how to handle a bad date. Kelton first explains what she considers to be a bad date and then shares her best dating tips for dealing with someone who’s on the phone too much, who behaves inappropriately, or who picks a fight with another guy. Plus, she reveals her funniest bad date story.

Related Link: Ms. Solomon on 5 Biggest Dating Mistakes Women Make with Men

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How do you handle a bad date? Share your tips in the comments below!

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Dec 23, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Why Do I Keep Attracting the Wrong Men?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship coach Des O’Connor about why you keep attracting the wrong men. Believe it or not, you already have all of the answers to this question! You need to take a look at your past relationships and see what patterns emerge. Follow these steps when you’re ready to start picking the right men: have  a plan in place; decide what type of partner you want; determine if that type of guy goes to the same places as you; know what questions to ask him; and most importantly, stop wasting your time with the wrong men!

Related Link: Why You Can’t Make Him Love You

It’s time to start being honest with yourself and consider what role you’re playing in attracting the wrong men. Then, it’ll be that much easier to find The One!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What do you do to attract the right type of guy? Tell us in the comments below!

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Dec 16, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: How to Move On After a Breakup

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima chats with dating coach and author Abiola Abrams about post traumatic love disorder, which refers to being stuck in the past and unable to heal after a tough breakup. First, you have to identify the signs of this disorder: bed hopping from man to man; spending late hours at the office to avoid dating; jumping into another bad relationship; and being afraid to be alone. If you recognize any of these symptoms in your behavior, it’s time to find a cure, which includes five simple steps. Start by doing a self-assessment; then, list out past relationships and the lessons you’ve learned from them; next, learn how to love yourself unconditionally; additionally, learn more about yourself through the dating process; and finally, take baby steps towards meeting the right man.

Related Link: Abiola Abrams on How to Attract Love in Your Life

Remember that dating is never easy. Despite your heartbreak, don’t get discouraged and just stay focused on finding a healthy relationship with someone special!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Cupid wants to know: How do you pick yourself up and move on after a breakup? 

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Dec 9, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: How to Talk About Being Exclusive with Your Partner

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima and dating coach Robert Manni discuss how to talk about being exclusive with your beau. The author of The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Love shares five important things to remember when you bring up this subject: make sure it’s a good time to have a serious conversation; do it in person; let him know it means a lot to you; never give him an ultimatum; and remember that it’s about what you both want.

Related Link: Robert Manni on How to Get a Second Date

Ultimately, it’s a conversation between the two of you. Although you may be focused on sharing your feelings with your partner, be sure to listen to him in return. Pay attention to how he responds. If he says he’s just not ready, respect his wishes and be patient. However, if he says he doesn’t want to be exclusive with you, it may be time to move on.

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What’s your best tip for talking about being exclusive with your partner? Share your comments below!

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Dec 2, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: 5 Biggest Dating Mistakes Women Make with Men!

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to Ms. Solomon from about the five biggest dating mistakes that women make with men. Ladies, here are things you often do that are keeping you single: You think you can’t be beautiful and smart; you always have to prove a point; you lead with your credentials and accomplishments; you can’t give a good sound bite and tend to dominate the conversation; and you put down other women.

Related Link: Ms. Solomon on How to Talk to a Guy

If you can avoid making these five dating mistakes, you’ll have a more successful love life in no time!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How do you avoid making these dating mistakes? Share your tips in the comments below!

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Nov 27, 2014 0

Q&A: Should I Be Concerned About My Man’s Social Network Activity with Other Women?

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Q&A: Should I Be Concerned About My Man’s Social Network Activity with Other Women?
Upset girl looking at her boyfriend's computer. Photo: Feel Photo Art /

Question from Jane C.: This guy and I have been dating for a few months now, and everything is going great, but I sometimes get bothered by the way he interacts with other girls on social media. It will pop up on my Facebook Newsfeed that he’s liked a bunch of girl’s photos or commented on some girl’s picture. Should I read into this, or am I just being paranoid?

Related Link: Is It Okay If My Boyfriend Texts His Ex?

Suzanne K. Oshima, MatchmakerWhen you’re dating someone exclusively, it just means that you’re not going to date other people. It doesn’t mean that he can’t be friends with other women or like their photos on Facebook.

However, that being said, his behavior could be inappropriate based on the type of photos he’s liking or commenting on. If the photos are innocent in nature, then I wouldn’t be so worried. But if the photos are sexy or provocative photos of the women and he’s making inappropriate comments, then it’s definitely a red flag that he may have a wandering eye. Not to mention the fact that it’s completely disrespectful to you! If the tables were reversed, I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate you liking and commenting on photos of other men with their shirts off or flexing their muscles.

It’s not something that I would say you should break up over. However, it is something that you should keep an eye out for.

Paige Wyatt, Reality StarThe way people interact online can give you a good insight to their personality. In your boyfriend’s case, he seems to be flirty and outgoing. He doesn’t think twice when he comments on girls’ pictures or posts on their walls because that’s his personality. He probably doesn’t see anything wrong with it. His online interactions are completely innocent to him because he doesn’t think too deeply into them. Although it may not be a problem to him, it is for you. It’s important to be open and honest with your feelings and opinions, so let him know what you’re thinking. Otherwise, he may never change his behavior.

Related Link: Should I Delete or Unfriend My Exes on Social Networks?

Robert Manni, Guy’s GuyIt’s called social media for a reason. People connect online and socialize. Unfortunately, a lot of guys raised on social media think the way to score dates is sitting in front of their laptops in their tightey whiteys and hitting on random women. And that could be the case here. Without knowing the parameters of Jane’s relationship, it’s easy to condemn this guy for blatantly flirting while he’s dating Jane.

If they’re in an exclusive relationship, Jane might ask why he’s so friendly with these other women. If he’s evasive or she doesn’t buy his answer, she has some choices. She can put up with it (not recommended), return the favor and also flirt online, or start dating other people — at least until he realizes what’s good for guys can be very good for the ladies.

To find out more about our three dating and technology gurus, click here.

If you have any questions you would like answered by our experts, please submit them on our Contact Page.

How do you handle concern about your partner’s social media habits? Share with us in the comments below!

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Nov 25, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Why You Can’t Make Him Love You

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to Duana Welch, PhD, author of Love Factually: 10 Proven Steps from I Wish to I Do!, about why you can’t make a man fall in love with you. Usually, if a woman asks the question, “How can I make a man love me?,” it’s because the relationship is one-sided. It’s impossible to make a man see you as his perfect match if he simply doesn’t have feelings for you. Remember that love is reciprocal — you can’t make him love you if he doesn’t!

Related Link: 5 Signs He’s Interested in You

Listen up to find out what a man looks for in a woman, what a woman wants in a man, and more great dating advice!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Do you agree with Duana’s thoughts about making a man fall in love with you? Tell us what you think in the comments below!

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Nov 18, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: How to Meet a Guy

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

So many women struggle with the first step when it comes to dating: how to meet a great guy. You can’t just do one or two things and expect the right man to come along; you need to put yourself out there in a variety of ways if you really want to find someone special. On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach Tripp to answer this elusive question. If you want to meet men, he recommends that you: go out more; try online dating; make eye contact and smile; compliment him; and always look your best.

Related Link: Tripp on Top 5 Dating Mistakes that Women Make

Listen up for more great dating tips!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Ladies, what’s your best tip for how to meet a guy? Share with us in the comments below!

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Nov 11, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Best Ways to Start a Conversation with a Man

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to writer, speaker, and author Zan Perrion about the best way to start a conversation with a man. He’s worked with thousands of men and really knows what they want from women. The problem, he says, with women approaching men to start a conversation is “they’re damned if they do, and they’re damned if they don’t.” If they don’t say hello to that cute guy in the corner, they go home alone because he’s not doing his job and being the man. But if you do make the first move as a woman, even if the relationship works out, you may forever be holding up his end of the bargain. Listen up for more great dating tips from Perrion!

Related Link: Zan Perrion on What Scares a Man Away

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What’s your best tip for making the first move? Tell us in the comments below!

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Nov 4, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Are You an Unavailable Woman?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to passionate living coach and author Abiola Abrams about ways you’re being unavailable and how to attract love in your life. Here are some things you may be doing to block love from entering your life: You’re not really trying to meet the right man; you complain to your friends and family that there are no good men out there; you think all men are cheaters; you think it’s impossible to meet a man because there are more women than men in your city; you keep making excuses as to why you can’t meet someone; you’re stuck in a past relationship; you’re using your looks or work to hold you back; you think men your age just want to date younger women; you think of yourself as a victim; or you’re afraid of the love you deserve, being vulnerable, and/or intimacy.

Related Link: Abiola Abrams on Insecurity and Dating

Sure, it’s hard to meet the right guy, but it’s not impossible. If you’re feeling hopeless, it’s time to look inward and consider the advice in the video above!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How do you make yourself available to potential partners? Tell us in the comments below!

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Oct 28, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: How to Get a Second Date

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to Robert Manni, author of The Guys’ Guy’s Guide to Love, about how to get a second date. It’s easy to get him to say yes to a first date, but securing another night out with the right guy can be a bit trickier. Here are some tips that Manni recommends following: have confidence; don’t drink too much; dress the part; talk about your dreams; have a conversation and really get to know him; and send a “thank you” text afterwards.

Related Link: 5 Ways Women Sabotage Themselves with Men

Of course, whether or not he asks you out again is ultimately up to him, but if you follow the advice above, he’ll be more likely to do so. Good luck!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What’s your best advice for ensuring that he asks you out again? Share your comments below!

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Oct 21, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Conquer Your Fear of Talking to a Handsome Man

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to Ms. Solomon, dating coach at, about conquering your fear of talking to a handsome man. We’ve all been there: We’re approached by an incredibly good-looking guy, and before we know it, we’re tongue-tied or babbling, looking down at our feet, and feeling like a fool. Here are a few tips from Ms. Solomon to help you gracefully handle this situation: Talk to every man, not just the attractive ones; have a prop or a conversation topic in mind; and recognize and acknowledge that you’re nervous.

Related Link: The One Thing Men Want from Women

Next time, armed with this advice, you’ll be ready to talk to the hottest man in the room!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Any other tips for approaching a handsome guy? Tell us in the comments below!

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Oct 14, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: He’s Great, But…

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach Sandra Fidelis about common first date mistakes that women make. So often, we immediately dismiss a guy if we don’t feel an instant attraction to him…but doesn’t he deserve another chance? Here are four things women often think after a date that hold them back from finding love: I want amazing chemistry from the start; I just wasn’t attracted to him; he’s great, but I don’t want to go on a second date; and if I’m not going to date him, I don’t need to be his friend.

Related Link: Do You Push for Commitment Too Soon?

Listen up for more great dating tips!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Cupid wants to know: How do you keep an open mind after a not-so-great first date?

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Oct 9, 2014 0

Q&A: Should I Tell My Friend Her Crush Has Been Facebook Messaging Me?

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Q&A: Should I Tell My Friend Her Crush Has Been Facebook Messaging Me?
Photo: dashek /

Question from Amelia S.: This guy who my friend has been hanging out with a lot will randomly message me on Facebook whenever I’m online. It’s always harmless stuff like, “What are you up to?” but it still catches me off guard. Should I tell her, and if so, what’s the best way to bring up the subject? 

Suzanne K. Oshima, MatchmakerYou know that saying “you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place?” Well, guess what? You’re in a no-win situation! From what you said, it sounds like your friend just likes him and isn’t dating him yet, so “technically,” she can’t get upset that he’s contacting you. Now, I say “technically” because we both know that, if you tell her, she will be upset and hurt.

Now, while you may think that his messages to you are completely harmless, men don’t do things without some sort of intention. Without knowing the entire situation, I’m going to guess that he’s not just looking for a friend and that those harmless messages are going to lead to something more.

So here’s my advice to you: If you truly value your friendship with your friend and have no interest whatsoever in this guy, then I suggest you ignore his “harmless messages”…because it’s just going to lead to a no-win situation for everyone involved.

Related Link: Should I Delete or Unfriend My Exes on Social Networks?

Paige Wyatt, Reality StarAbsolutely tell your friend that this guy has been messaging you. If it truly is harmless, he won’t be embarrassed or upset if she brings it up. If he does have an ulterior motive, then you warned your friend, and it’s now her move. It’s much better to be honest with your friends about situations like this one. If you didn’t tell her and she found out, she may get upset with you. If it really is nothing, then what’s the harm in letting her know?

Related Link: Can You Tell By Someone’s Social Network If They’re The Relationship Type?

Robert Manni, Guy’s GuySome say where there’s smoke, there’s fire. In this case, it’s hard not to miss the smoke — but let’s not rush to judgement. When a guy is really interested in a woman, his focus is on her, and he curtails his flirting. Maybe this guy just wants to establish good relationships with his leading lady’s BFFs. Still, I’m not sure if this is the best way to do it. He must know that girlfriends talk. And when friends talk about the curious actions of a guy, his behavior and character go under the microscope. At this point, I’m not sure that’s in his best interests.

As for you, for now, I suggest you either ignore his Facebook messages or keep the exchanges polite. Over time, his true intentions will surface. When they do, you can determine if it’s necessary to let your friend know about his correspondence.

To find out more about our three dating and technology gurus, click here.

If you have any questions you would like answered by our experts, please submit them on our Contact Page.

How would you handle the situation described above? Tell us in the comments below!

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Sep 30, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: How to Communicate with a Man

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach Tripp about how to communicate effectively with a man. As every woman knows (and has been told time and time again), communication is key in any relationship. Here are Tripp’s best three tips for talking to your guy: be direct; be clear and don’t beat around the bush; and never assume. Watch the video above for more great advice!

Related Link: Top 5 Dating Mistakes Woman Make

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What’s your best advice for communicating with your partner? Tell us in the comments below.

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Sep 23, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Weekly Show: Flirting Tips

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos video, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to passionate living coach and author Abiola Abrams about how to flirt with men. She shares more than just external flirting tips and describes bombshell flirting as exuding positive, feminine energy. Here are her tips for working on your inner flirt game: be tuned into your inner receptivity; flirt with everyone; imagine yourself as a magnet; and expect a male miracle. When you change your energy, true love will come your way!

Related Link: Abiola Abrams on Insecurity and Dating

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What are your best flirting tips? Tell us in the comments below.

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Sep 16, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Dating Advice for Women in Their 30s

Posted In: Dating, Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima chats with New York City Gal blogger Melissa Braverman about tips for women dating in their 30s. The ladies discuss: the biggest challenges you face as a single woman in your 30s; how to navigate those challenges; the pressure to “settle down” by a certain age; what to do if you get discouraged with dating; and how to stay motivated in your search for love.

Related Link: Abiola Abrams on Insecurity and Dating

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What your best tip for someone dating in her 30s? Tell us in the comments below!

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Sep 9, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: How to Make a Man Fall in Love With You

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to writer, speaker, and romance artist Zan Perrion about what makes a woman irresistible to a man. Here are five qualities that Perrion says will make a man fall in love: a woman with a certain grace and elegance that implies beauty on the inside and out; someone with a feminine spirit; a woman who inspires him to be the best version of himself; someone who is supportive; and a woman who is completely devoted to him. Watch the video above to find out more about the importance of these traits!

Related Link: Zan Perrion on What Scares a Man Away

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What do you think is the #1 quality in a woman that makes a man fall in love? Tell us in the comments below!

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Sep 2, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: 5 Signs He’s Not The One!

Posted In: Dating, Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to Robert Manni, dating coach and author of The Guy’s Guys Guide to Love, about how to know if the man you’re dating is The One. Here are five signs that he’s not your soul mate: He’s too jealous;  he overindulges when it comes to drugs or alcohol; he has different views than you about money; he doesn’t want to be around your family; and he’s abusive in some way.

Related Link: Robert Manni on How to Be Successful at Online Dating

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How did you know when you found The One? Tell us in the comments below.

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