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Reality TV Tag Archive: Newlyweds: The First Year

Apr 21, 2015 0

Reality TV Stars Kirk and Laura Knight Share Tragic News

Posted In: Newlyweds, Reality TV
Cupid's Pulse Article: Reality TV Stars Kirk and Laura Knight Share Tragic News
Reality TV couple Kirk & Laura Knight share their tragic baby news & how they are maintaining a strong relationship & love in the aftermath. Photo courtesy of

By Kirk and Laura Knight

Kirk & Laura: This past episode was a very personal and sad time for us both. When documenting the entire first year of marriage, a couple is bound to have a series of up and down moments in their relationship and love. We were so overjoyed when becoming pregnant that the thought of anything going wrong didn’t even cross our minds. Nothing prepared us for what we experienced with a miscarriage. What we learned was stunning — one out of five pregnancies ends in miscarriage. This is much more common than we had ever thought.
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Apr 14, 2015 0

‘Newlyweds’ Reality TV Stars Laura and Kirk Knight Dish Out Their Big Pregnancy News

Posted In: Newlyweds, Reality TV
Cupid's Pulse Article: ‘Newlyweds’ Reality TV Stars Laura and Kirk Knight Dish Out Their Big Pregnancy News
Celebrity couple Kirk & Laura Knight from the reality TV show 'Newlyweds' share an update on their relationship & love: a pregnancy announcement! Photo courtesy of

By Kirk and Laura Knight

Kirk: Since Laura and I made the big decision to have a baby, we have been working hard at being healthy, including clean eating and workouts at the gym. Laura’s workout regimen is frequent and very advanced. It’s going to take everything I’ve got to keep up with her pace! Her motivation and drive encourages me to stay focused and incorporate some sort of physical activity every day.

Related Link: Bravo Reality TV Star Kirk Knight Reveals Details of His Unforgettable Wedding Day 

Laura: I understand that healthy living can lead to a healthy pregnancy — I’m trying my best to keep Kirk motivated at the gym in hopes that this will help us on our path while trying to conceive. Plus, when your body feels good, sex is more fun!

K: In preparation to get pregnant, Laura stopped taking birth control pills. Within a few weeks, my super sperm did not disappoint, and Laura surprised me with a positive pregnancy test. Although my confidence was extremely high, I did not expect her to get pregnant this quickly — my boys can swim!!! We were so excited for this to have happened and couldn’t wait to share this big news about our relationship and love with our family and friends. Everyone was thrilled for us.

L: One day, I was feeling unusually queasy, so I took a pregnancy test, and to my surprise, I was indeed pregnant! I wanted to tell Kirk the happy news in a sweet and clever way but couldn’t come up with anything. He was in the living room, and there was no way that I could wait a day to put something together. I grabbed our video camera and called him into the bathroom, so I could capture his reaction — it was priceless! I was feeling two strong emotions at this point: First, it was complete and utter joy. And second, I only have nine months to learn everything I can about pregnancy and motherhood. So we went to the bookstore, and I bought the five best books I could find and began my research.

Related Link: Robert Pattison’s Celebrity Love FKA Twigs ‘Really Wants Kids’ Says Source

K & L: We were on cloud nine — feeling very happy and in a great place. We had decided to have a child, and we were blessed with a pregnancy. For the moment, everything seemed to be perfect. The morning of the sonogram, we were excited to see the heart beat and first images of our little bundle of joy. As the sonogram began, our excitement immediately turned into fear as the tech could only see the pregnancy sack and not the embryo. We were emotionally panicked and felt like our happiness and joy was instantly deflated — only left with fear and anxiety, wondering what this meant. What we discover puts us on an emotional roller coaster. Watch our reality TV show tonight and find out what happens and how we deal with it…

What’s up next for this celebrity couple? Tune in to the reality TV show Newlyweds: The First Year on Tuesdays at 10/9c on Bravo to find out!

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Apr 7, 2015 0

Reality TV Stars Kirk and Laura Knight Share Baby News

Posted In: Newlyweds, Reality TV
Cupid's Pulse Article: Reality TV Stars Kirk and Laura Knight Share Baby News
Kirk and Laura Knight of Bravo's 'Newlyweds' talk about expanding their relationships & love with plans for a baby. Photo courtesy of

By Kirk and Laura Knight

Kirk: I have really been putting a lot of thought into starting a family with Laura. I truly needed to make sure that I was ready to have a child and couldn’t just succumb to any pressure. One of my fears was waiting too long and being in a situation similar to my father’s, where he is spending his retirement years still tending to young children. I’ve loved being a young father and I want to be an active role model for our future children. Laura’s going to be a great mom and she is already a great caretaker for me and our household.
…Don’t miss the rest. Click here.

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Apr 2, 2015 0

Reality TV Stars Kirk and Laura Knight Talk About Staying in Shape and the Possibility of Parenthood

Posted In: Newlyweds, Reality TV
Cupid's Pulse Article: Reality TV Stars Kirk and Laura Knight Talk About Staying in Shape and the Possibility of Parenthood
Celebrity couple Kirk & Laura Knight talk about their relationship & love & getting healthy. Plus, are these reality TV stars ready to be parents? Photo courtesy of Bravo.

By Kirk and Laura Knight

Kirk: Oh my gosh, what an awakening this week! After looking through our wedding photos, my wife so cleverly picked out a picture that happened to show me at my heaviest weight. This was her subtle hint to tell me about my weight gain –- and I’m glad she did. Since Laura and I began our relationship and love, I have gained forty pounds. It seems like the traveling, eating out, and drinking have finally caught up with me. So I immediately needed to go into workout mode.
…Don’t miss the rest. Click here.

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Mar 25, 2015 0

Kirk Knight of Bravo’s ‘Newlyweds’ Details His Hawaiin Honeymoon and Reveals Possible Baby Plans

Posted In: Newlyweds, Reality TV
Cupid's Pulse Article: Kirk Knight of Bravo’s ‘Newlyweds’ Details His Hawaiin Honeymoon and Reveals Possible Baby Plans
Bravo reality TV star from 'Newlyweds' shares honeymoon memories. Plus, is there celebrity baby news on the horizon? Photo courtesy of

By Kirk Knight

After spending an entire year planning a wedding, Laura and I were ready for some serious R&R on our honeymoon to Hawaii, our favorite tropical paradise! Our journey across the Pacific took us to Maui, Kauai, and the “big island.” Each island has its own distinct character, and we immersed ourselves in the Aloha culture as soon as we stepped foot off the plane. We are adventure-seekers and spent our days swimming with sea turtles, whale watching, surfing, hiking through bamboo forests, and touring the islands via helicopter. It was truly a fantasy vacation, and now, a little piece of our hearts will forever be in Hawaii.

…Want to know more? Click here to continue!

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Mar 17, 2015 0

Bravo Reality TV Star Kirk Knight Reveals Details of His Unforgettable Wedding Day

Posted In: Newlyweds, Reality TV
Cupid's Pulse Article: Bravo Reality TV Star Kirk Knight Reveals Details of His  Unforgettable Wedding Day
Kirk and Laura Knight of Bravo's 'Newlyweds' share their relationship & love on the hit reality TV series. Details about their wedding day. Photo: Rodney Bailey /

By Kirk Knight

Here we are, days before the wedding, and Laura and I can feel the stress levels rising. From the beginning, we wanted to be extremely hands-on in planning our big day. We chose not to hire a wedding planner and only hired a day-of coordinator instead. We wanted to go through every detail and make it completely ours as we told the story of our relationship and love. Laura and I work well as a team and share very similar tastes; however, we are still in disagreement about whether we keep the “Knight” or not… This is one of our first battles, and I really don’t think I’m giving in on this one!
…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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Mar 10, 2015 0

Kirk and Laura Knight Prepare For Tonight’s Premiere of Bravo’s Reality TV Show ‘Newlyweds’

Posted In: Newlyweds, Reality TV
Cupid's Pulse Article: Kirk and Laura Knight Prepare For Tonight’s Premiere of Bravo’s Reality TV Show ‘Newlyweds’
Kirk and Laura Knight from 'Newlyweds: The First Year.' Photo: Bravo TV

By Kirk Knight

Laura and I started our relationship and love just outside of Washington, DC on a true blind date. Normally, neither one of us would entertain the idea of a real blind date — especially without even a social media drive by. Armed with nothing more than each other’s names, we set up a date for afternoon coffee in Bethesda, Maryland. I remember waiting in front of the coffee shop, looking at each woman that walked by worried that a “blind date” may be a really bad idea and a waste of time. Just then, I saw this absolutely beautiful woman walk up to the coffee shop.
…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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