Feb 15, 2021
Dating Advice: How to Keep Humor In Your Relationship
Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani. - Photo Credit: PRPhotos.com
By Dr. Jane Greer
During these difficult times, because of the pandemic and everything that has come with it, it is important for people to make room for laughter. There is no question that it is challenging to find the funny among all the hardship. It can be a struggle to balance the bad with the good. But it is a long-held belief that humor is an important elixir that helps to soothe the pain and even heal. Professor of Surgery Henri de Mondeville famously said in the 1300s that laughter, compiled with the treatments he recommended, would help toward recovery. That eventually translated into the saying we all know today: laughter is the best medicine. Norman Cousins is known for having cured himself of a terrible disease by chuckling through all the Marx Brothers’ movies. Recently even Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani poked fun at the way they found each other during a Super Bowl commercial for T-Mobile.
So how can you find a way to incorporate humor into your relationship and your daily life to take the sting out of all the stressors you are experiencing?
…Want the rest? Click here for more.
Jan 13, 2020
Relationship Advice: Keep Your Pregnancy Under Wraps like Cameron Diaz
Posted In: Dr. Greer Articles, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden double date with Nicole Richie and Joel Madden. Photo: AMEFLYNET PICTURES
By Dr. Jane Greer
There are many different stages of pregnancy that people go through, from deciding when to have a baby to beginning to try to conceive to either becoming pregnant or not and, in that case, having to consider other options such as fertility treatments, surrogacy, and adoption. One big question that is often not addressed until it begins to happen is: when do you bring other people into the equation? Do you share what’s going on right from the beginning of the journey with family and friends, or do you wait until the baby is well on his or her way? Or, like Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden did recently, do you keep the entire pregnancy under wraps until the baby is born?
The celebrity couple, who began dating in May 2014, has always kept the details about their relationship quiet. Even so, it was a surprise when the two recently announced the birth of their daughter, adding the caveat that they will not be releasing any photos or additional details because they want to protect the baby’s privacy. In order to keep such a big secret, Cameron and Benji must have agreed to it together.
How can you decide when the time is right to tell other people about your pregnancy, making sure the information isn’t leaked before you’re ready? Check out this relationship advice.
….Want to know how you can keep your pregnancy under wraps until you’re ready? Click here for more!