When Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaway) took the job as an assistant for the infamous Miranda Priestly, (Meryl Streep) in the 2006 hit, The Devil Wears Prada, viewers knew things would get rough in the workplace. But this movie also illustrates the impact a stressful work environment has on a relationship. Studies conducted by relationship experts show that more than half of women are kept awake at night by job-related stress, according to Metro.co.UK. Fortunately, not all bosses have this negative influence on employees, and many leading companies place employee engagement and job satisfaction as top priorities. Here are three things to look for in a company that values your personal life as well as your work life so you can avoid relationship problems.
Tag Archives: Hope After Divorce
Relationship Expert Tag Archive: Hope After Divorce

Relationship Advice: Is Your Job Killing Your Relationship? How To Choose The Right Company To Work For?

Relationship Advice: Things A Nurse Will Tell You But Your Friends Won’t

What do actresses Bonnie Hunt, Julie Walters, and recording artists Paul Brandt and Tina Turner have in common? They were all trained as nurses! In honor of the “Year of the Healthy Nurse,” now is a great time to recognize the role nurses play in our lives. The demands placed on nurses every day are huge. Our nurses are committed to providing the best care possible, and they try their hardest to meet that challenge every day. And sometimes that commitment means being brutally honest about a patient’s symptoms or habits. Your friends may not tell you that your moodiness has hung around for weeks, or your jeans are fitting a bit tight — but a nurse will tell you. In the spirit of good health and valuable relationship advice, here are five things your nurse is willing to discuss that your friends aren’t.
Relationship Advice That Come Straight From Nurses

Relationship Advice: 3 Ways Bad Credit Can Ruin Your Love Life

Congratulations on your new relationship! It’s an exciting time to join two lives together to build a bright future. You brought the pets and furniture while your partner brought along a big screen television—and bad credit history. Is this union doomed from the start? Not always. But the road to repair can be rocky. A bad credit history can be fixed, but it takes time, patience, honesty, and a lot of self-discipline to change the habits that got you in this financial situation in the first place. If you want to avoid relationship problems and change your spending habits, here are three ways bad credit can impact your love life. With the following relationship advice and dating tips, you can prevent heart ache and an empty wallet.
Relationship advice that history is wrecking your love life with the following relationship advice.

Relationship Advice: Our Connection With Sleep

More people do this than you may think.Taylor Swift does it. Kendall Jenner does it, too. Some people have caught Katy Perry and Demi Lovato doing it, and supermodel Heidi Klum credits it as one of her best beauty secrets. What are they doing? They nap. And they make sure to get a good night’s sleep. With less than40 percent of Americans getting a satisfactory amount of sleep each night according to gallup.com, it is evident we have a love/hate relationship with sleep. What happens when we sleep? And why is it so important for our well-being? “While we doze, our brains and bodies aren’t slacking off, they’re at work, repairing us after the day’s battles and refueling us for tomorrow’s slog—in more ways than you likely realize,” prevention.com writer Sarah Klein says. The brain and heart are recharging, the liver is detoxifying the day’s activities, and skin cells are reproducing and repairing. With the role of sleep being such an important part of our wellness, it’s time we build a healthy relationship with sleep. Here are four ways to do it.
Want to feel less tired during the day? Then follow this relationship advice about sleep.

Relationship Advice: When The Person You Love Suffers From An Anxiety Disorder

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
This time of year is filled with holiday magic and festive gatherings with friends and family. But for many, the holidays ignite staggering levels of anxiety that paralyzes the sufferer with fear. Celebrities such as Emma Stone, Oprah Winfrey, and Jennifer Lawrence have been candid about their struggles with anxiety disorder while balancing public life. The road hasn’t been easy. “The first time I had a panic attack, I was sitting at my friend’s house, I thought the house was burning down,” said Stone. “I called my mom, and she brought me home. For the next year, it just would not stop.” How can you create a feeling of normalcy with your partner when the circumstances are far from typical? “For the majority of our residents, the holiday season brings family together and cheerful memories of Christmases past. But for some, this time of year brings on higher levels of anxiety and depression,” said Mark Hymas, executive director of Copper Ridge Health Care. “We watch for changes in behavior and initiate conversations where we can talk about his or her feelings and find a solution that can best help during this stressful time of year.” If anxiety is a large part of your relationship, here are three pieces of relationship advice to understand when the person you love suffers from an anxiety disorder.
Relationship Advice For Those Who Know Anxiety Sufferers

Dating Advice: 4 Reasons Going Outside Your Comfort Zone Is A Good Idea

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
“For great things to happen— get out of your comfort zone,” that is the mantra of famous personalities like Danica Patrick- as she cruises through industry stereotypes to actors like: Charlize Theron and Jared Leto, who made a career out of avant-garde movie roles. Testing the boundaries of convention is the secret sauce for those hungry for change in their lives. But what about breaking out of your comfort zone in relationships? “When it comes to relationships, some feel it is best to date someone who has the same morals, taste, traditions, and beliefs as them,” wrote relationship expert and contributor Elizabeth Aguirre. “But rest assured it is quite okay to step outside of your comfort zone and explore someone from a different background as a potential partner.” If it’s been two weeks since the date with Mr. McDreamboat, and your texts have gone unanswered— again. Here are four reasons why going outside your comfort zone may be just what you need, and some dating advice to improve your chances in finding “the one.”
Dating Advice That Will Help You Experience Something New

Relationship Advice: When Your Partner Sings The Blues, It May Be Something More

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
Depression is so much more than sadness. And for those who love someone battling depression, the effects are all encompassing. “It’s like this thing that engulfs you,” said legendary music artist Bruce Springsteen in a celebrity interview with CBS Morning News. “I got to where I didn’t want to get out of bed,” he said. Springsteen credits his celebrity relationship with wife Patti Scialfa for giving him the motivation to rise above it. “She’d say, ‘You’re going to be OK. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it’s going to be all right.’” With the following relationship advice, I’ll provide you with tips on recognizing signs of depression and how to support your partner through this troubling time.
Relationship Advice On Coping With Depression

Relationship Advice: 6 Ways to Keep Work & Life Demands in Balance

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
How does she do it? You know who I mean. She’s the one who makes achievement look easy—and her hair looks great in the process. As women, our relationship with the demands of work and home have been a historically tenuous balance. More often than not, we lose sight of our anticipated goals for the day and end up whipped by daily demands. But it doesn’t have to be this way, and we are surrounded by influential women who demonstrate that strength every day. While their personal strategies may differ, the most common game plans for keeping our work and home life in balance include the following six pieces of relationship advice.
Relationship Advice That Will Help You Balance Your Work & Home Life

Relationship Advice: How to manage your business when you’re sleeping with the CFO?

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
When viewers tune into HGTV’s Fixer Uppers each week, many wonder how TV hosts and real-life celebrity couple Chip and Joana Gaines manage to balance their personal life and professional careers. When considering the challenges of running a business, you want to surround yourself with people who share your vision and provide a comforting degree of trust. Many entrepreneurs turn to their spouse. Though the number has likely increased, in 2007, the U.S. Census Bureau’s Survey of Business Owners reported there were 1.4 million firms “jointly owned and equally operated by a husband and wife.” And while the organizational chart for your business venture may appear standard, the fact that a member of the executive board has seen you naked presents a unique set of challenges and rewards. How can husbands and wives go into business together and still like each other? It’s something that my husband, Jeff, and I are managing carefully. Here are four pieces of relationship advice that have worked for us.
Relationship Advice On Handling Business With Your Significant Other

Relationship Advice: Listen With Your Heart

By Debbie Ceresa from Divorce Support Center
How many times have you said this to your partner? “You never hear what I say! Aren’t you listening to me?” Or maybe they’ve accused you of not hearing or remembering what was said. The longtime celebrity couple Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn credit listening as a secret to a successful relationship. “Learn to listen and live in the moment. Don’t over plan your future; focus on being the best partner you can be in the present moment, and the rest will follow.” Listening is key to building and maintaining a healthy relationship, but it’s not easy. The skills of a good listener require dedication and a heart with ears. You must have the ability to give yourself totally to the person who is talking. It’s not easy because we are constantly inundated with outside distractions, such as our thoughts, cell phones, and social media. In his book, Wherever You Go, There You Are, Jon Kabat-Zinn, professor of medicine emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, defines mindfulness, or active listening, as paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally. We listen to understand, to obtain information, and for enjoyment, but researchers and relationship experts at the University of Minnesota found that “the average person only remembers half of what he or she has immediately heard said by another person.” Over time, that result can have a devastating effect on your relationships. A key factor in a successful relationship is to become a pro in active listening. Active listeners make an effort to hear what has been said and understand the message. To accomplish this, you must master four of these dating tips.
Relationship Advice On Active Listening

Relationship Advice: True Love or Rebound?

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
It’s a familiar scene; we watch a friend wallow in a doomed relationship for a while only to hear him or her declare their true love was found in a brand new relationship. For example, as fans watched multi-platinum recording artist Taylor Swift switch from her celebrity relationship with Calvin Harris to cozying on the beach with new squeeze Tom Hiddleston, it makes one wonder if this truly was perfect timing for a new love to grow, or simply a rebound relationship? Sometimes it’s hard to know for sure. But if your new relationship feels a little too good to be true, here are some dating tips and relationship advice to determine if you could be somebody’s rebound.
Relationship Advice On Rebounding

Relationship Advice: 3 Ways To Scratch The Seven-Year Itch

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
If you listen to the relationship experts, the seven-year itch can just as easily be called the three-year itch, four-year itch, or the twelve-year itch. “There’s no consensus among experts as to why the seven-year itch may occur,” explained relationship expert Jennifer Nagy. Experts identify irritating contributors like hasty marriage proposals (Pamela Anderson or Khloe Kardashian), declining interest in his or her’s partner, and growing family responsibilities. But with married couples facing a 50-50 chance at success, it makes one wonder how to extend the rather short shelf life of a marriage, despite the growing needs of maintaining a life together.
Fortunately, society is filled with celebrity couples who have defied the odds. Will and Jada Pinkett Smith will celebrate twenty years together next year, Bill and Melinda Gates have been married over twenty years, and Billy Crystal and his wife, Janice, have been together forty-six years. If you and your partner are truly committed to making a marriage work, here is my relationship advice where I provide three ways to scratch that seven-year itch. Follow these dating tips to increase the longevity of your marriage.
Relationship Advice On How To Have A Lasting Marriage

Relationship Advice: Keeping The Fireworks In Your Relationship

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
“I wanna know what love is. I want you to show me.” The rock band Foreigner made that desperate request thirty-two years ago, and we are still wondering about the answer today. With summer romance in full swing, many are looking for relationship advice on how they can keep the fireworks flying in a relationship that is worth protecting. A common truth behind some of today’s most enduring relationships is that it takes work to keep that spark alive, and these four dating tips will help ensure your love is a total blast.
Relationship Advice On How To Keep The Spark Alive

Relationship Advice: Have You Been a Victim of Cyber Bullying?

By Debbie Ceresa for Divorce Support Center
Typically, I don’t spend much time on the computer. However, the past several months have been different. I started experiencing insomnia, fatigue and headaches because I was consumed by the internet when I no longer felt safe. I was outsmarted by a woman that I’ve known for years. I’ll call her Lena. Lena insisted I participate in a group discussion about personal matters, but I declined her meeting. I felt it was not appropriate for me to be involved. Nevertheless, Lena continued to pursue my involvement, claiming I was unsupportive. One day I dialed Lena’s number and left a voice mail, explaining why I wouldn’t attend the group. Lena asked for me to follow up with a text message, claiming she couldn’t hear the recording. Lena forwarded my text message to members of the very group I declined to attend. The message was used to embarrass, humiliate, and alienate me from her supporters. Rude comments appeared on my Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts. Many of these messages were from people I didn’t even know. I became a victim of cyberbullying. And sadly, I received only a taste of what cyberbullying is like in the online dating world. Long-term relationship problems can arise as a result of cyberbullying if not properly dealt with. As a relationship expert who has gone through it, I offer my relationship advice on how to get over cyber bullying.
Relationship Advice On Dealing With Cyber Bullies

Relationship Advice: The Power of Touch

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
A dim room, calming oils, quiet music, two masseuses, you, your significant other, and a few hours away from the world: A couples massage sounds hard to beat. While couples massages are known for being a relaxing and romantic date idea, have you ever considered the real health advantages of them? It turns out the power of touch plays a very important role in massage therapy and health. Follow my relationship advice and learn how a couples massage can provide you and your love with real health benefits that can ultimately strengthen your relationship.
Relationship Advice: Strengthen Your Relationship Through A Couple’s Massage

Dating Advice: Spring Cleaning For The Soul

By J’Nel Wright for Divorce Support Center
The last trace of snow has finally melted as we transition from winter to spring. For many, the realization that spring is officially in the air symbolizes the end of a long, dark winter filled with unrealized goals, baggage left over from the holidays, and the end of winter blues. Take my dating advice: This is the perfect time to shake out the dust and shadows trapped in our minds and bodies and welcome renewal. The process of reinventing ourselves isn’t a new concept. Many celebrities have transformed themselves in ways that reinforce their place in the annals of super-stardom. Jamie Foxx could have remained a one-act comedian — he is certainly funny enough. Instead, he reinvented himself as a musician and an actor and emerged triumphant in both areas. We can enjoy that same sense of renewal in our lives.
Dating Advice: Spring Into Action This Season

Relationship Advice: Telltale Signs Your Relationship Is One of Convenience

By Toni Coleman, LCSW, CMC for Divorce Support Center
Relationships and marriages differ in many ways. What works for one couple would not be right for another. Therefore, there isn’t one specific set of attributes or descriptors that could be used in a premarital checklist designed to ensure any marriage will be a successful one. However, there are certain traits that are commonly found in relationships that couples describe as happy and satisfying. These often have to do with specific dynamics and qualities that impact how they relate and communicate from day to day. When these are absent or lacking in some way, it can point to a union that continues due to convenience rather than emotional, spiritual, and physical attachment. Here’s some relationship advice that will help you classify your relationship as convenient or sent from Cupid.

Relationship Advice: What NOT To Do When You’re Upset With Your Partner’s Weight

By Toni Coleman, LCSW, CMC for Divorce Support Center
What do celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Britney Spears, Mariah Carey and Christina Aguilera have in common? They are all beautiful, talented women who have faced public scrutiny as they struggled with their weight. As people age, many struggle with their weight. It seems that between the stress, lack of time and energy, competing work and family demands, poor food choices and eating on the run, a healthy lifestyle often ends up at or near the bottom of many people’s priority lists. This behavior can then be exacerbated when significant others, family and/or friends attribute the problem to the individual’s apathy, lack of motivation or discipline, or an unwillingness or inability to make better choices. All of these assume something negative—which is not only unhelpful, it often leads to a continuing downward spiral. If your partner is not taking care of himself or herself, you may have fallen into using one or more of the following counterproductive strategies. If so, it is time to find positive and healthy ways to offer the support and encouragement your partner needs especially from you with a little relationship advice!

Expert Dating Advice: What is Love & How Do I Find It?

By Debbie Ceresa for Divorce Support Center
Have you ever wondered how Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson make their celebrity marriage work? How about Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr.? You’re not alone. Most singles wonder if they should wait for that magical attraction to happen. In our quest to solve this mystery, we often turn to expert dating advice. We Google. We write, and we do research. However, the question remains: What is love? The question was even the hottest search phrase on Google in 2014.
…On the edge of your seat? Read more here!

Relationship Advice: 8 Creative Ways That Older Couples Can Keep the Romance Alive

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
Despite what the tabloids may say, not all celebrity relationships go down in flames. Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman were happily married for 50 years; Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan found lasting love; and Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are still going strong. It may take a little extra effort to keep the love alive through the years, especially if you and your significant other have forgotten how to connect or are stuck in the same routine. But with some relationship advice, the passion is sure to ignite again!

Relationship Advice: How to Make This Valentine’s Day Special for Your Loved One

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
In 1653, a Mughal emperor shared with the world a token of his tragic yet enduring love for his favorite wife Muntaz Mahal, who died during childbirth. Today, the emperor and his wife have all but blended into the annals of ancient history, but the symbol of his love remains as the gleaming white marble 42-acre structure known as the Taj Mahal. While most public expressions of affection don’t end up being a timeless wonder, many of today’s celebrities make their mark in different and extravagant ways. As a relationship expert, I wanted to give you some unique ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Here’s some relationship advice on how to say “I love you” to the special person in your life, like these celebrity couples.

Relationship Advice: How Your Relationships And Love Impact Your New Year’s Resolutions

By Toni Coleman, LCSW
Now that we’re closing in on February, it’s a good time to take inventory of how your New Year’s resolutions are progressing, or not. Have you made adjustments to your environment, created a specific plan, tweaked your schedule or set aside time for following through on the short-term objectives that will get you there? If you have done even one of these, it’s a real start. However, if you draw a blank when reading this, you may have already lost your resolve or even forgotten about your goals altogether. If this is the case, and you want to get back on track—it is important to examine where you got off course and what factors may have influenced it.
As a relationship expert, I notice that one variable people may overlook, but that carries a lot of weight, is how much support you get from your relationship and love. In assessing this, it’s important to pay attention to what they do more than what they say. There are many subtle ways that a partner can sabotage your efforts, especially if he or she fears it will impact your shared lifestyle, threatens him in some way, or upset the status quo in general. If you believe this is occurring, consider talking to your partner about what you see happening and ask for help. My relationship advice is to look at the following eight behaviors to assist you in pinpointing and articulating your concerns and then moving toward a productive discussion on how you can best support one another.

Dating Advice: New Year’s Resolutions To Rekindle Your Relationships and Love

By Debbie Ceresa for Divorce Support Center
Has your marriage lost that lovin’ feeling? The same old New Year’s resolutions of getting into sexy shape by going to the gym won’t rekindle the once burning embers in your relationships and love. Now is the time to reignite your relationship flame. It’s important to remember that you did find the right person, but somewhere along the way you lost yourself. Think back to the time you fell in love. Not long ago, you could look at each other and instantly know each other’s thoughts or just the memory of your loved one made you smile. You can be that right person for each other again. As a relationship expert, my dating advice is to start by conjuring up those lost memories while you work on the five following commitments.

Relationship Advice: Is Friendship After Divorce Possible?

By Amy Osmond Cook for Divorce Support Center
Headlines are filled with photos of happy celebrities vacationing in remote places with their children in tow. It’s a picture perfect story—almost. For some celebrity exes such as Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom and Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon, the marriage ended long ago, but the family unit remains. It’s not uncommon to hear stories of former couples vacationing together, living by each other and spending family time together. With such a high-profile breakup, how can co-parenting be such an easy transition for them? My relationship advice for you is to emulate these famous relationships because the success largely depends on the parents’ ability to move forward.