Jan 11, 2020
Relationship Advice: 7 Reasons Why People Love Speed Dating
Posted In: Guest Posts, Relationship Advice Articles

Speed-Dating. Photo: Pixabay /pixabay.com
Dating. Finding your match. Meeting the one. To some it sounds exciting. To others, it’s fright-inducing. The good news is that there are more ways than ever to meet that perfect someone. Which is good because it seems there is also less time than ever to do just that these days.
Relationship Advice: Speed dating. The perfect remedy for the time-starved single.Â
….Want to know why everyone is talking about speed dating? Click here for more!
Nov 23, 2019
How the Media Fights For Our Attention
Posted In: Guest Posts

News Media. Photo credit: Pixabay/pixabay.com
By Lori Bizocco
When it comes down to it, what really makes a story worth reading? At the very least, the content should inform the public of something important in an interesting, truthful matter. Unfortunately, today’s media producers seem much more concerned about attention-grabbing methods and getting as many people as possible to click on their article. A good story hardly seems to matter when consumers will view ads and make the publishers happy.
The more media fights for our attention the harder it’ll be to distinguish authenticity from clickbaited information
….Want to learn more about the media’s fight for consumer attention? Click here for more!
Feb 14, 2019
2019 Style Trends: Flower Girl Dresses
Posted In: Fashion

Photo: Pinterest.NZ/@Nancy S.
Throughout the years, trends fluctuate a lot, especially when it comes to wedding style trends. That’s why we’re here to keep you updated on the latest flower girl dress trends that you may not know about. 2019 has started as a great year with many weddings, even celebrity weddings, being planned and organized which means we can only expect amazing wedding days.
If you want to discover the best flower girl dresses for your little one, then we’ve got you covered with these style trends.
…Ready for 2019 wedding trends? Click for more.
Feb 27, 2018
Relationship Advice: Tips to Inject More Romance to Your Relationship
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

A couple on their first date. Photo: luckybusiness / Bigstock.com
Most relationships start off in a flurry of excitement and anticipation, as they are new to both parties. However, over time it is easy for the magic park to disappear from your love life. Even though you may still love one another, the tribulations of day to day life such as work and family can take their toll. This can result in a relationship that becomes stale and even tedious.
It is important for any loving couple to find ways to inject the magic back into their relationship. There are different ways in which you can do this and this includes looking at advice from experts online about relationships, which can prove really helpful.
What can you do to restore the magic? Check out this expert relationship advice:
…Click here for more expert advice!