Jan 22, 2021
Fitness Tips: Best Stress-Relieving Workouts
Posted In: Fitness/Health

Girl Stretching. Photo: Pixabay.com
By Nicole Maher
It seems like our schedules get busier and busier every year. Whether we are working from home or going into the office, it can still be challenging to find time to both relax and workout. If you are looking to kill two birds with one stone, try incorporating some of these fitness tips into your weekly routine to both stay on track with your fitness goals and relieve some of your everyday stress.Â
Check out these fitness tips on the five best workouts to relieve stress.
…Want to learn more? Click here.
Dec 25, 2020
Fitness Tips: How to Stay Consistent with Exercising this New YearÂ
Posted In: Fitness/Health

Woman Working Out. Photo Credit: PIxabay.com
By Nicole Maher
With the new year comes new motivation to start exercising and achieving your fitness goals. However, sometimes this motivation disappears quickly and we find ourselves falling out of our fitness routines early on. If you are looking to create a workout routine that you can stick to all year, try incorporating some of the following fitness tips to start you off on the right path as the new year begins.Â
Use these five fitness tips to help you exercise consistently in the New Year.
…Want to learn more? Click here.
Sep 4, 2020
Fitness Trends: 5 New Fitness Trends to Keep Up With in 2020
Posted In: Fitness/Health

Photo: Pixabay
By Alycia Williams
The start of this new decade offers us a chance to reflect on both the past and the future. You want to make sure you’re keeping up with the latest fitness trends as the trends are always developing and changing.
Here are five new fitness trends to keep up with in 2020:
… Want more fitness trends for 2020? Click here for more.
May 3, 2019
Top 2019 Fitness & Wellness Trends to Watch
Posted In: Fitness/Health

Woman meditating. Photo: warrengoldswain / Bigstock.com
By Mara Miller
Wellness and fitness trends are ever-changing. Unfortunately, we do have busy lives, so even though we want to brave a class at a Metaformer studio, it might be better for us to do a simpler workout with an online class. You may also be thinking more about brain health as well. We’ve gathered several trends for you to keep an eye on if you’re looking to shed a few pounds!
Top 2019 Fitness & Wellness Trends to Watch
…Eager for more? Click here!
May 19, 2017
Fitness Secrets: Learn More About Your Body in a Metabolic Chamber
Posted In: Fitness/Health

Photo: Pexels / PublicDomainPictures
By Cortney Moore
Thanks to modern scientific advancements, losing weight has become somewhat easier. Don’t believe this to be true? Well, researchers and fit celebrities have long kept the fitness secret that are “metabolic chambers.” Before your imagination runs off to a sci-fi fantasy, just know that metabolic chamber is just a regular room. The only difference is that your vitals are monitored and analyzed by experts to figure out your energy expenditure, and how variables such as diet and exercise affect your metabolism.
Metabolic chambers are the latest fitness secret for weight loss.
…On the edge of your seat? Read more!
Apr 10, 2017
Product Review: Exercise Your Brain Daily With A BrainHQ Subscription
Posted In: Fitness/Health

BrainHQ is a great form of fitness. Photo: brainhq.com
By Mallory McDonald
With a lot of our time spent watching reality television, checking social media on our phones and constantly having tasks to do throughout the day, working out your brain just doesn’t always make the list. In fact, many people including celebrities don’t make time to exercise one of the most important parts of our bodies. Fitness trends have been taking over America and healthy dieting options are becoming our go-to. With all of these switches to a more healthy lifestyle, don’t skip out on your brain in the process! For less than 50 cents a day, $14 a month or a $96 yearly subscription, you can become smarter than you have been in years!
Don’t Waste Your Time On Average Brain Exercises On The Internet. Get a BrainHQ Subscription and See Results Almost Instantly!
…Click here for more product reviews!
Jan 20, 2017
2016’s Worst Fitness Trends That Need to Go Away in 2017
Posted In: Fitness/Health

Photo: Maridav / Bigstock.com
By Justin Thomas
As we enter the New Year, almost everyone’s annual resolution is to get in better shape. In the internet crazed world we live in today, social media is a way that many of us get all sorts of information. So it’s no surprise many people take to social media for fitness tips and #Bodygoals.I t’s a true sign of the times in realizing how much social media affects the day-to-day life of everyday people. Luckily, trends are only here today and gone tomorrow as some of social media’s biggest claims to fame are silly at best. Not to be confused, social media and the internet at large are great innovative tools when we use them appropriately. Social media is also the common thread in many of these trends we’re shaking off this New Year.
Here are some of 2016’s failed fitness trends to steer clear of in 2017:
… Want more fitness info? Click here