With the Internet being so prevalent these days, some people make the argument that relationships are “not official until they’re ‘Facebook’ official.” And, it seems that many celebrities are taking this phrase to heart and publicizing their relationship on their Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media feeds. Below, Cupid has three celebrity couples that have let social media run their relationship.
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Celebrity Couples Who Let Social Media Run Their Relationship

The Dating Lounge: You’re Invited to an Exclusive Dating Community

This post is sponsored by The Dating Lounge.
By Brittany Stubbs
The Dating Lounge is the first ever invitation-only dating community on Facebook where friends date each other’s friends. It was created by Samantha Daniels, one of the foremost professional matchmakers and dating experts in the country, to provide singles with exactly what they want in today’s dating world: real-time information, connections to people they know, and accuracy in an exclusive invitation-only community.

11 Good Reasons to Keep Your Relationship Status Secret

By Kelly Rouba for Galtime.com
You know that euphoria that fills you up when you first start dating someone? That fun and excitement of entering a new relationship that makes us want to shout it from the rooftops for all to hear? That feels really good. But sometimes, sharing the news widely isn’t a good idea. Sometimes, we should keep the rooftop-shouting only within range of our closest friends — at least for a little while — before we broadcast it online.
…’It’s Complicated’ to have your relationship status on Facebook?

Mark Zuckerberg Updates His Facebook Status to ‘Married’

Facebook founder and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg has changed his relationship status to “married,” according to UsMagazine.com. Zuckerberg, 28, married Priscilla Chan, 27, Saturday at his home in Palo Alto, Calif. and was quick to post the announcement on Facebook. The “life event,” which includes a photo of the couple holding hands and smiling, was posted early on Sunday. Zuckerberg and Chan met while attending Harvard University and have been dating ever since.
How can social media play a positive role in your relationship?

Is Facebook Destroying Your Love Life?

By Jennifer Harrington
Popular social networking sites, such as Facebook, are great for many things. Re-connecting with old classmates, checking out your best friend’s vacation photos and sharing the news that you had an exciting celebrity sighting, are some of the best reasons to log on. But when it comes to your love life, is Facebook your friend… or foe?
Social media provides access to all of the key information about the object of your affection. Status updates revealing their whereabouts, wall posts indicating updates from their friends and photos that can point to previous romantic partners, offer you a glimpse into their private world. If relationships are about getting to know the other person better, it’s easy to see how checking your better half’s page many times per day might be justified.

Five Ways Social Media Can Help Your Relationship

By Diamon Hall
Perhaps you reconnected with the girl who used to pinch you on the playground, the professor who inspired you to land your dream job or a long lost distant relative who lives in Germany. Whatever it may be, websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, or MySpace are used in many different creative ways. In fact, it seems that people can hardly function without social media nowadays. It helps you keep in touch with family, friends and even people you wouldn’t normally communicate with if it weren’t for those sites. If social media can help you in the platonic aspects of your life, then it can certainly help your love life, whether that means meeting a new flame or enhancing a relationship you already have. Here are five ways social media can aid you in matters of the heart:

5 Ways Technology is Ruining Your Dating Life

By Melissa Tierney
There’s no denying we are a society addicted to technology. While this fact may not necessarily be a bad thing when it comes to your day-to-day life, our technological habits may be making it impossible to form ‘real’ relationships with the targets of our affection. It seems that the days of in-person or over-the-phone conversations are gone, and instead we are left with e-mail, texting, or social networking sites as the normal way of communicating, normally in 140 characters or less. So although technology may make it easier to meet someone, does it really help nurture a relationship?

Facebook Founding President Sean Parker Is Engaged

Facebook co-president Sean Parker is engaged, reports People. Parker’s rep confirmed that the Napster co-founder proposed to long-time girlfriend Alexandra Lenas, a singer/songwriter from New York.
How do you make sure work doesn’t get in the way of your relationship?

Social Do’s for Dating Mark Zuckerberg

By Vicky Sullivan
In the opening scene of the recent box office hit, The Social Network, the fictional Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) insults girlfriend, Erica Albright (Rooney Mara,) by debasing her background and education. She then says, “Dating you is like dating a stair master.” And quickly dumps him. 500 Million friends and billions of dollars later, the real Zuckerberg and girlfriend Priscilla Chan, who he met while studying at Harvard, have just become Palo Alto’s ‘it’ couple. It must be tough dating a billionaire at the helm of one of the world’s most influential websites. Especially, when you have lawsuits and the paparazzi following you. However, Chan has stuck with Zuckerberg through it all. According to People, the couple live together in a modest rented house. Shortly after the release of the film, the reclusive Zuckerberg briefly let cameras into his home on a live broadcast of The Oprah Winfrey Show. In response to the movie, Zuckerberg said, “The last six years have been a lot of coding and focus and hard work. But, maybe it would be fun to remember it as partying and all this crazy drama.” Perhaps, he isn’t that much of a stair master after all.
How do you keep your relationship in perspective when you’re dating someone rich and powerful?