In celebrity news, Melania Trump is living in an unhappy marriage to President Donald Trump, according to a source. It seems the celebrity couple has been going through a rough patch recently due to Trump’s alleged affairs coming to light. Playboy model Karen McDougal and adult film star Stormy Daniels (also known by her real name Stephanie Clifford) both came forward about their affairs with the President. According to, Stephanie Grisham, a spokesperson for the first lady, said that after all of the drama, Melania “is focused on being a mom and is quite enjoying spring break at Mar-a-Lago while working on future projects.” But behind closed doors, Melania is apparently feeling the heat because “all eyes are on her relationship with her husband. It’s not an easy time for her,” according to Grisham. Are we sensing a celebrity divorce coming, or is Melenia Trump going to tough it out? We’ll keep you posted!
Tag Archives: Donald Trump
Celebrity Tag Archive: Donald Trump

Celebrity News: Melania Trump Is ‘Very, Very Unhappy with Her Life’

Celebrity Couple Predictions: Mariah Carey, Prince Harry and Donald Trump

By Shoshi
In the latest celebrity news, three famous couples have caught the public’s attention. In a sudden twist, wedding bells are not longer ringing for Mariah Carey and billionaire James Packer; while two other high profiled relationships seem to be going well between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and newly elected Donald Trump and his wife Melania. But who’s stepping out this time around hand in hand? Join me as I look into the crystal ball of relationships and love. Below, I share my predictions for these celebrity couples.
Celebrity Couple Predictions: Celebrity Relationships That May or May Not Last

Celebrity News: Melania Trump Calls Donald Trump’s 2005 Comments ‘Unacceptable and Offensive’

By Kayla Garritano
This celebrity news has us debating on these presidential candidates. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, released a statement on Saturday, October 8, to address the controversy surrounding the comments he made about women in the newly surfaced video from 2005. According to, Melania reportedly said, “The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me. This does not represent the man that I know. He has the heart and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his apology, as I have, and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world.”
This celebrity news has us wondering about Melania’s celebrity relationship with Donald Trump. What are some warning signs that your partner may not respect you?

The 7 Most Hyped Celebrity Weddings of the Last Decade

By Katie Gray
There’s nothing as joyful as when our favorite celebrity couples say, “I do.” Celebrity relationships are usually more extravagant when it comes to taking vacations, going on dates and giving gifts. When they decide to have a celebrity wedding, it typically becomes an over-the-top, decadent and luxurious affair. When it comes to love and weddings, nobody does it better than the stars. Over this past decade we have seen our favorite celebs tie the knot with all of the pomp and circumstance imaginable.
Cupid has compiled the 7 most hyped celebrity weddings of the last decade:
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