Aug 16, 2011
Do’s and Don’ts of Flirtexting and Sexting
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Rules of flirtexting and sexting. Photo: leaf /
By Olivia Baniuszewicz and Debra Goldstein
We were eating dinner the other night with our best guy friend, and the topic turned to sexting. Not too soon after, he handed us his cell phone to show us close to a hundred naked photos of different girls. Can you believe he actually created a folder on his phone to archive them because there were so many? Sigh. Anyways, all of these girls sent him photos for one reason and one reason alone …because he asked. He didn’t think twice about showing them to us nor is he shy about sharing them with his boys.
Ladies, we don’t particularly want to see your privates on our friend’s phone, in the news (yes, you Andrew Weiner, Blake Lively, Vanessa Hudgens…) or anywhere else for that matter. We thought a nice refresher on some do’s and don’ts of sexting may be just what we all need to keep our privates, well, private.
What is Flirtexting?
Flirtexting is what you do in the beginning stages of a relationship to build a connection.
What is Sexting?
Sexting is sending suggestive flirtexts that are bold and blunt and used to spice up an existing relationship.
…Click here for some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.
Jul 14, 2011
Cupid Exclusive: The Double Life of Alfred Buber
Posted In: Relationship Books

By Vincent D. Scebbi
Every man has a virtual life that he lives in his imagination. Much of it surrounds fantasies about women. However, most keep their deep dark desires in check. The Double Life of Alfred Buber by David Schmahmann tells the story of a man who acts out his repressed urges. It is the story of a successful lawyer who feels deeply dissatisfied with his life. In an effort to find consolation, he secretly ventures to the brothels and bars of Southeast Asia while telling people he is in Paris or London. “Of course it doesn’t end happily,” said Schmahmann. The double-life can’t end happily. But, some people do get away with it.” To write the story, Schmahmann admits he didn’t need to go far into his mind to get into the head of his character. Like Buber and many men, Schmahmann lives in a world of “what if” scenarios.
This scandalous novel was ironically released around the same time as the “sexting” controversy involving U.S. Representative, Anthony Weiner. Other notable scandals that have appeared in recent history include athletic figures such as Brett Farve and Rex Ryan, along with politicians such as former California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and John Edwards. Schmahmann has been asked many times if there is a correlation between powerful figures and sex scandals and he believes there is. It’s been something that has been with us forever. “Jimmy Carter lusted after women and then you see characters like Al Gore who admitted to hanging out with hookers,” Schmahmann said. “I think men, by and large, are a boiling mess of unacquired desires when it comes to women.” Politicians’ desire for power and sense of feeling “bulletproof” carries over into their sex lives.”
…For more on The Double Life of Alfred Buber, click here.
Jun 16, 2011
Olivia Wilde Calls Her Dog Her Only Boyfriend
Posted In: Celebrity News, Single Celebrities

Olivia Wilde. Photo courtesy of Olivia Wilde's Twitter.
Man’s best friend, woman’s cuddle buddy. Actress Olivia Wilde recently settled all of her dating speculation with one tweet made Friday, according to People. “Ok I know I’m not supposed to tweet sexy photos (damn you [Anthony] Wiener! [sic]). But here is my and my (only!) boyfriend in bed.” Despite internet rumors that the House M.D. actress is dating Bradley Cooper and was dating Justin Timberlake in April, Wilde’s only cuddle-buddy is her canine companion. “He is my only boyfriend,” she said while laughing at the Chrysalis Butterfly Ball in Los Angeles. “He’s the only one that I need.”
What are the benefits of being single after a breakup?
…want the rest? Click here for more.