By Robert Manni
Question from Julie S. asks: “I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost a year, and this is our first holiday season together. After reading an article about the Turkey Drop, I’m curious if you think it’s real and if there are some signs that my boyfriend might do the same to me? Thanks!”
Were you Turkey Dropped this Thanksgiving?
Hi Julie:
Regardless of the season, if your boyfriend is about to drop you, it will be more than obvious. Here are some obvious signs, though. He might seem more distant, he is not paying as much attention to you, and his eyes may be wandering. Maybe he does not respond to your texts as quickly and has become less available during the week due to after-hours “meetings” and drinks with coworkers and his buddies. Or so he says… These are universal signs that he may be moving on, regardless of the time of the year. And, that’s the real issue.
Related Link: Ask The Guy’s Guy: How Do I Get Through The Holiday Season Being Single?
If you are in a tenuous or strained relationship, by the time November rolls around, all the holiday pressure and fanfare heading into the season make it a conveniently self-serving time to cut things off. Of course, no one likes being dropped, but in a way, escaping an unfulfilling relationship before the holidays can provide needed time to reset so you get a jumpstart on the new year which is only a month away.
Although it can be uncomfortable answering the same questions on Thanksgiving and other holiday get-togethers about why your guy isn’t with you, if things are not working it’s better to get this out of the way and enjoy the holidays on your terms. After all, during these hectic days, everyone is focused on their own affairs, not your relationship status. Plus, when you are newly single, holiday parties are opportunities to get back in circulation and make new connections while taking your mind off your ex.
Related Link: Ask The Guy’s Guy: If He Isn’t Ready To Date, What Should I Do?
Let’s face it. No one likes getting dumped, especially at this time of year. However, if you’re a glass-half-full person, being “turkey dropped” allows you to enjoy the company of your squad and loved ones without worrying about your now ex-boyfriend’s intentions. After all, who wants to stay in an unsettling relationship simply because it’s the holidays? Sometimes sudden endings are gifts in disguise.
Love yourself and make your happiness top priority, regardless of the time of year. When you’re in the right relationship you won’t be concerned about looking for signs that he’s going to dump you. You’ll be too busy having a great time and feeling good about your relationship.
Hope this helps, Happy Thanksgiving, and drop that turkey if he’s not treating you well!
Your Guy’s Guy

Robert is the host of Guy’s Guy Radio, featured on Blog Talk Radio and available on iTunes, Stitcher, and TuneIn. The weekly podcast features interviews with relationship coaches, entertainers, authors, wellness experts, spiritual teachers, sports personalities, and a weekly “Guys’ Guy’s Guide” exploring current guy-focused topics.
His novel, THE GUYS’ GUY’S GUIDE TO LOVE, praised as the “men’s successor to Sex and the City,” has been developed into two feature-length adapted screenplays, a scripted television series (pilot and treatment), and a series of non-scripted Guy’s Guy show concepts.
Robert has appeared on broadcast television (NBC’s Morning Blend, WPIX11 Morning News) and is a frequent guest across a spectrum of satellite, terrestrial, and web-based radio programs and podcasts, as well as a contributor to Huffington Post, Thought Catalog, Cupid’s Pulse, GalTime, is a featured expert on GoodMenProject and YourTango. He was also named a Top Dating Blogger by
Robert developed the Guy’s Guy Platform to help men and women better understand each other and bridge the growing communication gap between the sexes. He continually creates a fresh, robust palette of timely Guy’s Guy content focused on life, love and the pursuit of happiness. Whether it’s navigating the challenges of dating, relationships, friendship, career or wellness, Robert explores ways to help both men and women be at their best so that everybody wins.