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Jul 20, 2011 0

Find Out if Your Partner is Unfaithful with ‘The Cheat Sheet’

Posted In: Relationship Books
Cupid's Pulse Article: Find Out if Your Partner is Unfaithful with ‘The Cheat Sheet’

By Melissa Caballero and Krissy Dolor

Have you ever had that aching suspicion that your partner was cheating on you?  You find yourself pacing back and forth worrying where they are, who they’re with and not knowing what to do?  Maybe you start beating yourself up even though it’s not your fault. The Cheat Sheet by Rea Frey and Stephany Alexander can help ease your nerves and give you the tools to find out for yourself if your partner really is bunking up with someone else.  Stephany Alexander is an infidelity expert and founder of, a forum for women to speak to each other about men, abuse and infidelity. The Cheat Sheet will help guide you and give you the advice you need to find out if your man is being unfaithful.  We had the opportunity to speak with Stephany to find out more about this common issue.  Here’s what she had to say:

What was the inspiration behind

I started in 2002, after getting out of a bad relationship. I’ve had a history of abuse throughout my life. I was abused as a child and experienced date rape as a young adult. I even had to file a restraining order against one of my boyfriends who became physically violent with me. I tried online dating and when I signed up for all the matchmaking websites, I experienced a lot of bad dates  I thought I knew what I was doing and it was just a numbers game. However, I found that there were a lot of men who were misrepresenting themselves on the Internet. I became very bitter after all of this. Then one day I was walking along the street and an idea just hit me like lightning. The only way women are going to survive in the future is by sharing information with each other. Now, they have an open forum to speak to other women about men.

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