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Relationship Expert Tag Archive: Suzanne Oshima

Aug 28, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: The One Thing Men Want from Women

Posted In: Dating, Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to Ms. Solomon, who became a dating coach after she realized that dating came easy to her. She didn’t understand why so many women were complaining about finding love…and in today’s video, she shares some of her secrets with you. So what is the one thing that men want? Fun! It’s really that simple. Here are four ways that you can be more fun: learn how to flirt; be adventurous and spontaneous; radiate a positive attitude; and keep conversation light-hearted.

Related Link: Ms. Solomon Reveals Where to Meet Men

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How do you have more fun when dating? Share in the comments below.

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Aug 21, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: 4 Signs He May Be Falling for You

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach Sandra Fidelis about four signs that your crush is falling for you. You may be looking for something that screams “He’s so into you!” but remember that subtle signals reveal his true feelings too. Here are four indications that he likes you: his actions say he wants you even if his words don’t; he becomes protective of you; he volunteers to do things for you; and he introduces you to his family.

Listen up for more great dating advice!

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

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Aug 21, 2014 0

Q&A: Can You Tell by Someone’s Social Network If They’re the Relationship Type?

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Q&A: Can You Tell by Someone’s Social Network If They’re the Relationship Type?
A young woman blogging. Photo: leandrocrespi /

Question from Charlie W.: When I first meet someone, I always add them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and do the inevitable cyber-stalking that everyone does but no one wants to admit. Are there signs that show if someone is the relationship type or just looking to have a good time?

Continue reading

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Aug 14, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Top 5 Dating Mistakes Women Make

Posted In: Dating, Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach Tripp about the top five dating mistakes that women make. As someone who works regularly with men and knows what they want in a partner, he’s seen what happens after women make one of these errors: You don’t offer to pay for the date; you act like you don’t care; you don’t show any affection; you talk too much; and you don’t give him a chance to be a gentleman. Taking any of these missteps, especially in the beginning stages of dating, can turn a man off…so avoid these behaviors if at all possible!

Related Link: Tripp on How to Be More Than a Fling to Him

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

 For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Ladies, what dating mistake do you find yourself making most often? Tell us in the comments below!

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Aug 7, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Why He Didn’t Call You Back

Posted In: Dating, Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach Mr. Locario about the reasons why he didn’t call you back. He explains five possible scenarios, straight from a man’s point of view: He already has a girlfriend; he never really liked you in the first place; he’s scared of or intimidated by you; he’s just a player; or he views dating as nothing more than a game.

Related Link: Mr. Locario on Where Are All the Good Men?!

Remember that sometimes, when a guy doesn’t call you back, it’s for the best. After all, you deserve better than that!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How do you handle it when a guy doesn’t call you back? Tell us in the comments below.

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Jul 31, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: What Scares a Man Away

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

Ever wonder why the guy you were seeing suddenly stopped calling you, never to be heard from again?  As author Zan Perrion explains on this week’s Single in Stilettos show, you may have scared him away by being too demanding, dramatic, needy, rejecting, or jealous.

Related Link: Zan Perrion on How to Have the “Exclusive Relationship” Talk with Him

Watch the video above to learn how not to make these mistakes with future men!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What mistake do you make that scares men away? Tell us in the comments below!

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Jul 24, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Insecurity and Dating

Posted In: Dating, Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Singles in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to Abiola Abrams, author of The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self Love, about insecurities and dating. We all have insecurities, but it’s important to fill those holes of self-doubt so you can be your best self. Remember that he can’t love you if you don’t love yourself. In the video above, Abrams shares her best tips for overcoming insecurities when it comes to dating, including: journaling; writing a list of what makes you beautiful; accepting who you are; being grateful; looking within; and surrounding yourself with positive people.

Related Link: Robert Manni on 5 Ways Women Sabotage Themselves with Men

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How do you overcome insecurities when it comes to dating? Tell us in the comments below.

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Jul 17, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: How to Get a Man to Open Up

Posted In: Dating, Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima speaks with women’s dating coach Jonathon Aslay about how and when to approach your honey with tough conversations. Aslay shares the key skills every woman should practice when trying to get her man to open up.

Related Link: Jonathon Aslay on Why Men Are Commitment Phobic

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How do you get your man to open up? Tell us in the comments below!

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Jul 10, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: How to Be Successful with Online Dating

Posted In: Dating, Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach and author Robert Manni about how to be successful with online dating. He answers the following questions: What are the three main things men look for in an online dating profile? What should you do if you’re not getting a response? How can a woman contact a man without seeming desperate?

Related Link: Robert Manni on 5 Ways Women Sabotage Themselves with Men

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What is your best online dating tip? Tell us in the comments below.

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Jul 3, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Do You Push for Commitment Too Soon?

Posted In: Dating, Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach Sandra Fidelis about signs that you may be pushing for commitment too soon. Don’t worry — we’ve all done it! In fact, the top reason why a guy ends a relationship after only a few months is because he’s simply feeling too much pressure. In order to not make this mistake, you need to first understand why you’re pushing him so hard. You may be feeling pressure from your friends, family, the media, or even yourself, thanks to your biological clock.

Related Link: Lori Bizzoco: My Biological Clock is Ticking Away!

Next, Fidelis shares four ways to avoid pushing for commitment too soon: Remain present in the moment; make sure you have your own life; don’t think so far ahead; and establish clear boundaries.

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Cupid wants to know: How do you avoid pushing for commitment too soon?

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Jul 3, 2014 0

Q&A: Is It Okay If My Boyfriend Texts His Ex?

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Q&A: Is It Okay If My Boyfriend Texts His Ex?
Girl looking at her boyfriend's phone. Photo: Innovated Captures /

Question from Alex S.: My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost six months. Every once in a while, I’ll see a text on his phone pop up from his ex. He says they’re just friends, and he’s even introduced me to her before, but my girlfriends tell me that it’s weird and that I should ask to read their messages. What do you think?

Answer from Our Love Experts:

…Want to know more? Click here to continue!

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Jun 26, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Where to Meet Men

Posted In: Dating, Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to Ms. Solomon, dating coach and founder of, about where to meet men. Ms. Solomon is a proactive dater herself, so she knows the best spots to find a good guy.  She even plans specific activities with the intention of meeting someone new! She encourages you to head to the following three places: the men’s department at local stores, hotel bars, and the gym.

Related Link: Jonathon Aslay: Where Are All the Good Men?!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Where do you go to meet men? Share in the comments below.

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Jun 19, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: How to Be More Than a Fling to Him

Posted In: Dating, Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, dating coach Tripp reveals how to be than just
a summer fling to your new guy. Here are his top three tips if you don’t want him to think of you as a one night stand: don’t jump into bed too soon; show boundaries but still be interested in him; and stop texting and call him instead.

Related Link: Tripp on 5 Things Men Wish Women Knew About Them

Listen up for more great dating advice!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Ladies, what do you do to let a guy know you want more than just a fling? Tell us in the comments below!

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Jun 12, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: It’s Your Fault You’re Single!

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach Mr. Locario about the reasons you may still be single.  There are five things you should do if you’re ready to find love: You need to take responsibility for your love life; you need to stop being too picky; you need to give him a second chance; you need to be careful about interpreting his actions and words; and you need to take initiative to meet the right man.

Related Link: Mr. Locario on What Attracts a Man

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What’s the first step you take when you’re ready to find a partner? Tell us in the comments below! 

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Jun 7, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: How to Have the “Exclusive Relationship” Talk with Him

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to writer, speaker, and romance artist Zan Perrion about having the “exclusive relationship” talk with your guy. His best tips include: keep it light; be curious about your relationship; make sure your tone isn’t demanding; and never say “we need to talk.” The most important thing to remember, though, is that it’s not only about what you want; it’s about what you both want for your future.

Related Link: Thomas Edwards Jr. on How to Tell If He Likes You

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How do you bring up the dating-to-relationship conversation? Tell us in the comments below!

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May 29, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: What Makes a Man Disappear

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to New York dating coach Hunt Ethridge about what makes a man disappear. According to Ethridge, there are three things that you should avoid doing if you want your guy to stick around: being too needy or desperate, thinking about the future too soon, and saying “we need to talk” (the absolute worst thing you can say to your beau!).

Related Link: Hunt Ethridge on How to Ask a Guy Out

Listen up for more great advice!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How to you ensure that your new guy doesn’t disappear? Tell us in the comments below!

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May 22, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: Where Are All the Good Men?!

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, dating coach Jonathon Aslay talks to founder Suzanne Oshima about the five best places to meet men. If you’re ready to find a new guy, he recommends that you: think about what you like to do and what you’re passionate about; head to high-end business seminars; go to your church or synagogue; try online dating; or look more closely at other forms of social media, like Facebook or Twitter.

Related Link: Jonathon Aslay on Why Men Disappear

Of course, the most important thing is that you put yourself out there. Open yourself up to love, and it will come to you!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Where do you go to meet men? Share in the comments below.

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May 15, 2014 0

Q&A: Should I Delete or Unfriend My Exes on Social Networks?

Posted In: Relationship Experts, Suzanne Oshima, Paige Wyatt and Robert Manni Articles
Cupid's Pulse Article: Q&A: Should I Delete or Unfriend My Exes on Social Networks?
Loving couple with an ex in the background. Photo: auremar /

Question from Shelby F.: Whenever a guy and I breakup, I always wonder if I should completely delete him from my life. A part of me thinks it’s a good idea because then I won’t be tempted to see if he’s tagged in any new photos with new girls, but the other part of me doesn’t want him to think I’m so bitter or immature that I can’t stand him coming up on my newsfeed. What should I do?

Answer from Our Love Experts:

…Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.

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May 15, 2014 0

Single in Stilettos Show: 5 Ways Women Sabotage Themselves with Men

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating expert Robert Manni about five ways that women sabotage themselves with men when it comes to dating. Ladies, the biggest mistakes that you tend to make include: always being “plugged in” and never letting go of your smartphone; not fishing where the fish are; traveling in groups; sticking too closely to your checklist of must-haves in a guy; and breaking up with him too soon. If you want to find true love, stop sabotaging yourself and learn how to avoid these pitfalls!

Related Link: 5 Things Men Wish Women Knew About Them

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Ladies, what’s the biggest dating mistake you make? Tell us in the comments below!

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May 1, 2014 4

Single in Stilettos Show: 5 Things Men Wish Women Knew About Them

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach Tripp about the five things men wish women knew about them. First, men like when women want to get to know them. Next, they love when women are affectionate. They also communicate on a more logical level — an important thing for women to understand. Men like when you ask them for help. And finally, men like compliments just as much as women.

Related Link: How to Tell If He Likes You

Listen up for more great tips!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

Guys, what else do you wish women knew about you? Tell us in the comments below!

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Apr 24, 2014 5

Single in Stilettos Show: What Attracts a Man?

Posted In: Dating, Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to dating coach Mr. Locario about what attracts a man. A self-proclaimed serial dater, he started out by helping his friends and family with their love lives — and now, he’s here to help you! We all know that every man is attracted to different things, but there are some qualities that catch the attention of all guys. For instance, men like women with positive and pleasant attitudes as well as women who are independent and have their own lives.

Related Link: What Women Don’t Know About Men

Listen up for more great dating tips!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

What do you think is the #1 trait that attracts a guy? Tell us in the comments below! 

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Apr 17, 2014 3

Singles in Stilettos Show: Are Men Intimidated By Independent Women?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Relationship Experts, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to relationship strategist Joe Amoia about whether or not men are really intimidated by strong and independent women. While that may the case, there’s a chance that you’re making the biggest and most common mistakes made by career women, including: acting too self-sufficient, bringing masculine energy on a date with you, lacking vulnerability, and more.

Related Link: Joe Amoia Reveals Quick Fix Dating Tips that Don’t Work 

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

What’s the most common mistake that career women make? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

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Apr 10, 2014 7

Single in Stilettos Show: How Do I Find Love and Balance My Career?

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

Finding love is hard enough, but when you’re working overtime and never leave work on time, it can seem impossible. For this week’s Single in Stilettos show, founder Suzanne Oshima talks to life stylist and mind body coach Diana Antholis about how women can succeed at the office and still meet their soul mate.

If you’re facing this dilemma, she recommends that you identify your priorities and make time for what’s important; be open and tell people you’re looking for the right man; pick something new and step out of your comfort zone; indulge in “me” time; and indulge in doing an activity that gives you good energy.

Related Link: Diana Antholis Explains Why He Can’t Love You if You Don’t Love You

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How do you balance love with your career? Tell us in the comments below!

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Apr 3, 2014 8

Single in Stilettos Show: Why Men Disappear

Posted In: Dating Advice Videos, Single in Stilettos Shows Articles, Videos

On today’s Single in Stilettos show, founder and matchmaker Suzanne Oshima talks to dating and relationship coach Jonathon Aslay about why men disappear. Have you ever been happily dating someone when he suddenly stops texting and calling? It can leave you feeling hurt, vulnerable, and confused. You may blame yourself (as many women do), but Aslay wants you to know that it probably has nothing to do with you. A man may disappear because of his own issues.

Related Link: Jonathon Aslay Explains Why Men Are Commitment Phobic

Listen up for more great advice!

For more information about Single in Stilettos shows, click here.

For more videos from, check out our YouTube channel.

How do you handle a guy who disappears? Share in the comments below.

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