By Kayla Garritano
A new celebrity couple is taking on the world! In the latest celebrity news, Ryan Seacrest and Adriana Lima are said to be dating, according to reports. The new couple was most recently seen in New York City for a romantic dinner, and has even been seen together in the Big Apple in the past. According to the two connected over their time in Rio for the 2016 Summer Olympics. Although they have yet to publicize their relationship, they have been definitely enjoying their time since the return.
There’s a new celebrity couple on the town! What are some ways to connect with a potential partner over common interests?
Cupid’s Advice:
Being a new couple can be exciting! But, how can you make sure you get that spark when finding your potential partner? Cupid is here with some relationship advice:
1. Talk on the first date: If your first date is a movie, odds are you’re not going to be doing a whole lot of talking. If you want to make sure your potential partner and you have common interests, go on a date where you can just talk and get to know each other.
Related Link: Relationship Advice: Turning Your Summer Fling Into Something That Lasts Longer
2. Text them: In the 21st Century, texting is a common form of communication. You probably won’t be calling them asking how their day was. It’s also totally okay to text first, as it shows you’re interested! Just make sure you aren’t always the one texting first. It might mean “he’s just not that into you.”
Related Link: Dating Advice Q&A: How Has Technology Changed The Way We Date?
3. Pick a favorite hobby: Maybe you learned on your first date that you and your potential partner both absolutely love to paddle board. Why not make a date of it together next time? Commiserating over a common love can really help you bond as a new couple.
How have you connected with a potential partner? Comment below!