Nov 30, 2016
10 Holiday Gift Ideas Your Special Someone Will Love Just in Time for Date Night
Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Man giving gift to woman. Photo: AbElena /
By Linda Guma and Kayla Garritano
The start of the holiday season means the inevitability of shopping for the perfect gifts for all of your loved ones. And with the holidays comes the romance. If you get to spend the holidays with that special someone, make sure it’s one to remember. The more consideration you put into your present, the more meaningful it’ll be. So, when you’re on date night with your partner for a special holiday treat, make sure they open a present they’ll be sure to love.
If you’re looking for gift ideas that don’t involve the usual or traditional ugly Christmas sweater for your partner this year, Cupid is here with some relationship advice and ideas:
…want more on the Holidays? Click here!
Jun 20, 2016
Product Review: Express Your Love With a Chalk Me UP! T-Shirt
Posted In: Fashion, Product Reviews, Products and Giveaways

Chalk Me Up! Photo courtesy of Instagram.
This post is sponsored by Chalk Me Up!
By Cortney Moore
In search of a unique gift for the art lovers in your life? Look no further! Our product review of Chalk Me Up! t-shirts are the statement pieces you didn’t even know you were missing. This creative line of t-shirts features a chalkboard backdrop that allows wearers to customize their look with drawings and sayings.
Product Review: Get Your Message Across
…Want to know more? Click here to continue!
Apr 18, 2016
Product Review: Never Forget a Special Day with ‘Not Just Any Old Day’ Jewelry
Posted In: Fashion, Product Reviews, Products and Giveaways

Not Just Any Old Day jewelry. Photos courtesy of Not Just Any Old Day, LLC.
This post is sponsored by Not Just Any Old Day.
By Cortney Moore
In need of a timeless piece of statement jewelry to commemorate special dates and occasions? Then, our product review of Not Just Any Old Day jewelry is perfect for you! This line of customized jewelry is a great way to eternalize significant moments and milestones, and it’s a lovely gift to give to the special people in your life.
…Want to know more? Click here!
Feb 11, 2013
10 Most Outrageous Celebrity Valentine’s Day Gifts
Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Russell Brand and Katy Perry. Photo: Landmark / PR Photos
By Michelle Danzig
With the most romantic day just around the corner, you may find yourself pressured to find the perfect gift to surprise your sweetie. In today’s economy, it’s hard not to find yourself in the cards, candy and flowers section of the department store, looming over the inevitable three-hour wait for dinner reservations this Valentine’s Day. But what would your holiday be like with some extra, disposable income? Look no further than these 10 celebrities who emptied their pockets and went over-the-top with these outrageous Valentine’s Day gifts for their significant others:
…Find out who had the most outrageous gifts here.
Dec 28, 2012
The Perfect Holiday Gift: 5 Celebrities That Need To Go Away Forever
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Photo: Molka /
By Joshua Pompey
Some people want a new I-Pad for the holidays. Others want nothing more than a relaxing spa retreat. Me, I’m a little easier than your average receiver of gifts. This holiday season, I just want one present; for the following five celebrities to disappear forever! So please Santa, if you are out there, make this five people go away forever…
…for the rest, please click here.
Dec 20, 2012
A Present is Worth a Thousand Words: What a Gift Says About Your Relationship
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

What gifts say about relationships. Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd /
By Rachel Seliger
The holiday season has finally arrived, and with it comes festive parties (hello, candy cane cocktails!), delicious fare (potato latkes, anyone?) and glee-filled gift-giving (who doesn’t love a white elephant party?). Yet, while giving gifts can fill your heart with warmth and joy as you watch your loved ones tear open those carefully-wrapped presents, it can also bring anxiety as you try to decipher what to give everyone on your list. And it only gets harder when it comes to giving a gift to a new love interest!
Rachel Seliger, Community Manager for, the leading online community for Jewish singles, is here to help with advice on what gifts really mean when they’re coming from a significant other. Check out the gifting-pedia below for definitions of what certain gift choices may say about your relationship:
…interested in this story? Click here to read more.
Dec 19, 2012
10 Rules for Couples Gifts
Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles

10 rules for exchanging couples gifts. Photo: Subbotina Anna /
By Johanna Lyman for
Do you love the season but not the shopping?
I love the holidays, but I’m not a fan of buying gifts. I’m one of those rare women who don’t like to shop. I agonize over buying the perfect gift, but I’m not great with paying attention to details, so I never know what the perfect gift might be. This year, I decided to think outside the gift-giving box and come up with my best tips for making it all easier.
…we know you’re intrigued. Click here to read more.
Sep 13, 2012
How to Pick a Perfect Gift for Your High School Sweetheart
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Gift ideas for high school sweethearts. Photo: dolgachov /
By Jon Dawson
Finding the perfect gift for your sweetheart is a challenge. You want to give her something that shows her how much you care, without emptying your wallet. If you need a little guidance on how to find a great affordable gift, you can’t go wrong with these ideas:
…that’s not all! Click here to read more.
Feb 14, 2012
Valentine’s Day Advice: Nine Gift Ideas for the Frugalista
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Man giving gift to woman. Photo: AbElena /
By Vicky Oliver
According to Wikipedia, Valentine’s Day didn’t become associated with romantic love until the High Middle Ages when the tradition of courtly love flourished. Ever since, the day has been fraught with symbolism tinged with traces of anxiety.
We all want our gifts to communicate the appropriate amount of love, but we’re sometimes unsure how to accomplish that. Questions abound. Should you buy him a sexy card or tickets to a basketball game? Should you present her with costly French perfume, and if so, what brand? What, if anything, will he “read into” that scented soap-on-a-rope? Will she take those teardrop earrings to mean more than you intend–or quite a bit less? And then, on the other end of the love spectrum, what if you simply can’t afford to shower your loved one with the gifts that he or she deserves?
…want the rest? Click here for more.
Feb 2, 2012
Valentine’s Day Giveaway: Glamorous Count Me Healthy Bracelets
Posted In: Fashion, Product Reviews, Products and Giveaways

Selena Gomez. Photo courtesy of Chelsea & Charles, LLC.
This post is sponsored by Count Me Healthy Jewelry.
By Jeannine Drenchek-Scavo
If you’re looking for a great Valentine’s Day gift for your loved one, Count Me Healthy Bracelets are the hottest new trend. The bracelet is designed to help you achieve a healthy goal with style. You simply turn your daily target into a bead count.
Celebrities like Selena Gomez and Cameron Diaz love their Count Me Healthy bangles, and have been seen rocking them out in public. They are a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day. The Wild at Heart style (Selena’s style of choice) is available in gold, rose gold and sterling and features 12 beads–each etched with a heart. They are less than $100, making it a great piece of jewelry to give wives, girlfriends, sisters, moms—any woman that loves style and wearing the same jewelry as A-list celebs.
Quick tidbits about the glamorous bangles:
– Guiliana Rancic, Fergie, Kelly Osbourne and other fashion-forward celebs also love and wear them.
– Available in over 15 gorgeous styles
– Two styles dedicated to helping raise breast cancer awareness and women heart healthy initiatives.
To shop and for more info visit
Dec 28, 2011
What Your Gifts Say About Your Relationship
Posted In: Relationship Experts

Man giving gift to woman. Photo: AbElena /
By Amy Osmond Cook, Ph.D.
When it comes to gifts, I am an expert–at receiving them. I love gifts of any kind … from other people. (No, I’m not going to buy myself a $285,000 pink Bentley like Paris Hilton did last year.) The problem is, when it comes to giving gifts, I am a nervous wreck.
Gift giving represents two things: (1) that you care about a person enough to give a gift, and (2) that you know a person well enough to give something that he or she will like. Mess one of those up, and it does some damage to your relationship.
…interested in this story? Click here to read more.
Dec 21, 2011
Last Minute Holiday Shopping Guide for Your Partner
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

George Clooney and Stacy Keibler. Photo: FAMEFLYNET
By Thomas Doane
With the holidays just around the corner, some people are starting to panic as they worry about what to buy for everyone. Of particular concern for many is what to buy for their significant others. Whether you are newly attached or longtime lovers, everyone wants to find a gift under the tree.
Believe it or not, even celebrities have these worries. After all, behind the fame and glamour, they are flesh and blood humans. Just like us, they have similar worries and doubts. In that spirit, here’s a guide to holiday shopping for your significant others, whether you’re famous or not:
Related: 10 Holiday Gift Ideas For That Someone Special
…want the deets? Click here to read more.
Aug 9, 2011
8 Alternative Wedding Trends for 2011
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Ecstatic newlyweds. Photo: Goodluz /
By Cara Davis
Today’s brides and grooms aren’t settling for what has always been done. They’re infusing creativity, personality, cultural trends and most of all, they’re having fun. They’re creating memorable experiences not just for themselves, but for friends and family who contribute to their big days.
Author and marketing guru Seth Godin recently spoke at a Chick-fil-A Leadercast about how the new normal is not normal at all. People are questioning why we do things the way we do, thereby turning tradition on its head. It’s affecting all industries, including the wedding industry.
Here’s a look at eight alternative wedding trends that are popping up in 2011:
…For more, click here.
Feb 14, 2011
4 Great Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Her
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Perfect VDay gifts. Photo: Zinkevych /
By Gunter Jameson
Men, for 364 days of the year, get to do things like fix cars, hook up electronics, and be a general handyman for the women in our lives. One day a year, we are asked to do something else to show our love – something a little more romantic. On Valentine’s Day, it’s our job to shave off our manly exterior and be the cute and cuddly teddy bears that our women want us to be. The time has come once again to buy gifts for our wives or girlfriends that tell them how much we love and appreciate them. This is not a time for utilitarian gifts, like a mixer or a car stereo, so if you’re stumped as to what you should buy for your special someone, here are a few ideas that should point you in the right direction:
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Feb 9, 2011
Valentine’s Day Special: Love the One You’re With
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Love the one you are with. Photo: Kurhan /
By Sherry Richert Belul, founder of Simply Celebrate
Whether you’re madly in love, still looking for love, or are in a snit with the one you love, these 14 tips below are surefire ways to jump start more luvin’ feelings in your life, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Just choose one of these suggestions and try it out – on your spouse, your beau, yourself, or a friend. Or for those who crave a larger dose of feelin’ good, try one a day for the next 14 days!
— Make a Love List full of silly, sweet, funny, poignant reasons why you love someone. When you’re mad or disappointed, read this list! When you’re happy and in love, add to this list. If you’re sad or lonely, make a Love List for yourself, a relative, or a friend.
— Share the things on your Love List with the person for whom you wrote ‘em. Mail ‘em in a card. Send one text message every hour. Write them on notes and hide them in their shoes or coat pockets. Make a poster. Leave voice messages on their phone.
Continue reading →
Feb 9, 2011
Valentine’s Day Giveaway: Sweet and Sour Gifts from CafePress
Posted In: Fashion, Product Reviews, Products and Giveaways

This post is sponsored by CafePress.
Single on Valentine’s Day? Don’t worry – we have gifts for you, too! If you’re one of the 44 million people who changed their relationship status to “single” in 2010 (according to Facebook), we have just what you need this holiday: “singles pride” products on CafePress, the go-to website to design whatever you want, on anything you please. In fact, there are more than 358,500 anti-Valentine’s Day products on the site – a 12 percent increase from 2009. As for our happily attached readers, yes, there are all kinds of gifts for your sweetheart. From cute, matching shirts to make-you-laugh apparel, you’ll find the perfect gift for your sweetheart.
To celebrate the holiday, Cupid’s Pulse has teamed up with CafePress to offer ONE VALENTINE’S DAY T-SHIRT to FIVE LUCKY READERS! Simply tell us what your Valentine’s Day slogan would read in a comment below. The most creative designs win! Please be sure to use your real email address so we have a way of contacting you if you’ve won – don’t worry, your address won’t be shown and we will never spam you. This giveaway will run until 11:59 PM EST on Monday, Feb. 14 — Valentine’s Day. Check back on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 1 PM EST for a post announcing the winners. Good luck!
This giveaway is now closed.
In the meantime, visit to find a selection of budget-friendly pro- and anti-Valentine’s Day gear, perfect for gifts or party décor. For more updates and information, follow them on Twitter: @cafepress.
Feb 8, 2011
Valentine’s Day Giveaway: Pinkberry Introduces Swirly Grams
Posted In: Food, Products and Giveaways

This post is sponsored by Pinkberry.
Pinkberry, the original tart frozen yogurt brand, introduces the Pinkberry Swirly Gram, a unique Valentine’s Day treat that can be delivered to the ones you love all over the country. These packages are Pinkberry frozen yogurts or gift cards that are specially wrapped and decorated with heart-shaped balloons, a hand-written note, and are hand-delivered to the home or office. Choose from Cupid’s Swirl (one medium frozen yogurt with toppings for $10), Take Me Home (five servings packed in a 25 oz. container with toppings on the side for $20) or Swirly Spree (one gift card for any amount, plus an additional $2 delivery and packaging fee). In addition, you can choose your Swirly Gram from these three flavors: original, chocolate, or blood orange, each with special Valentine’s toppings.
Head over to your closest Pinkberry location and order a Swirly Gram for your loved one – or one for yourself! Swirly Grams are also available on for those who prefer to shop online. But do note that balloons will not be included for online orders. As Pinkberry says, make hearts swirl this Valentine’s Day!
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, Cupid’s Pulse has teamed up with Pinkberry to offer ONE $10 GIFT CARD to ONE LUCKY READER! Simply tell us what flavor and toppings you would chose for your own Swirly Gram in a comment below. The most scrumptious combination wins! Please be sure to use your real email address so we have a way of contacting you if you’ve won – don’t worry, your address won’t be shown and we will never spam you. This giveaway will run until 11:59 PM EST on Monday, Feb. 14 — Valentine’s Day. Check back on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 1 PM EST for a post announcing the winners. Good luck!
This giveaway is now closed.
Feb 6, 2011
Special Valentine’s Day Giveway: Pajama City PJs!
Posted In: Fashion, Product Reviews, Products and Giveaways

This post is sponsored by PajamaCity.
PajamaCity manufactures and distributes these PJs for both men and women. This line of pajamas is exactly like the ones we had when we were kids, but are now in adult sizes! Their creation stems from a deep desire to appease the inner-child within both men and women. Also, his and her PJs would be the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day!
Sizes: 13 unisex sizes (to fit men and women from 4’4” to 7’0”)
Widths: 3 extra-wide sizes (to fit men and women from 5’0” to 6’3”)
Standard Features: roomy cut, zipper front and kangaroo pockets
Fabric styles: fleece, flannel, waffle knit, velvet, sweatshirt
Flap styles: dropseat or regular back
Foot styles: regular feet, convertible buttoned foot or cottony stocking foot — all with friction dots
Cost: $34.95 to $44.95.
As a special offer, Pajama City will give away a pair of their footie PJs! To be considered, comment* on this post below telling us why you want these childhood PJs. The most unique answer wins!
For more Cupid news, follow us on Twitter @CupidsPulse. Thank you for reading The Product Beat! Visit us weekly for new products and offerings.
*Restricted to U.S. residents only.