Apr 2, 2013
Relationship Advice: 5 Lessons to Learn from Celebrity Divorce
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Don't over-analyze your relationship. Photo: dolgachov / Bigstock.com
By Dixie Somers
The pain of divorce is a well-known one in our society today. Lending to this general awareness is the constant influx of celebrity break-up news that seems to flow endlessly. Although viewed negatively by some, such news can provide high-profile educational experiences. Take a lesson from these celebrities. Here are five lessons we can learn from celebrity divorces:
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Mar 27, 2013
Celebrity Couples Keeping the Faith Alive
Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Kirk Cameron and Chelsea Noble. Photo: Glenn Harris / PR Photos
By Jennifer Harrington
Hollywood is a glamorous place that can most certainly be a challenging place to raise well-adjusted, grounded children. Over time, we have seen celebrity couples try unique parenting tactics to bring up their children right, while in the spotlight. In fact, some celebrities turn to faith and religion as they navigate parenthood. Here is a look at a few stars who have relied on spirituality during their parenting journeys.
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Aug 9, 2012
How to Make Sure Your Divorce is Amicable, Fair and Fast
Posted In: Love, Relationship Experts

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. Photo: Fame Pictures
By Amy Osmond Cook
Thanks to Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian, we have the celebrity divorce spectacle to which we’ve become accustomed. There are no kids (and apparently no deep feelings) involved, but oh, do we have drama! This divorce, like so many others, is all about money. Consider the top ten biggest divorce payouts in history below:
…want the deets? Click here to read more.
Dec 27, 2011
Mel Gibson’s Ex Takes Half of His Fortune in Divorce
Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups, Celebrity News

Robyn Moore and Mel Gibson. Photo: Famepictures, Inc.
Mel Gibson’s divorce came with a price.  Gibson’s divorce from wife Robyn Moore was finalized Friday in Los Angeles, reports People.  Moore, Gibson’s ex-wife of nearly 30 years and mother of their seven children, was awarded half of Mel Gibson’s near $850 million fortune.  The couple had no prenuptial agreement, so Moore is legally entitled to half of what Gibson earned during their marriage.  Gibson’s divorce payout is considered to be one of the biggest in Hollywood history.
How do you decide whether a prenuptial agreement is necessary?
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Sep 8, 2011
Oskana Grigorieva Discusses Why She Settled with Mel Gibson
Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups

Oksana Grigorieva and Mel Gibson. Photo: David Gabber / PR Photos
It’s official!  Russian musician Oksana Grigorieva accepted last week’s truce deal — worth $3 million — with Mel Gibson, RadarOnline.com reports. A forensic accountant analyzed this deal with the $15 million settlement from 2010. “The previous offer was structured in a way that made its value less than $1 million,” her lawyer Daniel Horowitz said. “Moreover, it required Oksana to surrender to Gibson all evidence in the criminal case against her, which could have made her subject to criminal charges ranging from bribery to destruction of evidence.” Grigorieva’s lawyers value the present settlement, which includes 16 years living rent free in a $1.8 million home, $750,000 in periodic payments, payments to attorney fees and rights to her album and videos, “at over $3 million.”
How do you know when to drop an argument in a relationship?
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Oct 29, 2010
Wicked Celebrity Breakups
Posted In: Guest Posts, Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin. Photo: ME/Flynetpictures.com, ME/Flynetpictures.com
By Jessica DeRubbo
Let’s face it: It’s not often that breakups and divorces are civil and lacking in drama. In fact, most are ridden with angry fights, jealousy and revenge. America’s A-list celebs prove that theory better than any other group!  Consider Bristol Palin, Courteney Cox and Mel Gibson.
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Jul 19, 2010
Oksana Grigorieva’s Son to Be Questioned
Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups

Oksana Grigorieva and Mel Gibson. Photo: David Gabber / PR Photos
The Los Angeles county sheriff’s department is seeking Alexander Dalton, son of Oksana Grigorieva, for questioning on his mother’s relationship with Mel Gibson, TMZ reported last week. The department believes that Dalton, Grigorieva’s son with actor Tim Dalton, will be able to give critical evidence about the fights between Gibson and his mother.
How can a child be protected from parental problems?
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Jul 6, 2010
Mel Gibson’s Break-Up Takes a New Turn
Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups, Celebrity News

Oksana Grigorieva and Mel Gibson. Photo: Albert L. Ortega / PR Photos
Mel Gibson continues to draw attention regarding his break-up with baby mama, Oksana Grigorieva. RadarOnline reported last week that a taped phone conversation between the actor and his ex-girlfriend included less than flattering racial remarks directed towards her. Gibson has a history of potentially detrimental comments, and has a documented history of drunken misbehavior.
Are there more effective ways to break-up?
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Jun 28, 2010
Mel Gibson vs. Oksana Grigorieva: Restraining Orders
Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups, Celebrity News

Oksana Grigorieva and Mel Gibson. Photo: David Gabber / PR Photos
RadarOnline reported Friday that 54-year-old actor Mel Gibson filed a sealed restraining order against ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva, the mother of his seven-month-old illegitimate daughter, Lucia. However TMZ reported an hour later that Grigorieva filed a domestic violence restraining order against the actor, claiming he was violent towards her. Gibson’s restraining order was filed to keep his ex from releasing certain information, as well as ensuring child visitation rights.
How do you deal with child visitation after a not so amicable break up?
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