Feb 8, 2012
‘The Bachelor’ Contestant Jennifer Says Ben Should Run from Courtney
Posted In: Ben Flajnik - Season 16, Celebrity Break-Ups, Celebrity News, Reality TV, The Bachelor

Ben Flajnik and Jennifer Fritsch Photo: Natalie Cass / ABC
Although Jennifer Fritsch was eliminated during the rose ceremony last week by The Bachelor‘s Ben Flajnik, she isn’t holding it against him.  That said, she is rooting for all the final girls but one, and that’s front-runner Courtney.  Fritsch claims to no longer be bitter towards Flajnik for his surprising elimination, but says that Courtney is not the girl for him.  She believes the skinny-dipping model is in it for her career, and she doubts that she even has feelings for Flajnik.  In her opinion, Courtney is as bad of a person as she’s portrayed to be on the show. In an interview with People, Fritsch said she would advise The Bachelor to “run for the hills” when it comes to this contestant.
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Jan 24, 2012
‘The Bachelor’ Season 16, Episode 4: Ann and Jesse Csincsak Give Emily Dating Advice
Posted In: Ben Flajnik - Season 16, Reality TV, The Bachelor

Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson. Photo: ABC
Drama continues in Park City, Utah where Rachel had the first one-on-one date with Ben and got Rose 1.  Then came the group date where the girls rode on horseback through the woods, and spent an afternoon fly fishing.  Ben was testing their ability to be in the country and in a group setting.  Unfortunately for some (Samantha Levey), it didn’t work out in her favor.  Tensions mounted when Courtney Robertson pulled Ben away and actually caught a fish in the process!  Then, she stole Ben again and told him that she needed reassurance where she won his heart and got Rose 2.  While she was gloating, Samantha was told by Ben that she was too “emotional” and he sent her packing before the Rose Ceremony.  The last date and final rose went to the shy and reserved Jennifer Fritsch (then again, Ben did vote her best kisser).  On their one-on-one, the new Bennifer plummeted into a 300 foot crater together.  After it was over, they ran through pouring rain to an outdoor concert by country singer, Clay Walker and she was given date Rose 3.  With Samantha already gone, there was only one more person to eliminate that evening.  Say good-bye to Monica Spannbauer.  And then there were 12.
1. What are your initial thoughts about Rachel?Â
Jesse: I think Rachel is down to earth; she really seemed to like the lake and canoe date.  I think it’s pretty rad that she is normal and can enjoy the simple stuff.
Ann: My initial thoughts were: I love her bangs.  But passed that, I haven’t seen or heard enough from her to form an opinion.  I have barely noticed a lot of the girls this season, because they either don’t talk very much, or they are going to be cut early on, so the producers aren’t showing them too often.
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