Jun 14, 2019
Father’s Day Date Idea: Gone Fishing
Posted In: Love, Weekend Date Ideas

Couple fly fishing together on a river. Photo: Goodluz / Bigstock.com
By Amanda Boyer and Mara Miller
Instead of celebrating Father’s Day with just you and your pops, consider this dating and relationship advice, and make plans with your partner and his dad, too. To make this special day even more memorable, plan a fun day doing something you know your fathers will love: fishing!
Take Your Dads Fishing on This Fun Date Idea
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Jun 18, 2018
Product Review: Beauty Products for the Men In Your Life
Posted In: Product Reviews, Products and Giveaways

By Haley Lerner
Father’s Day was yesterday, and it was a reminder that it can be tough to figure out what gifts to get for the important men in our lives! Skin care is obviously something many women take very seriously, but it is actually starting to become a big industry for men as well. Men need skin care and anti-aging products, too, so the ANNEMARIE BÖRLIND For Men skincare line can be the perfect gift for any man. These celebrity beauty products are the perfect thing for any man hoping to better himself.
These great beauty products are the perfect gift to make your beau appreciate and love you even more! Check out our product review:
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Jun 21, 2016
Celebrity News: Amber Rose Pays Tribute to Ex Wiz Khalifa on Father’s Day
Posted In: Celebrity Break-Ups, Celebrity News

Wiz Khalifa wrote a song that could be about his ex Amber Rose. Photo: Juan Rico/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES
By Nicole Caico
Celebrity divorce hasn’t stopped Amber Rose from showing her appreciation for ex-husband Wiz Khalifa. On Sunday, Rose posted a picture of Khalifa and their 3-year-old son, Sebastian, for Father’s Day. In her caption, praising Khalifa’s parenting, she wrote, “Happy Father’s Day to Sebastian’s Dad @mistercap Thee most Awesomest Dad in the World!!! (Besides my Daddy). Wish I could be home with you guys Today but have a blast and love each other up all day!” According to UsMagazine.com, the celebrity couple filed for divorce in 2014 after just over a year of marriage, but have always maintained a good relationship.
This celebrity news has us realizing there are some good ex relationships in Hollywood after all. What are three ways to show appreciation for your child’s parent?
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Jun 12, 2012
Father Knows Best: 5 Relationship Rules Dad Taught Us
Posted In: Love, Relationship Advice Articles

Relationship rules from your dad. Photo: pattie / Bigstock.com
By Ché Blackwood
Fathers have the ability to influence all aspects of their daughters’ lives, including areas most wouldn’t even imagine. According to numerous psychological studies, a father’s temperament, sense of humor and even facial features are stored in his daughter’s memory bank, becoming favorable traits in her search for a partner. While some of this happens automatically, most dads aren’t exactly passive when it comes to doling out their wisdom, especially when it comes to dating. In honor of Father’s Day, we’ve compiled the five best pieces of relationship advice ever given by dear ol’ Dad:
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