Emily Maynard stole our hearts with her sweet personality and her easy, southern style. For an entire season of ‘The Bachelorette,’ she has shown us that fashion-forward style mixed with classic elegance can certainly work for any occasion. I have chosen my three favorite date oufits that any woman can pull off, whether you go out or stay in – and even if your date isn’t equipped with helicopter or Ferrari transportation.
This first look (image above) is a perfect example of keeping it simple and still having fun with color! Make what you wear work for you. Always wear what you feel most comfortable in (but try to avoid sweat pants for the first date).
On the June 11 episode of The Bachelorette, Kalon McMahon called Emily Maynard’s daughter “baggage,” greatly insulting the single mother. As reported by UsMagazine.com, McMahon apologized for his actions this week on the Men Tell All show. McMahon says he’s glad that Maynard seems happy now, although he’s sorry that things didn’t work out between them. “I’m trying to use it as a growing experience in my future relationships and I really wish the best for you,” he said to her. That said, Maynard does not seem satisfied with his apology. She still doesn’t believe him, and seems to stand by her prior statement that she loves her daughter so much that she wants to “rip [McMahon’s] limbs off and beat him with them” for insulting her.
What are some ways to tell that your partner is truly sorry about an incident?
Jef Holm and Emily Maynard. Photo: Craig Sjodin/ABC
The Bachelorette is finally wrapping its summer season with the pretty, prim and proper Emily Maynard and her two remaining candidates. One of the men is Jef Holms, who shockingly denied the opportunity to stay the night with the seemingly-perfect Maynard in a luxurious suite in Curacao on Monday’s episode. According to UsMagazine.com, Maynard said on the pre-finale, “It was very sweet, but he turned me down and I wanted to turn him down!” The 27-year old beauty will definitely have her chance to turn one of the men down for the whole world to see as she chooses her prince charming on the upcoming season finale.
How do you know when it’s time to get intimate with your partner?
Sean Lowe and Emily Maynard. Photo: ABC / Craig Sjodin
By Marni Kinrys, of WingGirlMethod.com
OMG I was totally shocked last night when Emily Maynard did not pick Sean Lowe. I totally thought that Jef Holm was going to be sent packing. My husband and I were watching the show (he will deny it if ever asked), and both of us thought that it was going to be Arie Luyendyk and Sean for sure. I actually think my husband has a crush on Sean based on how disappointed he was that this “solid man” was not selected. …Don’t miss the rest! Click here for more.
Most things are easier said than done. This is not that case for The Bachelorette contestant Sean Lowe when it comes to saying “I love you” to Emily Maynard. According to People, Lowe said, “So desperately I just want to open up and tell her how I really feel which is ‘I love you.’ It’s hard to say those words and it’s always been hard.” Luckily, Maynard still senses that Lowe cares for her, even though he can’t seem to find his words on the most recent episode in Curacao. “Sean does a million things a day to tell me that he’s the one for me,” Emily says in an exclusive preview of the episode. “But I need to know more. I can’t go through this and fall in love and have it not work again.” Hopefully Lowe will find the courage to say those three little words before Maynard questions his affection.
What are some ways to get over your fear of saying ‘I love you’?
John "Wolfie" Wolfner and Emily Maynard. Photo: ABC / Nick Ray
By Marni Kinrys, of winggirlmethod.com
That’s it! I’ve decided that, if things don’t work out with my husband and if I ever have to look for love again, I’m going to have a baby first. There must be some hormone that’s released when you have a child that allows you to be more open, real and honest. It’s amazing how I continue to be impressed by Emily Maynard. She definitely knows how to date and make sure she’s getting what she wants.
Her final four bachelors are truly a solid group of men. They definitely proved themselves last night with their ability to express themselves and communicate with Emily, something that is essential to any great relationship. As I always say, in order to get what you want, you have to ask for it – and last night, the guys asked for it!
On Monday night’s Bachelorette, suitor Ryan had a few words to say that Emily Maynard was not too pleased about. On their one-on-one date, he called Maynard a “trophy wife,” to which she aptly responded, “Trophies don’t talk back,” according to People. Soon after, Ryan was sent home – not without protest, of course.
What are some warning signs that your partner views you as a prize?
If there is one thing I can say about Emily Maynard, it’s that she has a super human strength for trusting her gut, instead of listening to her heart. This is a skill set that most women do not have but should definitely work on developing.
Just as the men on ‘The Bachelorette’ rewarded her for seeing through Ryan’s suave exterior, I want to do the same. Emily is a woman who knows what’s best for her long term and I can’t help but have extreme respect for her, if not a little crush.
If you’ve been watching this season of ‘The Bachelorette,’ you’ve surely taken note of Emily Maynard’s fabulous wardrobe. Week after week, she continues to impress us with her easy sense of style, transitioning effortlessly from date to date. Whether she’s wearing jean shorts and a crochet sweater for a day by the water or a one-sleeve gown at the Rose Ceremony, one thing remains the same: her eye-popping jewelry. And now, CupidsPulse.com readers have the opportunity to win one of two Towne & Reese jewelry giveaways OR receive 15 PERCENT OFF the entire Towne & Reese collection, including the highly-anticipated Fall 2012 Collection, from Pea Pod Paper & Gifts. Use the discount code cupidspulse at checkout.
GIVEAWAY ALERT: Send an email to cupid@cupidspulse.com, with ‘Towne and Reese Giveaway’ in the subject line, saying that you want to enter the contest. Once you do, you will automatically be entered to win either the Daisy Turquoise Ring or the Brooke Earrings in Crystal OR Mint Green! Both of these pieces were worn by Maynard on ‘The Bachelorette. Giveaway ends at 5pm on Monday, July 9th so act quick!
Congratulations to our winners, and thank you to everyone who signed up!
Ashley Grulich won the Daisy Turquoise Ring, and Elizabeth Gottier won the Brooke Earrings in either Mint Green or Crystal.
Towne & Reese Daisy Ring in Turquoise. Photo: Towne & Reese
Towne & Reese Brooke Earrings in Mint Green. Photo: Towne & Reese
Pea Pod Paper & Gifts, a one-stop shop for all things paper and gifts, is a company known for their quick turnaround time and impeccable customer service. In addition to selling personalized paper products, monogrammed gifts and party supplies, they also have a wide range of jewelry, including Towne & Reese items.
Bachelorette Emily Maynard is having some trouble finding her true love. On Monday’s episode, set in London, suitor Kalon McMahon brought out a side of Maynard none of the contestants wanted to see after calling her daughter Ricki “baggage,” according to People. A hurt Emily exploded on Kalon, feeding him his own line, “I’d love to hear you talk, but not until I’m done,” before immediately sending him packing. She also criticized her other dates for not sticking up for her in her absence.
What do you do if the person you’re dating doesn’t accept your child?
Emily Maynard and Kalon. Photo: Nick Ray / ABC / The Bachelorette
By Marni Kinrys, of WingGirlMethod.com
We’ve made it! We’re finally to the halfway point when the superficial, made-for-TV drama must go away and make room for the real connections to bloom on ‘The Bachelorette.’ Emily Maynard is now in falling-in-love mode, so it’s time for the guys to get serious and show her they’re ready to fall in love too.
As you know, I work with thousands of men, and one of their biggest challenges is connecting. Connection is something that comes really naturally to women, especially to a woman like Emily. As a single mother, she is even more open to love. But for men, the ability to share themselves with a woman can be a daunting task.
Honestly, I have been surprised this season because most of the contestants have it figured out. But there are still some who struggle with opening up, which may hurt their chances of taking their relationship with Emily to the next level – especially as the number of men gets smaller and smaller every week.
Emily Maynard and Ryan. Photo: ABC/Donna Svennenik
By Marni Kinrys, Ultimate Wing Girl
Well, I think we found Doug’s imperfection: he has a vagina. “I never make the first move.” Come on, Dougy! No wonder you have not been kissed in months. Don’t you know women rarely make the first move? They should, but that would be unladylike.
This issue kept popping up over and over again in last night’s episode of ‘The Bachelorette,’ and I could tell Emily was getting frustrated with the guys. Doug turned bright red, and you could see him internally fighting the urge to kiss her, trying to respect his self-imposed rules. And then, there was the young, skateboarder Jef. This was the second time he had her on the beach and he didn’t lean in for a kiss. Instead, he opted to cut their time together short. Obviously, Emily felt rejected because these guys wouldn’t just go for it. …On the edge of your seat? Click here for more!
Now, I am not a single mom or even a mother for that matter, but during last night’s episode of ‘The Bachelorette,’ I got a good sense of how it may feel. I had no idea just how much parents put their children before them. It was beautiful. …On the edge of your seat? Click here to read the rest!
The much anticipated, season-eight Bachelorette star, Emily Maynard, decided to be the bigger person when responding to her ex, Brad Womack’s, recent nasty remarks. He said that “dodged a bullet” when their engagement ended, according to UsMagazine.com. The single mom faced the smack-talk on Access Hollywood Live on Wednesday, making a point to avoid confrontation. The 26-year-old told hosts, “At first, my feelings were really hurt, because we left everything very civil and I’ve never said a bad word about him. But knowing Brad, he didn’t mean it that way.” Neither half of the former couple have seen one another since filming for the new season of ABC’s The Bachelorette started, which is probably for the best. Still on her quest for love, Maynard knew better than to fall for the petty ‘he said, she said nonsense, showing not only her maturity, but also demonstrating that you can’t believe everything you hear.
Season 8’s Bachelorette Emily Maynard recently talked about her tough decision to send home hopeful bachelor, Joe, in her blog for People. Maynard discussed her date with Joe, mentioning how fun of a time she had with him. However, she said, “I knew that we were just in different place in our lives.” So, even though she had a blast with fun-loving bachelor, she knew they weren’t a good match and let him go.
How do you know when to cut ties early in a relationship?
Has reality TV suddenly gone real? This season of the Bachelorette is actually shocking me because it’s real (or as real as reality can get). They’re in Emily’s hometown. She’s living in her own home with her daughter. Friends and family surround her while she seeks romance. Looks pretty real to me. We can only hope that the bachelors match up to that sentiment.
This season of The Bachelorette kicked off last night with a bang. And by bang, I mean the noise that would resonate off all the contestants’ abs if you gave them a pat on their bellies. Is it just me, or are these guys extra ripped this year? Last night was all about First Impressions and, as we all know, they can be tough. Join that high pressure with tight competition, cameras and millions of viewers watching and judging. Not an easy stroll on your way to a televised romance.
Ali Fedotowsky and Emily Maynard. Photo: FameFlynet
Having previously starred on The Bachelorette, former contestant Ali Fedotowsky knows what it takes when it comes to finding love. Although she and her love match, Roberto Martinez, recently called it quits, Fedotowsky is hoping that the new leading lady of The Bachelorette, Emily Maynard, will have a better shot. “Emily is amazing! She’s such a sweetheart,” Fedotowsky told UsMagazine.com. “If anyone deserves to find love, it’s her.” Fans were first introduced to Maynard on Brad Womak’s season of The Bachelor when she fell for the bar owner, however, Fedotowsky believes viewers can expect something different this season. “Emily told me she likes guys with tattoos, so we’ll see what kind of guys she has on this season,” Fedotowsky said. “It should be interesting, I’m psyched.”
When you have many suitors, how do you choose which one to date?
When Emily Maynard and The Bachelor‘s, Brad Womack, ended their engagement, she had absolutely no intention of being the the star of the next season of The Bachelorette. But, next month, that’s exactly what she’ll be doing. “I had no intentions of ever being the next Bachelorette. I genuinely meant that,” said Maynard. “I feel like the biggest hypocrite because I said that, and now I’m doing it.” According toPeople, though she knows dating on TV can work, she admits to being scared about diving into the reality TV dating pool once again. The blonde beauty also admits that it’s difficult to date as a single mom. The show will be filmed in Charlotte, North Carolina, where Maynard is raising her 6-year-old daughter as well as in other locations.
How do you get over the fear to date again after a failed relationship?
Last night on The Bachelorette, Ashley Hebert said goodbye to Lucas Daniels and Ryan Park, and their journeys ended in Taiwan. In addition to finding out who the final four are — J.P. Rosenbaum, Ben Flajnik, Constantine Tzortzis, and Ames Brown — Emily Maynard returned to the Bachelor mansion to speak about her celebrity break-up with Brad Womack. In our exclusive celebrity interview, find out what Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak had to say about the episode! …Want to know more? Click here for more!
Last night’s episode of The Bachelorette left us with the final six men! Ashley Hebert’s game face was on as she committed to finding the total package in a guy — an emotional and physical connection — before she would grant a rose for hometown dates. The episode featured J.P. Rosenbaum whining about the fact that Ben Flajnik had an overnight date and Ryan Park looking like he was on the brink of a nervous breakdown if he didn’t get a solo date with the bachelorette. However, the highlight of the evening was when Emily Maynard came back on the show to chat with Chris Harrison about her relationship and love with Brad Womack — or lack thereof. If you missed last night’s episode of the reality TV show, here’s how it all went down: Continue reading →
It’s been two weeks since we caught up with Ashley Hebert in her search for love on The Bachelorette. During the last episode, it seemed like our leading lady finally found closure to her obsession with Bentley, and her feelings for the remaining six bachelors were starting to blossom. This week’s episode takes us to Taiwan for more over-the-top wedding-themed dates (you may recall her Vegas escapade with William earlier this season). Certainly, the Taiwan Tourism Bureau had a lot to do with this episode as they’re now offering special packages to fans who want to recreate Ashley’s dates. During a group date, the bachelorette and three of her men model traditional Taiwanese wedding apparel. When will this wedding theme end?
Now here’s the good part: Monday’s episode will include an appearance from Emily Maynard! She’ll be stopping by to talk with Chris Harrison about her recent break-up with Brad Womack. Will she be the next Bachelorette? We sure hope so! Tune in on Monday, July 11 at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central and be sure to send us your questions for our resident Bachelorette expert Jesse Csincsak!
The rocky relationship between The Bachelor’s Brad Womack and Emily Maynard may have finally reached an impasse. People reports that last weekend, Maynard, 25, was spotted without the engagement ring Womack, 38, presented to her in the show’s finale. The two released a statement in March, saying: “It has been a bumpy couple of months for us, and our priority right now is to focus on our relationship.”
How do you know what engagement ring to choose for your partner?
There appears to be some debate as to what the deal is between Brad Womack and fiancée Emily Maynard. Three sources confirmed in the most recent UsMagazine.com that the couple broke up two weeks ago and that the star of The Bachelor has been drunk dialing Maynard. “Brad and Emily are over, and Brad keeps drunk-dialing her,” one insider said. “Brad is such a loser.” A friend close to the couple, on the other hand, says that the couple is still together and engaged. “They are on and off, but there is a lot of love there. This is just a rough patch,” the friend said. A third source said that the 25-year old single mother couldn’t handle the long distance relationship and ended things after heading to Texas to smooth things over.
What are some ways to handle an obsessed ex-partner?