One of the happiest reality television love stories has come to an end. revealed that Cody Sattler and Michelle Money, who met on Season 1 of Bachelor in Paradise, have gone their separate ways after a cross-country move and six months of dating. Both stars took to social media to gracefully announce their split, and inform fans that they will remain lifelong friends. The single mom sweetly wrote, “Cody truly has blessed my life and the life of my daughter in more ways than he will ever know. His positive impact on Brielle is something I will forever be grateful for.”
Cody Sattler surprises Michelle Money for her birthday. Photo courtesy of Michelle Money's Instagram.
By Emily Meyer
Well, it seems like this Bachelor in Paradise couple is already on the path to a lifetime of happiness! For Michelle Money’s 34th birthday, boyfriend Cody Sattler gave her the perfect birthday surprise: According to, the personal trainer treated his girl to a day at the spa. When Money took to Instagram to thank her friends and family for a great birthday, she wrote, “So many thank you’s for the amazing bday weekend!! Such a special night with great friends and family! All I wanted for my bday was for @cody_sattler to be living in #SLC and sure enough—he does!! Can’t help but feel so overwhelmed with love for the true friends of mine who have stuck with me thru thick and thin!” Money sure seems to have a lot to celebrate these days — and we couldn’t be happier for her!
What are three ways to surprise your partner on their birthday?
The final two couples soak in the finality of the dramatic season. Photo courtesy of Michelle Money's Instagram.
By Ann Luther
The Bachelor in Paradise finale did not disappoint. Host Chris Harrison promised us drama, and as always, he delivered. In the end, it came down to three couples: adorable Sarah Herron and Robert Graham, solid Lacy Faddoul and Marcus Grodd, and wild cards Michelle Money and Cody Sattler. Then, Harrison rolled in with overnight date cards for the love birds, giving them time to work it out (and work it out) before the final day in paradise.
After the dates, Herron and Graham broke up and headed home. Of course, Faddoul and Grodd emerged from their room as engrossed as ever. And by a huge surprise, Money, who entered the date as unsure as one can be, and Sattler, both glowing, sauntered into the hut “satisfied” and “sore.” Money even gushed, “I have a boyfriend!”
Cody Sattler and Michelle Money share a moment on set after the final rose ceremony. Photo courtesy of Michelle Money’s Instagram
After Money and Sattler exchanged roses, a very nervous Grodd took his girl down to the beach and proposed! Faddoul said yes, and they formally accepted each other’s last roses. With intrigue and endings that happy, it’s no wonder BIP has already been green-lighted for a sophomore season.
Intertwined in all the twists and turns of the episode was the internal struggle within Money to accept the love that Sattler was offering not only her but her young daughter too. The personal trainer was so sweet and patient with her as she hesitated throughout most of their time together. The Utah hairstylist said in interviews that he wasn’t the type of guy she usually pursued. She also expressed feelings of being overwhelmed by how quickly his feelings progressed and how strongly he came on. It really wasn’t until her last moments on camera that she decided to go all in.
Now that the season is over, everyone can see that she is elated with her man. Money’s Twitter and Instagram accounts are flooded with pictures of the two of them along with her daughter. She captioned one sweet photo with, “Soooooo in love with @cody_sattler and so happy I can finally talk about it!! This man has changed my life!! I am a better woman because of him!!! I am the luckiest girl in the whole world!!” As she told, “I’ve never met anyone as amazing as Cody. I never thought someone like him existed. It’s been such a beautiful surprise.”
Michelle Money and Cody Sattler pose with Money’s daughter, Brielle. Photo courtesy of Michelle Money’s Instagram.
This got us thinking. In real life, we often end up with a partner who we never saw in our lives. We all have our types — the fellows we’re drawn to and keep falling in and out of relationships with until one day, we meet someone different. It’s always the “this one is so different” that ends up turning into “he’s The One.” So how do you know when to ditch your type and just go for it with the divergent dude? Here are three things to consider:
1. You’re so over it: When the guy that is so up your alley lets you down just like all the others that came before him, it’s time to mix it up. There is no need to keep torturing yourself with men just because they match your typical criteria. There are so many guys out there waiting for you!
2. You’re in a slump: If you haven’t been seeing anyone special for a while, it might be because you’ve boxed yourself in. When you look outside those boundaries, things will start to change, for better or worse. The point is: They’re changing. You’re getting out there and learning things about yourself that you may have forgotten because you unknowingly cut yourself off from all of those other fish in the sea.
3. He’s right there: Just like Money realized, someone could be right in front of your face, begging you to see them. Maybe you friend-zoned him ages ago; maybe he even gets under your skin a little bit; or maybe you met him yesterday and automatically wrote him off. Whatever the excuse, tell that voice in your head to pipe down and leap into his arms. Most likely, he will catch you and never put you down.
Follow Michelle Money on Twitter @MoneyMichelle. The second season of Bachelor In Paradise will premiere during summer 2015 on ABC.
Michelle Money is happy with Cody Sattler. Photo: PRN /
By Amanda Boyer
Although ABC’s Bachelor spin-off show, Bachelor in Paradise, is over, some of the relationships made on the show are just starting. Off the island, Michelle Money and Cody Sattler are one of few couples that are in the honeymoon phase of their relationship. Even though the show ended back in June, the couple claims to be “even more smitten.” They talk and text “all day, every day.” According to, Sattler is planning to move from Iowa to Utah to be with Money and her 9-year-old daughter. They hope to start planning a wedding in the next few months that could even be shown on TV for the fans to watch.
What are some important factors to consider before tying the knot?