This post was sponsored by Altar’d.Â
By Mallory McDonald
When you are in a relationship with someone, it can be easy to let yourself go and pack on some extra pounds. But, this is the worst thing you can do for not only your relationship but also for yourself. You aren’t the only one who is guilty of doing this when getting comfortable in your relationship. Z Living Network has a new original television series, Altar’d, which features real life stories blending fitness, health, love, and relationships. The worst time not to feel your best is when your wedding day is approaching and you still haven’t lost the weight you planned on. Altar’d features real life soon-to-be-married couples who are separated for 90 days as they each complete their individual wedding weight loss transformation, guided by the hosts and fitness experts, Chris Marhefka and Erin Stutland. Their journeys are both inspiring and emotional as they get ready to reveal themselves to each other on their wedding day.