Cupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Body: Treat Yourself Right and Stop ObsessingCupid's Pulse Article: Celebrity Body: Treat Yourself Right and Stop Obsessing

By Alycia Williams

Now that the weather is warm (or almost warm) in most parts of the country, we’re starting to think about fitting into last year’s bathing suit. Right or wrong, “summer bodies” can become an obsession for a lot of women and men alike. For others, having the perfect summer body is on their minds all year round. Although staying fit all year is a healthy goal, obsessing over it may get you exactly nowhere. Although watching celebrity workout videos is great, there’s more to it than that.

Check out some ways to stop obsessing about having the perfect celebrity body and, instead, learn how to treat your body right:

There’s no such thing as the “perfect body,” and obsessing over it will only make you feel worse. Here are seven ways ways to stop obsessing about our bodies while treating it right:

1. Stop grabbing your flab: Pinching your belly or your arms is a guaranteed way to ruin your day, and it won’t make you feel good about yourself. Instead, use a measuring tape to measure your waist and your arms if you’re working to reduce these areas with exercise and diet.

Related Link: Health Advice: Exercise Is a Complementary Medicine for Chronic Conditions

2. Look at yourself when you workout: Looking at yourself in the mirror when you’re sweating and working hard toward your goal is going to give you the confidence you need to get there.

Related Link: What Pop Culture Taught Us About Health, Beauty, and More

3. Shake off the mistakes: Nobody is perfect, and we’re all going to make mistakes. Don’t come down on yourself too harshly. Recognize your mistake and keep on going toward your goal.

4. Be realistic: Don’t put yourself up against an impossible goal, because when you don’t reach it, you’ll think there’s something wrong with you. Make realistic goals for yourself that you know that you can achieve.

5. Don’t compare your body to others: Everyone is different, meaning getting fit and healthy is different for everyone. Don’t say to yourself that you want to look like someone else. Stay fit and healthy in the best way that works for you and stick to that.

6. Don’t weigh yourself every day: Stepping on the scale every day just isn’t helpful. Your weight can fluctuate for so may different reasons, which will just end up confusing you. Weigh yourself once every two weeks to get the most accurate idea of where you are on your fitness journey.

7. Love yourself no matter what: When trying something new, you never know how it will react with your body. It may work or it may not. Just remember to love your body no matter what shape or size it is; that way you’ll be guaranteed the best results.

What are some other ways to stop obsessing over our bodies? Start a conversation in the comment below?Â