Cupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 7 Guys You’re Probably Not Going to MarryCupid's Pulse Article: Dating Advice: 7 Guys You’re Probably Not Going to Marry

By Dejha Carlisle

You’ve dreamt about finding the perfect man for so long! You finally meet him, but what if he’s not what you expected? Cupid has some pieces of dating advice so you can save yourself some headaches.

Cupid has relationship advice to help you see what types of guys you need to steer clear from!

1. The guy who forgets your birthday: This guy doesn’t remember your age, is empty-handed on your anniversaries, and can’t recall if you were born in June or July. A simple thing such as a birthday can make a huge impact on whether or not to date Mr. Forgetful. If he can’t remember the day you were born, do you think he’ll remember your wedding date?

Related Link: Expert Dating Advice: Top Four Places to Meet Mr. Right

2. The self-righteous guy: This man is walking “perfection”. He doesn’t drink, smoke, curse, or anything else that may seem vulgar to him. You’ll know you’re dating him if he criticizes anything you do, even something as small as ordering dessert. He may as well be your father!

3. The jerk: He’s rude, offensive, and probably dishonest to those around you, but not necessarily to you. Want to know how to point this guy out? Pay attention to what he says when your group of friends or loved ones are around.

Related Link: Dating Advice for Women: Getting Out of Your Dating Rut & Find the Right Man

4. Mr. Cheapskate: This guy is probably the worst of them all! You know you are dating a cheap guy when he accepts your offer to pay…on the first date. He’ll never fail to suggest that it’s better to get the cheap wine, and he whines daily about the tight budget he is on. Of course, he doesn’t have to spend a fortune on you, but do you always have to be worrying about his financial shyness?

5. The guy who enjoys arguing too much: You should spend time enjoying your date, not defending yourself every few minutes. This guy, the “Arguer”, stops at nothing to pick a fight with you. He doesn’t value any of your opinions, and will give you a stressful experience with him.

Related Link: Get Back in the Dating Game This New Year

6. The needy guy who clings to you: This guy never keeps his feelings in check, especially the first time you meet him. He is not the suitable strong person to lean on; he’d rather lean on you all of the time. This guy will burden you with his insecurities, instead of being the firm man you need. When you’re looking for a potential man, you should be seeking one who has confidence in himself.

7. He’s jealous … even of your girlfriends: This guy wants you to himself…and to himself only! He doesn’t like the idea of you going out with the girls, and can often seem controlling at times. You’ll never really have your own space with this guy, because he believes he’s the only friend you need.

What other type of guys-to-avoid have you came across? Comment below.