Cupid's Pulse Article: 5 Ways to Get Your Crush to Notice YouCupid's Pulse Article: 5 Ways to Get Your Crush to Notice You

By Molly Jacob

Whether it’s the new girl in your office or the cute barista at your local Starbucks that knows how to make your Caramel Macchiato just right, we all get crushes sometimes! The question is, how can you get your devoted to notice you so you can make that transition from crush to significant other? Cupid has some advice:

1. Wear some new cologne or perfume: Looking to get the eye of a crush? How about the turn of their nose? Apply some of your best eau de toilette when you know you’ll be seeing your future honey. Distinctive smells will get them to notice and remember you.

2. Put on something unique: This is also something that can get the attention of your love. Whether it’s a bright red headband or a sweater with an interesting pattern, it makes you stand out to your crush and could possibly be a good conversation starter.

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 3. Pick up on the little things: Being thoughtful is always appreciated. Pay attention to the object of your affection when he or she talks about the joys or stresses in their day. If they mention they have a tough presentation at work tomorrow, ask them in a couple days how it went! Your interest in their life will get them to notice you and your kindness.

 4. Show an interest: Your potential boo probably has hobbies and other fun activities they like to do in their free time, so find out about them. Is he interested in football? Ask him about his favorite team. Is she interested in Italian cooking? Ask her for some recipes.

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5. Body language: It is nerve-racking to be the person to make the first move, so let your gestures do the talking for you. Strong eye contact, leaning in during conversations, and lots of smiling gets the attention of your crush and lets them know that you’re interested in taking it to the next level.

How do you get your crush to notice you? Share in the comments section below!