Cupid's Pulse Article: Reese Witherspoon Feels Sexier with AgeCupid's Pulse Article: Reese Witherspoon Feels Sexier with Age

As little girls, we’re afraid of monsters in the closet.  But when we grow up, that monster is replaced with a fear of aging.  But Reese Witherspoon isn’t afraid of getting older!  “Funny doesn’t sag!”  Witherspoon tells Us Weekly.  The 34-year-old actress assures us that age brings more sexual confidence.  “You’re not as intimidated by it, not as embarrassed by it.  Sexuality and femininity is an accumulation of age and wisdom and comfort in your own skin.”Is it tougher to date as you get older?

Cupid’s Advice:

Reese Witherspoon is living proof that aging isn’t a a bad thing.  Cupid has a few reasons that dating gets easier with age:

1. Experience: First dates can be awkward when you’re young and haven’t been on many of them.  When you’ve been dating for a long time, things will come much more natural to you than they did when you were 20.

2. Knowledge: On top of the experience, you now have dating knowledge.  Because you’ve been dating for a long time, you know how to handle things if they take a turn for the worse.  Preparation is key!

3. Confidence: When we get older, we really discover and embrace who we are.  Now that you’re comfortable with yourself, your confidence will shine through.  That’s a rare gift only age can give!