Cupid's Pulse Article: The Most Health-Conscious Celebrity CouplesCupid's Pulse Article: The Most Health-Conscious Celebrity Couples

By Andrea Surujnauth

Celebrities are always expected to look great. Some spend hours and hours exercising, while others follow crazy diets like Kourtney Kardashian’s ghee gulping every morning or Jennifer Anniston eating only baby food. However, being health-conscious doesn’t necessarily mean drinking weird green mixtures or fitting in two or three workouts each day. It means eating healthy, exercising regularly and staying away from eccentric diets that starve your body of much-needed nutrients. So which celebrity couples are truly the most health-conscious duos in Hollywood?

1. Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith: Jada, a yoga advocate, has introduced her fitness regime to her family: she often does yoga with her loving hubby and even with their children. As she recently told, “I used to push a lot of iron. I’ve been in the gym for like 15 years now, and I’m just not motivated by it anymore. So I do a lot of outside sports. On my Christmas vacation, I did a lot of cross-country skiing, and I like to hike. I usually do my yoga at home in the evenings for about an hour. Sometimes I go to a class, but with my schedule, it’s really difficult for me – and my kids like to join me. We do a lot of yoga together.” See? It really is possible to keep up with a busy career, stay in shape and spend time with your family!

2. Fergie and Josh Duhamel: This cute couple is often photographed getting fit together. They go running or hiking and even do push-ups while out on the trail. According to, Fergie lost 13 pounds in 2009, proving that working out with your man can really make a difference! Follow in this couple’s footsteps by grabbing your beau and working up a sweat outdoors.

Related Link: Celebrity Nutritionist and Trainer Jackie Keller Says, “Those Who Exercise With Support From Their Partners Do Better Overall”

3. Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake: These two hotties do some serious strength training and have no problem showing off their hard work and rock-hard bodies. They were recently photographed running together near their apartment in New York City.

4. Michelle and Barack Obama: The First Lady has a serious passion for staying healthy and exercising; she even gets up at 4:30 am to fit a workout into her busy schedule. Her husband is also a fan of going to the gym, but he wasn’t always very health-conscious, as he used to be a smoker. Michelle, being the wonderful wife that she is, made a deal with him: he could only run for president if he quit smoking. Great job, Mrs. Obama!

5. Hilaria and Alec Baldwin: Hilaria, a yoga instructor for Yoga Vida in New York City, has already put her new husband on a diet and encouraged him to get fit. Baldwin has called her a “good influence.”

Related Link: Celebrity Trainer Gunnar Peterson Discusses Relationships, Health and His 8-Week Gunnar Challenge

6. Camila Alves and Matthew McConaughey: It’s no secret that McConaughey is a big fan of the beach. However, this beach hottie doesn’t spend his time relaxing in the sun. He runs up and down the beach, only taking breaks to do some push-ups or hold a few yoga poses. He also accompanies his gorgeous wife to the gym, who told Star Magazine UK, “I need somebody to exercise with me, and I don’t like going to the gym at all.” Alves also mentioned that she sticks to a healthy diet by cooking her family’s food; that way, she knows exactly what she’s eating.

7. Beyonce and Jay-Z: Can it get any sweeter than this couple? Beyonce went on a partially vegan and plant-based diet while she was pregnant with daughter, Blue Ivy, and being a considerate husband, Jay-Z decided to go on the diet with her. The two continued to diet together after Bey, who gained 57 pounds during her pregnancy, gave birth.

How do you stay healthy with your significant other? Comment below and let us know!